Hot Cocoa

The day that classes officially started again for spring semester, Luke & Chris came over to my place to hang out, and after several games of Settlers, Luke and I started talking about adopting miniature horses and starting a farm.

Chris wisely chose not to take any part in this plotting by falling asleep. When he woke up, he made us hot cocoa to shut us up. :O

We even looked up the difference between hot cocoa and hot chocolate. According to, “Hot cocoa is made from raw cocoa powder, which is pressed chocolate which removes the fat of the cocoa butter. Hot chocolate is made from chocolate bars melted into a cream or ground into a powder. Often hot chocolate has a very high sugar and fat content and low cocoa content.”

Hot Cocoa

-1/2 cup water
-1/2 cup sugar
-1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
-4 cups soy milk
-1/4 tsp salt
-3/4 tsp vanilla extract

1) Simmer water, sugar, cocoa & salt in a pan over moderate heat. Stir until lumps are dissolved (~3 minutes).
2) Add milk to ingredients. Stir and bring slowly to simmer (~5 minutes). To enhance flavor, stir in vanilla just before serving.

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