Reflections on Four Years in Medical School #BehindTheBlogger

This Is My Life: I graduated from medical school 4 days ago. It honestly still doesn’t feel entirely real.

From finding out that I’d been accepted to medical school to our white coat ceremony, taking/passing my boards to graduating, it’s been a pretty crazy journey.


It’s been an incredibly long and hectic journey, but in the midst of it, I’ve had the fortune of meeting and befriending some of the kindest people I’ll likely ever know.

Although it’s been challenging (oh, sacrifice), I did get to see more of my friends and family in the past couple months than I have in the last 5 years combined, so I’m definitely glad for that!

My pre-clinical years were a little rough–I’ve never been the best test-taker, and halfway through my first year, I had to redo my entire studying method because I kindasorta lost my original study buddy. Thankfully, I discovered the catacombs and befriended the HBLer’s + 1* (so named because all but one of us didn’t go to class).

*”HBL” stands for Home-Based Learner. We’d actually still go to school to study, but we generally wouldn’t attend class unless it was mandatory.

Club activities and community involvement were a great study break though!

Club activities and community involvement were a great study break though!

Things got better once I found what worked for me again, but there were moments–particularly in 2nd year (and whilst studying for boards) where life really, really sucked. I definitely drove home crying a couple times because I thought I was seriously going to fail out of medical school.

Clinical years were awesome because we were finally released into the wild and allowed to interact with human beings again. My biweekly/monthly schedule was at the whim of my preceptor(s) so it got a little crazy sometimes, but they were infinitely better because they reminded me of all the reasons I went into medicine, and also gave me the practical experience that I needed. (I’ve always been a better kinesthetic learner vs. audio/visual.)


I actually managed to graduate with an 87% average! :D It’s definitely not close to the best it could be, but considering all the things I’ve gotten to do aside from med school (that I never thought would get to happen–especially not in med school), I’d like to think it’s pretty good!

For instance…

Volunteering at an animal rescue

I talk about Please Save A Cat a lot, but it’s for good reason! I started volunteering here in the spring of my first year of medical school. Linda and I hit it off right away–the first time I stopped by her cat rescue was a Saturday afternoon after I’d just left church, and I ended up staying for 5 hours just talking with her and helping with all the kitties.


I ran off back to the shelter to hang out with the cats after graduation. <3 I’ve known Chip since he was a kitten! <3


My mom finally got to meet all the kitties! <3!!!

I actually managed to volunteer about as many hours in medical school as I did in undergrad (~650+…I kinda lost count, haha)! :]

Teaching Hula

Just for fun, I decided to teach a short hula for one of the events we were having in order to raise money for a medical service trip, and a couple other students asked later on in the year if I could offer weekly classes–tis how I randomly came to start teaching beginning hula lessons at my school’s gym!



Joining the Greenbrier Valley Chorale

I really missed having music in my life, so I auditioned for the Greenbrier Valley Chorale and made it in as a second soprano! We had fall and spring concerts at Carnegie Hall. I even got quoted in the paper! :P


Starting a band and performing at Carnegie Hall

I’ve always dreamed of forming a band, but never thought it’d actually get to happen…but two of my closest friends in med school had the same dream, so we found another fellow med student who was a bassist and became…The Vagal Tones!

I was the keyboardist/backup vocalist (+ percussionist for one song)! :]


Living on a farm

I’ll have a separate post to this at some point, but I’ve been talking for years about starting/living on a farm…and I actually did get to live at one! :O I’m really going to miss it here, but I’m also really excited about starting the next chapter of my life!


  • What’s your learning style?
  • Guess how much student debt I have?!
  • What makes you, you?

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    • Ricardo on June 1, 2016 at 12:22 am
    • Reply

    I’m wicked happy for you. And you definitely survived it all! But like you said, let’s see what the next installment is all about!

    -My learning style is more or less based on my attention span. If it’s remotely interesting, I’ll try to learn as much about it as I can and become an overnight expert. Makes me sound smarter than I really am, haha.

    -I would guess that you are currently at about 60k in debt? Even with costs down?

    -What makes me…me? Well, I think it’s knowing that things have to get done, but as long as it’s going to benefit people. Plus my awful sense of humor certainly helps. And, you know, being a manchild of sorts.

    1. Thanks so much for following along with me on my adventures! :D! I’m super excited about the next installment–hopefully it’ll be good!

      haha, I’m like that too with things that I’m super interested in! With some other things, not so much (sigh).

      Oh, I wish. Tuition alone was $50k/year, so nope! (But if only…)

      That’s a good way to go–definitely helps with productivity! Your sense of humor is perfectly fine, hehehe. I still think of myself as a big little kid, if that makes any sense? :o

  1. You are the champion!!!! Pretty awesome being involved in so much other stuff in addition to med school….almost as if it were no big deal. Ha! It IS a big deal.

    I am a rule-follower who went to every class, no matter what. I missed two classes in all of college, one because I was quite ill, and another one for my great-grandma’s funeral. I’m 4 years out from school–long enough to miss all the fun stuff. I enjoy academics, but I’m glad to be free of the school schedule!

    Happy Doctor life to you! I’m sure you’ll take care of those loans in no time! (well, “no time” in a comparative sense rather than a literal one).
    Rachel G recently posted…Trivial PursuitsMy Profile

    1. hahaha, thanks so much, Rachel!

      That’s actually how I was in undergrad and med school too! I started not going to class in my third block in the first year of med school because it was a subject I knew well and I wanted to see if I could get more effective studying done by not going (our lectures are all recorded and we got all the powerpoints beforehand), and it worked out pretty well, so I just never really went back very often after that. :P

      In due time, I hope to have em’ taken care of! :]!

  2. Congrats Farrah! That is an amazing accomplishment! You must be so proud, I know I would be! It looks like had some amazing experiences while doing it (save a cat, hula dancing, living on a farm!).

    My learning style is visual and hands on. I have to be taking notes (with actual handwriting) to really grasp what’s going on. I love illustrations and flow charts to really understand the biochem classes I’m taking now (getting my master’s in nutrition).

    I can’t really imagine how much you’re in debt but I bet it’s a lot – maybe like $150K?
    Mary Ellen @ VNutrition recently posted…Summer Orzo SaladMy Profile

    1. Thanks so much, Mary Ellen! :D The outside stuff that I did definitely helped to keep me sane throughout med school! :P

      Ah, agreed! I think if not hands-on, then my next most preferred learning style would be visual. Taking notes by hand helps me out a lot more than when I type (but I type so, so much faster–sigh!!)!

      You’re a lot closer! My tuition alone was $50k/year though, so it’s somewhere along the lines of $250k at the moment without including interest, hahaha. ._. Sighhh. (I had about $10k from grad school loans. ._.)

  3. Congratulations!!! I’m so happy for you!!
    Way back in the day I found I learned best from hearing/seeing something and writing it down myself. I basically needed to do something active like writing to remember it. I remember just copying my notes!
    Julie @ Running in a Skirt recently posted…May 2016 Top Posts & Best of Blogs LinkupMy Profile

    1. Thanks so much, Julie! <3

      Doing something active + writing things down by hand definitely help me out a lot too!!

  4. So happy for you. Congratulations!!
    Kimberly G recently posted…It’s Global Running Day!My Profile

    1. Thank you so much! :D!!

  5. Congrats!! I’ve had a lot of close friends graduate med school and they always seem so over worked, so I’m glad that you got to do so much awesomely fun stuff while being in school! I am 10000% in love with that cat shelter! It’s always been a dream of mine to start a cat shelter/sanctuary where I can care for older cats/cats with disabilities that otherwise seem to be ignored at adoption sites. I want to give every kitty a good home! /wheeze/ I actually almost ran over a curb while driving to work today because I saw a cat walking down the sidewalk and there was a truck behind me and I was so worried that the cat would run into the road in front of the truck and I kept trying to watch it out my back window! (The cat was safe) Well, Congrats again!! Amazing accomplishments! You’ve done so much! :)

    1. haha, there’s definitely no shortage of work (but all the shortages when it comes to getting enough sleep)! I imagine residency will be kinda the same, but…with actual responsibilities to human lives. I’m excited and terrified. :O

      I’m totally with you there!! <3 I would so love to be able to do that too, but I'm not sure I'm going to have enough time. I have a tendency to want to adopt everyone though, so volunteering at a rescue worked out well for me, haha. I will likely have a future zoo though! :P So glad that that cat was okay! <3!!

  6. You’ve had such an incredible journey Farrah! I feel as though I only caught the tail end of the whirlwind on your blog but it’s been really something to follow along with you through your rotations, exams and now graduations.

    Can’t wait to hear about starting your Serious Dr Gig in NJ!
    Laura recently posted…Wednesday Pinspiration: Summer AccessoriesMy Profile

    1. hehehe, the first half of my med school adventures was mostly spent in front of mountains of notes/books/powerpoints, so it wasn’t too interesting. You didn’t miss much! ;P

      I’m so excited!!! :D I hope we get to do a meetup sometime! I’m totally game to drive up to NY at some point once I find out what my schedule will be like! :D!

  7. How cool that you worked the LLWS! I used to praise those kids when I was little. You should feel so proud – an 87% average sounds AMAZING in med school + you do so well on the blog. Definitely impressive. I think I’d like living on a farm for a few days, haha. It sounds like alot of work!
    Sarah @ BucketListTummy recently posted…Why Out-Exercising Your Diet Isn’t the AnswerMy Profile

    1. I had a blast working the LLWS. I wished they could all win–they were such an awesome group of kids! :]

      Thanks so much! <3 This blog has been such a fun outlet/side project! :]

      It's definitely a ton of work--I doubt I could sustain it for long throughout med school if I had to do everything every day, but ah, all the animals are so adorable! <3

  8. The reality of these life events never hits for awhile! I am SO proud of you Farrah! Even though we never met (yet) I was so overcome with happiness when I say all your posts <3 You are a true rockstar! So bright, beautiful, smart, determined, hardworking, everything!!! xoxoxo ALL success to you!
    Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine recently posted…Dark Chocolate Walnut DoughnutsMy Profile

    1. Ahh, you’re too sweet! <3 Thank you so much for all your support and for following along with me on my adventures over these past couple years! :D I'm super excited to meet you hopefully soon! :]!!

  9. Congratulations Farrah! You’re one step closer in your incredible journey to becoming a person who cares for others as a living, and that’s a wonderful thing :)

    1. Thanks so much, Alyssa! Very much agreed–I’m so excited to for this next chapter! :]!

  10. So many congratulations, Farrah. You really took advantage of your med school experience, and you should be so proud of that. Now the real fun begins :D
    Susie @ Suzlyfe recently posted…Necessary Qualities of a Running Coach | Global Running DayMy Profile

    1. Thank you so much! <3 I definitely had to take every opportunity to live it up! :P

      So excited! :D!!!

  11. Wow! Way to go! That’s exciting stuff. I learn by seeing things and writing them down. I’d prefer sitting in a lecture any day than group interaction. I hated group work in high school and college. I want to read it, see it, take notes and/or highlight and underline til my heart’s content! lol! I hope that you don’t have any student debt and got lots of scholarships :-) Running and being a mom is when I feel most Me ;-)

    1. Thanks so much, Marsha! :D I am terrible with lecture-style learning, haha (except if it’s with certain professors)! But I’m all about underlining/highlighting/taking all the notes in the world! :P

      Oh, I wish! My school didn’t offer too many scholarships to out-of-state students and out-of-state tuition was $50k/year, so I am in a world of debt, but hopefully I’ll someday swim out of it! :]

  12. I LOVED learning more about your time in Med School, and it just makes me want to work even harder for it. (just went back and read your “sacrifice” post!) all this time, you ended with an 87%, performed in carnige hall, taught hula (!!), AND GOT TO BE WITH SO MANY CATS! it sounds like an amazing time, farrah! cant wait to see what is next for you :)
    masala girl recently posted…Race for the Cure & Weekly Workouts & FoodsMy Profile

    1. Yay, I’m glad! You’re gonna be awesome! It’s a freakishly long road (as I’m sure you’ve already discovered), but just keep at it and don’t give up, and you’ll definitely get there! <3

      The cats were awesome! They were such an amazing stress reliever, and I loved getting to spend time with them! :] Looking forward to following your journey too! :D!!

  13. It’s not going to feel real for like 2 years, I can promise you that! Come August, I won’t be surprised if you start getting ready to go back to school only to realize – YOU DONT HAVE TO! LOL!
    GiGi Eats recently posted…Teenage Mutant Mint Chip Ice CreamMy Profile

    1. hahaha, right?! I’m starting my OB/GYN rotation (noooo) in September, so maybe I’ll be way too distracted/distraught to even notice that I’m not in school anymore! :P

  14. I’m absolutely a kinesthetic learner!
    Even now, when working on projects my boss will ask if I have any questions and I’m constantly telling him I’ll get back to him, because I never know until I start DOing.
    Ange // Cowgirl Runs recently posted…Happy Global Running Day!My Profile

    1. Yay for a fellow kinesthetic learner! :D I definitely learn a lot better when I get to do whatever it is!!

  15. Congratulations on all of your accomplishments! It’s wonderful that you’ve been able to have such a full life outside of school! I never would’ve gotten through med school without my study buddies to motivate me. We pulled many all-nighters together! Looking forward to seeing all of the amazing things you’re going to do in the future :)
    Sonali- The Foodie Physician recently posted…Dining with the Doc: Roasted Beet and Arugula Salad with Orange Beet VinaigretteMy Profile

    1. Thank you so much! I think the outside activities helped me to get through med school in one piece! I don’t know where I’d be without my study buddies either–they are awesome! <3 All-nighters galore, hahaha.

      Thank you! I'm super looking forward to more of your recipes! ;P I just got home-home and got a look at your new book and it is so darn adorable! <3!

  16. What an adventure the last four years has been!

    I am so proud of you and so excited for you!!!!
    Kristy @ Southern In Law recently posted…Recipe: Soft Baked Oatmeal Cookie BarsMy Profile

    1. Thanks so much, Kristy! It’s been a whirlwind journey, but so worth it (one would hope :P)!

  17. Wow, you’ve had an amazing journey during med school and have accomplished so much! I’m in awe! Congratulations!
    Debbie @ Deb Runs recently posted…Gravel Grinding and Dreaming of Chicken BiscuitsMy Profile

    1. Thank you! It feels like so long ago! I hope I do well out in the real world! (Will be officially starting my new job in November! :O!)

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