Ultimate Coffee Date: July 2020

Welcome to the Ultimate Coffee Date! (We are officially half done with 2020, so there’s that…)

Ultimate Coffee Date: July 2020

Ultimate Coffee Date: July 2020 | @fairyburger

Stay safe. <3

If we were having coffee/tea today, I’d…ask how you’re all doing! I had my first performance review with my boss a couple weeks ago and happy to report that it went really well!! He told me that the feedback he’s gotten is that I’m bright, energetic, happy to help, and that my patient satisfaction score is “tremendous” (aka super high, especially for a new doctor)! Hopefully this means I’ll be keeping my job for the foreseeable future (heh).

One of my fluffs (Ninja) turned 15 a couple weeks ago! <3

If we were having coffee/tea today, I’d…tell you that I’m all in on my introvert-ing life/hobbies. I have a couple new games on my Nintendo Switch (lookin’ at you, Pokemon + Mario Party).

I mentioned last month that I was thinking of learning hooping–I ordered a pair of collapsible hoops from etsy and got em’ a couple days ago, so I decided to start trying to learn some tricks on youtube. My knuckles are a tad bruised from trying my hand (hah) at hand hooping. Hopefully I’ll continue to improve! :P

If we were having coffee/tea today, I’d…tell you that I’m a Wild Keeper (aka Keep Nature Wild ambassador)! It’s my second term (I started in the spring).

I don’t earn anything from being an ambassador, but their company aligns with my goals. :] My main function is just to pick up more trash while I’m out and to encourage others to leave nature better than you found it when you’re out on your outdoor adventures. Leave no trace and make the world a better place please. <3

Ultimate Coffee Date: July 2020 | @fairyburger

See past ultimate coffee dates here!

(Link-up with Coco @ Got 2 Run 4 Me & Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner!)

End-of-Week-ish Recap!

  • If you’ve never been to Goblin Valley State Park, one of the coolest hikes there is The Goblin’s Lair/Chamber of the Basilisk! (Doesn’t the name make you wanna explore it? :O ) Come check it out virtually!
  • Dead Horse Point State Park is probably one of the prettiest state parks I’ve been to in the southwestern region–so many incredible views!
  • I finally cooked something earlier last month–Chorizo Tostadas! (Courtesy of a virtual cooking class put together by Yelp Elite in Phoenix! There were several more creations made last week, so those will hopefully be manifested into posts over the next couple weeks!

  • Have any of you made appointments with/seen your doctors lately? (I’m curious as to how things are elsewhere!) I’m still doing a whole lot of virtual (phone + video) visits but going into the office twice a week for things that can’t be taken care of virtually.
  • What have you been doing lately?

Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/ultimate-coffee-date-july-2020/


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  1. Congrats on your performance review! The only appointments I’ve been to were for my son (well visits) in March and June. We did most of the appointment over the phone, like asking questions and talking about how he is doing. Then we meet with the nurse and dr quickly for his physical exam. It was a really stressful process because they rush through everything and are wearing their PPE, and it totally freaked out my son so he was crying the whole time. It’s so different than how our appointments usually go!

    1. Ahh, I’m sorry to hear that! The PPE is definitely really scary-looking for kids. :[ I have a couple well child visits coming up and am hoping they won’t be too freaked out by things! Fingers crossed that things will start to get better as the rest of this year progresses.

  2. After spending the past 6 months running on trails, I’m appalled at all the trash people drop on the trails. I’ve been seeing a lot of masks. Ick. Glad you’re involved in that organization.

    Congrats on your performance review! I’ve never met you in person, but from reading your blog that past few years, I have a pretty good idea about your personality and I’m not surprised!

    1. Right? I’ve been seeing so many masks/gloves lying around everywhere–how hard it is to hold on to it until they get home? :[

      Aww, thank you!! :] I really like the group I’m working with–fingers crossed that things continue to go well!

  3. That is fantastic that your job is going so well. You are happy and they are are happy! We have done a few telemediicne things but not in person visits here yet.Always good.It’s amazing the things people leave out on trails-just terrible! Thanks for catching up over coffee!
    Deborah Brooks recently posted…July 4th 2020 Ultimate Coffee Date LinkupMy Profile

    1. I’m really glad!! :] + that’s good that your experiences have been positive! It’s so nice when technology works, haha.

      Thank you for hosting! I really hope people start picking up after themselves soon. The world would be such a better place if people were more considerate.
      Farrah recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date: July 2020My Profile

  4. Glad your performance review went so well!!

    1. Thank you! :D My boss said that if anything came as a shock to me, it was on him since he (thankfully) believes in timely feedback, so big sigh of relief there! :]

  5. Congratulations on the excellent performance review. I can’t say I am surprised! I don’t know what hooping is. I will have to look that one up. Good for you for being an ambassador for Keep Nature Wild. What a wonderful organization!

    1. Thank you! :D

      It’s hula hooping, but I’m trying to learn different tricks and such (e.g. hand/chest/knee hooping, transitions, etc) along with just waist hooping. :]

  6. I’m not due for any dr’s appointment, but I’ve been getting thyroid blood work and having follow-up calls with my endocrinologist every 6 weeks. My husband had one in-person appointment with a follow-up by videochat.

    I’m not at all surprised your review went well. You definitely come across as energetic and compassionate.

    1. I’m glad you and your husband have been able to get the things you need done!

      Thank you! :]!

  7. Super cool about your ambassadorship! That sounds incredible. And congratulations on your awesome review!

    No doctors for me, but Mr PugRunner has done a few telehealth appointments, and little man had one in person appointment. It’s been fine.

    1. Thank you! :]

      There have been so many changes since the pandemic hit that there were definitely a lot of things that needed some ironing-out of kinks. I’m glad they went okay!

  8. Congrats on your review!
    Thanks for the reminder-I’m super overdue for a routine appointment that I really really should make but can’t be done virtually. And I need to find a new provider for it so I’m not even sure if that’s doable… so I just keep putting it off. Which is irresponsible, so I’ll start looking online this weekend and call Monday.

    1. Thank you! :]

      For my practice, we aren’t allowed to do routine physicals yet (following state guidelines) so we’ve been doing everything we can virtually and at least ordering necessary bloodwork/screenings/immunizations to get those taken care of. I hope you’re able to find someone!!

  9. Thankfully my annual appt isn’t until dec. I do need to go to the dentist, but I think I can manage once this year instead of every 6 months (that’s what i did when we were growing up & my teeth survived!).

    Happy Birthday Ninja!

    Sounds like you are doing awesome in your job; congrats!

    1. I’m due to go to the dentist next month, but think I can survive til end of the year too–I’m reallyyy hoping things get a little more under control in a few months, but we’ll see. :/

      Thanks so much! :]!

  10. What a great organization to be a part of. Litter makes me crazy! I just don’t understand why people would leave trash anywhere.
    Being a new doctor during this crazy time must be a challenge but it sounds like you are doing great! I’m an ED RN and we have a lot of new young doctors and they are all great. Stay safe!

    1. Me too!! It really isn’t that hard to pick up after ourselves. :|

      It’s definitely not what I expected, but I like to think that med school/residency taught me to adapt quickly! :P Thank you for everything you do!

  11. I had to look up hand hooping because I didn’t know what it is, and it turns out I did it all of the time in high school. Living out in the country there wasn’t a whole lot to do so I spent a lot of time with my hula hoop. I could bring it from my knees up my body to my neck and then back down. I’d also toss it from hand to hand with the hand hooping. Today, I’m sure I’d throw my back out if I tried. LOL

    Heading over to read your Dead Horse Point recap now. We went there two years ago.
    Debbie @ Deb Runs recently posted…Weekly RunDown: June 7 Through 13My Profile

    1. That’s awesome! I’m definitely not to that level yet–I can waist hoop pretty well, but knees/chest are a struggle. I can’t do the tosses yet either, but hopefully in time! :P

      That’s awesome! It’s such a beautiful park!!

  12. Congrats on your performance review!

    And, I love that you are a Keep Nature Wild Ambassador!!

    1. Thank you! :]!

  13. Congrats on the awesome performance review!! That’s so fantastic. And Happy Birthday to your cat!!! They are so adorable.

    I’ve done most doctor visits virtually since quarantine and all that. I have gone in for some things though. It’s definitely a bit odd since you have a mask on the whole time and they space you out in the waiting room, etc. I’ve had good experiences though!

    ShootingStarsMag recently posted…Disney Dinner & Movie: Dumbo and The Sword in the StoneMy Profile

    1. Thank you thank you! :]!

      I’m glad you’ve had good experiences! We’ve spaced out our waiting room and masks are mandatory — my patients keep apologizing when they forget and try to pull down their mask to talk to me, haha. There’s a lot to get used to still!

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