Ultimate Coffee Date: January 2021

Welcome to the Ultimate Coffee Date and happy new year to everyone! I know things aren’t going to change instantly, but I’m cautiously hopeful for this year being better than last! (Let’s be real, the bar is pretty low.)

Ultimate Coffee Date: January 2021

Gingerbread + peppermint ice cream from my favorite local dairy!

If we were having coffee/tea today, I’d…tell you that I’m working today, but I have Saturday off, so looking forward to getting a break then! I got the first dose of my COVID19 vaccine (Pfizer) on the 22nd, so I have my second dose coming up soon! The only side effect I felt with this one was a sore arm the next morning.
I know there’s been a lot of concern that this was developed so quickly, but I think part of it just goes to show how much (+ how quickly) things can get done when there’s enough funding/people to work on it. It feels like there’s finally kindasorta a light at the end of the tunnel. I’m hopeful that there’ll be enough supply for everyone who’d like to get this soon — it’d be nice to get to return to some semblance of “normal” life sometime this year! If you have any questions about it, feel free to let me know!

If we were having coffee/tea today, I’d…tell you that I won a few giveaways from IG/different blogs lately! :D! These mini hot cocoa mugs are from Shooting Stars Mag + Custom Love Gifts! (Aren’t they cute!?)

I have a bunch of blog posts I’ve been meaning to write but haven’t had the motivation to sit down to actually accomplish this. I was a lot more productive last March/April but that productivity slowly ebbed away and now I’m just mainly tired. (It’s probably mostly due to the extra hours I’ve been volunteering for. ._. ) Hopefully I’ll get to em’ sometime this year though! I’m not much for making resolutions since I usually like doing my 101 in 1001, but this is a long-enough term goal that maybe I’ll dump it onto there!

One of my favorite semi-local eateries recently came out with a Honey Boba Flan Coconut Coffee drink and I rarely ever even drink coffee, but it’s delicioussss.

If we were having coffee/tea today, I’d…tell you that my other cat, Ninja, has recently mustered up some bravery! I’ve had her for 15+ years (going on 16 this year! <3 ) and she’s always been super timid.

This is a cat who refused to go downstairs for several months because she saw a balloon hanging out in the corner of a room, so the addition of Muffin to the household was not good for her. :[ Lately though, she’s actually been venturing downstairs again! I’m still really hoping they’ll learn to co-exist peacefully.

See past ultimate coffee dates here!

(Link-up with Coco @ Running with Perseverance & Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner!)

End-of-Week-ish Recap!

  • Did you stay up til midnight to make sure 2020 ended? :P
  • Do you make resolutions every year?

Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/ultimate-coffee-date-january-2021/


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  1. My biggest concern with the vaccine was that we’ve never had RNA vaccines before. My main concern now is efficacy. From what I understand, they only tested people with symptoms. If that’s the case, we don’t know if the vaccine prevents you from being an asymptomatic carrier. But, it’s certainly better than no protection. I hope my turn comes before too long!

    1. That’s definitely understandable! I think although mRNA technology is on the newer side, researchers have still been studying it for ~10-ish years. Since it’s not a live vaccine + the mRNA can’t enter the cell/affect the nucleus, I feel any potential side effects the vaccine might have would still be better than being infected with COVID19 itself. From the clinical trials, I think the efficacy rate for the Pfizer one is 95% (Moderna is ~94%) so that does inspire some hope too! (That being said, since it is new, I think it’s definitely also a good idea to continue watching the data on safety monitoring/immunity since it’s hard to say how long immunity will last at this point.)

  2. Nope not a resolution maker at all! So glad that you got your vaccine since you are around lots of sick people. Can’t wait until it’s my turn. Happy new year and thanks for joining us for the coffee date

    1. hehe, you and me both! :P I’m headed back to the hospital to work next week, so I’m glad I was able to get the first vaccine when I did. I hope you’re able to get it soon too! <3

  3. Glad you got the vaccine! I’m not holding my breath for myself. I think it’ll be awhile before I’m able to get it, but I’m glad things are moving in the right direction finally. That is such a pretty cat!

    1. I feel like we’d be in such a better place if we had an administration that believed in science, but alas. (Soon thoughhhh. *-*) I’m really glad things are finally heading in the right direction too!

  4. The only concern I have about the vaccine is how long it will last. My bigger concern is the mixed messages being portrayed on the news. The conspiracy theorists make me alternately amused and angry. What a world we are living in right now!

    1. Sighhhh, I’m really with you on that too. I saw a pediatrician’s page sharing (in layperson terms) what a vaccine was, how it worked, what ingredients they each had, and it also debunked a lot of myths/completely unfounded information floating out there and the comments section was absolutely atrocious. (I also alternate between anger and amusement. ._.) I’ve heard a couple people speculating that it may need to be seasonal, but I guess we’ll see!

  5. I found as Gizmo got older he get much less timid, too. He used to not come near me if the dogs were hanging around me, but towards the end of his life he would literally walk right over the dogs so he could lay on me (and they’d let him!).

    I’m not a conspiracy theorist, but I’m not a huge fan of vaccines. i plan to get it when it’s available to me, but i don’t anticipate that happening almost til Summer. I got a bad reaction to my tetanus booster lately, but thankfully within a week I was ok.

    I have definitely been more tired, and I’m not even working! It was just a tough year for everyone.
    Chocolaterunsjudy recently posted…Do you believe?: Tea/coffee Date January 2021My Profile

    1. Aww, I keep asking Ninja to promise me she’ll live forever and ever but that’s something I’ve been really worried about lately since she is getting pretty old. :[

      Some vaccines can unfortunately cause a reaction but I’m all about the risk/benefit ratio (especially lately :[ ). I’m glad you were better after that week!

      Fingers crossed that this year will be better! (I’ll take even a marginal improvement from last year!)

  6. My husband and I also got the Pfizer vaccine. I had zero side effects – not even a sore arm! He said he was tired the next day, but I’m not sure you can blame that on the vaccine. He’ll get his second on Tuesday, and I will get mine next Saturday. I’m hoping my 91 year old mom will be able to get hers soon.

    I don’t really make new year’s goals or resolutions, but I’m sure we can all take some lessons from this past year and re-adjust our priorities.

    Happy new year!
    The Accidental Marathoner recently posted…A Much-Needed Toast to the New YearMy Profile

    1. Yay! I’m glad you and your husband were able to get the vaccine! That’s awesome that you didn’t get any side effects at all! I hope your mom’s able to get it soon as well.

      haha, very much agreed with that! Happy new year to you too! :]

  7. Happy 2021! That ice cream cone looks incredibly yummy ;-) I’m always amazed at how sane you are for the busy schedule you keep, and you’re volunteering as well. Bless you! My big goal for the new year is continued recovery from my stress fracture…nothing grandiose LOL

    1. hahaha, I feel like I do best when I’m busy (I’m not so good with idle moments, but I’m also trying to learn to take a break every now and then, hehe).

      That in itself is already a good (and super reasonable) goal! I hope you completely recover soon! <3

  8. I don’t really make New Year’s resolution, but I do set goals.

    I’m so happy you got your first vaccination and looking forward to when my 88-year-old mother can get hers. I will get mine as soon as I’m eligible, too.
    Debbie @ Deb Runs recently posted…Year of Running 2020My Profile

    1. Yay for goal-setting! I find I tend to stick to those better than I do with resolutions anyway. :]

      I really hope it becomes available to anyone/everyone who wants one soon!

  9. Good for you for getting the vaccine and for posting the photo on Insta. I am sure it will help others to know that someone knowledgeable like you is willing to get it. I plan on signing up as soon as I can. So funny that your cat is getting bold in her old age. She’s so pretty!
    Laurie recently posted…Love Is Hard. Hate Is Simple.My Profile

    1. Thanks — that’s what I’m hoping! <3

      I adore herrrr but she seems to have reverted back to being super anti-anyone's-company--even mine/my mom's (we're usually her favorite people!)! Super sad. :(

  10. Yay for receiving the vaccine! I’m glad you haven’t had any side effects – it’s very reassuring to see medical professionals advocating for the vaccine! And Ninja is adorable!
    Janelle @ Run With No Regrets recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date – January 2021My Profile

    1. Aww, thank you! She’s unfortunately reverted back to being super antisocial. :'(

      For sure! I really hope it’ll become available to everyone who wants to get one soon!

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