Day in the Life: Inpatient Family Medicine

I thought this would be a fun series to start up, because unlike this year, I’m going to have a fairly nomadic lifestyle once August hits! I don’t know where I’ll be or if I’ll even have a kitchen, so anticipate some changes for the latter half of this year!

I can’t believe I only have 3 rotations left after this one (tis my first away rotation!), and then I’ll be a 4th-year (assuming that boards go well–I would greatly appreciate all good thoughts/energy/prayers for July!)! Where has the time gone!?

Originally, I was actually going to do a Sports Medicine elective so I could figure out if I liked it as much as I think I’d like it, but I got shot down by the physician I wanted to work with (he only takes residents now, which makes me wonder if somewhere along the way, one of the students ruined it for the rest of us :'( ), so I instead decided to go for Family Medicine!

Day in the Life: Inpatient Family Medicine

job as an intern

I’m not an intern yet, but I liked this. :]


A Typical Day

Morning report in the conference room at 7:25 a.m. We do a quick briefing of all the patients to see what happened overnight, what we need to especially pay attention to, + whether we had any new admissions or discharges. Then we divide up the patients so that everyone gets 1-3 patients to look after.


From 8-10 a.m., we disperse throughout the hospital to see our patients. There’s a 4th-year from my school here, and he has been showing me where everything is, giving me a run-down of the day, what to expect, how to navigate the EMR…basically teaching me everything under the sun.

I sincerely hope he doesn’t find me annoying, because he’s been monumentally helpful in making this rotation an amazing learning experience for me. (I’ve done zero inpatient work up to this point, unless you count psychiatry, but I kinda don’t.) We’re going to be working together on a case presentation next week!

At 9:30 a.m.-ish, we reconvene to present our patients to our attending physician for the week. Depending on the attending, this involves meeting up in a conference room somewhere (or when every place is occupied…the utility closet) to present our patients, or taking the entire FM team (attending physician, residents + students) to do bedside rounds.

After we’ve talked to each of our patients, we’ll gather around somewhere so that our attending can sign off charts, and then we’ll discuss the different cases + how to manage them.


This is one of my first progress notes, but intentionally blurred because hello, HIPAA guidelines. >_>


11:50 a.m. – 12 p.m. is when we powerwalk down to the cafeteria to grab lunch! (Before going back up to the FM conference room for a lunch lecture.)

12-1 p.m. = Noon conference! My friend Kosina is doing her Neurology rotation for 2 weeks here (I hadn’t seen her since August!), so she meets up with me to grab lunch and then sits in on the lectures with me. Noon conferences are on anything from renal pathologies to endocrine emergencies to board reviews to journal club.

1-4:30 p.m. = Afternoon rounds! We go off on our own to check on our patients, and I usually spend the rest of the time studying, catching up on reading, hanging out with patients, etc. If we have any new admissions, this is when we go talk to them!

 4:30-5-ish p.m. = Wrap up + present all patients to the night team, with a focus on what they need to look out for with different patients (e.g. hypoglycemic episodes, possible sepsis, low sodium or potassium, etc.)!


I was given $100 for the month, which roughly equates to $5/day. Cafeteria food is somewhat expensive (e.g. $3 for a grilled chicken breast to throw into my salad), but definitely doable, since I also get a 20% discount for being considered an employee (yay for Family Med!).

I usually get a salad (a whole ton of greens with some chickpeas, diced hardboiled egg, cherry tomatoes [and once with the aforementioned $3 single chicken breast], with a drizzle of balsamic or raspberry vinaigrette) from the salad bar and/or something from the hot bar, which varies daily. I generally gravitate towards the steamed vegetables and some kind of meat (if it’s chicken, beef, or fish).



Free, but the parking lot’s ginormous!*

The hospital is huge, so I’ve actually been able to walk a whole ton more than usual, so much so that for the first time ever, I actually met my 10k steps goal for all the weekdays. Oh em gee. (This generally never happens because lifting weights + BJJ doesn’t tend to equate to very many steps.)


I promise I did actually move on Saturday; I did a screenshot of this on Friday night, haha.


*Fun fact: I forgot where I parked on the first two days even though I parked in exactly the same place on both days (…). This is kinda pathetic because remembering parked-car-locations has been a specialty of mine since the age of 3. Double you tee eff, Farrah.


Free student housing was available, but I had a friend here who lives 4 miles away (~10 minutes) from the hospital. She told me I should come live with her, and who was I to say no to awesome company?! I’ve actually really missed having a roommate, so it’s a lot of fun!

If you eat a banana today, can you save me the peel so I can use it for practicing sutures?”


Suture practice after dinner! :O You may have seen this on my instagram.


There’s no free gym associated with this hospital, but it’s been a-okay thus far, because on my friend’s non-surgery days, we do at-home workouts (we are currently doing Focus T25), and then we make/eat dinner! (On days where she’s in surgery til 9-p.m. or later, I find workouts on YouTube to do.)

F: I really should’ve peed before we started this.
A: Actually, I need to pee too. Let’s pause this and go pee. That’s the beauty of at-home workouts!

After dinner, we go back to studying, because such is the life of a med student. :x And bam, there we have it! This is the most structure I’ve had in my life for a very long while! :O

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    • Ricardo on March 19, 2015 at 12:45 am
    • Reply

    Holy crap, I forgot about focus T25. I downloaded that for a friend of a friend some time ago, and tried it out to see what it was like. I’d rather do P90X again, or even insanity, but it wasn’t that bad.

    And you know there are apps that will help track your car in case you forget =p.

    And how many bananas are we talking about?

    1. haha, it’s kicking my butt because I am all sorts of out of shape. ._.

      There are…but my phone is all tied up with picture of food and cats! :x

      That quote was from my friend because she’s on surgery right now, haha. We found out that used banana peels don’t work quite as well as we hoped. :[

  1. You are one busy lady! Thanks for sharing a day in the life. I love getting to see what people do, and learning more about what med school is like. This is totally weird, but I think that hospital cafeteria food is so good! When my nanny family had their new baby I had to bring the little guy up to see them and we got to eat at the cafeteria. One of the best salads I’ve had in a while haha.

    1. haha, I like being kept busy, so I suppose I chose a great profession for that! :P

      I’m actually okay with the cafeteria food too, although my friend’s been here all year, so she’s sick of it. Maybe it’s just still a novelty to me, but hooray for saving money!

  2. I love learning about other people’s lives, and what a busy one you have! Good luck!
    Kristy @ Chocolate Slopes recently posted…Chicken Fajitas {Slow Cooker}My Profile

    1. Thank you! :D I hope it all works out!

  3. Yo Ho Yo Ho a doctor’s life for you! Inpatient medicine is hard and draining–you don’t have clinic hours, so you can be there for much longer than expected. Alex had 11 months of inpatient medicine last calendar year. You find the balance, and you find what works for you!
    Susie @ SuzLyfe recently posted…Social Media Motivation + Nike Training Club ChicagoMy Profile

    1. Indeed! :P (That song’s gonna be stuck in my head for a while, hahaha.)

      I love working in outpatient clinics, so I can’t say inpatient medicine is my favorite, but this has definitely been an amazing learning experience so far! <3 My favorite part is getting to hang out with the patients. :]! But yeah, finding that balance is definitely important!!

  4. woahh what a busy day…i hope you enjoy your rotations.
    Dixya @ Food, Pleasure, and Health recently posted…Healthy Kitchen StaplesMy Profile

    1. I’m definitely liking this one more than the first 3 weeks of the last one! :D

  5. i love reading day in the life posts! Thanks for sharing!
    Amanda recently posted…20 Awesome Easter Basket Ideas for Owl Loving GirlsMy Profile

    1. Thank you for reading! <3!

  6. I love this! Your day seems so interesting and busy! And you practice on banana peels? Who’d a thought!
    Jen recently posted…Thoughts on Thursday {Vol 3}My Profile

    1. haha, thank you! :] My friend’s on her surgery rotation and heard that banana peels would work well! They apparently work a lot better when the banana is actually still in there, haha. :x

  7. Thanks for sharing this insight into your days. its quite enlightening to see how much you go through for your career (and calling) good on you and positive thoughts coming your way for July

    1. Fingers crossed that I make it out out of all the testing! It’ll all be worth it after that! <3

      Thanks so much, Amy! I definitely need all the good thoughts I can get! :]

  8. So exciting and very interesting. I’m glad you are liking this rotation so much more.

    1. Thanks, Julie! I really am too! Family medicine was my light at the end of the tunnel while I was in psych! :P

  9. I so enjoyed reading this post Farrah. It brought back so many memories of life as student. From rounding to practicing sutures to eating bad hospital food, it seems like just yesterday. At least forgetting where you parked (twice) added some steps to your day so that’s a bonus! Are you going to be able to do a different Sports Med elective? You definitely want to investigate all of your interests before choosing a specialty, that’s just my little bit of advice.
    Sonali- The Foodie Physician recently posted…Dining with the Doc: Shrimp BiriyaniMy Profile

    1. Thanks, Sonali!! That’s definitely a good way to look at that lost car business, haha. I’m happy to report that I’ve since been able to find my car each time (at long last…).

      I hear ya on the advice (thank you!)! I definitely want to get some experience in it before going all-in. I actually just heard back from a program today, and they made it so I could do half-FM and half-sports medicine with them! Super super excited! <3 <3!

  10. My daughter is thinking of going into family medicine too – I know nothing about it so reading about your day is fascinating – I am gonna have to introduce her to your post – and site!

    1. Awesome! I hope she finds it helpful, and if she ever needs any advice or someone who’s gone through/is going through it to talk to about anything related to being pre-med, medical school, etc., you know where to find me! <3

      I'm also going to be rolling out several posts in the next couple months about getting recommendation letters, tips for pre-meds, and all that goodness! :]

  11. That sounds like a busy day! Good luck with everything!
    Jaime recently posted…How a Simple Cleaning Schedule Saved My SanityMy Profile

    1. Thanks, Jaime! :D I just gotta keep on truckin’ til I graduate! :]

  12. I really enjoyed reading this post. Thank you for giving me a peek into your super productive life, it was very enlightening.
    Mary recently posted…Breath DeepMy Profile

    1. Thanks, Mary! It definitely gets hectic, but it keeps life interesting! :]

  13. This must be a fun rotation since you can interact with everyone!
    And no fair with no gym :P
    Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine recently posted…What To Avoid With A Soy AllergyMy Profile

    1. It’s definitely a lot of fun, and I love that I actually get to do stuff and see my own patients! <3

      So long as I at least get some kind of activity in my life, I can't complain! :P

  14. Holy Moly, your days are ACTION PACKED! And they sound flat out exhausting, not gunna lie.

    And $5 a day on food, yeahhhh I couldn’t do that! LOL!
    GiGi Eats recently posted…Notsa CarbonaraMy Profile

    1. They’re definitely tiring, but at least my weekends are free to recharge + catch up on reading/studying! :O

      haha, I’ve been stretchin’ it to make it work! If anything, it helps to keep my grocery costs down! :D

  15. How you manage to sustain this great blog AND be a med student is beyond me. So much power to you, lady! Best of luck and positive vibes throughout :)
    Alanna recently posted…Maple Syrup 101: From Tree Trunk to Your PlateMy Profile

    1. Aww, thanks so much! <3 I really hope I can keep my blog going through the rest of med school, residency, and my career! I love the blogging community and it's been so awesome getting to know everyone! :]!

  16. Wow, you’re almost into fourth year, how exciting!! Ray just started 4th year and is currently studying for Step 2…super fun…haha. Enjoyed reading this post!
    Jess @hellotofit recently posted…Try This Thursday 3/19 – Honey lavender teaMy Profile

    1. Aughhh! I need to be studying for that right now too! I FEEL HIS PAIN. I am so not looking forward to it, but life will be glorious when that’s over!!

  17. So great that you are living with a friend! LOL on losing your car in the parking lot.
    Coco (@Got2Run4Me) recently posted…What I Ate Wednesday (on Sunday)My Profile

    1. Agreed! It’s been really fun! :D

      I will not lie–I definitely had an initial scare that someone had stolen it and driven off with it. ;_;

    • Lilly Sedrick on October 1, 2015 at 6:05 pm
    • Reply

    You definitely have a busy day every day. Working in the medical field is definitely a really demanding job. However, it also seems really rewarding. It is amazing how many people you are able to help on a daily basis, even if you might not realize it.

    1. Agreed! :]!

    • Veronika on October 7, 2015 at 4:48 pm
    • Reply

    I really like that they have a sense of humor. That intern responsibilities sheet gave me a chuckle. Are you still enjoying it?

    1. I’m on a different rotation now, but the people I’ve been working with have been awesome! :]!

    • Lilly Sedrick on January 11, 2016 at 3:18 pm
    • Reply

    I can’t believe that you have to be to the conference room by 7:25 in the morning. It definitely seems like that is way to early in the morning! It seems like as an intern you have really long and busy days. I had no idea that you would have so much work to do as an intern.

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