How To Make Dumplings

Welcome to our weekly Foodie Friday link up! I’m linking up with Annmarie from the Fit Foodie Mama, Esther from Chocolate Runner Girl + Jess from Hello To Fit to create awesome healthy recipes each week! This week’s theme = Free For All!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I’m working this entire week because the hospital never sleeps, so you’ll have to enjoy it for me so I can live vicariously through you. :o

I feel like in every cuisine out there, there’s probably some variation of pastry dough filled with stuff in em’ (ravioli, momos, manti, pierogies, gyoza, samosas…), and I can definitely see why! Dumplings are probably one of my favorite make-ahead meals ever.

I’ve made them before many a time (just search “dumplings” on my blog and you’ll see all the previous attempts!), and much like with onigiri, they’re especially awesome to make with friends.

Trish and I had originally planned to have a dumpling party at my place so that we’d have tons of almost-ready-made meals for the future, but…we ended up going out for a sushi buffet and food coma-ing on my bed afterward, so I decided to make em’ the following weekend!


Folding 100 dumplings gets to be a bit tedious after a while, so I put on some review videos in the background so I could simultaneously study whilst food-prepping for the week/month. Yay for multi-tasking at its finest!

I actually originally meant to put ground meat in this, but I may or may not have had wayyyy too much filling even without the meat, so these became vegetarian dumplings!

I folded the first few like this…

You can also put them in soup with noodles for wonton noodle soup! I ended up folding the rest of these like wontons because they were more compact that way!

how to make dumplings

They’re also very freezer-friendly, so when you want to eat em’, all you need to do is boil a pot of water and throw em’ in–when they float, you’re good to go!

For the record, this variety would be best prepared by boiling! If you want the pan-fried variety, check out this post! I also have directions on how to boil, pan-fry, and steam them at the end of this post!) There’s also a recipe for a 3-ingredient dipping sauce in there! (I also like eating these with sweet chili sauce!)

I lay them flat in quart-sized freezer storage bags. :]

I lay them flat in quart-sized freezer storage bags. :]

The bags of dumplings at the store are something like $4 each, so making your own is wayyyy cheaper. Plus, a lot of the ones at the store have pork in em’, which I can’t eat, so I like that you can customize these however you want when you make em’ on your own!

I made about 50 of these for my friend when I went to visit him so he’d have something quick to eat whilst on his 12937123-hour work weeks! :O

How To Make Dumplings

how to make dumplings



  • 1/2 cabbage, finely shredded
  • 3/4 cup cremini mushrooms, finely chopped
  • 2 medium-sized carrots, finely chopped
  • 3 sprigs green onion, finely diced
  • 1″ piece ginger, finely minced
  • 4 cloves garlic, finely minced
  • ~2 tbsp sesame oil
  • ~2 tbsp soy sauce (or liquid aminos)


  1. Combine the cabbage, carrots, mushrooms, sesame oil and soy sauce in a large bowl and stir until well combined.
  2. Add scant 1-tbsp portions to the middle of each wrapper. Avoid over-filling or the wrappers may not close properly!
  3. Fold the wrapper in half diagonally and tuck the ends into the middle.
  4. Boil a pot of water and drop the dumplings in. When they float, they’re ready!
  5. If storing in the freezer, lay them out individually in rows in freezer-safe bags.

*You can also add egg and/or a little cornstarch to the filling to make it stick together a bit better!

This recipe actually left me with a surplus of dumpling filling despite the 100 dumplings I made, so I combined it with some quinoa for extra make-ahead meals!

how to make dumplings

End-of-Week-ish Recap!

  • Ever tried making bread in your crockpot? I decided to try for some Crockpot Pumpkin Cranberry Bread and it actually turned out pretty well! :D Super moist (sorry if you hate that word) and flavorful!
  • It’s time for another Travel Tuesday! Check out my hike up to the Lanikai Pillboxes (otherwise known as the Ka’iwa Ridge Trail)

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Interested in getting to know more about any of your super-awesome co-hosts? :]

Join us next week for Holiday Baking!

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  1. Totally dumpling comfort food!
    Ah! I was thinking about you (and the babies) yesterday! xoxoxo I hope it wasn’t too bad!
    Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine recently posted…Friday Finisher 11/25/16My Profile

    1. Aww, thank you! I’m over at RWJ on inpatient medicine right now (sigh). It wasn’t too bad during Thanksgiving (thankfully), but I’m wondering if they were just waiting out the weekend–we’ll see how crazy it gets tomorrow!

  2. I’ve never made my own dumplings before, but now I’m feeling inspired! :) I love freezer-friendly meals, so these will be perfect.
    Courtney recently posted…Chocolate Peppermint Baked Oatmeal [Guest Posting at The Melrose Family]My Profile

    1. Freezer-friendly meals make me happy, haha. :D I’ll probably be living off of these during the winter (at least for a little bit)!

  3. You know, I’ve never made dumplings. Now I’m inspired to give it a try!
    Annmarie recently posted…Sweet Potato Waffle with Cinnamon Coconut SauceMy Profile

    1. Yay! I hope you like them! :D They’re not as complicated as they seem!

  4. Hospitals never sleep! I bet you had some weird cases during Thanksgiving. I love dumplings. One of my favorite restaurants is call Hakkasan it’s a fancy dim sum restaurant, and it never disappoints. A dumpling party sounds super fun. A lot of dumplings are made with pork; I opt for the seafood or vegetarian variety.

    1. Ah, dim sum! i was going to go get that with my advisor today but we decided not to fight the masses and ended up going to a little Mediterranean place near where I live instead!

      I’m with ya there–I can’t eat pork so I usually go for the chicken/lamb/beef/vegetarian varieties! :]

  5. Love this!
    diane recently posted…Pumpkin Spice CookiesMy Profile

    1. Thanks, Diane! :]

  6. These look great. I love dumplings. It doesn’t look too difficult either.

    1. Yep! They’re not as complicated as they seem–I just like assembly-lining em’ when I can because it goes by faster. :P

  7. Oh, yum! I loveloveLOVE dumplings and have never thought to make them myself. This looks easy and tasty. Can’t wait to try it!

    1. Hooray! I hope you like them! :D

  8. You make it look SO easy! :P I wish I could find gluten free dumpling wrappers but I think I’ll just have to try making them from scratch instead!
    Kristy from Southern In Law recently posted…Recent Things: New Finds, Duct Tape and DentistsMy Profile

    1. I’ve never tried making gluten-free wrappers so if you do get a chance to try making em’, lemme know how they turn out!! :D

  9. Those look super simple to make!

    1. Yep! That’s what I love about em’!

  10. Aw! I feel you on having to work on Thanksgiving. I did too, of course, but luckily I still had time to enjoy a meal with my cruise family. I love dumplings and order them almost every time I go to an Asian restaurant. I miss them so much. I’ve never tried making them myself though. I’ll have to try this recipe when I get home.

    1. Yay! I’m glad you got to enjoy a meal with your cruise family, and it’s so awesome to get to hear about your adventures while you’re out there! I hope you get to have some dumplings when you get back home! <3

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