5 Facts About Me

Thanks so much for all the good thoughts + prayers last week! I’m happy to report that I survived my week of interviews! (I had 4 interviews in 3 states in 3 days!)

I think they all actually went really well! I definitely did not get much sleep, and am still a little exhausted, but I will hopefully get caught up with comments and all that goodness soon!

The lack of sleep was worth it, because I reallyyyy like these programs. Making my rank list is going to be monumentally difficult because I like so many different places, but…on the plus side, at least it means that I’ll be happy at a bunch of different places! It’s a good problem to have, so I can’t complain.

Since life has been crazy-hectic, I’m just going to be sharing some random stuff about me today!


I’m technically “homeless” right now.

I’m scooting from one place to the next every 2-4 weeks for another half-year or so, so rest assured, I still have a place to live (thankfully), but as far as an actual mailing address and a home goes…yeahhh, not so much. It’s actually been an awesome adventure so far though! I’ve met a lot of really awesome people and my interviews have been really fun!

It’s also made me a lot better at packing. I can fit 2.5 weeks’ worth of stuff for my rotations/general living into a backpack and a carry-on.

Case in point…

If I could have any superpower, it’d be teleportation.

I used to entertain the thought of other ones, but in terms of general overall usefulness, teleportation would be so awesome. *-* Imagine all the time and money I could save in just this year alone! (Plus, picking a program would be a whole lot easier.)

I have perfect pitch!

I used to be the pitch pipe for the no-audition a capella group that my friends and I started up back in undergrad! I feel like if I had better memory, I’d be able to play anything by ear, but as it is, unless I know the song reallyyy well, I have to keep listening to it to figure out the rest of the accompaniment to the piece. Melodies are easy though!

This is my [15-second] cover of one of my favorite songs–Avenged Sevenfold’s Warmness on the Soul.


Yay for having a #piano to mess around on again! ?! It’s been so many moons! ;_; #music

A video posted by Farrah @ fairyburger (@fairyburger) on

Someday, when I have income again, I want to fund no-kill shelters/sanctuaries.

Part of my income is undoubtedly going to go towards Please Save A Cat, which has literally been my home for the past couple years. When I tell people I live at a cat shelter, I’m really not kidding. :O It just so happens that it’s also a farm. I’ve actually mentioned this at a couple interviews (haha).

I also want to pay off my parents’ house for them, and to treat them on a vacation to wherever the hecks they want to go, because without them, this [obviously] would never have been possible. <3 …and I’d also buy Bel her own space for a studio + furnish PCMAA with all the mats/other things that Phil wants to add to the academy. *-*

The first and only race I’ve ever run = the Nike Women’s Half in 2010.

If you’ve been hanging out here long enough, you probably know I’m not a fan of long-distance running. I don’t even know how I managed to even accomplish this anymore, and I really should have properly trained for it and also gone easy on the downhill running (thanks a lot, SF hills!), but…I accomplished my goal of finishing it and not dying! :] It took 2 hours and 22 minutes.

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  • How was your weekend?
  • What superpower would you pick?
  • What fitness-y thing have you tried that you decided wasn’t for you?

Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/5-facts-about-me/


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  1. I think having any sort of musical skills would be the absolute coolest thing ever. Unfortunately, I lack any sort of gifting in that area.
    Rachel G recently posted…Sparkly ShoesMy Profile

    1. You’re awesome at a lot of other things though! <3

    Ive always been so very fascinated by that!!
    CARLA recently posted…5 Ways to Combat Adult Peer Pressure.My Profile

    1. Hehe, thanks! :D I never knew there was a word for it until about a decade ago!

  3. I loved that you posted that video of you playing piano, and I’m so glad that you survived! Not only that, I’m sure that you killed it, in a good way :D You are so amazing for wanting to take care of your family like you do–that is a rare thing indeed :D
    Susie @ SuzLyfe recently posted…Making the Most of My Weekend Post MRI Results ShockMy Profile

    1. Thank you! I hope I did! I’m going to have such a hard time making my list though. X_x

      Aww, thanks! I wish it wasn’t so rare! My parents have done so much for me; this is the least I could do! :o

  4. I did the Nike Womens half last year!
    Divya @ Eat. Teach. Blog. recently posted…Chester and VesuviusMy Profile

    1. Yay! That’s awesome! :]

  5. OMG!!! Avenged Sevenfold used to be my #1 favorite band EVER!!!!
    Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine recently posted…Gingerbread Quinoa Coffee CakeMy Profile

    1. They’re awesome! <3

  6. I loved this post and learning these facts about you. If I could have your musical talent, that would be awesome!! Pitch Perfect is one my favorite movies and I’m always so jealous of their amazing ability to sing.
    Carly @ Fitliving blog recently posted…A Delicious Homemade Gift for the Holidays: Gingersnap GranolaMy Profile

    1. Aww, thank you! <3 I loved Pitch Perfect too! I wish I could sing like that!

  7. Great! Now that you’ve disclosed that you have perfect pitch, you’re obligated to put up a video of yourself singing :)
    Linda @ The Fitty recently posted…#CollegeKidProblemsMy Profile

    1. I’m really self-conscious about my singing! :[ I have a couple instagram clips, but generally it’s just the audio part, ahaha. Someday if I work up the courage, I’ll throw it onto here! :P

  8. Oooh, teleportation, that’s a good one. I think I’d go for that after being able to fly. I always think how cool it would be to have a transporter like Star Trek.
    I absolutely LOVE that you want to fund a no-kill shelter. I’m a big animal lover and I hate that there are so many furry/feathery babies out there with no home and no one to love them.
    Shannon @GirlsGotSole recently posted…Monday Musings: Holiday SpiritMy Profile

    1. Being able to fly would be pretty cool too as long as you could be invisible (so as not to attract attention/get shot down, haha).

      <3! Yay for another animal lover!

  9. I am not surprised you have perfect pitch :-P I mean, you’re a BAMF!
    Jess @hellotofit recently posted…How to Live in the Present MomentMy Profile

    1. hahaha, aww, thanks so much, Jess! <3!

  10. perfect pitch! so cool! as for the race, omg, i would die. I hope you have the t shirt or medal saved somewhere foreer, good vibes your way for post interview!
    Amber recently posted…Meal Enders Review & GiveawayMy Profile

    1. haha, when I look back on it now, I’m not sure how the hecks it ever happened. The “race bling” was a Tiffany’s necklace, so I definitely still have that (+ the shirt)! <3

      Thanks so much! :]!

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