Ultimate Coffee Date: July 2022

Welcome to another Ultimate Coffee Date of 2022! We’ve made it to July! Now featuring a little over half the population with less bodily autonomy than corpses. But we’ve made it to the second  half of the year, so there’s that?

Ultimate Coffee Date: July 2022

We went to M’s friend’s wedding last weekend and got to explore some of Vermont afterward!

If we were having coffee/tea today, I’d…tell you that I’m pretty annoyed/disgusted with that 6 people get to decide the rights of over half the population in the U.S., but the amount of doom-scrolling I’ve been doing can’t possibly be healthy, so I’m trying (kinda failing, but trying) to stop. The place I work for will continue to respect the decisions our patients make for their own health, so I’m really glad about that.

Onward to happier matters for now…

For instance, spring roll ingredients courtesy of M’s mom! They were amazingggg and I ate way more than I meant to because who knows when I’ll get to have em’ again!

If we were having coffee/tea today, I’d…tell you that our home gym is prettyyy much complete at this point! Everything is at a premium right now so we had to employ the “buy once, cry once” philosophy to build this.  With supply chain issues, I’m surprised this even got to happen so quickly, but doesn’t it look super spiffy? *-*

Doesn’t it look a whole lot better than this now? :D

If we were having coffee/tea today, I’d…tell you that we’re looking to adopt a dog!!! It’s been a lifelong dream of mine and now that we finally have a house with a yard and no dissenting members of the family, it may actually get to come true!! Our initial application was accepted and we’ve completed the phone interview, so there’s just a home visit (virtual) left and hopefully we’ll be able to adopt one that’s a good match for us (who’ll also get along with the Muffin)!

We weren’t looking at puppies initially since I thought there was no way a puppy would be a good fit for us given our work hours, butttt the rescue I’ve been talking to seems to think that’d be fine too, so that’s expanded our options considerably!

Obviously, I will keep you all posted, but I’m super excited and have all my limbs crossed. <3

See past ultimate coffee dates here!

(Link-up with Coco @ Running with Perseverance & Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner!)

  • Any tips for a first-time dog owner?
  • What’s a favorite meal you’ve had lately?

Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/ultimate-coffee-date-july-2022/


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  1. The home gym looks great! I really need to replace our dishwasher, and I know that finding a new one could be a real adventure. My husband doesn’t think that it needs to be replaced, despite the fact that the kickplate couldn’t go back on after he fixed it once, the buttons are falling off, and now the top comes out when you open the door. Men. YOU can just wash all the dishes by hand, then (as if).

    When we started to look for a dog, we had two 5 year old cats. So we weren’t looking for a puppy — really mainly because neither one of us had ever actually had a puppy (we’d had adult dogs) and I knew they were hard. I also firmly believe in rescue animals. Let’s just say that all the adult dogs we looked at, met, and even one trial adoption didn’t work. So we decided at least with a puppy you could train them right — so that’s what we ended up with. An 8 week old puppy. Luckily I worked from home. Sort of unluckily, or luckily depending on how you look at it, I also stopped working right about that time.

    So anyway a year later we welcomed our second puppy (Lola was 10 months old).

    Bandit was a senior rescue — we still had Lola and one of our cats, Gizmo (who was about 14 at the time). You probably don’t remember, it was a major disaster for months — but this was a private adoption — don’t EVERY do that! — and after a lot of hard work, it worked out in the end.

    Good luck! So exciting!

    1. Thank you! I hope you get that new dishwasher soon! They can be so stubborn. :[

      I’ve never had a dog ever so I feel like starting with a puppy while working full time (+ not getting to be virtual) isn’t the best of ideas. Fingers crossed though!

      I’m glad things worked out with everyone! There’s definitely a lot to navigate and I just want to make sure we’re really prepared, so it will likely take a while to find one who’s a good fit that we can provide a great home to, but fingers crossed! <3

  2. Your home gym looks great! Enjoy it I believe it’s so worth it! Good luck with the puppy search. Vermont is beautiful in the summertime glad you had a chance to visit. Thanks for joining for coffee
    Deborah Brooks recently posted…Let’s Catch Up Over Coffee July Ultimate Coffee DateMy Profile

    1. Thank you! I sadly haven’t used it much this past week since my friend’s visiting but will hopefully get back into more of a consistent routine soon!

  3. I like your home gym!

    So exciting to be getting a dog! I hope it all works out well – can’t wait to hear more!

    1. Thank you! :) I’m super excited as well! Fingers crossed. :D

  4. Aw, that puppy is so cute!

    The Supreme Court has fanned the flames of the so-called culture wars and it is only going to get worse. I’ve had it lucky with Va being blue for the past 8 years, but that ended with our new governor. :-(

    But back to happier things – like you home gym and that cute puppy!

    Thanks for stopping by for cofffee.

    1. Right!? <3 We're super excited!

      I'm so sorry. :[ I really hope something is done to reverse it. In the meantime though, super grateful that there are good/happy things to look forward to still.

    • Wendy on July 2, 2022 at 7:11 pm
    • Reply

    I never thought I’d say how glad I am to live in Illinois, but there you go. I just hope that people push back hard on this one. The implications are so far reaching!

    Love your home gym! Very impressive. And excited about your new (almost) family member.

    1. I’m really glad I’m back in CA. I sincerely hope people push back hard on this as well — it can only get exponentially worse if they don’t.

      Thank you! We’re super excited! :D

  5. That’s exciting about the soon-to-be dog member. And, I’m especially glad to see you’re seeking out a rescue puppy ;-) I hope all goes well! Your new gym set-up looks nice!

    1. We’re super excited! Just completed the home visit portion yesterday evening so fingers are crossed! :D

      I really need to start working out in the gym! I’ve been so exhausted lately. :[
      Farrah recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date: July 2022My Profile

  6. Well, you live in CA so you’re in a “good” state. But very upsetting for all the women whose rights were taken away. Anyway… the home gym looks AMAZING! I’m envious (my “home gym” is my son’s room, where I have a yoga mat and some dumbbells. Everything gets relocated when he comes home from college.)
    You know we’ll all be eagerly awaiting the dog news! So exciting! Hopefully Muffin will be fine- she’ll probably welcome a dog more than she would welcome another cat.

    1. True true! I’m definitely blessed to live here but if things keep going the way they are, it’s not going to look good for anyone. :[

      Thank you!! We got super lucky with our home since it had a 3-car garage — since we don’t plan to have kids, the 3rd spot was open for conversion into our gym.

      I hope she will be too! She’s pretty cool with pretty much all other animals other than cats, so fingers crossed! :]

  7. When you put it that way, it just makes it even more criminal…UGH.

    Your gym looks great!

    And fingers crossed on the puppy, I’ve never had a dog but I hope it all works out!
    Janelle @ Run With No Regrets recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date – July 2022My Profile

    1. It is super depressing/effed up. :[ I hope there is a way to reverse this.

      + thank you! Super excited about both!! :]

  8. I am with you on that disappointment with those 6 people. Sigh. Yay on the gym! And double yay on that puppy. So adorable!

    1. Sigh indeed. :[ Still very grateful to have some things to look forward to though!
      Farrah recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date: July 2022My Profile

  9. Hooray for the home gym! A gym was one of the best things we’ve done to this house. We use it all the time. All the best with getting a dog! That’s so fun and I hope you get the one that’s perfect for you!

    1. Thank you so much! I really hope so too! + the home gym has definitely been a wonderful investment! <3
      Farrah recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date: July 2022My Profile

    • Lauren Elena on July 30, 2022 at 6:53 pm
    • Reply

    Agree. I can’t believe our country has gone back 50 years. Men especially should not get to decide what happens to our bodies. I’m so scared about what will happen next. There needs to be term limits for these Supreme Court justices. Ugh.
    But anyway…happy stuff…oh my god I’m skipping right to the dog!! Yay!!! I can’t wait for you to have a dog so I can see lots of pics and video!😍 Could that pup in the pic be the one you might get? That one is adorable! I hope you get one soon! I can’t wait!

    Back to the beginning- I looove the dress you wore to the wedding. So pretty! And your home gym looks awesome. Go you!!

    1. It’s so disappointing/upsetting/infuriating. (Yay for the recent win in Kansas though!)

      Thank you! I’m definitely going to keep you all posted once I adopt one! (I’m sure s/he’ll be allll over my instagram. :D… )

      Aww, thank you! :] It made its last debut like 16 years ago so yay for having another place to wear it again!! :P
      Farrah recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date: July 2022My Profile

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