Greenbrier River Trail North Caldwell

Whether through hiking or biking, I’ve gone down the Greenbrier River Trail North Caldwell a good number of times in the past (and blogged about it a couple times–for instance, here, here, here, and here). It’s gorgeous all through the seasons).

(Before I get to the rest of this post, I fixed up a new page for my travels! It’s now on the menu so if you want to scour for places to explore, go for it! I’ll be adding to it every other Tuesday!)

The entire trail is actually 78 miles long, so I have not in fact ever reached the end, although I really did want to try. (Med school kinda got in the way of that.) I do have a couple friends from church who biked the whole 156 miles though and lived to tell the tale, so there’s that.

greenbrier river trail

Distance: 78 miles out and back (we went for ~3.5-4 miles and turned back)
Elevation: Pretty much none, unless you walk down to the swimming holes and have to come back up!
Trailhead Location: I-64E and take exit 175 to Rt.60W 2.7 miles to Rt. 38 Stone House Rd. I-64W take exit 169 to Rt. 219N then 0.5 miles to Rt. 30 Brush Rd then 0.5 miles to Rt. 38 Stone House Rd.
Difficulty: Easy
Parking: There’s a parking lot at the North Caldwell “entrance!”

greenbrier river trail

There are pretty little waterfalls off to the left and on the right, you can see the Greenbrier River!

greenbrier river trail


greenbrier river trail

This is what the way down to the first swimming hole looks like!

greenbrier river trail

greenbrier river trail

It’s such a peaceful place. <3

greenbrier river trail greenbrier river trail

Over the years, my med school friends and I have definitely had the aspirations to bring our stuff out here to study, but a laptop battery unfortunately only lasts so long (and our study sessions tend to marathon for at least 8 hours), so we never did.

greenbrier river trail

There’s a toilet every 8-ish miles or so! The one we came across was at Milepost 4.7.

greenbrier river trail

It’s a gorgeous place though! :]

greenbrier river trail

This is what the way down to the second swimming hole looks like!

greenbrier river trail greenbrier river trail

Biking, horseback riding, and camping are all definitely doable along this trail too! There’s horse trailer parking every 10 miles or so, and campsites and canoe access points available at many locations along the trail.

greenbrier river trail

greenbrier river trail

This is probably the only picture there is of us in the entirety of our trip where we actually look normal. What can I say? We’re awesome.

In truth, we had actually planned on taking a longer hike than that, but then we happened upon a black bear ambling down the side of the hill. We figured it’d be best to leave.

  • What’s the longest trail you’ve ever hiked on?
  • Have you ever encountered a bear during a hike?

Check out my other hikes!

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  1. Looks like you had a good time! Such beautiful scenery!!
    Rachel @ recently posted…Are you focused on the wrong metrics?My Profile

    1. It was a lot of fun! :]! (Til the bear happened, haha.)

  2. I’ve never encountered a bear, but I have encountered a fresh bear paw print. I chose not to investigate.
    Susie @ Suzlyfe recently posted…1996 Centennial Olympic Games MemoriesMy Profile

    1. haha, I think you made the right decision there! :O

  3. Oh MAN! So much green, I love it!

    The longest day trip I’ve taken was in Santa Cruz. Berry Falls! 13 miles. I loved every second of it, despite all my complaining toward the end ;)
    Divya @ Eat Teach Blog recently posted…First Day of Work in TNMy Profile

    1. All the green makes me happy!

      I haven’t been to Santa Cruz in the longest time (11 years? o_o)–I need to go back sometime!!

  4. This looks so beautiful and peaceful! You are very lucky to get to have this experience and the time outdoors!

    1. Thanks! It’s a beautiful place–I had to stock up on my outdoor explorations before I got swallowed by the hospital! :O

  5. Nature is so amazing!! In one place it can be totally green like this place, and in others it can be barren and red desert!! So cool.
    Jess @hellotofit recently posted…Easy Strawberry Mango Overnight OatsMy Profile

    1. Agreed! :O I wanna explore it all, hahaha. :]

  6. That would be rather relaxing to decompress there while studying though! Lovely, lovely!
    Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine recently posted…Rhubarb Orange Quick BreadMy Profile

    1. It would’ve been the absolute perfect study spot if I hadn’t needed an outlet and wifi! :O!!

  7. So peaceful and beautiful! Looks like you had a great time!

    1. It was a lot of fun! :]!

  8. What a gorgeous trail! You have been on so many awesome adventures lately!
    Kristy from Southern In Law recently posted…Kristy’s Random Ramblings #4My Profile

    1. I packed em’ all into a short period of time and am slowlyyyy rolling out with actual posts on em’! :P

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