Ultimate Coffee Date: August 2015

Hi everyone! I’m linking up with Coco @ Got 2 Run 4 Me, Lynda @ Fitness Mom Wine Country, & Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner for the monthly Ultimate Coffee Date! Pull up a chair/bean bag/whatever you like to sit on and come link and/or catch up with us! :]

If we were having coffee/tea this morning…I’d tell you that…


I took my boards licensing exams yesterday, and hopeeeeefully everything went well. For now, I’m just going to bask in the fact that I am DONE with the written portions of my boards until somewhere in my first year of residency!

I am now also officially off “vacation” (which was really just spent studying), and will be driving to Pennsylvania tomorrow to start my very first audition rotation!

My nomadic lifestyle hasn’t been bad at all. (In fact, it’s been pretty glorious, and filled with all sorts of delicious food!). In our downtime/study breaks, my friends and I been satisfying all sorts of Pinterest curiosities.

For instance, this Oreo donut.

For instance, this Oreo donut. <3

I like to think that if I need to find a roommate during residency to keep costs low, it won’t be toooo hard. (As long as we both share a love of food!)

If we were having coffee/tea this morning…I’d tell you that July passed by crazy-fast. I never even shared my July 4th celebrations because I posted my last coffee date before it happened! We went to my dean’s house to partake in amazing food, deliciously-themed desserts (she’s magical when it comes to crafting and the like–you should see her Skittles cake from St. Patrick’s Day (bottom of the post)!)

If you follow me on instagram, you’ve probably already seen the delicious food + festivities already, but…if you don’t, here they are!

4thofjuly2015 firework

redbluecheckerboardcake redbluelegojello

If we were having coffee/tea this morning…I’d tell you that I’ve been keeping supersuper quiet about this for no real reason, but…I have two interviews so far to two programs that I really like! <3 <3 <3! I sent in my applications ~2 weeks ago, and they responded almost instantaneously. I am all sorts of ecstatic, and I really hope that they go well + that they like me as much as I like them!


Cue that contained happy-dance!!!

For the record, my happy-dance has been of a more contained variety ever since the age of 7, when I accidentally smacked a lady across the face whilst jumping for joy.

The toned-down version happens now whenever I find something that makes me happy, and let’s be real–it doesn’t take much. Delicious food is a given, and apparently, it’s contagious!

F: I like that you do a happy dance when there’s good food!
L: I learned it from you!

  • Anything awesome + exciting going on in your life? Share with me in the comments!
  • Do you have a happy-dance? Have you ever unintentionally caused bodily harm to someone while executing it? :[
The Ultimate Coffee Date

Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/ultimate-coffee-date-august-2015/


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  1. I am drinking my coffee early as I have to leave soon to drive to a race. I will be having images of that Oreo donut in my head all morning :)
    Kelli recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date – August!My Profile

    1. hehehe, yayy! Best of luck to you on that race! <3

  2. I did see a lot of of your food IG posts. Congrats on the exam that must feel amazing to have that over with! Hope you have some time to relax the rest of the summer you deserve it!
    Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date-AugustMy Profile

    1. Thanks so much! I get the whole day today to relax and pack up for my next adventure (starting tomorrow, hehehe)! Definitely better than nothing! :]

  3. congrats on getting that exam done and out of the way! happy dance for sure! Funny you are driving into PA, I am flying in Monday for work! I love all the food pics, your future roomie will be lucky to have you! Enjoy!
    Mary Beth Jackson recently posted…August Coffee DateMy Profile

    1. Thanks so much! I reallyreally hope I passed, because I never want to take that again, haha.

      I hope you have a safe flight! <3

  4. Yeah congrats on the exam being over!! Best feeling over– I don’t really like doughnuts but that looks AMAZING!!
    Happy happy Saturday!!
    Laura@Fit Running Mama recently posted…Coffee talk: AugustMy Profile

    1. It seriously is a wonderfully amazing feeling!! I just really hope I passed! + thank you! I usually think donuts are wayyy too sweet, but I really liked that one! :O

  5. Farrah you are so busy, all the time. Congrats on your exam and your studies. You are so dedicated and hard working. I do have a happy dance when I get excited about things. Have a fabulous weekend and enjoy maybe some down time. Thanks for coffee :)
    Lynda@fitnessmomwinecountry recently posted…The Ultimate Coffee Date AugustMy Profile

    1. haha, basically! It was a horrible test, but I reallyreallyreally hope I passed! ;_; And yay for happy dances! :D Today’s my one day of downtime–I need to pack up a month’s worth of stuff for my first audition rotation (driving over there tomorrow! :]!)!

  6. Congrats on getting the exam done!! Good luck on your upcoming interviews!
    Michelle @ Running with Attitude recently posted…August Ultimate Coffee DateMy Profile

    1. Thanks so much, Michelle! :] I hope they go well!

  7. I love that you have a happy dance (even a toned down version). Congrats on finishing your written boards – very awesome.
    Carrie@familyfitnessfood.com recently posted…August Ultimate Coffee DateMy Profile

    1. Thanks so much! I’m so glad to be done with them–fingers crossed that I hopefully passed!

  8. Congratulations – you must be SO relieved! I think I’m still unwinding and processing the fact that the bar is over ;)
    Alyssa @ Renaissancerunnergirl recently posted…Trains, Planes, and Automobiles in August and BeyondMy Profile

    1. I am too! It barely feels real! (I’m so worried right now that I failed. ;_; ) But here’s to hoping I will surprise myself in a good way!!

  9. That red white and blue checkerboard cake is adorable. That must have taken forever to make!
    Mags recently posted…WTF is Going on at The Denver Airport?My Profile

    1. My dean is magical–I have no idea how she makes half the awesome things she manages to craft! :O

  10. that oreo donut looks AMAZING! xx, kenz http://sincerelykenz.com
    kenzie negron recently posted…Back To School NecessitiesMy Profile

    1. It was super super tasty! <3

  11. I bet you did amazing! Now it’s time to BREATHE and enjoy August! July flewwwwwww! I still can’t believe it!
    Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine recently posted…Friday Finisher 7/31/15My Profile

    1. For serious! Only 4 months left to the year after this!? Where has the time gone!?

  12. That food looks so amazing and now I’m hungry LOL!
    Amy @ Running on Faith and Coffee recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date #5My Profile

    1. hehehe, sorry about that! <3

  13. I’m sure you did fine in the exams and good luck on the interviews Farrah!

    I have a happy dance, but I’ve never caused bodily harm doing it. I’ve a couple of things I’m excited and hopefull about, but ya know me, I don’t ever talk about it until it’s done. Also, not all of this is 100% concrete, some is still in the idea and/or early plan stages.
    Alex recently posted…Links a la Mode, July 30My Profile

    1. I really hope so! :[ I left feeling rather terrible about it, haha. But thanks so much! :] I hope interviews go well!

      Definitely understandable! I’m like that too with most things! Sending lots of good thoughts your way! :D I hope everything works out! <3

  14. I do have a happy food dance when I eat something good!! :)
    Melanie recently posted…Weekly Fitness and Meal PlanMy Profile

    1. Yay! :D Glad to know I’m not alone! :]

  15. I laughed out loud with your seven-year-old happy-dance. That is something I would do. Keep dancing girl and count on others to duck!! Blessings!
    Deb Wolf recently posted…Question of the Day – Why Do You Write?My Profile

    1. hehehe, thank you! :P I’m glad you could find humor in it! :] My happy dance should come with warning labels. :P!

  16. YAHOOO for being done with boards!! That food does look amazing, and good luck with the interviews!!!
    Nicole @ Fitful Focus recently posted…The Ultimate Coffee Date: AugustMy Profile

    1. Thanks so much! :D I hope they go well! *-*

  17. My fingers are crossed for you for all 3 of your programs. Glad your hibernation is done! Your food pics are amazing!

    Entertaining my 15 year old niece for 3 days. Exhausting!
    Erica @ erica finds recently posted…August Ultimate Coffee DateMy Profile

    1. Thanks so much! <3! I'm super glad that study hibernation is finally over--it's so nice to get to interact with living things again! :P

      Ah, definitely understandable, but it looks like you're having a lot of fun too! :D!

  18. Exciting stuff happening for you! I am sure your test and your interviews went fabulously and you will see wonderful results. I do not have a happy dance really but my “dance” if you can call it that has been know to hurt some people lol. I tend to get out of hand during rock concerts and most people have learned to just back the heck away! Have a great week Farrah! Happy vacationing/studying!
    diane@runninrocker recently posted…WIN 1 MONTH SUPPLY OF SIGGI’SMy Profile

    1. I super-super hope so!! *-*

      hahaha, totally understandable! My former happy dance should’ve come with a warning label! :P I hope you have a great week too! <3

  19. Congrats on your exciting news, Farrah!! I love seeing your pics on IG ;)
    Jess @hellotofit recently posted…Link Love #28 and my favorite Charlottesville lunch spotMy Profile

    1. Thanks so much, Jess! :D!

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