What I Look Forward To + Places I’ve Traveled

Hello hello! I’m back again with another installment of the November Blog(ger) Challenge! Feel free to link up at the bottom if you’re participating!

11/27: What I Look Forward To

  • Having the knowledge base and competency to start seeing patients on my own
    I like to think that someday, I won’t feel quite so incompetent!
  • Spending Thanksgiving (and possibly Christmas) with one of my best friends (aka Linda from Please Save A Cat!)
    I used up all of my vacation time between my FM + EM rotations, so I don’t get to go home for the holidays. Fortunately for me, I’m surrounded by awesome and amazing people, so Linda and both my churches here and back in Lewisburg told me I was more than welcome to spend my holidays with them, if I didn’t have anywhere to go. <3

    Good times in the barn. :O Bingo's claws hurt. :x

    Good times in the barn. :O Bingo’s claws hurt. :x

  • Someday having an income once more
    I very much miss having jobs.
  • Being done with boards forever
    Excluding re-licensure exams and all of that…
  • Not moving to a different state every couple years + actually have my own house to call my own
    This one will be a long time in coming because of all the student debt, but I can’t wait for this to happen *-* I have big plans for said house. I also want a ton of fruit trees, and an herb/vegetable garden. <3

11/28: Places I’ve Traveled
My parents (especially my mom) love to travel, and my mom is unbelievably talented at finding amazing deals, so I often get to be lucky enough to benefit from this! Every now and again, she gets to deal with me and my dad battling it out with each other.

She decided that it'd be okay for this picture to exist though.

She decided that it’d be okay for this picture to exist though. You can tell from his completely unperturbed expression that he is all too used to this.

Annnyway, these are some of the places I’ve been to in the past! <3



玉龙雪山, 云南 (Yunnan), China

玉龙雪山, 云南 (Yunnan), China

Alexandria, Egypt

Alexandria, Egypt

I also happened upon a pretty nifty map of sorts where you can check off the states you’ve visited!! I feel like Colorado, Georgia, Tennessee, and DC don’t really count for me because transfer flights and driving through em’ aren’t really “visiting” the state…but technically, I’ve “been” there?


Create Your Own Visited States Map!

  • What are you looking forward to?
  • Tell me about a place you’ve traveled to that you really liked!
  • How many states have you been to? Which one would you like to visit most that you haven’t been to yet?
  • What’s a place you’d love to visit someday?

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/november-blog-challenge-5/


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  1. Looking forward to: being able to run again! Trying to take it one day at a time though.
    Place I’ve Traveled: I really loved the islands! I have been to the Bahamas, Jamaica, Grand Cayman and Mexico on cruises and the atmosphere is just so laid back. The water is so beautiful too!
    States I’ve Been to: I don’t really know how many off the top of my head, but all have been in the east coast/midwest area. I’d love to go to Seattle or Colorado (next year’s vacation!)
    Place I’d love to visit: toss up between Asia (Thailand or China being top of the list) and New Zealand…I’m a huge Lord of the Rings nerd and always wanted to see where it was filmed. But Asia just seems like such a cool cultural experience to m have! Plus I’m a huge history buff so ancient places really hold appeal for me. Love your snake pic!!
    Montana Ross recently posted…So Apparently I Can’t Run for a Whole Month…My Profile

    1. Fingers crossed for you that you have a super-speedy recovery! <3

      Islands/tropical places tend to be my go-to favorites as well! :D I'd definitely recommend Asia if you've never been there before! Lots and lots of awesome food to eat and things tend to be way cheaper once you're there (it's just that initial plane ticket :'( ). I've also heard that New Zealand is absolutely beautiful, so I doubt you can go wrong. :]

      I'd love to visit Colorado someday too!

  2. Wow you’ve been to a lot of awesome places! Being in different countries with different cultures is something you can’t learn from a book!! And that is a very cool interactive map!! :)
    Sammy @ Peace, Love and Ice Cream! recently posted…2014 Thanksgiving HighlightsMy Profile

    1. For sure! <3 My favorite is trying out different cuisines and just learning about different cultures and their histories. That map was a fun discovery! :D I'm hoping I can fill out more of it someday! :]

  3. I definitely want to visit Hong Kong one day. There’s super cute guys there. ^_^
    Kimchi Cakes recently posted…Sheinside’s Holiday WearMy Profile

    1. hahaha, I love it for the food. :D!

    • alyssa on November 29, 2014 at 6:03 pm
    • Reply

    I love that map! I am a very wanderlust filled person so I can’t wait to see what places I can say I’ve been to years down the road. <3

    1. It was definitely fun clicking through! I wonder if I can one day make it through all 50 states! :P

  4. Ooh, Costa Rica and Thailand are both near the top of my list of places to travel next! I’m going to go make one of those states visited maps, I’ve lost track of how many I still need to go to!
    Crystal recently posted…My First Stitch Fix Review! – NovemberMy Profile

    1. I love both those places! <3 Hope you get to go, and that you have lots of fun! :]

      Same here! That actually also helped me to remember a couple places I forgot I'd ever even been to! :O

  5. The Dominican Republic is in my top 5 places I want to visit. Everyone I’ve talked to that’s ever gone talks about how much they liked it
    Angie B. recently posted…Space Scouts Subscription ReviewMy Profile

    1. It’s definitely a beautiful place to visit! If you’re at all a fan of warm tropical places with super-pretty scenery, that’s a great place to go! :]

  6. You can always come visit my house and start an herb garden HERE! I promise I’ll take good care of it!

    Honestly, it’s surprisingly easy (if you do it right) to become a homeowner. Just a few years ago I was living out of my car – and now I’m a homeowner myself! You might have to make some tough (but smart) choices, but believe in your goal and you’ll get there!
    Amanda Nyx recently posted…Blog Challenge 29: What’s In My Makeup BagMy Profile

    1. hahaha, I’ll keep that in mind! :P

      That’s awesome to hear! It seems like such a daunting thought right now, but I hope I get to that point eventually! *-*

    • Ricardo on December 3, 2014 at 12:56 am
    • Reply

    What are you looking forward to?
    Changing jobs. Now, I love what I do, but with the few pay raises I’ll get per year, it won’t be enough to survive out in the bay. Maybe if I move back to the valley, things would work out a little easier with the same pay, but I’ll need something else to get caught up in bills and also move to somewhere else in the city.

    Tell me about a place you’ve traveled to that you really liked!
    I’ll go with Eureka, CA. My older brother had worked for the California Conservation Corps in Fortuna,CA, which is like 15 minutes from Eureka, and it’s by far one of the most pleasant places I’ve ever been to. It was like, that small town that you see in movies, but it was large and modern enough to function as a standard city. It was like a light version of Oregon. Plus, some of the nearby landmarks were used for many famous films such as Star Wars ep. 6, The Goonies, and The Majestic. Plus they had this awesome food joint called the Samoa Cookhouse in Arcata,CA. Basically it used to be a place that lumberjacks went to to eat before they chopped down trees, and it functions the same way. You pay for a seat, they bring you whatever they made for the day, and it’s all you can eat. It’s amazing, haha.

    How many states have you been to? Which one would you like to visit most that you haven’t been to yet?
    I guess 8 is the total count. 11 if we include both Canada (British Colombia) and Mexico (Baja and Guanajuato). Actually, most east coast locations (new york, D.C., and boston to name a few) I’d love to visit. Plus many are nearby to each other, relatively speaking, so it’d be easy to plan maybe a week trip out there.

    What’s a place you’d love to visit someday?
    The place where you live, duh. =p.
    Well that, and Japan. I’m saving now, because my friends are planning to go again this upcoming year. I need to be loaded, haha.

    1. There there! That’s my one reservation right now from going back home-home for residency. :/ Unless I live at home, I’m pretty sure I won’t be able to afford living in the bay area. Sad times!

      Ohmicrud, that Samoa Cookhouse sounds like a place I need to go visit. *-* (I just looked it up on yelp and everything, so you know it’s srsbsns!) I’ll have to choose the day that they don’t happen to be serving pork, haha.

      I’d definitely recommend visiting the east coast at some point! NY and Boston have a tonnnnn of awesome eateries. :D! I’ve yet to visit DC (it used to be only 4 hours away–sigh!).

      Best of luck to you on the saving! Japan should be fun!

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