Follow Your Dreams

Happy Monday, and welcome to Medical Mondays! This week’s topic = Follow Your Dreams!

Medical Mondays went on a hiatus for a while, but it’s back, and back with a vengeance–or at least, for the next 6-ish weeks (since I can’t speak for the rest of the year just yet), because guess who’s done with her interviews?!? (Unless someplace that I really like happens to contact me last-minute.)

As I mentioned back in my post about leaving your comfort zone, I was selected as one of 3 finalists for a scholarship/writing competition, and my post is finally live! :D

>> The Path You’re Meant To Take <<

First place is awarded to the post with the most views and social shares by February 19, so I’d super appreciate your support! <3

The Path You're Meant To Take

Click the picture for the rest of my entry!


I’ve mentioned in here every here and there about what led me to choose family medicine, but I suppose I’ve never actually shared at length what led me to it. The essay I wrote was for a prompt: “What Family Medicine Means To Me,” and parts of it are actually from the personal statement I wrote for the FM residency programs I’m applying for.

To be honest, a lot of people tried to talk me out of going into family medicine.

“You could make so much more money doing something else.”

“Why don’t you go for something more competitive?”

“Are you sure you don’t want to do surgery?”

“But they’re the lowest-paying specialty.”

“Why would you want to do family med?”

It was honestly a little depressing, and was part of Pixie’s and my inspiration to start up FM Student. I live on $10k/year, so I really don’t require much to live. You do not go into medicine (especially not FM) if your #1 desire is to be rich. I just want to pay off my loans and parents’ house, and afterward, my idea of livin’ large is to continue to live on as little as possible so I can spend the rest to take my parents on vacations, travel with friends, make monthly fat donations to Please Save A Cat, buy Bel a building for her envisioned community pole studio, and Phil a bunch of mats and whatever the hecks else he wants at PCMAA.

I am nothing if not consistent–my interests have largely been the same since I was very young (e.g. writing, music, animals, the outdoors, helping others), and a good number of my closest friends are the same ones I’ve had since elementary school.

I try to always keep an open mind, which has led to gaining a billion more hobbies/interests, but as far as my clinical rotations went, there were none that I loved more than family medicine.

At the end of the day, it’s your life that you’ll be living. Do you want to spend it doing something others want you to do, or doing something you hate? Is it really worth throwing away your quality of life?

I’m absolutely floored by the outpouring of love and support I’ve gotten from friends, family, and strangers on my post–it honestly makes me feel as though I’ve already won. (I just hope I can live up to what they’ve been saying!!) I’m genuinely touched, and so, so happy to read all the kind words, and they really help to keep me going! <3

Medical school has not been easy, but I believe it’ll be worth it, and if it can convince even one person to follow their dreams and to go after what they really want in life, I’d be ecstatic. :]

This is a quote that inspired me for my personal statement to get into medical school. It’s still something I’m working toward every day!


Find a job that you love, and you’ll never work a day of your life.”

  • What’s your dream in life? How are you working towards getting there?

I came up with this design ages ago for our class t-shirt contest! :]
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  1. Love. This. So. Much.
    I know you inspire others. As you so so inspire me.
    Carla recently posted…Sleep Consistency Matters.My Profile

    1. Thanks so much, Carla! <3!

  2. I so love this! I’ve always told my husband that I don’t care what he does, or how much he makes, as long as he is happy and we have a roof and food.

    1. Thanks so much, Adelina! I think being happy is way more important! :] Back in the day, I talked my at-the-time significant-other out of a relatively high-paying job and encouraged him to go for his actual passion (teaching) since he always seemed like the other one was slowly draining his life/soul away!

  3. I love this. I work in Pediatrics, and since I’m an NP, it’s definitely a labor of love. You have to do what you love. You’re going to be an amazing physician.

    1. Agreed! There are so many other professions to go into if the objective is to just make money. I’d rather be happy doing what I love and helping others! :]

      Thank you so much–I really hope I will be!

  4. Well-written! Sharing!
    Eva /Kid Minds recently posted…Toilet Paper Roll Bowling, Stacking and Math PracticeMy Profile

    1. Thanks so much, Eva! <3!!

  5. Love this post! It’s so amazing that there are people like you in the world willing and ready to dedicate your lives to helping others in this way, and I think more people need to realize that life isn’t about what other people think of your choices, it’s about how happy your choices make you and how you feel at the end of the day.

    1. Thanks so much, Alyssa! I definitely agree! :] It’s easy for others to give you advice and tell you what they think you should do, but at the end of the day, you’re the one that’s going to be living that life! Gotta make it count and to spend it doing what you love! :]

  6. I’m working towards fixing a few things that will help me be in my dream life :D
    I think that you and Alex are both living your dream lives in the medical field. There are just people who are meant to be doctors, and there are those who are in it by default. I’m so happy for you!

    1. I’m glad you are! You definitely seem headed in the right direction! :D!

      Thanks so much! <3!

  7. What a great post! It’s always great to be able to do something you love and are passionate about — especially when it helps other people! Best of luck to you on your journey!
    Lex @ Flecksoflex recently posted…What to Wear on a Winter HikeMy Profile

    1. Thanks so much, Lex! :D I really hope it goes well! :]!

  8. “Do you want to spend it doing something others want you to do, or doing something you hate? Is it really worth throwing away your quality of life?” That line right there is EVERYTHING. You’re right. Period. End of story. And I’m happy to see a friend of mine pursuing her true passions!
    Kaylin@EnticingHealthyEating recently posted…Enchilada Chicken Cornbread BakeMy Profile

    1. Thanks so much, Kaylin! <3 I'm so excited for what's to come (also a little nervous, but meh!)--can't wait to see what ends up happening and where I end up going! I'm also still hoping that I'll get to come visit Austin someeeeday!

  9. Yes! Your life, you life it and you do what you want! Yes yes yes Farrah! And you are so doing it right! #Proud!
    Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine recently posted…Spicy Red Sriracha QuinoaMy Profile

    1. Yes indeed! <3 Thanks so much for your support, Rebecca! :D

  10. Really enjoyed this post! You definitely are a great example of following your dreams.
    That is incredible about the writing contest, you are just awesome in so many ways!
    I truly love the quote about doing something you love, never having to work a day in your life again. I get that all the time with weddings, people are always telling me. Those are so much work, don’t you get exhausted.
    Well yes, but it’s work I love I don’t feel miserable about it at all, it’s something I love to do, so it hardly feels like “work” like they are thinking at all!
    Kristy @Runaway Bridal Planner recently posted…No Sugarplums or Unicorns TodayMy Profile

    1. Thanks so much, Kristy! I’m definitely of that line of thought as well! Yes, there will be days that will be difficult, but that’s the case with most everything–as long as we enjoy what we do, it’ll make even the hardest of times worth it! :]

  11. Great post, and I absolutely think that you are moving in the right direction and you will be more pleased with the decisions you have made in your life so far, then the mistakes you heart was probably telling you not to make, if you choose another field. Nobody should ever listen to others when they are trying to make decisions about the rest of your life, the answers are always inside your heart…..Im glad you listened to yours, you will make an amazing doctor.

    1. Thanks so much, Mandi! I really hope I will be, and I definitely agree about the answers being in our hearts! :] Gotta listen to that gut feeling!

  12. The questions others ask you are so bizarre. Why wouldn’t you want to have a rewarding job helping people, if that’s what you’re interested in? Their values are a little mixed up!

    1. I didn’t understand either. I think a lot of people bring up the money part because if I were to go into another specialty, it’d take only a 1-2 more years and I could be making double what a family physician makes, but what’s the point if I wouldn’t enjoy it? :o

  13. I’m so lucky to know you, Farrah!! Your passion is so evident, and I can’t wait to learn about your journeys as a resident :) XOXO
    Jess @hellotofit recently posted…Gluten Free Chocolate Chip BlondiesMy Profile

    1. Thanks so much, Jess! I’m getting antsy about the match! How’s your fiance doing with the waiting? :P

  14. I absolutely agree with you. And am glad to hear you are unwaveringly following your calling/dreams. You go girl :) Making X more money a month isn’t all that’s made out to be, unless you really are missing basic things. In the last days I’ve started to really crack down on steering my life more towards my dreams/calling/things ment to do, as I’ve had a sort of wake up call.

    Wishing you a great weekend!
    Alex recently posted…Links a la Mode January 28My Profile

    1. Agreed! I think overall, listening to what our hearts really want and going after our dreams works out a whole lot better than living life the way others want us to live em’!

  15. good luck! I am excited you are going into FM, the need is huge! You will be super successful with that great attitude! #bestofblogs
    Mary Beth Jackson recently posted…Heart to Heart Rate My Profile

    1. Aww, thank you so much (and thanks for commenting on there too), Mary Beth! <3

  16. I’m a little behind on commenting here! So sorry!
    I think it is so cool that you know what you want and the decision is not based on $$.
    In the end, experiences like travel, time with family and helping people is what I really want in life too.
    Thanks so much for linking up to #BestofBlogs
    I’m sharing on twitter for you. :-)
    Julie @ Running in a Skirt recently posted…Fashion Friday Twist- New Family PhotosMy Profile

    1. No worries! Thanks so much, Julie! And no worries! I am so, so late on commenting. x_x

      Those are the things I really value too! I’m hoping I’ll be able to find a way to balance everything in the future! :] Thanks so much for sharing for me!

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