Medical Mondays

The idea for Medical Mondays was spurred by the fact that I needed to justify the time that I spent blogging and also needed to study for boards. I figured I’d combine the two into this series to discuss everything to do with medicine, health, wellness, and med school/residency/attending life!

If you’ve been following throughout the years, you’re probably all well aware of my love for food and fitness…but aside from my monthly-ish reflections, I didn’t tend to go into much detail about what took up most hours of the day in my life.

Part of this was because I’m worried that everyone will be bored out of their skulls… But I also had a perhaps slightly-illogical fear that I’d be mistaken about something and one day somewhere, someone would float back here and sue me for it.

I came up with this design ages ago for our class t-shirt contest! :]

I came up with the graphic on Microsoft Paint for our class t-shirt contest! :] It has since been revamped with PicMonkey.

One of my original goals with this blog (aside from assailing the world with recipes and my adventures in life) was to provide resources, advice, and an honest personal account for aspiring pre-meds/current medical students.

For Fairyburger, I thought it’d be cool to touch on other subjects too since almost all my readers are not in fact pre-meds/medical students/residents/etc.

Stay tuned for future Medical Monday posts! These are some of the ideas I have floating around thus far. :]

  • Preventive Care
  • Hypertension
  • Diabetes Mellitus
  • Hypercholesterolemia
  • How To Interpret Lab Values
  • Health Care/Wellness Screening
  • Hypothyroidism/Hyperthyroidism
  • Smoking
  • Diet
  • Osteoporosis
  • The Female Athletic Triad
  • Asthma

(…The plus side is that I can technically never really run out of topics. :P )

Disclaimer: Please note that although I am a physician and this provides general information/discussion about medicine + health-related subjects, I am [likely] not your primary medical doctor. The statementsĀ  + other content provided in this blog and any linked materials are not intended and should not be taken as medical advice to treat, cure or prevent any disease. Please contact your own physician or health care provider before starting a health or fitness/wellness program and/or if you have any questions regarding a medical condition. (See full disclaimer here.)

See you all tomorrow! :D

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    • Ricardo on January 4, 2015 at 1:55 pm
    • Reply

    As long as you keep the disclaimer, it seems like a fun idea. I’ve mentioned before, I’m fascinated with what you do on a daily basis and I simply would not have any patience to go through what you have. So I’d like to see what it takes to be you as you go through your learning process. Plus, it might give you some insight on what was right in the past or maybe something that was wrong and you’ve since corrected the issue.

    I do presentations for disability etiquette in the work space as part of my job, and for every presentation we stamp our disclaimer that “we’re not lawyers” and stress if they want that kind of information, they’ll have to talk to our HR department in Sacramento. Only Union Bank was dissatisfied with what we had to say (they really were looking for lawyers) but every one else hasn’t sued us for false information. So just keep the disclaimer on like a notepad or something and copy and paste for every post that you do. Especially if it’s the first thing that shown at the beginning of the post.

    1. hehehe, that disclaimer is most definitely going to stay out of necessity. I’m probably going to be writing each post in a less in-your-face/”all the scientific facts in the world” style and more of a “how I plan to explain things to my future patients” way. Mayhaps it’ll be good practice!

      Agreed on the insight part! As a general rule because I’m not a genius, I usually have to go through things several times before the information sticks, so I’m sure I’ll be able to learn something from it and hopefully will have more moments where things suddenly click. :D

      That’s a plus! The disclaimer will definitely be following pretty much every one of these posts. :D Thanks for the advice! :] I hope I don’t get all slacker-y and actually keep this up. I think it’ll be good for me. :P

        • Ricardo on January 4, 2015 at 6:29 pm
        • Reply

        So you need a reminder? I’m pretty good at being a human alarm. =p

        1. I think I may have lost you. :[ Reminder for what? :O

            • Ricardo on January 4, 2015 at 11:28 pm

            In the event you get a little “slackery” and forget to do a blog post.

            • Farrah on January 4, 2015 at 11:33 pm

            Ah. Well, you can, but if I’m being slackery, it’s most likely because I’m focusing on school and/or my current rotation is murdering me/my free time, haha. But…if I’m suddenly paragon level 2748 on D3 and constantly responding, feel free to yell at me! :o

  1. I know it’s scary to write about your job and field of academic specialty–man, I’m pretty hesitant even when i write about Mandarin Chinese (my area of academic study, which, unlike yours, does not involve life or death situations) because you always feel like you’ll never know everything there is to know on a certain aspect–and yeah, you don’t want what you write to come back and bite you in any way.
    I think this series is perfect for your blog, since it aligns with your lifestyle, passion, and education.
    Rachel G recently posted…My Husband Can Dance!My Profile

    1. For serious! :[ I know that there’s no way I’m ever going to know everything, and I spend a good chunk of my rotations wondering whether or not I know anything at all (I’m told this is the norm for third-year medical students, and I sincerely hope that’s true, because I am in for it if I’m really the only one).

      It’s definitely not a fun combination, but I figure the only way to get better is to do more. :] Maybe it can count as my “teach one,” part of that “See one, do one, teach one,” med student mantra! :P Thank you for your support! <3

  2. Your blog is great and that wouldn’t bore me at all! There are more ways to protect yourself other than a disclaimer. Look into getting an LLC for your blog. It’s VERY easy. I got one for my Etsy shop since I sell lots of baby items. I went through a company called Legal Zoom online and they did all of the work for me. I just had to fill out some forms online. So easy! Look forward to reading more! :)
    Jennifer recently posted…January Specials: Buy One Kit Get One FREE!My Profile

    1. Aww, thank you so much! <3

      Thank you also for letting me know about Legal Zoom! :] I checked it out, and will definitely have to look into doing that in the future! (Since it's by state and I'm not sure what state I'm going to be in in the next half-year/year/etc., I think it might be better idea for me to wait til I'm actually living in a place for longer than a couple months at a time. :O )

      Hope you have an awesome week up ahead!

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