SB Bars

Disclaimer: I was contacted by Santa Barbara Bars to try SB Bars out in exchange for an honest review. As always, the opinions stated are mine and mine alone!

SB Bars were created at a wholesale bakery that’s been nestled in Santa Barbara, CA, for the past 20 years. They’re committed to providing delicious foods (and in this case, nutrition bars) without the use of any artificial ingredients, pre-made mixes, unnatural dough enhancers or chemical stabilizers in their products!


These bars come in three different flavors:

  • Cranberry White Chocolate (features chia seeds, cranberries, pumpkin seeds + sunflower seeds)
  • Peanut Chocolate Cherry (features chia seeds, dark cherries, dark chocolate + sesame seeds)
  • Coconut Almond (features almonds, chia seeds, coconut + pumpkin seeds)

Each bar is around 180-190 calories, 8g protein, ~23-24g carbohydrates (4g of which is fiber!), and 7-8g of healthy fats!

Since I’m all about the protein (especially in something that isn’t even being marketed as a protein bar!), I love the CHO:Fat:Protein ratio in these bars! :] It’s hard to decide on a favorite at the moment, but I thinkkk my favorite one is the Cranberry White Chocolate (white chocolate is my favorite in the realms of all types of chocolate <3 ). But I really do also love that chocolate + cherry flavor combination…and  I also love pretty much anything with coconut in it…

…Um, basically, these bars can do no wrong. :D

You better believe I’m gonna be stuffing the pockets of my white coat with these for days where there’s no time to stop and eat lunch! I’ve also stashed a couple away in my car for road trips to and from Lewisburg (or wherever else I’m headed). :]!

I do have to admit that the packaging made it a little difficult for me to stealth-eat while my preceptor was on the phone. (It probably only sounded loud to me. He did glance at me when he heard me opening it, and upon seeing my stricken I’M-SORRY-I’m-just-always-hungry expression, he laughed.)

I love that breaking the bar into pieces didn’t result in an explosion of crumbs everywhere! :]

Other awesomeness:

  • Nut, fruit and seed-based
  • Gluten-free
  • Non-GMO
  • Loaded with superfoods (yay for chia seeds!)
  • A great source of protein + fiber
  • No added soy protein or refined sugars

Feel free to check out Santa Barbara Bars on any of their social channels!


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For those of us who don’t live in Santa Barbara (sigh ;_; I’ve been there once and it’s absolutely beautiful <3 ) or anywhere close to a store that carries them (this is further reasoning for me to trek to Jungle Jim’s in Cincinnati…),  you can purchase them online here!

Sergio Paris/Getty Images

Sergio Paris/Getty Images

(forserious. I would so love to be there right now. *-*)

SB Bars has also graciously provided me with the opportunity to give one lucky winner (must reside in the U.S.–sorry!) with the opportunity to try these out in the form of 1 sampler box containing each of the 3 flavors! :]! This giveaway ends at midnight EST on January 25th!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck, and if you’d like to win even more prizes, come check out Running with SD Mom’s Giveaway Roundup! :]

Wednesday Giveaway Roundup

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  1. I haven’t heard of SB Bars but would love to try them! The Peanut Chocolate Cherry sounds really good!
    Sherry recently posted…SUMOgrip Lace Locks Review and GIVEAWAYMy Profile

    1. It definitely was! :D Thanks for entering, and good luck!

  2. Obviously I need to try this. I am so tired of my other options!
    Susie @ SuzLyfe recently posted…Healthy Seafood Recipes Roundup #WIAWMy Profile

    1. Hehehe, I hope you get to! :P Thank you for entering, and good luck! :]

  3. These look super tasty! Would love to try them!
    rachel recently posted…Banana Cinnamon Cranberry Muffins with Maple Sunbutter Frosting+ Sunbutter Review!My Profile

    1. They’re an awesome quick snack to have around! :D Thanks for entering, and good luck!

  4. I’ve never heard of them but I NEED the cranberry white chocolate bars!
    Earl-Leigh recently posted…2015 Goals {Health/Fitness & Blogging}My Profile

    1. I had it over the weekend and it was glorious! :P Thanks for entering, and good luck! :]

  5. I am all about tasty and nutrient dense foods. I will definitely have to check out Santa Barbara Bars…Cranberry White Chocolate sound absolutely delicious.
    Kim recently posted…10 Ways 2014 Can Help You Own 2015My Profile

    1. Same here! I keep meaning to make my own, but sometimes there just really isn’t time, and these provide a great solution for that! :] Thanks for entering, and good luck!

  6. Never heard of them before! They look tasty. All of them! :D

    1. It was definitely hard to pick a favorite! :x Thank you for entering, and good luck! :D

  7. Those do look yummy! I’d love to try the Coconut Almond- hope I win! :D
    Annmarie recently posted…Wild Workout Wednesday: Cross Training Functional Fitness Style!My Profile

    1. It definitely was! :D I hope you do too! ;P Thanks for entering, and good luck! :D

    • Ricardo on January 7, 2015 at 9:26 am
    • Reply

    Yeah, Santa Barbara seems like a place I could live at for awhile, heh.

    1. Same! It’s so pretty there! (It also doesn’t help that it started snowing here yesterday. ._.)

  8. Oooh, a bar I have not heard of yet! And I’m all about bars that are full of natural ingredients. The Peanut Chocolate Cherry sounds so good. I’m a HUGE fan of dark chocolate so sign me up! Thanks for hosting this giveaway, Farrah! I always enjoy hearing about new nutritious and healthy foods.
    Kaylin@EnticingHealthyEating recently posted…And They Lived Happily Ever AfterMy Profile

    1. I saw em’ in another blogger’s giveaway and was rather intrigued, so I was thrilled when they contacted me! :] Best of luck to you, and thanks for entering! <3

  9. I haven’t ever tried SB bars before but they sound AH-Mazing! Love that they don’t crumble apart and love that they are less than 200 calories! I think my fav would be the Cranberry White Chocolate ones too – thanks for this giveaway Farrah!

    1. They really are! I was pleasantly surprised about the non-crumbling or that would’ve been more stories for the strugglebus that is my clinical rotations! :P Thanks for entering, and best of luck to you! :]

  10. I received one in a sampler box but I have not tried it yet. They look amazing! Maybe I will try it when I get back from my trip!
    Erica @ erica finds recently posted…Tried it Tuesday: Look Great in 2015 with a Great Fit from eShakti (+$25 off)My Profile

    1. They’re definitely super tasty! :D Have a safe trip back! <3

    • Keri on January 7, 2015 at 10:28 am
    • Reply

    I’ve never tried SB bars, but coconut almond flavor sounds delicious!

    1. I love that one too! :D Thank you for entering, and good luck! :]

    • Judith on January 7, 2015 at 10:49 am
    • Reply

    Cranberry White Chocolate sounds delicious!

    1. It is! :D I had it this morning for a snack! :] Thanks for entering, and good luck!

  11. This is the first time I have heard of these bars, but the flavors sound amazing! I would LOVE to try the cranberry white chocolate bar. White chocolate gets me every time ;)
    Hannah @ CleanEatingVeggieGirl recently posted…What I Ate When I was Home for the HolidaysMy Profile

    1. White chocolate is my favorite too! I’m so sad that it has none of the nutritional benefits as compared to dark (my least favorite :'( ). Sigh, haha. Thanks for entering, and good luck!

  12. Um, chocolate PB! I’m in!
    Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine recently posted…Cinnamon Pear Oat PancakesMy Profile

    1. Ah, that’s one of my favorite flavor combos as well! The chocolate peanut cherry one doesn’t have a PB taste to it, but it is delicious! :]

  13. I have never heard of these but would love to try the cranberry white chocolate variety.
    Amy Lauren recently posted…Training for the Charleston Half Marathon (Dec 29- Jan 4)My Profile

    1. I had it over the weekend and it was awesome! :] Thanks for entering, and good luck! :D

  14. I’ve tried these before and they are really tasty! I loved all flavors but I think my fav was the coconut almond.
    Alanna recently posted…Roasted Grape Frozen YogurtMy Profile

    1. I had a really hard time deciding on a favorite too! It’ll have to depend on my mood, haha. Thanks for entering, and good luck! :]

  15. I have never heard of these before but the flavors sound good, especially the coconut almond!

    1. They really are! :D Thanks for entering, and good luck!

    • Joy on January 7, 2015 at 6:40 pm
    • Reply

    I’ve never tried them but coconut almond is the one that is most appealing to me.

    1. I brought one of those with me yesterday as a snack! It’s definitely super tasty! :D Thanks for entering, and good luck!

    • liz l on January 7, 2015 at 9:02 pm
    • Reply

    Never heard of them before, but anything with coconut sounds good

    1. I’m definitely with you there! :] Thanks for entering, and good luck!

  16. I’ve never heard of SB bars before but I would definitely try the coconut almond! :D
    GiselleR @ Diary of an ExSloth recently posted…Almond-Chocolate Breakfast CookiesMy Profile

    1. Good choice! I just ate one this morning while waiting for my preceptor! :P Thanks for entering, and good luck! :]

  17. Haven’t tried these but all of the flavors sound so good! I think I’m leaning towards the cranberry white chocolate!
    Gloria recently posted…Throwback Thursday – Winter EditionMy Profile

    1. I think I’m pretty much torn between that one and coconut almond as my favorites at the moment. It’s so hard to pick! :O Thanks for entering, and best of luck to you! <3

    • Dandi D on January 8, 2015 at 3:26 pm
    • Reply

    I’ve never tried them, but I’d really like to try the Peanut Chocolate Cherry kind.

    1. Definitely a good pick! :D Thanks for entering, and good luck! :]

  18. I’ve never tried these but they look super yummy! I love the fact that they are glueten free and nut, fruit and seed based.

    1. Same! :D I love when snacks don’t come with a whole host of weird + processed ingredients that I’ve never heard of!

    • Heather Rennie on January 8, 2015 at 10:34 pm
    • Reply

    never heard of them, but would def want to try the peanut chocolate cherry! yum!!!

    1. Yes indeed! ;P Thank you for entering, and I hope you have an awesome Sunday! :]

    • Julie G on January 9, 2015 at 5:55 am
    • Reply

    no I haven’t heard of them before. The coconut almond is the first one I would try

    1. Good choice! :D Thanks for entering, and I hope you’re having a great weekend!

  19. love that these are soy free!
    Cassandra @PoweredByBling recently posted…Foodie Friday: Balsamic Short Ribs over Oven Baked Parmesan RisottoMy Profile

    1. Hehehe, it went with my “let’s use up all the stuff we already have” crusade! :]

    • Jenn on January 9, 2015 at 10:21 pm
    • Reply

    Never heard of these before, but the Cranberry White Chocolate sounds amazing!

    1. Great pick! :D Thanks for entering, and good luck!

    • Pam Hoffman on January 11, 2015 at 1:25 pm
    • Reply

    I have not tried these bars before but would love to!!

    1. I hope you get to! :D Thanks for entering, and best of luck to you! :]

  20. I’ve never tried these but the coconut almond sounds amazing!!!
    Amy @ Life to the Full recently posted…Enter the For Two Fitness New Year Giveaway!My Profile

    1. I love that one! (It’s gonna be one of my mid-day snacks tomorrow! :P ) Thanks for entering, and best of luck to you! :]

    • Shelly on January 14, 2015 at 9:24 am
    • Reply

    I haven’t tried/heard of SB Bars but they sound wonderful! I love that they are non-gmo and soy free!!! So hard to decide which I’d most like to try but I guess I’d have to go with Cranberry White Chocolate :)

    1. It really was hard to choose, haha. Luckily, the sampler box gives you all three! :P Thanks for entering, and good luck!

    • Renata on January 14, 2015 at 9:39 am
    • Reply

    I’ve never heard of these! The Cranberry White Chocolate would be super yummy!

    1. It definitely is! :D Thanks for entering, and good luck!

  21. I want to try the peanut butter cherry bar.
    tara pittman recently posted…Turn Your Favorite Shirts Into A Quilt With Project RepatMy Profile

    1. Good choice! :D Thanks for entering, and good luck! :]

    • Ray on January 15, 2015 at 9:22 am
    • Reply

    Never heard of them and Cranberry white chocolate would be good!

    1. It’s definitely awesome! :D Thanks for entering, and best of luck to you!

  22. Peanut chocolate cherry sounds amazing!
    Sara @ Lake Shore Runner recently posted…New Year New You – Ultimate Fitness Giveaway // #NoExcuses ProgramMy Profile

    1. It is indeed! :] Thanks for entering, and best of luck to you! :D!

    • Georgiana on January 15, 2015 at 9:25 pm
    • Reply

    Coconut Almond sounds nice to try too!

    1. Definitely a great choice! :] Thanks for entering, and good luck!

    • Tessa on January 16, 2015 at 12:41 pm
    • Reply

    I’ve never tried these before but am always looking at bars that taste great!

    1. I think you’d like these! :D Thanks for entering, and good luck!

  23. Peanut Chocolate Cherry! Oh sounds delish!

    1. Good choice! :D! Thanks for entering, and good luck! :]!

    • latanya on January 20, 2015 at 11:40 am
    • Reply

    This is my first time hearing of them. I want to try the cranberry white chocolate.

    1. Great choice! :D! Thanks for entering, and good luck!

  24. I’ve never tried them…don’t think they sell them where I shop. But I’d love to try the Cranberry Chocholate one!
    Gale recently posted…10 Facts About Slavery – And a GiveawayMy Profile

    1. I haven’t seen them at stores yet either, but hopefully soon! :O Thanks for entering, and best of luck to you! :]

    • Marilyn Nawara on January 21, 2015 at 2:42 pm
    • Reply

    I have not heard of them until now — would like to try the Peanut Chocolate Cherry

    1. Great choice! :D! Thanks for entering, and best of luck to you!

    • Kelly on January 21, 2015 at 10:30 pm
    • Reply

    Cranberry White Chocolate would be my favorite, I think. It sounds wonderful! I would love to try all of the flavors, I am really happy they are GMO-Free!!!

    1. You definitely can’t go wrong with any of the flavors! :P Thanks for entering, and best of luck to you! :]

    • Rebecca Farmer on January 22, 2015 at 6:15 pm
    • Reply

    I haven’t tried them but Cranberry White Chocolate sounds delicious.

    1. I love that one. :D! Thanks for entering, and best of luck to you!

    • Tory on January 22, 2015 at 7:25 pm
    • Reply

    I’ve never tried them but they sound delicious. WOuld love the peanut chocolate cherry!

    1. Tis a great choice! :] Thanks for entering, and best of luck to you!

    • Ellen Casper on January 24, 2015 at 10:15 am
    • Reply

    I’ve never heard of them but the peanut butter chocolate cherry sounds yummy!

    1. It is indeed! :D Thanks for entering, and best of luck to you! :] Hope you have a great weekend!

    • Laura H on January 24, 2015 at 5:00 pm
    • Reply

    I haven’t heard of these bars, but the peanut chocolate cherry sounds delicious!

    1. It really is! :D Thanks for entering, and best of luck to you! :]

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