Ultimate Coffee Date: August 2018

Welcome to another Ultimate Coffee Date! This month super crept up on us (or at least me)!

Ultimate Coffee Date: August 2018

If we were having coffee/tea today, I’d…tell you that I went to a concert in Philly  on Thursday!! The last one I went to was Boyce Avenue (I’ve been following on YouTube for about a decade) and…well, same story here! I’ve been listening to Kina Grannis for roughly as long as I’ve known of Boyce Avenue, and I’m super happy that I finally had a chance to see her!

She and Imaginary Future (aka Jesse, aka her husband) are absolutely adorable together and I love the songs they sang. I also really liked getting to hear how their songs came to be, where they were in their lives when they thought them up–it makes the music speak to you that much more. Music can be such a great healer and really helped me through a significant chunk of my life. <3 I really miss having it in my life.

P.S. She’s gonna be the wedding singer in Crazy Rich Asians, which comes out on August 15!

I’m definitely a fan of more intimate venues that aren’t freakishly ginormous–it gives you (and the artist) a chance to actually interact and that makes the experience so much better. <3 (This is probably also because I don’t like huge crowds and super loud noises, haha.) If all goes well, I’ll also be heading to another concert next week (Evanescence + Lindsey Stirling)! :]

If we were having coffee/tea today, I’d…tell you that I’ve essentially found the male version of me (haha)! One of the new interns likes a billion of the same things I do, so we met up last weekend to work out and, as he puts it, “bankrupt a sushi buffet.” It was pretty amazing. The restaurant probably hates us, but for the record, we finished everything.


(Say hello to Round 1.)

…We’re probably going again on Monday.

If we were having coffee/tea today, I’d…tell you that it’s really nice having my regular patients interspersed between the unknowns, new patients and walk-in patients. My last few sessions have been super busy but seeing my regulars is like a breath of fresh air (especially when I get to find out that they’re doing better!).

I’m going to be super sad in a year that I can’t bring them with me to wherever it is that I end up. One of them says she’ll be praying for me to get to wherever it is that I want to be, but that she hopes I’ll stay here. <3

We also had a culinary medicine session yesterday afternoon (recipes to follow eventually) and now  I really want to go to culinary school again.

See past ultimate coffee dates here!

(Link-up with Coco @ Got 2 Run 4 Me & Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner!)

  • What’s the last concert you went to?
  • What’s one of your pipe dreams? I have a bunch, but being a Cirque du Soleil performer, singer/musician, and going to culinary school are three of em’!

Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/ultimate-coffee-date-august-2018/


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  1. Yay for finding new friends that totally get you! Culinary medicine sounds really interesting. Glad you are able to get out and have some fun every once in a while. Thanks for joining us for coffee!

    1. It was awesome! I’m gonna have to go into study hibernation again later this year so I’m trying to squeeze stuff in before then! :P

  2. I went to a Paul McCartney Concert last summer, that was really amazing.
    SO cool to find a new friend with similar interests! and Culinary medicine sounds super cool.

    1. That’s awesome! :D

      Agreed! Culinary medicine is definitely one of my favorite didactics we’ve had so far! :P

  3. Oh, gosh, I used to go to concerts all the time, but now they start waaay past my bedtime! I went to see my husband’s band when he was in one — 15 years ago. I honestly can’t think of anything since then. :-O

    1. hehe, these start at 7-8 pm so I’m still good for now. That’s cool that your husband was in a band! I miss my med school band!

  4. My hubby and I love music and love going to concerts as well. We’ve seen Amy Grant, Garth Brooks, Billy Joel, Tim McGraw/Faith Hill and Chicago in concert over the past couple of years. Yeah, I know …we are old school! Lol

    1. That’s awesome! I feel like a lot of (or most) of my favorite artists are all not super “modern”–old school is good! :P

  5. Boy it’s been ages since I’ve been to a concert! That’s great that you found someone with such similar interests!

    1. Thanks! It’s been rather awesome! :D

  6. I married the male version of me so watch out. :D The last concert I saw was a tribute band at a local fest this summer. They did all sorts of throwback Journey and Foreigner stuff. Haha! That culinary med session looks cool!

    1. hahaha, I’ll keep that in mind! :P

      Ooo, that sounds awesome! A lot of my favorite artists got started on YouTube covering lots of different artists! :]!

  7. I think the last concert I went to was the Houston Symphony playing music of the Rolling Stones… It was pretty cool. The hubs and I go to a sushi restaurant that has an “all you can eat” option. I think they hate us too… at least I balance the hubs out (I don’t think the veggie sushi costs as much as the fish).

    1. Ooo, that’s awesome! I love instrumental covers!

      We actually just went back again today and I’m pretty sure they hate us again. I hope they don’t close down on us!! :'(

  8. Culinary medicine sounds really interesting! Looking forward to the recipes. I think (and other people think) I can eat a lot of sushi, but wow, your sushi-eating puts me to shame.

    1. I wanna go to culinary school so bad, haha. *-* So much potential for delicious noms!.

      We may or may not have gotten a little crazy with it, hahaha. :D…

  9. That friend is a keeper! I have never heard of culinary medicine, but it sounds like an integrative-health kind of direction- so smart and interesting!

    1. Indeed he is!

      That’s pretty much it! Basically the thought process/mentality that food is medicine (which in a way, it really is)! :]

  10. Looks like you had a blast Farrah! Never heard of culinary medicine, but I’m looking forward to seeing the recipes. :)
    Tyler recently posted…The Definitive Guide to Good Coffee HealthMy Profile

    1. Thank you! If I can get my act together over the next couple days, I should have one of em’ up by next week for Foodie Friday! :]!

  11. Thankyou Farrah , Looking farward to the recipe.

    1. Thanks!

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