Take Time For Yourself

I get asked fairly often about what I do to stay sane when I’m always swamped with 345436657 things on my to-do list, so I figured I’d write a little about it today!

One of the reasons why I’ve been able to kindasorta blog throughout medical school is because I learned somewhat early on in undergrad that balance was key. I wanted to do everything because I had way too many interests, so I knew I had to learn to prioritize.

What was most difficult for me wasn’t actually the prioritizing though–it was learning to calm the constant, “you need to do this, this, this, and this,” in my mind. Learning to give myself a break every now and then was a struggleĀ (hello, type A self!), but I definitely jump at the opportunity now (especially since I am now on senioritis part 3).

Take Time For Yourself

take time for yourself

First and foremost…

1. Recognize that it’s okay to take time for yourself.

I think a lot of the time, we get so deeply entrenched in what we should be doing, and all the looming unfinished tasks and projects that we forget to take care of ourselves, often because we feel guilty for “wasting” time or that we’re “being selfish.”

Realize that it’s equally as important to be able to de-stress and take a break from your obligations. Taking care of yourself is not selfish–you can’t help others or work efficiently if you’re too burnt out and exhausted to function!

2. Find a hobby/interest you love and immerse yourself in it!

Notice I didn’t put that in plural form, although if you’re like me, by all means, pursue them all! Just don’t let yourself stress out about not being able to do/practice them all as much as you’d like, or it’ll cause more stress, which is the opposite of what you’re going for.


3. Treat yo’self.

Sometimes, a little reward for yourself isn’t a bad thing–it’s great motivation to keep you going, especially if you’ve been working hard at something and have finally made some progress (or completed whatever it is). One of my chamber groups used to end our weekly practice session at one of our favorite hangouts (yay food!)–It’s good for morale-boosting and team-building!

You’ll thank yourself! :P


4. Spend time in good company.

I owe everything to the amazing people in my life. Without my family, my friends, this awesome blogging community, and the adorable pets and animals in my life, I sincerely doubt I’d be where I am today. <3


In fact, this whole post was actually inspired by my conversation with two of my closest friends!Ā We don’t get to see each other too often because I’m off on the other end of the country, but thankfully, my friendships with the people I’m closest to can generally be picked up wherever it was that we last left off.


If you missed all the delicious food we madeĀ from our lovely indoor food adventure (pictured above!), check em’ out here!

5. Help others.

In the words of one of my interviewers, there’s something to be said about being kind and doing things for others. Even in my saddest moments, being able to help someone else out or make someone smile was usually a pretty effectiveĀ cure-all.

Don't mind the puppy's paw on the right. :P They just all like to chill together on/near the heat mats!

If not that, then volunteering at animal rescues and cuddling cats and/or taking dogs on walks/runs generally does the trick! :]


ā€œYou can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do nothing for him.ā€
ā€”Malcolm S. Forbes.

  • Do you ever feel guilty for taking a break or taking time for yourself? (Don’t!)
  • How do you stay sane? What hobbies do you have that help you escape or clear your head/mind?

Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/take-time-for-yourself/


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  1. Looking after yourself is so important – but it definitely doesn’t come naturally to me. I definitely always have to be mindful of taking time for me and doing things solely for my benefit/enjoyment here and there so I can care for others better!
    Kristy @ Southern In Law recently posted…FOMO & Bloggers: Why It’s Okay to Say NO (and be told no!)My Profile

    1. It definitely doesn’t for me either, but years and years of reminding myself have made it slightly easier! :P

  2. Oh I adore this so much.
    And try to live it as you do.
    CARLA recently posted…Tips for walking a marathon?My Profile

    1. Thank you, and yes indeed! <3!!

  3. Agreed agreed agreeeeeeeeeed. This is how Alex has gotten through med school and residency. I would say with sanity intact, but he married me, so that is questionable at best.
    Susie @ Suzlyfe recently posted…Summer Running Prep + Coaches Corner (Giveaway!)My Profile

    1. Hells yes!

      I would say that’s probably one of his best decisions! :D You’re such an awesome person!

  4. Me, being the type A personality as well, I have such a hard time to not trying to do and be everything. Whenever I take time for myself, I always feel like I’m wasting time or selfish or any of those things. I definitely think surrounding yourself with people who you enjoy your time with and volunteering can have a positive effect on your soul. One thing I probably should be doing more of is eating something that’s really bad for me just because I deserve it. I have a hard time finding balance when it comes to that because either I eat too much or the good food or too much of the healthy and I never can seem to find a good in between. Loved this post Farrah! :)

    1. Oh, I am so with you on the type A personality! I definitely feel like I’m wasting time and/or being selfish when I’m not working on or doing something…but I’ve been slowwwwwwly getting better about doing that! (The past decade was good practice for it, hehehe.)

      Ah, I definitely do that with the foods I love! <3! You definitely gotta treat yo'self once in awhile! <3

      Thanks so much!

  5. Amen, Farrah! We all need ME TIME, all the time, without any guilt!
    Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine recently posted…Sunshine Spiralized Beet SaladMy Profile

    1. Hells yes! <3

  6. Love this Farrah! Such a feel good and great message. My word this year is balance, and it’s so hard! All those points are necessary and true. Good people in your life make a big difference :). xoxo
    Angie Scheie recently posted…How to Add Sci-Fi To Your StyleMy Profile

    1. Oh, it definitely is! I think one of the biggest struggles in life is finding a balance, hahaha. :P But agreed! Awesome people make all the difference!!

  7. I want to generally do ALL THE HOBBIES…. so I have to reign that in. It’s hard balance to find and I’m always looking for the perfect balance.
    Julie @ Running in a Skirt recently posted…Crock Pot Vegetarian Mexican Quinoa BakeMy Profile

    1. hehehe, reigning it in is a definite struggle for me too! I’m always striving for that balance as well!

  8. Great reminder! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks for stopping by! :D

  9. Self care is so important! I loved reading this post <3

    Edye // Gracefulcoffee
    Edye recently posted…Scriptures of EncouragementMy Profile

    1. Thanks so much, Edye! :]!

  10. Yes!!! Taking time for yourself is so important, especially when you are in school! I’m so happy you shared this!

    1. Agreed! Thank you for coming by! :]!

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