I Mustache You A Question

I’ve been seeing this “I Mustache You A Question” thing floating around the blogging world and thought it’d be fun to nominate myself and answer em’! :P As per usual, I’m frighteningly verbose, so feel free to skip around! :P

Four names people call me, other than my real name:

  1. Black Hole
    I eat a lot. The nurses at the cardiology office like to tell the drug reps that I keep it all in a hollow leg.
  2. Anything that rhymes with “air-uh”
    Sarah, Tara, Clara…I also get lots of “Farah’s” (‘far-uh‘), so I pretty much answer to anything that even remotely rhymes with my name.
  3. Farrahlita / Lita
    Sean/Isaac usually call me this. I assume it’s because I’m considered to be petite(?). :O
  4. Fongness
    Another nickname from Sean/Isaac, and also Mike! I’m not sure where that one came from, but it almost sounds like “Highness,” so I’m going with that.

    Did you know that Mike once wrote a poem for/to me? Well, now you do!

    Did you know that Mike once wrote a poem for/to me? Well, now you do! We went to get frozen yogurt after I found this on my whiteboard.



Four jobs I’ve had:

I’ve actually only ever had 4 jobs (unless you split #1 into 3 different ones), so this works out well. FUN FACT: Did you know I once applied to be a Hooters girl? :O. I wanted to earn money to pay for pole dancing lessons. They chose the other girl and I got into grad school, so there. (That branch has also since closed down.)

  1. Piano Teacher/Accompanist/Pianist
    I really miss having this as a source of income. ;_; This and my music librarian job took care of my livelihood throughout college while I was slaving away with 8-12 classes/20+ units per quarter.

    This is from my junior recital, but there are pretty much no pictures of me doing accompaniment and the like, so mehh.

    This is from my junior recital, but there are pretty much no pictures of me doing accompaniment and the like, so mehh.

  2. Music Librarian
    I got paid the big bucks (minimum wage) to do homework, study, and rent out CDs, musical scores and DVDs to my friends. :O My boss loved me though (I dealt with everyone for her so she wouldn’t have to!), so when the music department got hammered with budget cuts, she managed to convince them to keep me through the summer so I could pay for my livelihood. <3I finished inventory (10k+ CD’s, 400 DVD’s + a whole lot of musical scores) early on in the summer (probably another reason why she thought I was awesome), so my last week of work consisted of me playing Final Fantasy on my DS. She caught me one day, and here’s the conversation that ensued.
    N: What are you doing there?
    F: Saving the world!
    N: Okay, good luck with that! (goes off to lunch)
  3. Tutor
    When I was in high school, I tutored elementary school kids for a couple months in reading, writing and math at a somewhat shady Asian establishment located at a small plaza near my house. I had to give them a copy of my transcript to prove that I had above a 3.5 GPA in order to tutor there. They may have asked for my SAT score as well.
  4. Research Subject
    I did this throughout undergrad + for the year after I graduated, for various departments. The grad students at the UCD Mind & Brain Center saw me so often that they knew me by name and I knew all sorts of things about all the research/projects they were doing.

Four movies I’ve watched more than once:

  1. Miss Congeniality
    I can probably quote this entire movie. :O
  2. Enchanted
    This is such an adorable movie. <3 Jon McLaughlin’s “So Close” is a heartbreaking song though. I always end up feeling super empty when I hear it. :[
  3. Pretty much any of Stephen Chow’s movies from the 1990’s
    I miss his acting! His movies provided a lot of entertainment to me and my brother throughout our childhood/teenage/college/recent years. We watch em’ with our parents and even now, my dad cackles along/my mom still tells us to never use the profanity he uses in said movies. :x
  4. Tangled
    One of my favorite Disney movies! <3 It was so pretty, and I loved how her weapon of choice was a cast iron frying pan. :] (That movie also really made me want a horse even more. And a chameleon.)

Four books I’d recommend:

For the record, I haven’t read any new books in ages, so all of these are books I read from back in high school and before! If you want anything more recent, I’d be recommending textbooks to you.

  1. Hawksong, by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes
    I liked this book so much that when we had a free-for-all book project in high school, I chose to rewrite the entire book in Zane’s point of view. :O If you’re a fan of fantasy/supernatural novels, this one’s about shapeshifters and starts off with in almost Romeo & Juliet-like state with avians and serpiente waging wars against each other for as long as either party can remember…except there’s no love between Danica & Zane. The two are each the last remaining heirs to their respective thrones, and both desperately want peace, so you get to see how that unfolds. It’s written very beautifully! <3
  2. The Count of Monte Cristo, by Alexandre Dumas
    My favorite “classic” book that I read for fun in high school when I was doing my whole “read a new book every day” challenge during my sophomore year. Although long, I couldn’t put this one down, and I think I finished it in 3 sittings. (I tend to get pretty engrossed while reading, and I also read really quickly, so there’s that.) If you’ve ever dreamed of the concept of revenge…this is a good one to read if you’ve never picked it up! Read the unabridged version. I know it looks hefty, but it’s worth it!
  3. Hard Love, by Ellen Wittlinger
    I discovered this book in junior high–realistic fiction! It’s about a guy who feels that he is “immune to emotion” and can’t express his feelings, aside from through his writing in a zine. He starts reading a girl’s zine and finds her writing and sarcastic wit intriguing, so he decides to try to meet her by stationing himself at the Tower Records where she says she’ll be dropping off her next issue. Is the storyline sounding altogether too predictable and have you lost interest?! She’s a lesbian and makes that extremely clear from the start, so they slowly form a cautious friendship where they talk about pretty much anything and everything. I really enjoyed the writing and imagery in this one too!
  4. The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald
    My favorite “classic” book that was assigned in high school! At the time that I read it, I was attempting to “repeat the past” as well, so it really resonated with me (even though I found most of the characters frighteningly shallow–twas a mark of that time period). Fitzgerald does an amazing job of describing the 1920’s and the unattainable American Dream. If I recall correctly, I also read this book in one sitting. >_> I’ve still never seen the full movie adaptation of it (the newest one)!

Four places I’ve lived:

  1. Ronceverte, WV
    Hello, med school!
  2. New Brunswick, NJ
    Hello, grad school!
  3. Davis, CA
    Hello, undergrad!
  4. Kentucky
    Hello, clinical rotations!

Four places I’ve been:

  1. Macau
    Egg Tart from Macau

    Click the picture for an egg tart recipe!

  2. Greece
  3. Switzerland
  4. Costa Rica
I was gonna do a recap on the cruise I went on in October, but seeing as how my brother still hasn't sent me the bulk of the pictures...I guess it ain't happening. D:

I was gonna do a recap on the cruise I went on in October through the Panama Canal (with a stop in Costa Rica!), but seeing as how my brother still hasn’t sent me the bulk of the pictures…I guess it ain’t happening. D:

Four places I’d rather be right now:

  1. In Hawai’i. <3 Or some warm tropical place with pretty beaches and awesome food.
    Maui Beach
  2. Twirly Girls Pole Fitness
  3. Doing my rotations at home in CA (perhaps next year?)
  4. Please Save A Cat

    Don't mind the puppy's paw on the right. :P They just all like to chill together on/near the heat mats!

    Don’t mind the puppy’s paw on the right. :P They just all like to chill together on/near the heat mats!

Four things I don’t eat:

  1. Olives
    No.The only time I will accept an olive is in a “Knock knock” joke from specific people. (Knock knock / Who’s there? / Olive / Olive who? / Olive you!)…Anyway…
  2. Copious amounts of cheese :\
    I might be somewhat lactose intolerant.
  3. Nature Valley Oats N’ Honey Granola Bars
    They remind me of organic chemistry. :[ The explanation is somewhere in the middle of this post.
  4. Pork
    As a Seventh-Day Adventist, I don’t eat pork or seafood other than fish! :O

Four of my favorite foods:

  1. A sushi roll with mango, spicy salmon + avocado in it wrapped in seaweed + brown rice, topped with more salmon + drizzled with sriracha sauce, although I could just settle for some Salmon Avocado Sushi right now
  2. Thai chicken curry
  3. Korean BBQ <3
  4. Teriyaki chicken musubi

Four TV shows that I watch:

  1. Supernatural
    My best friend introduced me to this series and we used to watch together all the time. :O My one and only celebrity crush is a lead in this series, so how could I not love it? He also makes the most hilarious facial expressions ever.

    I have a majormajor thing for chiseled features/brown hair and green eyes. ._.

    Not gonna lie, I have a majormajor thing for chiseled features/brown hair and green eyes. <3

  2. Game of Thrones
    The guys and I had Game of Thrones nights every Sunday earlier this year!
  3. Once Upon A Time
    If you couldn’t tell from Enchanted and Tangled, I really like fairytales and the like. I am a somewhat-closeted sap, so this usually has me rooting for things to “end” happily. I don’t really like Henry though. >_>
  4. Vampire Diaries
    Keat and I chain-watched this during our glorious basement-dwelling Thanksgiving in Boston a couple years back! Here are some South Park caricatures I did of us several years ago, just for kicks. I gave him boobs because his pecs are big enough that he can hold pencils in between them when he flexes.
    South Park Farrah / Keat

Four things I’m looking forward to next year:

  1. Being done with Step II of boards!
  2. Tough Mudder in Louisville?!
  3. Doing rotations back at home?!
  4. Northern California Pole Presentational?!

Four things I’m always saying:

  • “There there.”
  • “Hello, good sir!”
  • “It’ll be okay! Just keep on truckin’!”
  • “Hi, my name is Farrah! I’m a third-year medical student working with Dr. ______! Do you mind if I ask you some questions?”

It’s your turn! Answer any of the questions above! :D

Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/mustache-question/


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  1. I love the Great Gatsby!! It’s one of my favorites too! Love your answers. Thanks for sharing!
    Melanie recently posted…2015 MantraMy Profile

    1. I saw part of the newest movie remake of it and now I kinda want to reread it again! :O

      Thanks for stopping by! :]

  2. I love how diverse your interests are–you really run an amazing gamut of activities and skills! And your last quote–hahahahahhahahaha
    Susie @ SuzLyfe recently posted…Holiday Social Season, Sororities, Sail #ThinkingoutloudMy Profile

    1. Thank you! :D I guess I’m fairly gifted at being a jack-of-all-trades-ish being! :O

      I live for the day where I won’t have to say that last one anymore! I’ve gotten really good at expediting that part of my spiel! :P

  3. Miss. Congeniality is a fantastic movie!
    New Brunswick! You mean Rutgers?!?!
    Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine recently posted…Roasted Sweet Vanilla Pecan ButterMy Profile

    1. Yes indeed! I went to UMDNJ, but I think they have since merged! :o I used the Rutgers gyms and buses a lot! :P

  4. This is one of my all time fav quotes too “It’ll be okay! Just keep on truckin’!” And people call me all sorts of things : squash, sash, squish, sushi,…i guess as long as they call me something that begins with an s it’s okay? :)

    1. Hehe, it makes things seem less bleak! :P

      Those are cute ones! :D

  5. I’ll join you in Hawaii. As for pole fitness … NO WAY. I’ll do yoga instead :) Great post, and fun getting to know you a bit better :)

    1. I wish! I don’t agree with cold weather. :[

      Thank you so much for stopping by! :]

  6. Fair-uh?

    I’ll call you FAIR O! :) LIKE THE EGYPTIAN.
    Linda @ TheFitty recently posted…Why You Should Eat LiverMy Profile

    1. Haha, I’ve gotten that as well! :P

  7. Fun post! no olives, though?? :-) Funny about being called “air-uh”-you just reminded me that my son used to call his big sister Sierra that when he was little and couldn’t pronounce her name. Good memories :-)

    1. Haha, I’ve tried on so many occasions to like them, but I just can’t. :[

      Aww, that’s cute! :]! I would probably answer to a muffled, “Sierra” too! That still kinda rhymes! :P

  8. Oh my goodness, I remember the book Hawksong! Wasn’t it a series of sorts too? Didn’t it have other books that went along with it? I LOVED that book, too funny that you’ve read it and reminded me of it. :) If you move to California again, can you take me with you? I want to move somewhere warmer. Ha! Northwest Arkansas isn’t as nice in the Fall/Winter months as everyone would think it would be. It’s freaking cold here.

    1. Yes indeed! I think it was actually a tetrology (there aren’t many of those o_O). The second book was in Zane’s point of view. :]

      I’m hoping that I’ll be able to! If I do get to go back there, I shall pack you along! :O I’m really not enjoying this cold either! :[

  9. I hate olives too. Glad we’re on the same page with that ;)

    And Korean BBQ is one of my favorites! Another reason for you to move to San Diego…
    Gloria recently posted…Liebster Award (round two)My Profile

    1. Augh, if only! Right now, I’d pretty much settle for anywhere in California! (With slight reservations on LA, just because I don’t want to have to sit in traffic for 4 hours a day. ._.) Here’s to hoping!

  10. I love reading this type of stuff. I find out so much good stuff, like… I’m an olive hater too! Sometimes I feel like the only one! :)
    Lou @ Mommy Sanest recently posted…The Best Holiday Books for Toddlers & Preschoolers Selected by a Reading TeacherMy Profile

    1. You’re definitely not alone! :P Thanks so much for stopping by! :]

  11. Great answers! My husband and I love “Game of Thrones”. And the last thing you’re always saying really brought back some memories for me :)
    Sonali- The Foodie Physician recently posted…Dining with the Doc: Holiday Almond Raisin ClustersMy Profile

    1. hehehe, I can’t wait til I no longer have to do that! :P

    • Ricardo on December 12, 2014 at 1:49 am
    • Reply

    Well, the power is back on, and I’m having a hard time sleeping, so thanks for these questions.
    Also, I survived on Nature Valley Bars covered with Nutella for like a week. Sucks being poor, heh.

    Four names people call me, other than my real name:
    Ricky, Cardo, Ric, Asshole

    Four jobs I’ve had:
    Cashier for Jelly Belly, Accountant, Financial Aid Clerk, Assistant Football Coach

    Four movies I’ve watched more than once:
    the original Transformers: The Movie, Little Nemo: The Dream Master, Tron; Legacy, Scott Pilgrim VS. The World

    Four books I’d recommend:
    I haven’t read anything that isn’t currently popular, so I’ll instead refer games.
    Shadow of the Colossus, Mother 3,Punch-Out! (Wii), Uncharted 2

    Four places I’ve lived:
    I can only reply with places I’ve lived growing up, which unfortunately was mostly in Sacramento
    Del Paso Heights (child), Natomas (HS/college), Land Park (ex-gf), and Oakland (when I first moved to the bay area)

    Four places I’ve been:
    Eureka, Ca, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Mexico

    Four places I’d rather be right now:
    I’ll be a little creative and mention place in time
    1997, 2001, 2005, 2009

    Four things I don’t eat:
    Much like yourself, I don’t really like Olives, I can’t do canned Tuna, nor do I do anything sour, and I don’t like cows tongue

    Four of my favorite foods:
    Pizza, burgers, burritos, pasta. This list could be hella bigger, haha

    Four TV shows that I watch:
    Brooklyn nine-nine, Game of Thrones, Colbert Report…and House of Cards on Netflix,

    Four things I’m looking forward to next year:
    Oh man, a raise, a new place, maybe a new job, and a gf would be nice, heh.

    Four things I’m always saying:
    “I’m down,” “No worries,” “Are you fucking serious?” and “Fair enough.”

    That was fun thinking about. Let me know if you want me to expand on anything, though.

    1. I’m glad the power’s back in the bay! :O Yay for my posts being able to provide you with something to pass the time with, hehehe.

      Do a lot of people call you asshole? D:

      Is it sad that I’ve never seen any of the movies/played any of the games you mentioned? :x

      Same here on the food. I hate having to narrow it down, haha, but I guess they have to cap it somewhere, or I’d just keep on listing things endlessly.

        • Ricardo on December 13, 2014 at 12:49 am
        • Reply

        Just my close friends call me an asshole. But I do the same with them, because when you have friends for almost 2 decades, you transcend that friendship into people you love to hate, haha. But I’m so thankful these jerks are still hanging around, haha.

        So, the movies I don’t really expect you to have seen. The only one I would recommend you make some time for is Scott Pilgrim. As for the games, you mentioned you haven’t played much since the snes hey day, and so since they are recommendations, it’s litterally whenever you get a chance.

        Then again, where you traveled, I played. I should do that eventually too, haha.

        1. Ah, okay, haha. Just checking! My friends and I all abuse each other all the time too. It’s great. :D

          I shall add those to my never-ending list of things I should at-some-point-in-my-life check out!

  12. Such a fun post. Thanks for sharing! I would rather be in Hawaii too. I love the beach :)
    Bri @ Simple Delights recently posted…WTEW: The Good BeanMy Profile

    1. Same here! I’m trying to see if I can finagle a rotation there. That’d be so awesome! *-* (Also highly unrealistic and unlikely, but one can dream!)

  13. So fun reading this and getting to know you, Farrah! Good luck on your boards next year! It looks like you’re a hard working person so I’m sure you’ll do great!
    Carrie This Home recently posted…Make Thank You Note Writing With Kids EasyMy Profile

    1. Thanks so much! I really hope they go well! I’m trying to study well in advance so part 2 won’t be so terrible! *-*

  14. lol @ the poem. I also love the Vampire Diaries. We’ve gotten behind and really need to catch up!
    April | Our Little Loves recently posted…Our Life | A Picture Every HourMy Profile

    1. He’s a budding poet! :P

      I’m super behind on that too! :[ I think I got stopped up somewhere around the beginning of the 4th season. Hoping I can catch up sometime!

    • HornBrain on December 16, 2014 at 1:41 am
    • Reply

    Frying pans! Who knew, right?

    1. It’s a pretty formidable weapon! :P

  15. OMG! Hawksong is one of my favorite books ever. I read the entire series, but loved the first the most. It’s been a while, I think I’m going to read it again. I can’t believe I almost forgot about it. When I think about the book, all the warm fuzzies come back haha.

    <3 Jamaica King
    Jamaica | rarax3.com recently posted…Rock ‘n’ Roll 2015 BloggerMy Profile

    1. I read the whole series too, but Hawksong was definitely my favorite out of the four. Their story was so sweet! <3!

      Hope you have a great weekend! :]

  16. Love Miss Congeniality! Love reading about your favorite things! Also I am always saying similar things to my classmates like “keep on keep’n on”. “We’re living’ the dream” is another popular one of mine lol.
    kerri mcgrail recently posted…What Running Has Taught me About LifeMy Profile

    1. hehehe, one of my preceptor says the “livin’ the dream” one all the time too! :P

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