Ultimate Coffee Date: September 2018

Welcome to another Ultimate Coffee Date! I’m sad that summer is ending, even though I haven’t gotten anything like summer vacation in several years now. I will miss you, intermittently warm weather! (Summer nights are my favorite time–those warm nights with cool breezes! <3)

Ultimate Coffee Date: September 2018

Ultimate Coffee Date: September 2018 | @fairyburger

If we were having coffee/tea today, I’d…tell you that I recently got to see Crazy Rich Asians with one of my friends! As I mentioned in last month’s coffee date, one of my favorite YouTube stars/singers sang a song in it, but when she mentioned that in her concert, I thought she meant it was in the soundtrack, but nope–she was actually in the movie singing Can’t Help Falling In Love! (I definitely had a fangirl moment, haha.)

I didn’t watch “American TV” growing up, which is probably for the best, because what little representation we got fit into 1 of 3 stereotypes: (1) nerdy/geeky sidekick, (2) something to do with martial arts, (3) quiet/submissive/obedient or “dragon lady” for women vs. emasculated/socially inept for men. The high school I went to was predominantly Asian, so it wasn’t until I took a few Asian-American studies courses in college that I realized that Asians made up only ~5% of the U.S. population (I guessed 15% and thought I was guessing conservatively).

A little wisdom from High Expectations Asian Father!

It was refreshing to see an all-Asian cast in such a normal “Meet the Parents”-style rom-com, and it was a super cute movie–touching, funny, and also surprisingly relatable despite my never having dated anyone super rich (or, come to think of it, of my own “background”).

If we were having coffee/tea today, I’d…tell you that it was our annual resident retreat last Friday and we went to the beach! :]! (Past retreats have included a cooking class, going to Top Golf, a ziplining ropes course, and bowling!)

We had a sandcastle building contest and our team won! (Winning team = in the first photo of this post! :P ) It was definitely awesome to get to have a day to relax and not think about having to work!

My friend and I have a huge hiking/adventuring bucket list that we’ve been trying to accomplish all summer but every single mutually free weekend day we had would always be met with storms.  I’m so glad the weather finally decided to agree with us, at least for this retreat!

If we were having coffee/tea today, I’d…tell you that I recently discovered a rather awesome dessert at a nearby cafe by way of one of my friends–bingsu! It’s a Korean shaved ice dessert with various toppings (in this case, strawberry ice cream, strawberry syrup, strawberries, red bean paste, and condensed milk)!

Its name sounds a whole lot to me like “ice snow” in Mandarin–(Hong Kong and Taiwan also have versions of this shaved ice dessert)! I think we got a heat wave recently so I’ve definitely been craving all kinds of frozen treats, so this definitely hit the spot!

See past ultimate coffee dates here!

(Link-up with Coco @ Got 2 Run 4 Me & Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner!)

  • Have you seen Crazy Rich Asians? (Or any other movies lately?)
  • Did you end up going to the beach this year?
  • Any cool dessert/food discoveries lately?

Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/ultimate-coffee-date-september-2018/


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  1. It’s great to have residents day each year : sounds like lots of fun ! In my residents team we go out together / go to the restaurant together but never enjoy some other activities . I should definetely suggest a day at the beach :)

    1. Agreed! Our main hangouts usually involve food, heheh. I hope you guys get to go to the beach sometime soon! We were supposed to go for retreat 2 years ago but the weather wouldn’t cooperate–I’m glad it finally decided to! :P
      Farrah recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date: September 2018My Profile

  2. Congratulations on your sand castle win! The beach day sounds like a lot of fun. We didn’t get a beach vacation this year, and I missed having at least a day at the beach. (We did go to Newport when we were in Oregon, but that doesn’t count – it was too cold, cloudy and rocky to count as a beach day.)

    And that strawberry dessert…yum!
    Laurie recently posted…Coffee Date: The End of SummerMy Profile

    1. hehehe, thank you! :]! I’m sorry that you didn’t end up getting to do a beach day this year! I’m still hoping the warm weather will hold out for a little while longer–I’m not ready for the cold yet!!

  3. That dessert looks so yummy…but red bean paste? That kind of threw me off LOL No beach time for me this summer ;-(

    1. haha, it’s common in a lot of Asian desserts and basically just made with red beans and sugar! :]!

      Sorry to hear! Hopefully it stays warm for a little while longer? (I definitely wouldn’t mind that, haha–I’m not ready for the cold yet!)

  4. I have to try that dessert- looks amazing! I never read Crazy Rich Asians, but I so want to see it and have heard great things- I think it’s amazing that its an all Asian cast and how wonderful that really is for representation in the movies- hopefully will springboard a lot of careers!

    1. I hope you get to try it (or something like it) sometime! :]! (Look for Asian dessert places! :P )

      And yay for Crazy Rich Asians! I hope you get to see it sometime too–it was awesome to watch and I’m hoping it’ll springboard a lot of careers too! I can’t believe a couple of the main characters have had no acting experience prior to this movie! :O

  5. Oh my gosh, that dessert looks so good! I really want to see Crazy Rich Asians, but would like to read the book first – it’s still sitting on my nightstand.

    1. I’d definitely recommend the movie! :] I haven’t read the book yet but it’s on my list of to-reads!

  6. A sandcastle building contest sounds super fun! And that dessert, wow!
    Patrick@looneyforfood.com recently posted…Friday Favorites August 2018My Profile

    1. It was! (Minus the part where I ran to the ocean to get a bucket of water and smashed up my leg with the bucket due to a wave, ahaha. ._. Pathetic injuries for the win!)

  7. I could live at the beach! #goals. I love being on the water.

    I love how residents/medical students really bond together! Nurses really aren’t like that. It’s interesting to me!

    1. Me toooo! (I wish, I wish…)

      Really? I always thought they did as well–I wonder if it varies by specialty or anything(?). (My mom was a NICU nurse and recently retired, but she loved her night shift coworkers!)

  8. I recently tried Thia rolled ice cream! It was really pretty but I will take regular ice cream every day! I have to go see Crazy Rich Asians! I have heard only good things!

    1. Rolled ice cream definitely is pretty, but I’m with you, haha. I’d rather have regular ice cream! :]

      I hope you get to see it soon! It was a fun movie! :]

  9. I really want to see that movie and spend a day at the beach — and I wouldn’t mind that dessert either! I did grow up on American t.v.. Unfortunately, I think only now are we realizing — or grappling with — the impact of all the stereotypes.

    1. I feel like I had a fairly atypical childhood in terms of where/how I grew up, so I didn’t think it’d affect me, but seeing this movie and actors/actresses kindasorta like me on screen was awesome and made me so incredibly happy! I can only imagine how someone who actually grew up feeling like a minority/being left out would feel after seeing this. <3
      Farrah recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date: September 2018My Profile

  10. I hear the movie is fantastic and I really want to see it too when I get back. Thanks for stopping in for coffee!

    1. Yay! I hope you get to see it soon! :] Thanks for hosting!

  11. I live not too far from the beach, so I went a couple times, and just got back from a weekend beach trip (for a race) today. I haven’t seen Crazy Rich Asians, but I would like to!

    1. That’s awesome that you’re close to a beach! :] Hope you had a fun race and that you get to watch CRA soon! :]!

  12. Everything looks like so much fun! The bingsu looks so good. I wish I had a place that serves that around where I live. We have rolled ice cream though, which I discovered in May and is amazing!

    1. It was a lot of fun! And yay for rolled ice cream! I discovered it for the first time earlier this year too! :]

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