Fuel Your Day with Hemp Heart Bars

I am not a morning person. I’ve even written in the past on how to expedite your morning routine as much as possible in an effort to maximize sleep! …But somehow, I’ve been able to force myself to leave the house every morning at 4:45 a.m. (and 4:15 on Fridays ;_; ).

Part of it is because I pack a world’s worth of food with me the night before to sustain me throughout the day (I’ll have a review of that coming up soon! <3).

I’ve written before about my love for hemp hearts–remember my flour-less Rice Cooker Protein Banana Cake?! If cake isn’t your thing (…), perhaps an Orange Cranberry Walnut Salad or 5-Ingredient Apricot Plum Energy Bites would be up your alley?

Well, they’re at it again, and this time, it’s in the form of snack bars! Read on to see how you can fuel your day with hemp heart bars! :D

Hemp Heart Bars

There are 3 different flavors: vanilla, chocolate, and apple cinnamon! (I got to try the latter two!)

Both are really tasty, and help to tide over my hunger for at least a little while (I say this only because unless I’ve just consumed 100 pieces of sushi, I can probably still eat more), but of the two, I’m a bigger fan of the apple cinnamon, mostly because I’ve always been more partial to fruity flavors, and I like the bits of apple in that one!

(…but if they were to make a chocolate peanut butter flavor, I’d have a really hard time deciding on a favorite.)

Hemp Heart Bars

Interested in the nutrition facts? Depending on the flavor, each bar ranges from…

  • 230-240 calories
  • 13-15g carbohydrates
  • 10g plant-based protein
  • 15-16g fat (10g = omegas!)
  • 8-10g sugar
  • 20-110mg sodium


I’ve been hanging out in the locker room wolfing down food in between surgeries (and sometimes I run away in between) if I start to fade, because the surgeries are something like 6-11+ hours long. Neurosurgeons don’t seem to ever sleep. :O Here’s a fun conversation:

(Anesthesiologist): Are you going into neurosurgery?
F: Nope! I’m going into family medicine!
: Neurosurgery is rough. Long hours. Intense. You are very brave. Or a little crazy. Or maybe a bit of both.
F: I need to find out their secret! I’d be so much more productive if I didn’t need to sleep. What do they run on?!
: Fatigue and misery.

Snacks, snacks, keep me alive! :O

hempheartbarsffManitoba Harvest is also currently running a photo contest (details here)–it’s open to U.S. and Canadian residents (18yo+) and a winner will be chosen each month!

Share a photo of the bar(s) and tag @manitobaharvest #hempheartbar #fuelledbyhemp #sweatpink @fitapproach for a chance to win a box of your favorite flavor of Hemp Heart Bars!

Can’t wait long enough to win? You can get 15% off with the following discount code: hhbarlaunch1015
(Expires 3/31/2016!)

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  • Have you ever had any Manitoba Harvest products?
  • What’s your favorite snack bar?

Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/fuel-your-day-with-hemp-heart-bars/


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  1. I think the only interaction with hemp I’ve ever had is wearing a bracelet in middle school. Same hemp…?
    Alex recently posted…Life Coach: Michelle TannerMy Profile

    1. I believe it comes from the same plant, but don’t eat your bracelet, Alex! As a future health care professional, I cannot condone such activities! ;P

  2. You are impressive! I think my life is hard- up at 5:30am and out the door by 6:15am armed with all the bars in the world to fuel me through my long day! I would be so sad and starving without my bars!

    1. Aww, thank you! Packing a giant bag of meals/snacks definitely helps me to stay alive, hehehe. I’d be super cranky and sad without sustenance too!!

  3. I tried these in October at FNCE and loooooooved the vanilla one! They are all tasty :)
    Meme recently posted…Wild Blueberry Limeade SmoothieMy Profile

    1. Ooo, I still need to try the vanilla one! :D I’m with you though–I feel like you can’t go wrong with any of em’! :]

  4. OMG I am with you with the chocolate peanut butter flavor! I think we should give them a little nudge in that direction. ;)

    1. Ah, we should! I’ll go tweet about it. ;P

  5. i love the apple cinnamon ones. wow! i thought i was early getting up at 5. cannot imagine having to leave my house before then.

    1. That’s my favorite flavor too! :] And aughh, 5 is super early. I am most definitely not a morning person, so I’m really glad this 4:45 a.m. leaving time is only for a month! I don’t think I’d last for long if this were a daily thing forever! x_x

  6. Great review! We’re both up early. The only difference is I am a morning person. The earlier the better :)
    jill conyers recently posted…Total Body Strength and Tone Super Set WorkoutMy Profile

    1. hahaha, the later the better for me! x_x

  7. I do not know if I have a favorite snack bar, but I will sadly admit I used to like eating…..eeeeekkkk, Pay Day Protein bars, what did I say that out loud. I think your recommends are by far healthier and the better choice:o)
    Mandi Korn recently posted…Hello…My name is Mandi and it has been 3 weeks since my last Blog PostMy Profile

    1. I didn’t know Pay Day had protein bars! (I like their candy bars though!? hahaha) I like to think that everything in moderation is a healthier approach to life! ;P

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