Ultimate Coffee Date: June 2019

Welcome to the Ultimate Coffee Date! My apologies to anyone who still comes here to check if I’ve written anything new! I know it’s been a long while since I’ve posted regularly, but I swear my intention was not to abandon my blog! (I still have many, many pending posts that need to be written/finished…)

Ultimate Coffee Date: June 2019

If we were having coffee/tea today, I’d…tell you that today is actually my last call day ever!!! I don’t know if I ever actually explained what call was, but it’s basically either a 12-13-ish hour shift at the hospital on Friday night to Saturday morning, or a 24-25-ish hour shift from Saturday to Sunday. I was actually supposed to have one less call this year since I took an extra for someone last year, but they needed someone and I decided to be nice, so here we are.

I’ve been super sad about telling all my patients that I’m going to be leaving at the end of this month. Part of why I love Family Medicine so much is precisely due to the fact that I get to know my patients and build a relationship with them over time, but I never thought about the having-to-leave part. I’m really going to miss them. :\

Muffin’s been keepin’ it real for me though.

F: I’m not sure if I told you yet, but I’m going to be moving back to California at the end of this month.
Pt: You did, and I’m still sad that you’re going to be leaving.
F: I’m sorry! :'(
Pt: It’s okay; you have to do what’s best for you.
F: Dr. Chen is an amazing doctor though; you’ll be in good hands!
Pt: But he’s not you!
F: :'(
Pt: :'( Can I hug you?


If we were having coffee/tea today, I’d…tell you that I had what’s probably my last dance performance with Tehani Mid-East & Polynesian Dance Company yesterday. I’m really going to miss the ladies that I dance with, but on the plus side, technology can help us keep in touch, and I also found a halau in the Bay Area that I’m hoping to join when I move back!

Also, this is entirely unrelated to the above, but…I got LASIK done last month! The ophthalmologist I worked with last year fixed up my eyes and it’s like a whole new world (isn’t it fitting that Aladdin just came out? :P ) out there!

If we were having coffee/tea today, I’d…tell you that my life is currently filled with “before I graduate for the last time” type of stuff–exit letters, figuring out how I’ll be moving all my stuff cross-country, planning and packing for my road trip and everything in between, finishing up evaluations, my rotations, seeing everyone before I leave, going everywhere I’m going to miss “one last time” before I leave, etc.

It’s been pretty much a decade since I’ve lived at home, so I’m really excited to get to be near my family and a bunch of my closest friends again, but part of me is also really sad to leave.

One of my co-residents got married last month! :]

P.S. I’m currently entertaining the idea of hammock camping my way across the country! Has anyone ever camped in a hammock before? Lemme know!

See past ultimate coffee dates here!

(Link-up with Coco @ Got 2 Run 4 Me & Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner!)

  • Got any good road trip advice? Send em’ my way! I’ve been on short ones before, but never 2.5-3 month ones! :P
  • What’s been going on in your life?

Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/ultimate-coffee-date-june-2019/


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  1. I started my post much like yours! However, I kind of did abandon mine on purpose. Kind of… You on the other hand are very busy and it is completely understood! I have never heard of hammock camping! Sounds interesting!

    1. I really hope to be back very soon! :'( Welcome back to you! :]

      I don’t have a tent, so I figured it’d be cheaper (and easier/quicker set up) to try hammock camping at different campsites across the country during my road trip! :P

  2. You always have the best ideas. Hammock camping ? Never did but am intrigued. As sad as it is to leave something p Behind you have many more opportunities to touch peoples lives ahead of you, and I know you will :-) can’t wait to hear about your next adventures!
    Ps. You asked about my new sustainable sneaks from everlane. I’m not sure. They sort of feel a bit …..orthopedic looking ? I am still deciding. Gah!

    1. I figured a hammock might(?) be easier than lugging a tent around and having to set it up, but I guess we’ll see! I should probably do a test run somewhere first, haha.

      Thank you! :] I hope to start writing about all the backed-up ones so I can finally catch up, but it’s taking forever! :o

      Oo, thanks for the update! I’ve been super curious about Rothys too (made from recycled plastic bottles?!), but they’re so so expensive! :'(

      1. Oh yes, Rothys are very nice. I have tried them on (a friend owns a few pair) and have to say I think they are worth the money. They do offer 20% discount codes for orders, and there is a special teacher discount as well (if you or your readers are teachers) Let me know if you need a code

        Also, my latest blog post has my Everlane sneaks, pics and review!

        1. Thanks! My friend just got a pair and really likes it–I may bite the bullet one of these days and get a pair! :O

          Ooo, thank you! I’ll have to check it out!

  3. You have so much going on — I’m so glad you joined us for a quick cup of coffee/tea — but hope it’s not your “last”. :-) This is a big life transition for you but more fun adventures await — including your cross-country road trip. I vote to treat it like an adventure, plan ahead but take it one day at a time, and be flexible — things I expect you’d do anyway. PLEASE let me know if you swing through D.C. on your way!

    Did you decide on your next/first (?) medical position or are you still weighing options?

    1. That’s definitely what I’m planning on! :]! It sounds like a good less-stress way to go! DC is my first stop, so I’ll definitely be there from June 28-30! I’m leaving the “places to visit” part up to my brother, but it’d be awesome to meet up if you’re free that weekend! :]

      I finally decided on one! May be sad, but it was seriously one of the hardest decisions I’ve ever had to make. :[!

  4. Gosh, you are so busy!!! IT’s exciting to start a new chapter, though. Best of luck getting to your new spot…though the hammock thing would probably not be my thing LOL

    1. Thanks so much! :] I don’t have a tent, but sleeping under the stars sounds like it’d be fun [for me]! + also cheaper, haha. :]

  5. I bet it is really bittersweet to say goodbye to all of your patients and colleagues. Good luck w the move and the hammock camping. Sounds adventurous!

    1. Thanks so much! I’m super excited about this trip…and possibly also planning another one now because my start date is gonna be a bit later. :P Where to next, I wonder!?

  6. I can definitely relate to your wanting to build a relationship with your patients. That is what I loved about teaching – building relationships with my students. Good luck with the move. I have never hammock camped, but I am not a camper. I am one of those wimps who needs a hotel room.
    Laurie recently posted…It’s Raining MoneyMy Profile

    1. Thanks so much! :]

      You’re not a wimp! A hotel would definitely be nice and I’m probably gonna find one every here and there, but I figured it’d be cheaper and kinda fun to try for at least part of my trip since I’m gonna be traveling for so long!

  7. Aw, your cat is so cute. Are they going road tripping with you? I’m sure saying goodbye to patients you’ve seen for awhile would be really tough. But yay for being able to go home and see friends/family and be close by again. That has to be a nice feeling. Oh, and I LOVE the dress you wore for the wedding. So cute.


    1. I wish I could bring her, but I think she would be miserable on the trip, so she’s gonna go back to CA with my mom and I’ll meet up with them when I finish my road trip.

      Thank you! :] I rarely have a reason to get dressed up, but every here and there, it’s kinda fun, haha. :]

  8. My brother hammock camped a lot on a trip a couple years ago – he had a tent also, but preferred the hammock. He just used a standard sleeping bag & pad set up. I think personally my main concern apart from rain would be bugs – I would probably want one of those hammocks with netting you can attach over the top. Or a back-up sleeping plan.

    1. I have a bug net and a tarp in case of rain, so hopefully it’ll be okay! I’ll do a trial run at my friend’s farm later this month to see how it goes, but fingers crossed!

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