Ultimate Coffee Date: January 2023

Welcome to the very first Ultimate Coffee Date of 2023! Belated happy new year to everyone! How was your holiday season?

Ultimate Coffee Date: January 2023

Ultimate Coffee Date: January 2023 | fairyburger.com

If we were having coffee/tea today, I’d…tell you that…December was a very eventful month. Good in some ways + terrible in others.

To start with the terrible, Tofu and Muffin were initially getting along fine, but one random night, got into a scuffle with one another and we ended up bringing Muffin into the veterinary emergency room at midnight + finding out that her lungs had collapsed.

She also went into cardiac arrest after they did surgery on her, but miraculously, she made a recovery from that and was able to go home with me the next day. Hopefully you’ll never ever need emergency services for your own pet, but if you do and you have a Veterinary Emergency Group (VEG) near you, I cannot recommend them enough. I spent probably 20+ hours there while they worked on getting her better and they made up a private room for me so I’d have somewhere to lie down (I spent most of my time glued to the cat ICU cubicle she was in, but it was super kind of them.

Ultimate Coffee Date: January 2023

Her “girl power” hoodie helps to hide all the fluff that got shaved off. ;_;

If we were having coffee/tea today, I’d…tell you that I set off for India very-late last month after I found for-certain that Muffin really was doing better. My friend was going to be getting married there and we were all going to meet up there.
Since there are no direct flights from where I am, I had a connecting flight from Japan. I stepped off the plane to several missed calls and then a text saying that the wedding had been called off because my friend had gotten COVID.
I’ve always wanted to visit Japan and it felt like a huge waste to just fly across the world to fly right back again (not to mention, freakishly expensive to buy last-minute tickets during Christmas), so after a wholeeee lot of finagling, I ended up staying in Japan instead and managed to make it to Tokyo, Kyoto, Hakone, and Nara! (Yay for my first unintentional solo-international trip?
Ultimate Coffee Date: January 2023 | fairyburger.com

I’ll write post about everything sometime this year — you can also catch more glimpses here!)

If we were having coffee/tea today, I’d…tell you that I recently found a super cute self-care app called Finch! If you’ve ever had a Tamagotchi, it’s kinda like that, but you “take care of” your finch pet by focusing on self-care! (The goals you set and the things you do help to fuel it to go on adventures!) I found it when I was solo-ing Japan, so it made me feel less alone, haha.

The room I hope to construct for Skittles! :P

I love that you can set custom goals (great for people who like to check off boxes on to-do lists, like yours truly…) + it also has soundscapes, breathing meditations, quizzes to assess your mood, stretches/exercises, reflections (e.g. a space with prompts or where you can thought-dump), etc.
If you’ve been looking for a self-care/goal setting app, I’d highly recommend this one! (If you have one and wanna be friends, add me at F1PEXSKP8G! :] )

(Link-up with Coco @ Running with Perseverance & Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner!)

  • How was your holiday season?
  • Do you have any goals for the year?
  • Do you use any self-care apps?

Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/ultimate-coffee-date-january-2023/


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  1. Oh wow bummer on the canceled wedding but Japan-wow! I am so glad you stayed there and traveled and explored. I still have not been to Japan and it’s on my list. What was your favorite part of the trip?

    1. I hope you have fun when you go!! The food was delicious and I really liked hiking in Kyoto — it’s definitely less hectic/crowded + a lot more peaceful! :]
      Farrah recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date: January 2023My Profile

  2. I’m so happy to hear that Muffin is recovering nicely. Poor little kitty, it must have been so scary for you both!

    I hope your friend has recovered from Covid. Congrats to you on turning a disappointment into an adventure!
    Debbie recently posted…Catching Up Over Coffee: Reupholstered Barstools, Undecorating from Christmas, and a Ragnar ChallengeMy Profile

    1. Thank you! It’s definitely something we never ever want to experience again. :'(

      Thankfully she is doing better! It turned out the best way it could’ve given what happened!
      Farrah recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date: January 2023My Profile

  3. I am so impressed at how you decided to take advantage of being in Japan — I hope you write up your adventures.

    That app looks pretty cool.

    So sorry to hear about Tofu and Muffin, and so glad Muffin is OK. Are they able to co-habitate in peace now?

    1. Aww, thank you! I’m really glad it worked out — I’ll hopefully be writing up about my adventures soon! I’m so behind on blogging lately! :[

      I’m still too scared to bring her back right now so she’s staying with my mom (also because she’s retired and can hang out with her while I’m at work all day :( ). I’m hoping they’ll be able to eventually.
      Farrah recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date: January 2023My Profile

  4. I’m so sorry about your friend, but what an exciting adventure! I love that you got to explore Japan.

    No self-care apps for me. I already lived through the trauma of my tomagotchi dying. I don’t need to relive that lol!

    1. Thank you! It was definitely a fun adventure after everything got squared away/I was allowed to get outta the airport!

      That definitely was traumatizing for me too, haha. :[ Thankfully in this app, it can’t die! (The developers felt that’d be too distressing. Whew!)

  5. OMG I’m so sorry about all your poor kitty has been through! Thank heavens she’s recovering. What a bummer about the wedding but it sounds like you made lemonade out of lemons when you were able to enjoy Japan. I’d love to go back!

    1. Thank you! :'( It was a terrifying experience but I’m so, so overjoyed that she pulled through!

      I’d love to as well! There was so much to explore (+ eat!)!

  6. Well, that spontaneous stay in Japan is the ultimate making lemonade out of lemons. Wow, an international wedding, canceled at the last minute. I can’t imagine how many people that affected. Glad you had fun and got to explore Japan!

    I’m so sorry about your kitty! Glad she’s doing better. What a rough time you’ve had lately.

    1. I definitely lucked out with the Japan explorations once they let me outta the airport!

      Thank you! I’m so glad she’s doing better now!
      Farrah recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date: January 2023My Profile

  7. Aw, I’m so glad your cat is okay. that is such scary stuff. And sheesh – going all the way to Japan to find out the wedding is cancelled. I’m glad it worked out that you could stay for a bit and just visit!

    ShootingStarsMag recently posted…Currently: January 2023My Profile

    1. Thank you! I’m so relieved too!!!

      The fact that they let me in was definitely a huge plus! I did notttt want to fly halfway across the world just to fly right back again. :'(
      Farrah recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date: January 2023My Profile

  8. I have, unfortunately, spent more time at emergency vets than I’d like to recall. Some ended well, some didn’t — I’m glad it did with Muffin , but hugs on all the stress (and money, too).

    I swear it seems these days that weddings are just the worst! It’s so unfair! I’m glad that you were able to rescue the trip, but so sorry for the poor bride!

    1. I’m so sorry. :[ It was definitely my most stressful/heart-wrenching month of the year. The bill was monstrous but so worth it to still get to have her in my life (+ my pet insurance actually covered 90% of it! <3)!

      I know, right?! They're doing a reception next month that I'll be going to. It sucks so much that they had to cancel though. :[
      Farrah recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date: January 2023My Profile

  9. That is unfortunate about the wedding. How is your friend doing? I am glad you still made the best of the trip since you were already there. Oh, poor Muffin. How unfortunate about her lungs but glad she is doing better. That photo with her hoodie is so funny. She does not look happy.
    Zenaida Arroyo recently posted…Fit Five Friday: 5 things that motivate meMy Profile

    1. We unfortunately haven’t had a chance to have a real conversation yet since then, but health-wise at least she’s doing better!

      I’m super glad she’s doing better too — she definitely wasn’t too happy with the hoodie but it did keep her warm since a lot of her fluff unfortunately had to get shaved off, so she left it on!

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