Travel Ease with Intimina Lily Cup Compact

I guess you know by now that I love to travel and try to sneak that in wherever the hecks I can. I hate to check any bags unless I absolutely have to and try to adopt a minimalist approach to packing that I spent the last year perfecting whilst moving all over the country and partially living out of my car.

As such, I’m always up for finding out about ways that I can save some space (and the environment)! I’ve talked before about the comfort of using cloth pads and the convenience of using a menstrual cup, so I’m back again today to review…a different menstrual cup–the Lily Cup Compact!

intimina lily cup compact


You already know I’d definitely advocate for these or reusable pads to the usual pads/tampons as they’re way more budget + environmentally friendly!

Lily Cups are ultra-soft and, like the DivaCup, made of medical-grade silicone. They can be left in for up to 12 hours and come in two sizes:

  • Lily Cup (light to heavy flow)
  • Lily Cup Compact (light to medium flow)

intimina lily cup compact

What caused my initial intrigue and subsequent love for the Lily Cup Compact is…the fact that it’s collapsible! (What what?!) How can you get more travel-friendly than that?

intimina lily cup compact

It has a unique ribbing in place that makes sure that the cup stays rigid when it’s in use, but when you’re done using it, you can collapse it completely flat!

…Seriously flat. This is basically the size of a pog slammer, which, if you were a 90’s kid, you’d be rather familiar with. ;P

intimina lily cup compact

In comparison to the DivaCup (see my review here!), this is definitely smaller (and was thus more comfortable, at least to me).

While the compact version can’t hold as much as the regular Lily Cup or the regular DivaCup, if you know you tend to have a lighter flow and/or happen to be just starting/finishing up your cycle, this could be a great option for you! :]

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  • Got any space-saving travel tips to share?

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  1. I’ve used menstrual cups in the past but am never comfortable wearing them regularly. I’m going to try Intimina, it’s super cute and I love the compact carrying case. Thanks for sharing this Farrah.
    Mary recently posted…Challenge MondayMy Profile

    1. I’m definitely more used to my reusable pads since that’s what I’ve used for the past 6-ish years, but I love that they provide another eco-friendly option–the convenience in this one definitely doesn’t hurt either! :P
      Farrah recently posted…Raspberry Coconut Cream FrostingMy Profile

  2. I love that you used a pog reference! I loved pogs back in day. I’ve been interested in these cups for awhile. This looks like a great option to try.

    1. haha, I couldn’t help it–they’re so similar in shape/size! :P I love how compact this one is!
      Farrah recently posted…Raspberry Coconut Cream FrostingMy Profile

  3. I’ve never tried a cup – not sure I’d ever really feel comfortable. That’s great this one is really compact-able though! Definitely great for traveling.

    ShootingStarsMag recently posted…Whiteout by Elyse SpringerMy Profile

    1. I feel ya–I’m definitely more comfortable with reusable pads since I’ve never really used tampons, but I love how compact + travel-friendly this one is!
      Farrah recently posted…Raspberry Coconut Cream FrostingMy Profile

  4. I’ve never used a menstrual cup before but I’m intrigued by them.

    I never would have thought of how practical they would be for travelling though!
    Kristy from Southern In Law recently posted…Recipe: Three Ingredient Healthy Chocolate Fudge (Paleo & Vegan!)My Profile

    1. The thought popped into my head when I got this and really did manage to collapse it down into its squished form–definitely makes it more convenient! :D!
      Farrah recently posted…Raspberry Coconut Cream FrostingMy Profile

  5. So this is on my radar but I am not ready just yet. I wear THINKX underwear and it is seriously a life changer! But I will really consider a menstrual cup. I am just a little worried….
    Sana recently posted…Weight Update on Weight Watchers!My Profile

    1. Ooo, I’ve heard so many awesome things about THINX underwear! I need to look into that!
      Farrah recently posted…Raspberry Coconut Cream FrostingMy Profile

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