Ultimate Coffee Date: February 2021

Welcome to the Ultimate Coffee Date! Come catch up on life/hang out with me virtually! (What’s your beverage of choice this month?)

Ultimate Coffee Date: February 2021

Ultimate Coffee Date: February 2021 | fairyburger.com

A boba run during our lunch break from my brief stint back in hospital medicine last month!

If we were having coffee/tea today, I’d…tell you that the last few weeks have been really rough. I mentioned during our last coffee date that Ninja had gotten more brave recently. While that’s somewhat still the case, she also stopped eating so we took her to the vet and found out she’s in kidney failure.

Ultimate Coffee Date: February 2021 | fairyburger.com

We’ve been giving her subcutaneous fluids and anti-nausea medication every day and usually it seems to really help her to feel better, but there are some days where she’ll just hang out on her bean bag all day. She doesn’t seem like she’s in any pain, but seeing her so thin and weaker than before hurts so much. I wish I could make her better.

To top it off, Muffin had surgery recently to have a lump (and unfortunately some teeth :( ) removed and has been running into everything in her cone of shame. (Thankfully, the  drain is out now + pathology finally came back the other day and is thankfully benign. She’ll be getting her stitches out in about a week!)

Ultimate Coffee Date: February 2021 | fairyburger.com

If we were having coffee/tea today, I’d…tell you that work has been really busy lately. (So, so many patient emails to respond to…sometimes I feel like Sisyphus.) That being said, the majority of my patients are super pleasant/wonderful and it’s those patient interactions that have really been keeping me going/smiling lately. (I’ve been alternating between somewhat having my shiz together vs being a complete wreck at home.) Apparently I also have at least one patient out there that knows about my blog? (If you read this, hello, haha.)

Ultimate Coffee Date: February 2021 | fairyburger.com

One of Ninja’s favorite pastimes = lying on me or my mom. <3

If we were having coffee/tea today, I’d…tell you that I need to find something to de-stress/take my mind off things. :/ I have plenty (too many, haha) hobbies but don’t really feel like doing any of them lately unless they allow me to be chillin’ on the floor next to either cat, so it’s been a lot of TV shows and reading lately. Have you picked up any hobbies lately?


See past ultimate coffee dates here!

(Link-up with Coco @ Running with Perseverance & Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner!)

End-of-Week-ish Recap!

  • How has 2021 been treating you?
  • Do you have any pets?

Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/ultimate-coffee-date-february-2021/


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  1. Interesting to hear how busy you are at work…it has been very slow for us since the pandemic started. We aren’t seeing any patients with ‘covid’ symptoms and in pediatrics, the cold and flu season is exactly that…sigh. Very boring. I am answering a lot of portal questions tho, so I’m glad to have time for that.

    So sorry about your kitties! It’s so hard when pets are sick.

    1. The busy part is mostly from the massive increase in emails/messages we’ve been getting. There’s less foot traffic due to COVID but as a result, our inboxes have been exploding daily. :[

      Thank you! I so wish I could make them better. <3

  2. I am sorry that your cat has been ill. That’s super stressful. Sounds like work is really busy for you!. Needing to destress? I bet. My daughter started w these little house craft kits. I am not describing it well but they keep here busy and she is into it. Thanks for joining for coffee!

    1. Craft kits sound like fun! I’ve been wanting to get back into crafting again, or just doing something creative. It’d be a nice break for sure!
      Farrah recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date: February 2021My Profile

  3. I am so sorry about both your babies, but especially Ninja — I have been down that road with my cats too many times. :( The sub-qs help tremendously. We even tried it on Lola (the dog) that last week, but she was just having none of it (we had sub-qs left over from a cat, of course).

    It can be a real rollercoaster. How old is Ninja? I had one cat with kidney failure who lasted many years, in fact she was the oldest cat we’ve ever had.

    And I’m sorry about the $$ too. I know you’d do anything, but I also know how expensive all that gets.

    Ok, as a Yoga teacher, Yin Yoga & meditation are great. :) Just sayin’! You can always check out my other Website, http://gowithyinyoga.com

    1. I’m so so glad for the sub-q’s! Ninja isn’t a fan of them either but tolerates it (possibly because I think she may notice that she does feel better afterward).

      I kinda picked Ninja up off the street when she was a kitten so I’m not sure of her exact age, but I think she might have been 6 weeks then, so she’s a little over 15.5 years old now. <3

      The ability to do a lot of this care at home helps a lot, but I just keep wishing there was more that I could do.

      Thank you for the recommendation! :P I keep meaning to do yoga more frequently but I'm so, so bad at being consistent. I subscribed to your youtube! <3 (I love your music choice–kinda wanna learn to play it! :] )
      Farrah recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date: February 2021My Profile

  4. Oh, Farrah, so sorry to read about the medical troubles of your kitties. I am sure you are taking good care of them. It is so hard to see our pets suffering. We had a cat who had to have many teeth pulled and he did fine with very few teeth. He could even eat dry food. I am glad Muffin’s pathology came back fine.

    I have not picked up any hobbies lately. Staying home does get to me after a while. I think between the pandemic and the weather, we are all a little restless. I hope the vaccine changes things for the better this spring!

    1. I’m really glad to hear that! Muffin is on a soft diet up through Wednesday but I’ve been worrying about whether or not she can eat dry food after this. (She adores wet food anyway, so she’d be overjoyed if she could continue this diet forever, but still, haha.)

      Agreed! I really hope things change for the better soon too! I do feel like it’s improved a smidge but hopefully as more people are able to get vaccinated, it’ll be a lot better!

  5. I can’t remember if knitting or crocheting are in the mix of your hobbies? The cats would probably have more fun than you with the yarn, though LOL. I hope everyone’s feeling better soon!

    1. Definitely a fair question–I feel like I keep picking up hobbies and end up liking almost everything! I learned how to knit aboutttt 9-ish years ago but I forgot how…but maybe it’ll come back pretty quick? I feel like my cats would adore this too, haha.
      Farrah recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date: February 2021My Profile

  6. Oh, I am so sorry about your kitties. No wonder all you want to do is snuggle with them — I’d do the same. LOL on patient(s) reading your blog. It’s funny how we forget ANYONE could be reading. ;-)

    It’s always good to have you over for coffee – or tea!

    1. hahaha, right? I’ve definitely entertained it as a very possibility but never thought much about it. :P If I ever get to go back to pole again, hopefully no awkward conversations pop up?

      Thank you for hosting! :]
      Farrah recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date: February 2021My Profile

  7. your poor kitties :(. especially Ninja. That’s really tough – my favourite cat. ever unfortunately succumbed to kidney failure. Our pets are like family; we don’t want them to suffer.

    I’m also looking for ways to destress and/or focus more on what makes me feel good. It’s kind of hard at the moment. I hope you are able to find a little bit of peace in all the madness.

    1. I’m so sorry. :[ That’s so, so hard. I’ve been trying not to think about it but also trying to be realistic, so I just want her to be as happy/comfortable as possible.

      Thank you! I hope you find something that works for you — it’s definitely been hard lately but hopefully things will get better soon! <3
      Farrah recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date: February 2021My Profile

  8. Lots of love to you and the kitties. I can only imagine how tired and overworked you are right now. I hope it gets better.

    Yes, I have pets. We have a 9 year old rescue pug, an 11 month old pug puppy and a 3 year old hedgehog. Our senior pug just had about 8 teeth removed, and went through a rough stint at the veterinary ER on oxygen for a collapsing trachea. It’s tough when they aren’t well.

    1. Thank you! I really hope so too. <3

      Aww, I really hope your pug is doing better now! Hedgehogs are adorable too — my friend in med school had one. :]!
      Farrah recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date: February 2021My Profile

  9. Poor Muffin in her cone! I also have a cat named Muffin! Glad she’s healing up, and best wishes to Ninja… poor little thing. I don’t blame you one bit for wanting to snuggle with them- lying on the floor reading with a cat sounds like a great way to spend time.
    Hope work calms down a bit for you- have a great weekend!
    Jenny recently posted…Friday FunMy Profile

    1. Aww, yay! :D I wish they got along so I could spend time with both of them at the same time, but alas!

      I hope you have a great weekend too!
      Farrah recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date: February 2021My Profile

  10. Oh no! I’m so sorry about Ninja and I hope Muffin is able to make a speedy recovery. Working with great people/patients makes all the difference. That’s so funny one of your patients reads your blog!

    1. Thank you! I really hope so too, and they really do make a huge difference! :]

      Hopefully nothing on here scares them away, hahaha. :P

  11. I’m so sorry your cats have been sick. Our pets are such an important part of our lives and when they’re struggling, well, we struggle too. Which is surely one of the reasons you’re feeling so stressed right now. I’m happy that your patients are nice to you, though! :-)
    Debbie recently posted…Let’s Have Coffee and ChatMy Profile

    1. Agreed! I’m definitely thankful for the bright spots though + I hope they get/feel better soon! :[ <3

  12. I’m so sorry to hear that your cats are both sick. It’s got to be so hard when they’re hurting.

    I love those cups your iced coffee (?) is in. So fun! It’s great that you could get away during your shift at the hospital. I hope work isn’t too crazy. It’s got to be stressful in any position in the medical field these days.
    Debbie @ Deb Runs recently posted…It’s February: Are You Taking Care Of Your Heart?My Profile

    1. Thank you! <3

      hehe, I stay awake forever if I have coffee, so I got an iced milk tea! It was super tasty and getting to have that little break away was really nice!
      Farrah recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date: February 2021My Profile

  13. Oh poor Ninja! I hate to hear that animals are sick, but I’m sure you are doing everything you can and keeping them comfortable. That’s great Muffin is doing better after surgery – they look so miserable. I do have a cat named Charlie. He’s my baby. lol

    I’m glad most of your patients are nice! That definitely helps, I’m sure.

    ShootingStarsMag recently posted…Read the Alphabet: Before the Devil Breaks You, The Black Flamingo, and Beastly BonesMy Profile

    1. Muffin is (sadly) back in the cone of shame. :[ Poor baby. Yay for cats though! They have so much personality and bring so much joy! <3

    • Lanny on February 12, 2021 at 12:29 pm
    • Reply

    Sorry you and your cats are going through so much right now. I’m sure in the midst of everything else going on on a day to day basis, it is tough to also worry about your family at home as well.

    For some random reason, when I think about pets in the family, my mind turns to old Simpsons episodes with Snowball, Snowball II, etc. Here’s a short little clip that I always thought pretty amusing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9yR-lqQpfM

    1. It’s been a rough month, but trying to look on the brighter side of things. Thank you for checking in + I hope everything’s going well with you and your family!

      hahaha, super cute! They love finding ways to get attention! :]
      Farrah recently posted…Volunteering at Ben’s Bells in Tucson, AZMy Profile

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