Energizing Green Smoothie & Embarrassing Fitness Experiences

I’m linking up today with Sara @ Lake Shore Runner for Tried It Tuesday!

A couple weeks ago, I won an EBOOST giveaway from Debi @ 14 in 2014 and a sampler bag of 5 of each of EBOOST’s flavored powder packets (Acai Pomegranate, Natural Orange, and Pink Lemonade). EBOOST is a blend of vitamins, minerals + super-nutrients that’s packed with vitamins B6 (pyridoxine), folate (folic acid) B12 (cyanocobalamin), C, D, resveratrol, green tea + green coffee. Each powder packet contains all the vitamin B6, B9, C, D, folate, zinc and chromium that you need in a single day!

Since I rarely talk about the med-school part of my life in this blog other than in my Reflections On… series and the like (I’ve been dreaming up ways to remedy this and the solution is rather time-consuming, so suffice to say, I’ll get there eventually), I thought I’d do a somewhat-watered-down discussion on the vitamins found in these powder packets, and why they’re so awesome and important for you!

  • Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) is necessary for making ATP, which means that pretty much every tissue in your body needs it! It contributes to proper brain development/function, and also helps to make melatonin (which regulates your circadian rhythms, aka internal clock), serotonin + norepinephrine.
  • Vitamin B9 (folic acid) is used to make tetrahydrofolate (THF), which is necessary to make nucleotides (for your DNA)! Folate deficiency can occur in alcohol abuse, poor nutrition, and increased bodily requirements (e.g. in pregnancy; deficiency in pregnancy can lead to neural tube defects!).
  • Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) is needed by enzymes (if you care, it’s homocysteine methyltransferase + methylmalonyl-CoA mutase) and is also used to make THF (which, again, is vital for your DNA)! Deficiency can lead to megaloblastic anemia and neuropathies.
  • Vitamin C is the main antioxidant in the GI and hydroxylates amino acids (proline + lysine) in collagen and elastin. It also prevents iron oxidation (iron is pretty much useless to your body if it’s oxidized).
  • Vitamin D is necessary for bone + teeth formation, and also stimulates osteoblastic activity (bone growth!). Deficiency can lead to rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults.

EBOOST Powder Packets

You can mix it up with a glass of water, but you know how I love to experiment with recipes! It makes for a rather nice addition to a delicious green smoothie!

My phone camera stopped working and all the apps have been crashing on me lately. All my notes and reminders were spontaneously deleted yesterday morning, so I suspect it’s on its last dredges of life. :[ I resorted to my old-old phone to take this picture, haw haw. This applies less to most of you since I don’t know you IRL, but if I should fall off the face of the planet, hopefully it’s just because my phone died and not because I died.

Energizing Green Smoothie


  • 1 EBOOST packet (Acai Pomegranate, Natural Orange, or Pink Lemonade)
  • 1/2 banana
  • 1 cup spinach
  • 6 oz. orange juice
  • 1 scoop vanilla protein powder (some kind of fruit-flavored one would probably work even better!)


  1. Blend all ingredients until smooth!

I’m also joining in on this week’s Fit Dish is on Embarrassing Fitness Experiences!

I’m probably gonna have to somewhat-disappoint you with this, because I tend to laugh off all my embarrassing moments, which effectively negates the embarrassing-ness of it all. I assure you, they still happen, but somehow it’s not so bad if you’re the first one to laugh at yourself.

The one that tops my list is actually not in fact a fitness experience, but I just had to share it because it paints a pretty nice picture of how spastic and highly ungraceful I am: once upon a time, as I was running out of the house to get the mail, I tripped over the sprinkler head on the front lawn and rolled down the driveway.

Yes, rolled.

(At least I didn’t get hurt?) I’M AWESOME, I TELL YOU.

My most embarrassing fitness moments revolve exclusively around…the bench press.

I’ve almost always worked out alone because my controlled-chaos schedule never really mutually aligns with anyone else’s (and for me, working out alone is a whole lot more efficient!). This is unfortunately also the reason as to why my bench press has historically always been the slowest to improve. I don’t really harbor any desire to be crushed by a barbell with a bunch of weights on it, so I don’t tend to pile on as many plates when I’m lifting alone (which is 99.5% of the time).

Back when I was training for a powerlifting competition, I’d occasionally be able to talk Mike or Isaac into running over to spot me, but on the whole, it’s just me.

Thankfully, this is what usually happens. <3

Thankfully, this is what usually happens. <3

I have been saved a couple times by observant and awesome passersby though, for which I am rather grateful!

Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/embarrassing-fitness-eboost/


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  1. Okay, the sprinkler story is hilarious. I totally biffed it getting the mail once too…but it was really weird, I just randomly lost my balance, and toppled. lol!!! And, the electrician was in the house…hopefully he didn’t see. haha. But, it tore a hole in my pants. Sad. That smoothie looks so good…for some reason I forgot about ad
    Jessica Joy @The Fit Switch recently posted…Embarrassing Fitness Experiences. The Fit Dish Link-Up #14My Profile

    1. Who knew getting the mail could be such a dangerous task!? It was really early in the morning, thankfully, so my hope is that no one saw either! :P

      RIP for your pants though. I know the feeling! :[ (When I was in 8th grade, my favorite pair of khakis ripped in the butt when I took a tiny step forward. Twas a sad day. I was still at home when that happened though, so hooray for silver linings!)

  2. ooops, my daughter just pressed a button. I was going to say… I forgot about adding orange juice to smoothies. Thanks for the reminder, and thanks for linking up!
    Jessica Joy @The Fit Switch recently posted…Embarrassing Fitness Experiences. The Fit Dish Link-Up #14My Profile

    1. haha, aww, no worries! I haven’t actually done that in a while either, but the orange flavor reminded me that I had some orange juice hanging out in the fridge, haha. :]

      Looking forward to checking out other stories! :P

  3. When i was still benching, etc, I would live in not necessarily fear, but definitely nervousness of failing. I never had it happen, but I’ve seen it go down in a bad way!
    Susie @ SuzLyfe recently posted…Quality over Quantity: Make it CountMy Profile

    1. Agreed! The bench press fail gifs and videos don’t do much to remedy this!

  4. Ohhhh you sound like me – I trip over non-existing cracks in the sidewalk. My husband jokingly calls me “twinkle toes.” The most embarrassing was on a run in the early morning by myself (so it was dark) and I bit it, tripping over nothing, hands flailing and did a face plant. My hands were ripped up a bit but the force of my fall knocked my garmin off my wrist. I searched in the dark for about 15 minutes and finally gave up trying to find it and limped back home (thankfully there were no witnesses.) Needless to say, once daylight savings time is over for the year, my early morning runs are on a treadmill in a well lit gym – ha!

    1. I like to think that those ghost cracks exist until we trip over them–then they go on their merry way to trip another poor, unsuspecting soul. :[!

      I’m glad you’re okay! I’m always happy when there are no witnesses too. For my sprinkler mishap, it was really early in the morning, so I hope not. :P

  5. I love the sprinkler story! You never see those damn things coming do ya?? LOL! I am like you I laugh off those embarrassing moments, if you can’t laugh at yourself then who can you laugh at? Enjoy the rest of the week and watch where you are going!
    Mary Beth Jackson recently posted…Merry Fit-mas! What’s in your Stocking?My Profile

    1. Agreed! And yeah, I definitely need to watch where I’m going. I’m rather gifted at running into things! :[ My dad likes to tell me patients are gonna be scared of having me as their doctor because I’ll probably trip on my way into the room and accidentally fall into/on them. ._.

  6. Who hasn’t tripped over a sprinkler? Lol. I should have included this in my post today, but when I was 16 I slipped on the sidewalk in town and slid down THE ENTIRE grade into the parking lot below. It was so embarrassing that it was hysterical. I laugh at myself all the time or shout “of course I would do that!” You really do have to not take yourself too seriously in life, you’ll never make it otherwise!! :)
    Erin recently posted…Embarrassing Fitness Experiences – #DishTheFit Link-upMy Profile

    1. Oh gosh, haha. I’m so sorry! I hope you weren’t too hurt! When I was in 8th grade, my PE teacher sent me to go get a chair for him and on my way back, I tripped over nothing and slid across the blacktop and bloodied up my entire right leg. ‘Twas a bad time. I think he felt kinda bad, haha. Oops.

      Agreed! :P

      1. I was okay, as remarkably pain takes a backseat to humiliation lol! Ouch to the chair debacle! I feel like when we’re younger we are magnets to that kind of stuff. Unfortunately, we don’t grow out of it either haha!
        Erin recently posted…Embarrassing Fitness Experiences – #DishTheFit Link-upMy Profile

        1. This is true, haha. It’s rather remarkable how much pain can be ignored when feelings of shame and embarrassment are overriding it. At least we’ll have fun stories to tell? :P

  7. Powerlifting competition??? Way cool! Did you like it and will you do another??
    Bri @ Simple Delights recently posted…Hilarious Fitness ExperiencesMy Profile

    1. Yes indeed! It was a lot of fun! :] I’m hoping my schedule will work out so that I can do a national one next year, but I’m not sure at this point whether or not it will. Scheduling my rotations/exams gets pretty tricky, haha. :x All my limbs are crossed though!

  8. I love that you laugh at yourself so I don’t feel bad that I had an lol moment when reading about your tripping incident! I have a hard time with these types of incidents because I actually don’t remember many of my.embarrassing moments. I have a relatively short shelf life on my memory haha.
    Montana Ross recently posted…100 Days ChallengeMy Profile

    1. haha, no worries! It was so ridiculous, I’d be really impressed if people didn’t laugh. ;P I think I have a pretty short shelf life on memory too–definitely not good in my stuffing-all-this-knowledge-into-my-brain endeavors! :x

  9. Oh my! I’m so scared of falling while running! haha at least you weren’t out on a run on concrete! I fell down about 6 stairs once…my ankle rolled for some odd reason, and I just sat straight down (fell hard) and bounced, yes bounced about three stairs down then kind of slid the rest of the way. My tail bone still hurts to this day. haha I’ve been craving a good smoothie lately, I’m thinking it’s going to have to be green :-)
    Fawn recently posted…The Fit Dish: Embarrassing Fitness MomentsMy Profile

    1. Augh! I’m so sorry! That really sucks. :[ I’m scared of falling whenever I’m sprinting somewhere too (I keep meaning to get back into running again at some point. ._.)

      Hope you like it! :P I’ve been trying to talk patients into making/drinking them!

  10. Great post Farrah! The smoothie looks awesome! Reading through those vitamins really brought back nightmares, oops, I mean memories :)
    Sonali- The Foodie Physician recently posted…Dining with the Doc: Holiday Almond Raisin ClustersMy Profile

    1. hahaha, and nutrition is actually what I was interested in! ._. I can’t wait til I get to the full-fledged-doctor part! :P

    • Ricardo on December 16, 2014 at 8:47 pm
    • Reply

    Heh, maybe add some of that 1MR for a real power smoothie. I’ll even crack out with you. =p

    1. I was thinking of doing that tomorrow! That whole standing all day isn’t helping my self-diagnosed narcolepsy, haha. I’ll let you know how it goes! :P

  11. I have seen eboost around and I really need to GET ON IT!!! :)
    GiGi Eats recently posted…How To Find Love On The Streets Of Los AngelesMy Profile

    1. I’m a total sucker for fruity flavors, so I’m all over it! :P

  12. Hahaha such a funny and lovely post. Thanks for putting a smile on my face and showing me a reflection of myself ;)

    Eboost?! Never heard of the product before (Denmark is light years behind on everything regarding health and nutrition!), but it sounds seriously appealing to me… Right up my alley!

    1. Aww, thank you! Glad it made you smile! :]

      I’m not entirely sure if it’s a new product, but I heard of it only recently (because of that giveaway <3). It sounds like they're only shipping within the U.S. right now, but hopefully they will expand soon! <3

  13. I love reading all the posts that make me laugh! Not at you but with you :)

    Thanks for linking up! #fitfamlove
    jill conyers recently posted…Benefits of Laughter and Running HumorMy Profile

    1. I loved reading all the posts too! :P There were definitely lots of “Oh no! …But I can so relate!” moments. :P

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