Reflections on Internal Medicine I

Whew! This one’s been a long time in coming, seeing as how I finished this rotation back in…January. The only thing I knew going into this rotation was that:

  1. My preceptor did mainly outpatient Internal Medicine. I was pretty overjoyed by this, because then it’d be like Family Medicine! :D!
  2. It would probably be more of a shadowing experience vs. lots of hands-on experience. Initially, I was sorta bummed by this, but it turned out okay!

I’ve quoted him a couple times before in my first couple Medical Mondays posts–Preventative Care & the benefits & risks of Exercise), but here’s my summary on my actual rotation with him! This was one of my favorite rotations thus far, due in part to its similarities to Family Medicine, and how well we got along. :]

Reflections on Internal Medicine I


  1. Practice what you preach. / Lead by example.
    I’ve long been an avid fan of this principle, and it’s what I want to be able to do when I’m a physician. I’m definitely far from the healthiest eater on the planet, but hell, he ate more healthily than I did. :O I mentioned this in my Preventative Care post, but my preceptor for this rotation was the first one I’d ever had who truly did everything that he asked his patients to do or not do. (Aka not smoking, not drinking soda/pop, exercised via running/weights/golf, followed a balanced + healthy diet.)He’s also brilliant, and aside from owning two private practices, he apparently also has an MBA and a law degree (boarded in California).  I loved that he really took the time to explain to each of his patients the reasoning behind what he asked them to do, and it’s definitely something that I hope to incorporate into my future practice.
  2. Having a preceptor that you can joke with and/or relate to is awesome.
    While all the other preceptors I’ve worked with thus far have been really nice, he’s the first one I could really actually relate to (probably because of the similar interests and mutual hope to convince all his patients to lead healthier lives). I made pineapple fried rice to bring in for lunch on my last day, and talked with him and his wife/got semi-grilled about applying to medical school (his daughter’s in the process of doing so right now).
  3. Show more initiative.
    I need to work on speaking up. While I did get to see some of my own patients, this was indeed largely a shadowing experience. Although I’m much more of a kinesthetic learner, I actually ended up really benefiting from this because he was so thorough with all his patients. In general though, I do feel that I might need to start asking for more opportunities. I usually don’t because I don’t want to slow them down/step on any toes, etc., but…the worst they can say is no!
  4. You reap what you sow. / Treat others how you’d want to be treated.
    On my last day, I happened to be walking by the nurses’ station and one of them told me that I was probably the nicest student that they’d ever worked with. <3 (She’s also the one who talked him into giving me a day off so I could spend the holidays with the people closest to family that I have out here!) They told me to feel free to let them know if I ever needed anything, and that it was great working with me. :D (They’ve apparently had a couple students in the past that they completely could not stand.)
  5. Stop it with the self-doubt.
    After taking my shelf exam, I stopped by at the office to see if I could drop off my grading forms and hopefully also ask him for a recommendation letter. One of the nurses asked me if I was in a hurry, because he was in a pretty terrible mood and she advised me it might be better to wait. About 2 hours later, he’d finished with his last patient, so I went to go talk to him. He seemed to be in great spirits and filled me in on what had happened…and went over my grade form with me.Dr. G: How do you think you did?
    F: Um, I have a tendency to be my own worst critic because I always feel like I could do better…
    Dr. G: Let me rephrase that. How do you think you did in medical knowledge?
    F: …I think I could definitely stand to improve a lot there.
    Dr. G: Me too. *marks off a 95% in that category*
    F:o_oI’ll cut to the chase–he said he’d be happy to write me a recommendation letter! <3 <3 <3!!! I think he was slightly bewildered and amused at my joy over that statement, hahaha.

This is how I knew I’d get along with the office staff. :P

Normally, I’d have a section for “Memorable Cases,” but I think the “Notable Quotes/Conversations” section aptly illustrate a lot of them. :D

Notable Quotes/Conversations

  • “I’m gonna teach you something that they don’t teach you in doctor school. The best way to approach life is with PMA–Positive Mental Attitude. I don’t mean macho-ness, but mental toughness. It’s the ability to face adversity. I firmly believe it can take you through anything. That’s why I greet every day with, ‘Good morning, world! Ready or not, here I come!'”
  • “Can we wait on the colonoscopy? The love of my life is having surgery done, and I want to make sure she’s okay first.”
  • “Oh honey, I don’t mean to stare, but you’re a whole lot prettier than Dr. G.”
    Dr. G: I’m glad I’m not pretty to you.
  • “My, can I just say that you look mighty put together? I love those shoes on you; you’re just as cute as can be!”
  • “Let’s wait til spring, when the birds are chirping and the sun is shining…”
    F: And your colonoscopy.
    “You just put a dark cloud on my spring.”
  • “I’ve had some terrible things done to me because of you–they injected me with something and turned me upside down–that wasn’t the colonoscopy, was it?”
    Dr. G: …No. That sounds like torture.
  • “You got a pretty new assistant, you know that?”
    Dr. G: Your wife is sitting right there.
  • “Any particular reason why I got this fungus? It just seems so random.”
    Dr. G: Nope. Some people are just more likely to get it. You’re not rolling around with your cats naked or anything, are you?”
    “That’s none of your business!” (joking, we hope)
    Dr. G: You made it my business!
  • Dr. G: Your lungs are screaming at me. They’re saying, “Tell her to stop smoking!”


Dr. G-ism’s

  • “We’re all gonna die anyway.”
    Dr. G: You’re right. I wouldn’t argue with that, but it’s not the death we’re worried about. It’s the quality of life. You don’t want to live an involent life where you might get a stroke and end up bedfast, with someone else cleaning your poop, if you can do something to prevent it.
  • “Exercise will help, but the key is in what you’re eating. I could work out for an hour and burn 500 calories, but suppose I eat a cream-filled donut afterward. That’s 300+ calories in less than 2 minutes.”
  • “You can’t do any of those diets forever. What it boils down to is a lifestyle change.


Read about my other rotations here!

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  1. Dr. G seems like such a great teacher, doctor, mentor and all around person! It’s so important to have role models like that. This line cracked me! “Oh honey, I don’t mean to stare, but you’re a whole lot prettier than Dr. G.”
    Dr. G: I’m glad I’m not pretty to you.”
    Sonali- The Foodie Physician recently posted…Dining with the Doc: Apple Dutch BabyMy Profile

    1. Agreed! :D Two of my friends were actually scheduled to work with him later this year, but they switched out because they heard they wouldn’t get to do much–I think they’re really missing out! :O

      hahaha, his deadpan sense of humor was the best! :P

  2. I think practice what you preach is a big one. I can’t stand it when someone tries to tell me what I need to do, when in turn they can’t follow their own advice. It’s very hypocritical.
    Channing recently posted…7 Foodie Instagram Accounts You Should Be FollowingMy Profile

    1. Agreed! That usually comes in the form of unsolicited advice to me, so I usually just wonder (internally), “…Please explain to me why should I listen to you?”

  3. I Love #4! It really is true, even if it’s delayed and it works both ways!
    Sherri S recently posted…Ultimate List of Over 100 Money Saving Tips for Baby!My Profile

    1. Agreed! I think the world a much better/happier place if people could just be nice to each other! :]

  4. Pour Mr. Toilet Man and his Crohns. I feel his pain :D
    I think that paying it forward–being nice and not patronizing–will get you so far. Alex repeatedly gets cited as being one of the nicest residents to the nurses. They will go to bat for you if they are on your team! I was always nice to the bus boys and support staff at my restaurants–and they went out of their way for me as a result!
    Susie @ SuzLyfe recently posted…Post Marathon Recovery NonsenseMy Profile

    1. I did think of you when I first saw that sign! :O

      Agreed! And that’s awesome! Being kind to people (with zero expectation of having it returned, or it wouldn’t really be kindness :O ) has unexpectedly brought so many amazing people into my life! <3 I definitely think it goes a very, very long way! :]

  5. Good for you going trough Med school, that’s awesome! I believe practicing what you preach is the key to being a great health care professional. Whether Doctor, trainer, dietician whatever. You clients have to see the proof in the pudding. Thank you for sharing. I enjoy reading your posts!
    Ivanna recently posted…Try this Thursday #2 (YouTube Workout Videos)My Profile

    1. Thank you so much! It makes me so happy to hear that! :D! I definitely think it’s a really important concept to incorporate! What business would I have telling people they needed to exercise/eat healthy/be at a healthier weight if I didn’t practice the same things? :O

  6. Sounds like a great experience! I love the quote “You can’t do any of those diets forever. What it boils down to is a lifestyle change.“ SO true. I see friends doing fade diets all the time and no one is able to stick with them and they get so frustrated.

    1. It was! :D That was definitely one of my favorite rotations thus far!

      Agreed on the fad diets! It makes me so mad when I see people pouring all their money into all these companies marketing “quick fixes” that aren’t ever going to work. :[

  7. I like the “show more initiative” – something I could work on, too. Enjoyed reading this post!!
    Jess @hellotofit recently posted…Try This Thursday 3/2 – Pilates ReformerMy Profile

    1. Thank you! :D I’ve been trying to find a good balance on that one–part of me is torn because I’m always super worried that I’m slowing my preceptor down, so I don’t always want to ask if I can do things on my own, but at the same time, if I don’t, I’ll never know. :x Tis a fine line!

  8. Sounds like you had an awesome experience! I’m really enjoying following along your med school journey and seeing things from all different angles – both the sleepless and the inspirational ;)
    Ariana recently posted…What are Hormones & Why do They Hate Me?My Profile

    1. Aww, thank you! I’m glad to hear that! That was definitely one of my favorite rotations! :D I’m also super behind, so I’ll be talking about my pediatrics rotation next! (I finished that in early February, hahaha.)

  9. This created lots of smiles on my face. I can imagine the humorous situations you guys find yourself in.
    Lot’s of people always say, “well we are all going to die anyway.” which like you said is true, but we only get this life to make it the best possible, you’d think that those who say that would realize how stupid that comment sounds:)
    This rotation you are on sounds like a real fun one, and so are the people your working with!!!
    Kristy @Runaway Bridal Planner recently posted…How to Care for Your Running ClothesMy Profile

    1. Agreed! I like that he explained it to them though, because it got them to see their health in a different light! :]

      I’m super behind on updating about my rotations, so this one actually ended back in January. :x I still gotta right about Pediatrics + Psychiatry! :O

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