Ultimate Coffee Date: December 2020

Welcome to the Ultimate Coffee Date! It’s the last month of the yearrrr!! Has this felt like the longest year ever to you? (It sure has for me…)

Ultimate Coffee Date: December 2020

Ultimate Coffee Date: December 2020 | fairyburger.com

This is a tree I found at a nearby park! :]

If we were having coffee/tea today, I’d…ask how you’ve been doing. It’s been a rough year. I’ve officially been out “on my own” in the world of medicine for a little over a year now, and COVID-19 steamrolling in less than halfway through definitely changed things up a lot. 
I’ve especially been trying to check on all of my patients’ mental health this year, and am also trying to come to terms with the fact that I can’t help everyone (particularly the ones who don’t want to help themselves). I feel like the latter will be a never-ending battle though.
Ultimate Coffee Date: December 2020 | fairyburger.com

A flower that bloomed in our front yard!

If we were having coffee/tea today, I’d…ask if you’ve done any holiday shopping, or if there’s anything on your list. I made some purchases to grab some things I’ve had my eye on all year + support some small businesses. Some of these may manifest themselves into future posts, but I take forever to write these because I like to reallyyy get an idea for what the product is like before I start telling the world (you) about it. :P
I’m happy to report that my hammock camping set up is now complete though! I decided to trade out my sleeping bag for a top quilt to save on space + weight (and to keep me warmer because I am an icebox). I really wanna go camping now so I can test it all out. (I’ve also been working lots of extra weekends/evenings lately and would love to have a break/get away for a bit. Getting to actually have Thanksgiving + Black Friday off was super nice though!)
Ultimate Coffee Date: December 2020 | fairyburger.com

I may or may not have gotten Muffin some wings…

If we were having coffee/tea today, I’d…ask you if you’ve been doing any baking/cooking lately. My friend/former housemate in grad school (you can see our creations here!) recently ordered a Kitchenaid but because of the pandemic + the fact that we’re on opposite coasts now, we were thinking of doing cook/bake-a-long’s with each other to simulate old times. Any ideas what we should make!?

Ultimate Coffee Date: December 2020 | fairyburger.com

Mochi donuts + jasmine milk tea! :]

See past ultimate coffee dates here!

(Link-up with Coco @ Running with Perseverance & Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner!) End-of-Week-ish Recap!

  • What’s your favorite holiday food?
  • Do you have anything on your holiday list?

Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/ultimate-coffee-date-december-2020/


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  1. I really need to get on my holiday shopping! I just feel less than motivated this year. Tough tough times. My mom has already made the decision that we are having a Zoom Christmas. Sigh.

    Since I’m in a non-COVID clinic, we are not very busy. I saw a child with an ear infection last week and it was just the most exciting thing! How sad is that?

    1. I haven’t had all that much motivation this year either, but did do some online shopping for a few things.

      haha, I totally get that feeling! We do COVID testing but in a drive-through format so the patients I see in person aren’t COVID patients and I’ve taken to getting really excited about appointments that aren’t requesting a COVID test (or an earlier appointment date that sadly is not available).

  2. I can’t even imagine how health care works are still standing at all. All I can say to y’all is thank you for your service! it’s always sad when you know someone needs help but they are not ready. It’s hard, too.

    I’m not doing a lot of baking. I’ve managed to keep my weight under control this year but it hasn’t been easy. A little bit here & there because what’s life without treats?

    1. Aww, thank you! :] I’m happy to help however I can right now but struggle with always feeling like I’m not doing enough even when I am (or at the very least, trying to).

      Very true! I’m all for everything in moderation!

  3. I cannot imagine how difficult it has been for you this year as a doctor! I guess on the bright side, you are now prepared for anything! I used to work in the mental health field and it;s always a challenge to reach those who need it most. Keep doing what you’re doing friend! Thanks for checking in for coffee today

    1. hehe, that’s definitely a good way to look at it! Mental health is so, so needed right now — it’s unfortunate that there’s such a nationwide shortage. :[

  4. I bet treating people who won’t try to help themselves must be frustrating. I’m bad at remembering to take my Rx every day, but it’s not because I don’t intend to. I’ve taken to leaving it out so I can’t miss it! I hope you have fun with your bake-a-long!

    1. Oh, that’s definitely understandable — it’s hard to remember, but at least the intention is there for you! :] I try to suggest ways to remember to take it for my patients, but for the ones that flat-out refuse, I’m running out of ideas on how to convince em’. :[

  5. I have a lot of shopping done but not quite all. I wasn’t going to bake cookies this year but my oldest son guilted me into it. He said my grandson would be scarred for life if I didn’t send Christmas cookies. ;) Hammock camping sounds awesome. I hope you get to use it a lot this year.

    You are so right – people do need to learn to help themselves. You can only do so much to help someone.
    Laurie recently posted…Three Little Things Coffee TalkMy Profile

    1. hehehe, he has a good point! :P I think I’ll probably start off with cookies — just gotta figure out what kind to make! :]

      That’s definitely something I need to make sure I remember. I always feel guilty when there’s a bad outcome even if I did all I could to convince someone to do something but they decline. :/

  6. What a year for medicine. I’m sure this felt like constant trials by fire.

    I have been doing most of my shopping online, but am still supporting small and local.

    To be honest, I haven’t been cooking too much. Ou rson has erally taken his place in the kitche, and who am I to discourage that?

    1. I’m with you there! I did all my shopping online this year and have been trying to support small/local businesses.

      You’ve got a point there! :] I definitely wouldn’t discourage that either!

  7. I can’t even imagine what’s it like to be in medicine with Covid swirling everywhere. Thanks for all you do, A bake-along sounds fun. I haven’t baked anything and I don’t really intend to. I’ll leave it to the kids. They’ve got a gingerbread kit here, it’s about time they got on it!

    1. Ooo, a gingerbread kit sounds like fun! I made gingerbread with my best friend last year and that feels like such a long time ago. :[

  8. What a year to make your debut! Thank you for your service to others <3 A bake along with your friend sounds like a fun way to stay connected. I haven't done any holiday baking yet, but will make a few of my regulars. We're not doing a big extended family gathering this year (like everyone else LOL), and my office has a skeleton staff at the moment (most are working off-site or from home), so I don't have any place to pawn off my extra sweets. I hope you're staying well!

    1. It’s definitely been a strange year to start — what are your regulars? I’m still trying to figure out what to make, hehehe. :P Good point on not having anyone to pawn these off on…I didn’t think about that part. Maybe if I make em’ a little more healthy, hehehe.

  9. Our house is decorated and the Christmas cards are due to arrive on Wednesday, but I’ve barely started my Christmas shopping. I pretty much know what I’m getting everyone, but my mom. She’s the one for which I usually like to go into stores and look around until I find the perfect gift, but this year I want to do the minimal in-store shopping…

    Christmas baking virtually via FaceTime or Zoom sounds like the perfect way to spend time with your friend!
    Debbie @ Deb Runs recently posted…Catching Up Over Coffee: Funny Neighbors and a Lumpy PillowMy Profile

    1. hehe, shopping for your mom is probably very similar to shopping for my dad. I have noooo idea what to get him. :[ I’m with you on minimal in-store shopping! I did everything online and probably won’t be venturing out of my house aside from for work!

      I miss cooking/baking with her, so it’ll be fun! :D We just gotta figure out what we want to make!

  10. The mental toll on health care workers…I cannot even imagine!

    I haven’t started my Christmas shopping and truthfully have no idea what I am buying this year. I feel so out of kilter on the holidays – I need to get in the spirit of things!

    Your Christmas bake-a-long sounds like a great idea!

    1. I feel ya! I just did some online shopping for the holidays but truthfully am not really in the spirit very much this year.

      Thank you! We’re trying to figure out what we should make! :P

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