Underneath It All #BehindTheBlogger

Underneath It All: Behind the usually-upbeat exterior, I have my bad days and insecurities just like everyone else. Few things bring it out more so than medical school, but I like to think I’ve gotten a lot better! As with everything else, there’s always more room for improvement–I’m just gonna keep on truckin’!

I talked a lot about music in my last #BehindTheBlogger–this is kinda like my “Part 2!”

Oh em gee, you guys, I have a fan!!! (I’ve actually known of her existence for over 2 months, but…you know of my tendencies to write into the future.)

Back story: I used to work in the music library, which has all sorts of musical scores, external recordings, and the like, but it also houses a collection of pretty much the past 10 years’ worth of student recordings.

My friend was there earlier this year and apparently, I may have left a legacy?!? (His words, not mine!) There’s apparently a girl who went through the past decade’s worth of recordings and considers me to be the second-best pianist to ever walk those halls. (wut.)

Tis a high compliment indeed, and I’m super, super flattered because the person she considers to be the absolute best ended up going to USC for grad school in piano performance.

I’ve never really thought of myself as talented. I think that sort of mentality probably started in high school–I graduated with a weighted 4.0, was an editor of two newspapers, spent 4 years on the gymnastics team, had a 2100 SAT, and hundreds of hours of community service…but no matter how “good” I was, there was always someone better.

I drew, I wrote, I sang, but I never entered competitions (and am super thankful that my parents never pushed that) because I didn’t want to lose that joy and love that brought me to those hobbies to begin with, so I just strove to do better each day, to pursue the things that I loved, and to continually improve.

With my piano teacher! <3 I miss her lots!

With my piano teacher at my senior recital!

My piano teacher in college = one of the nicest people ever, but I was initially terrified of even emailing her at the end of freshman year to ask if she thought I had any hope of being a performance major. (Hell, it even took some courage to audition for lessons when I first started.)

Jury comments from MS.

(I’m so glad I did though!! This was shortly before I found out that I passed my juries and was officially considered a music performance major!)

I attributed a lot of the not-being-as-good-as-I-could-be to a combination of never practicing, and always spreading myself way too thin. (I think I’ve gotten a lot better about that though. It was kinda hard to practice when I was worried I’d fail out of organic chemistry. :[ )

I remember 2 weeks before my senior recital, I made the mistake of going on YouTube to listen to recordings of one of the pieces I’d be playing and found one of a 13 year old playing it better than I could ever hope to play it. I don’t think I’d ever related to the quote, “Comparison is the thief of joy,” so well.

Not gonna lie, it was pretty devastating. I holed myself up in the music building late every evening, but my worry and stress just made each subsequent practice run worse.

One of my chamber ensemble coaches heard me stressing about it after rehearsal one day and asked a single question: “Are you playing to impress other people or to express yourself and the piece?”

That simple question made something click in my mind.

Hint: The answer should always be the latter. Play because you love it, and all else will follow. <3

Moral of the story?

You do you. Don’t pay attention to how much “better” other people are, and even if you do (e.g. for inspiration), don’t let it get you down. You don’t know their circumstances or their story. Just focus on being the best that you can be. :]

P.S. The girl in the video went to Colburn and is apparently now at Julliard. I chose someone pretty effing amazing to fangirl over, hahaha.

  • Are you ever surprised by what others think of you?
  • Who’s someone you really look up to? The most talented pianist I knew in the program was one of my co-workers, and also the one who recommended his teacher to me! You can check out excerpts of him playing piano/singing + his compositions on his instagram! :]

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Thank you for reading a story from #BehindTheBlogger Hop. Every 2 weeks, a group of bloggers is given a writing prompt. These prompts are very open ended, so our bloggers can write about whatever they desire. The main rule is that their blog post directly relates to the topic of that week. The point of this hop is for our readers to get to know us on a personal level.

Please hop along and read all of the blog posts in this weeks hop. Just click the links below. If you want real and raw emotion, then you will find it here. After you read each post, please comment and share. We want to get to know you too!

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/underneath-it-all/


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  1. What a lovely story! I wish I had kept up with playing piano, I quit when I was 13 and I miss it so much!

    -xx Taylor

    1. Thanks so much! I think that doesn’t happen a lot, but on the plus side, you can technically always go back to it!

  2. The question of “are you doing x for yourself” is part of the reason that I stopped riding. I was riding because I felt like I should, not because I needed it. I knew it was time to take a break.
    Susie @ SuzLyfe recently posted…The ABCs of Suz : From Paris to Pet Peeves!My Profile

    1. It’s good that you realize that though! I really miss writing, although I never really got to do it much. I spent a summer volunteering at an equestrian center in exchange for free lessons, and I miss it there a lot!

  3. This is great! You do you is definitely such an important motto. It’s so important to be HAPPY!! And congrats on all of your amazing successes in life so far – you’re an inspiration! Wish I was half the student you are haha

    1. Aww…thank you so much! I like to try to live by that whenever possible, hehe. I definitely had a problem of liking too many things though. I’ve gotten a lot better at scaling back though, or at least finding a balance? :D?

  4. Comparison really is the thief of joy, I’m glad you learned a good moral from it!

    I miss playing the piano. It’s been about 6 years since I last tinkled the ivories (well, not REAL ivory of course..) though I never could get the Beethoven down, I did play a MEAN Piano Man ;)

    Laura recently posted…Sweet and Tangy Mustard ChickenMy Profile

    1. For sure! It’s so easy to lose sight of sometimes! I really miss playing… I hope my hand stops being broken soon! (So glad it’s not real ivory anymore!)

  5. I love that you enjoy so many awesome hobbies! Also, brilliant words of ” are you doing this to express yourself or to impress others?” I think that’s a big one to tackle for anyone looking to achieve. We can often mistake things we do at the urgency of thinking it’s what’s “expected” instead of doing what we actually want to do. I’m glad you are enjoying music and really expressing yourself in such a beautiful way! ♥
    tianna recently posted…Ursa Major Daily Skin Care Set Review + Giveaway!My Profile

    1. Agreed! I’m so glad that he said that to me! I think we can often lose sight of what we love because there’s so much that we’re expected to do. Thanks so much, Tianna! <3

  6. That’s awesome! Girl, you’ve done so many great things in life and are only going to continue to do so now that you’ve been accepted into a residency program and are going to be a full-fledged doctor soon! I look up to my mother for her saintly like attitude towards helping others. I look up to my friends for their amazing accomplishments (like you!). I’ve always wanted to play the cello too so anyone who is really good at the cello, I’m in awe of them!
    Kaylin@EnticingHealthyEating recently posted…Healthy Pie RoundupMy Profile

    1. Thank you so much, Kaylin! I’m definitely nowhere near saintly, although I believe my mom is also up there on the saintly spectrum, hahaha. I really look up to people who can play string instruments too! (I wish I could as well! :P )

  7. “Comparison is the thief of joy.” Never heard that one before. I like it a lot. I have always heard and said, “Comparisons are odious.” It’s so true… enjoyed reading your write here. Nice to be sharing #behindtheblogger with you!

    1. I forgot where I heard that one from, but it’s pretty darn too! I agree with the quote you heard too! Thanks so much for stopping by!

  8. Loved this post!
    It’s amazing how talented you are, sounds like it may have a lot to do with your upbringing, sounds like you come from some awesome parents!
    I’ve never been very musically talented. I played the flute for a few years, I was okay but nothing great. I am not even sure why I ever gave it up now that I think about it:)
    Kristy @Runaway Bridal Planner recently posted…Running, Playing and Some Life Changing PlanningMy Profile

    1. Aww, thank you, Kristy! I definitely credit it all to my parents! I played flute for a couple years but I was pretty terrible at it, haha. Do you still have it around? I sometimes think about bringing mine out again to try playing it, but I’m not sure if it’s really a good idea…

  9. you are a rockstar Farrah! seriously, i have no talent whatsoever so whenever i see people, esp in the creative world, im so proud of them :)

    1. Aww, thanks, Dixya! You’re crazy talented in making super delicious food! I think that requires a fair amount of creativity! <3

  10. Exactly, you do you! You were made the way you’re supposed to be and if your believe you are enough, than you are!
    Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine recently posted…Gluten-Free Hot Cross BunsMy Profile

    1. Agreed! Our minds (and mindsets) make such a huge difference!

  11. You are right – there IS someone better than you. A robot. That’s right. A ROBOT programmed to do no errors :) Nah, I am just kidding…. you know me! YOu are so talented, smart, and have such ambition. I wish more people in the world had your personal and professional ethics and strong desire to do good and succeed in life! Great post getting to know more of the real you #BehindTheBlogger :)
    Alex recently posted…Life Coach: Mrs. PeacockMy Profile

    1. Ahahaha, thanks, Alex! :P I hear Skynet may take over soon because Google’s robot beat the world’s most talented Go player, so our days may be numbered!!

      Kidding. I mean, it did actually happen, but hopefully it’ll still be okay. Thank you for reading, and I hope I manage to do a whole lot of good! <3

  12. I do not know if I have ever met someone I look up to, more of people I find inspiring. I met a family that were nomads and moved to NC about 6 months before us. The started a farm, homeschool their 5 children and have the most amazing personalities and patience I have ever met of anyone. I am not like them, nor do I ever want to be, but I think more than anything I envy their “off the grid” way of life. I used to look up to my grandfather, but he has left this place such a long time ago, and I no longer speak to my family, that thinking of him has been a lost place in my mind. I am happy for you, you have such wonderful stories to tell. You deserve all the greatness you are receiving in life.
    Mandi Korn recently posted…Baby Chicks in a DollhouseMy Profile

    1. I definitely get what you mean! I’ve met a lot of people that I really found inspiring as well, but I did not necessarily want their lifestyle either.

      I’m so sorry for your loss! I lost both my grandfathers before I had the chance to really meet or know them, and I always wonder what they were like.

      Thank you! <3 I'm so excited for this next chapter!!

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