OMS-IV #BehindTheBlogger

The last #BehindTheBlogger was a somewhat darker topic, so this one’s gonna be on the lighter side! (The theme this time around is The Moment My World Stopped Spinning!)

For those of you who don’t know me, I have major, major type A tendencies when it comes to planning, so while this might not seem like such a big deal to most, it definitely made me super happy, because this year (well, med school in general) is quite like a controlled chaos of sorts.

“It” is the fact that my 4th year rotation schedule is FINALLY almost complete!


This picture was actually taken at my white coat ceremony, but close enough.

It’s been a long time in coming (aka I’ve been sending in paperwork since January), and there have been so many random mini-catastrophes, rotations that will never be, lost paperwork, and unresponsive offices that for a while there, I was legitimately concerned…but it looks like I’ll have a future for the next couple months!

If all goes well, this is what my 4th-year schedule looks like (past and present)! I’ll fill em’ in with “Day In The Life” posts as I experience em’! :]

I’ve lived in 8 states since July. (Have I mentioned that I’m currently technically “homeless?”)

Aside from said rotations, I also had to take my boards (COMLEX-PE is basically “part 2B”) and globe-country-trot for a bunch of interviews. I try to give myself a little break between rotations to visit friends or go to my WV home (aka Please Save A Cat) to visit Linda, my foster kitty, dinosaur duckies, and all the other adorable rescue pets there. <3

Sadly, all this traveling is not without its casualties. Between my my PA + NC rotations, when I was driving to New Jersey, I received a somewhat distressed phone call from the residency coordinator from my Ortho rotation asking where I was and if everything was okay.

…Guess who apparently left her purse and tablet in the student house there? :[ The cleaning staff found it and alerted her, and she couldn’t find out where I was as per school privacy policies, so she thought someone had stolen my identity (or at the very least, my belongings). I received a giant email chain discussing my whereabouts and my well-being on Friday afternoon. (I felt so terrible about worrying everyone, but at least it was all cleared up fairly quickly, and my purse/tablet are en route to my base site!)

It’s been a lot of work so far (I just came out of 2 “14”-hour shifts over the weekend through Halloween and the time change!), but my rotations have contained a whole lot of learning and are really fun! I’ve also managed to see a lot of friends I haven’t seen in months/years, so while my world may currently seem like it’s spinning out of control right now…

I think I’m right where I need to be. :]

Or maybe on the inside, I'm like this!?

Or maybe on the inside, I’m like this!?

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Thank you for reading a story from #BehindTheBlogger Hop. Every 2 weeks a group of bloggers is given a writing prompt. These prompts are very open ended, so our bloggers can write about whatever they desire. The main rule is that their blog post directly relates to the topic of that week. The point of this hop is for our readers to get to know us on a personal level.

Please hop along and read all of the blog posts in this weeks hop. Just click the links below. If you want real and raw emotion, then you will find it here. After you read each post, please comment and share. We want to get to know you too!

Are you a blogger looking to join our future hops? Sign up here!

  • Have you ever felt like your life was spinning out of control? How did you deal?
  • …Or are you so used to the constant chaos that it doesn’t really faze you anymore? If nothing else, med school definitely at least taught me to roll with the punches!

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  1. wow! I envy all those wonderful places you will and are visiting. Yet I feel for you. It must feel awful being so “on the go” and misplaced. HUgs to you!!! Enjoy every bit you can and try to do something special and just for you everyday.

    ps- I do NOT know how you have the energy to maintain your wonderful blog!!

    And I too have had a chaotic year, now things are finally slowing down, and I feel like its a big huge joke being plaed on me, like at at moment, BAM ill be right back into it!

    yoga has helped me immensely!

    1. Haha, I definitely do feel misplaced right now, and would love to have a place to settle down in for more than 2-4 weeks, but alas! I think it’ll be okay though! :] It’s been a fun adventure so far, and at least I get to travel and visit friends along the way sometimes!

      I’m glad your chaotic year is at least kindasorta slowing down–I will be sending good thoughts your way! It’s awesome that yoga helps! I’ve been meaning to incorporate that into my life more regularly!

      P.S. Part of it is that I schedule a whole ton of posts into the future! My Foodie Fridays from July through the rest of this year were all made back in…May and June, since I wasn’t sure if I was going to have a kitchen anymore! :P

  2. Holy wow, when exactly to do you sleep? I dont know how you do it, seriously. like wow, Im exhausted just considering it. Youre amazing!
    Autumn recently posted…A Healthy Dose of MotivationMy Profile

    1. Aww, thanks so much, Autumn! I actually do get to sleep more than I would’ve thought! (I think my body’s equilibrated to running on 5 hours! :O )

  3. Wow Farrah! You are amazing! Such a jam packed schedule! I’m wishing you all the best of luck in your upcoming interviews!! <3
    Harriet Emily recently posted…green shoesMy Profile

    1. Thanks so much, Harriet! :D I really hoping they go well! <3

  4. Good gracious! You have a LOT going on!! Do you sleep? But seriously, do you?!
    Rachel @ recently posted…Workout Wednesday – Total Body CircuitMy Profile

    1. hahaha, I usually actually get about 5-6 hours of sleep per night! :D!

  5. Wow! I’m tired just reading all of that! I love getting these peeks behind the scenes of med school life! It’s so different from my world and unlike TV, it’s real! lol Thanks for sharing these and best of luck in your 4th year (is that the final year?!)…can’t wait to hear how it all goes! :)
    Vicky C recently posted…8 Smart Tips to be More ProductiveMy Profile

    1. hahaha, yeah! I don’t follow any medical TV shows, although I have seen a couple episodes each of Grey’s Anatomy (highly unrealistic) and House (super weird cases you rarely ever see, but interesting!). My friend did recently introduce me to Scrubs, and I love it! It’s probably the most accurate one I’ve found so far! :P

      Thanks so much! And yes indeed, my final year (assuming that everything goes well)! <3 It's been a long road, but at least I can see that light at the end of the tunnel! *-*

  6. I’m amazed how far around and away your rotations are. You really are traveling all around the country–Alex did have to do that for his rotations, so it is totally different than his experience! Good luck this year–you are going to do amazingly!
    Susie @ SuzLyfe recently posted…Dealing with Injury: Scared to MoveMy Profile

    1. In a sense, I kinda brought it upon myself because I technically could’ve done it all in roughly the same place. :o There were several programs I wanted to get more of a feel for, and I also wanted to escape the east coast winter, so that factored itself in too! :P

      Thank you so much! <3 I really hope it does!

  7. I can appreciate this all so much now that I live with to med school students! You go girl!!
    Sarah Grace recently posted…Sarah Spann Overcomes an Eating Disorder to Inspire OthersMy Profile

    1. Thanks so much! <3!

  8. I’m so amazed by your life. Every post that includes your schedules, I wonder how the hell you have time to remember to breathe. You rock my world, busy lady.
    Tiffany @ The Chi-Athlete recently posted…Where I WANT ComplacencyMy Profile

    1. Aww, thanks so much, Tiffany! :D At this point, I think I’ve just gotten so used to it that I don’t notice anymore. (I definitely do still feel exhausted almost every day though!)

  9. Wow busy busy busy! I liked how you described it as a “controlled chaos” lol. I really hope you find what your passion/calling is in medicine by doing all these rotations! And I’m very confident that you will pass your boards :-) You seem like a super smart person!
    Montana @ Pretty Lil Mudder recently posted…The Day My World Stopped Spinning: #BehindtheBloggerMy Profile

    1. I like that term too–it fits so well! :P I couldn’t find anything I loved more than family medicine, so I’m interviewing for FM residency programs right now! :]! All the rotations (aside from the electives) are graduation requirements, hehehe. And thank you so much! <3

  10. Oh my gosh I knew you were busy, but reading that geesh when do you even find time to sleep.
    I know it will be worth it in the end, but I give you such high props for everything you have to do and what you still have to do in the future.
    You are going to do great, and be a awesome at this career choice. I truly believe that!
    Kristy @Runaway Bridal Planner recently posted…Travel and Adventure AwaitsMy Profile

    1. hahaha, I can fall asleep reallyyyyy easily, so I stuff it in wherever I can!

      Thank you so much! I really hope so! <3 I was talking to one of my favorite patients + his wife today and they completely made my day--I feel like it's these moments that remind me that all the hard work and somewhat-sleepless nights spent studying or med-school-ing worth it! :D!

  11. So so so crazy, it never gets boring eh ;) Wait, in New Brunswick, were you at Robert Wood?
    Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine recently posted…Pumpkin Spice Roasted ChickpeasMy Profile

    1. Yes indeed! :D Post to follow shortly! I went a bit crazy on the food, hahaha.

  12. It’s so exciting you get to visit all these places, but your schedule definitely seems taxing! Best of luck and remember it’s almost over!
    with southern grace,

    1. True that! The traveling does get tiring, but the interviewing part has actually been a lot of fun! :] I really like the conversations I’ve been having with my interviewers! :D

  13. I still don’t know how you pull this off! It’s quite amazing! I know it will pay off in the end!
    Julie @ Running in a Skirt recently posted…Easy Healthy Baked Acorn SquashMy Profile

    1. Thanks, Julie! :D I think I’ve just gotten really used to it since I [unfortunately?] have a long history of trying to do everything in the world all the time, hahaha.

  14. Like Susie said, it’s amazing how willing you are to travel all over for your rotations! Ray stayed in VA.
    Jess @hellotofit recently posted…Easy chicken nachosMy Profile

    1. hehe, I figured this might be one of my only chances to travel, and since I’m placing more importance in the program vs. the actual location (within reason–the ones I applied to are all in states I know I wouldn’t mind living in! :P ), I might as well! :P

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