Day In The Life: Anesthesiology

I did a 2-week anesthesiology rotation before starting my 3-week hibernation for boards-studying. Truth be told, I was a little scared and starting to regret being on a rotation instead of being on vacation to study, but thank the heavens that Anesthesiology is probably one of the chillest rotations (aka the best rotation I could’ve been on aside from Radiology) I’ve had to date.

For the record, I’m combining my usual Reflections + Day-In-The-Life‘s into one post for this one!


On July 3rd, I walked into the hospital and was greeted by a pitch-black surgeons’ lounge, a blank schedule, and an empty OR…so I went home to study.

A Typical Day

Each morning would start at 7 a.m. I’d look at the schedule in the office to see which cases I wanted to stand in on for the day. After I got to know the different nurse anesthetists a little better, I’d usually choose based on which ones I liked working with more (aka the ones who liked to teach, and didn’t mind explaining things to me, or having me asking questions).

There was a lot of downtime between surgeries, especially when I was trying to get more experience with intubating, and was just jumping from room to room. I started keeping a book or a pile of notes in my pockets so I could do some reading in between cases.


I will not lie–there were definitely a couple instances where I sank into the couch in the office (it’s like curling up into a pile of soft, puffy clouds!) to do some reading…and fell asleep. ._. Thankfully, the nurses liked me, so they’d let me sleep til a case popped up, and then wake me up for it.

I’d go talk to each of the patients before the case to introduce myself, ask if they had any questions, ask a bunch of preoperative questions and make an amateur classification of them on the Mallampati scale. I got to practice a lot of intubations (my success rate was not that wonderful, but as they say, at least I was honest about it!

I also had the opportunity to watch a wholeee ton of different procedures, including, but not limited to…

  • Hysterectomy
  • BKA (below-the-knee amputation)
  • Abdominal hernia repair
  • Cholecystectomy
  • Pelvic laparoscopy
  • Thyroidectomy
  • Knee arthroscopy
  • Hip replacement
  • Knee articulation
  • Tonsillectomy
  • Adenoidectomy
  • Appendectomy

On my second-last day, we had 39 cases, with the last one scheduled to start at 11:30 p.m.

Yes, 11:30 p.m.

I’d been assured/reassured on multiple occasions that this was a very laidback rotation, and that I was free to study and do whatever I wanted, but…it isn’t in my nature to ever leave unless someone tells me it’s okay to, even if I happen to be freaking about about needing to study for boards. I did not take a single sick day for the entirety of my third year, which, in retrospect, was probably a terrible idea on a couple occasions (especially my Cardiology brain-fog).

…so I hopped from case to case until around 5 p.m., the nurse anesthetist I was working with turned and asked me, “You know you’re allowed to leave whenever you want, right?”

I stayed for the end of that case, and then went home to get some more studying done before heading off to my last-ish (hopefully I’ll be back in September!) BJJ class at the academy. We went out for food afterward and talked til past 1 a.m.! I’m going to miss them a ton! :[


I’d usually bring my lunch and store it in the residents’ lounge + eat there when there was a spare moment, but I did get free lunch a couple times!

Once was when I went to tumor board. One of the cases involved a lady who found out she had cancer in her left breast because her cat (who had slept at the foot of her bed for all his life) started sleeping on the left side of her chest! (She’s okay because she went to go get it checked out due to aforementioned strange cat behavior!)

D: I guess you could call that…a cat scan.
(crowd goes wild everyone bursts into amused chuckles)
D: I’ve waited my whole life to be able to say that!

Yay for free lunch!

Yay for free lunch!

Frozen Raspberry Lemon Pie! :O

Frozen Raspberry Lemon Pie! :O


Parking was super easy to find at the hospital, especially since we started at 7 a.m. every morning!


This rotation marked the beginnings of my couch-surfing life! I officially don’t have a home, but will be living on various couches, friends’ houses+apartments and student housing from now until I graduate!


This is where I lived for 2 weeks! :O


  • Do you have the same problem with falling asleep when sinking into insanely comfortable couches? The struggle is real. :[
  • Have you ever heard of a pet identifying a potential health issue? I’ve heard about that on the news before, but that’s a first for me in real life!

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  1. Really interesting story about the cat! I’ve never heard of something like that! ….interesting…conversation with Dr. J. I’m not entirely sure I’d know what to make of that…
    Rachel G recently posted…A Sky-High Birthday at Jumpstreet PenangMy Profile

    1. I thought it was really cool! Yay for cats! :P

      I had no idea what to make of that conversation either, but it definitely didn’t go the way I thought it was going to go, so that was a plus!

  2. Woof, that doctor would have made me cry from his first few remarks! Anesthesiology always interests me…because I always have such a bad reaction every time I go under.
    1. passed out of the medical exam table
    2. bit off a piece of my tongue
    3. was itchy/scratching all over.
    Amber recently posted…Meal Preppies – Review & GIVEAWAYMy Profile

    1. haha, I was so taken aback by his responses to…well, pretty much everything that I responded. :x But I figured I couldn’t go wrong if I just answered him honestly. (Thank goodness that worked out!)

      Oh no!! I’m so sorry to hear that! D: Were you allergic to the medications they gave you? :[

  3. I’ve heard about pets that can diagnose cancer. It’s pretty amazing. And wonderful in this case, where her cat may well have saved her life.
    Debbie @ Coach Debbie Runs recently posted…Starting a Blog: What’s Next? Own Your DomainMy Profile

    1. Agreed! :D It’s so amazing what pets can do! <3

  4. This is so interesting! I’ve always been curious about the process.
    Adriana Renee recently posted…Sounds Spotlight: Valleyhill “Adam&Eve”My Profile

    1. It was definitely an interesting rotation! :]

  5. the only surgery i have seen is gastric sleeve and i absolutely loved it.. love that cat scan story.
    dixya | food, pleasure, and health recently posted…Virtual Coffee DateMy Profile

    1. Ooo, I haven’t had the chance to see one of those yet! Maybe in a future surgery rotation! :O

  6. Alex kinows better than to let me sit on a comfy couch. i’m a goner. I will willingly give up beds in favor of couches.
    I have say that I admire the way that you handled yourself when that Doctor kind of came at you. I realize that part of that is the directness of many doctors (they don’t have much time to waste, after all) but I think I am just from a different mindset. Then again, it is often helpful to have someone play devil’s advocate.
    Susie @ SuzLyfe recently posted…Survey Time and Win a Starbucks Giftcard!My Profile

    1. hahaha, I’m definitely a goner as well when it comes to comfy couches. It’s like it hugs you to sleep! <3

      I figured that was probably just the way he was and that he wasn't intentionally trying to come at me, but I was definitely taken aback! I'm glad my honesty worked out though!

  7. The same thing happened to my grandpa. A cat would go out of his way to sleep on his side. And he turned out to have a lung cancer. Cat scan indeed!

    I think very few people nowadays keep going to the same doctor year after year. Mostly because doctors are so disappointing. They kind of just stop listening after the first two words because they already “KNOW” everything you are going to say next. But for the past 7 years I’ve going to the same internal medicine doctor for all my yearly check ups. I think the reason I like her so much is that she looks me in the eyes when I’m talking instead of writing in my chart or typing in a computer. She also always asks me at least one irrelevant question. I think she later notes down my answers or something. Last time she surprised me by saying, “Last time you mentioned that you wished you had more time to read. Is it better now?” I was like, wow, there is no way in the world she could have just remembered it! She saw ten thousand patients since my last visit.
    Eva recently posted…How to Make Giant BubblesMy Profile

    1. It’s amazing what animals can sense!! Last year, when I had epic food poisoning and wasn’t at the stage where I realized it yet, I was all set to try to tough out my splitting headache and upset stomach to go to the gym, and my cat came over and basically sat on top of me so I couldn’t move. (She’s a hefty one.) I appreciated it though, because shortly thereafter, I had a 104 degree fever, shaking chills, and felt like death. She kept me company the entire time! <3

      I'm so glad to hear that about your internal medicine doctor!! :] That's the kind of doctor that I really hope I'll be in the future. My memory can be shabby at times, but it tends to be better with remembering things about people (vs. straight-up facts when I'm studying, which in a sense, kinda sucks, because hello, giant several-hundred-question-exam-on-Friday!). I will work at it! :D Sometimes I write little notes to myself about each patient so that if/when they come back, I can ask them about whatever it was that they mentioned! :]

  8. Give me a comfy couch and I will fall asleep!! Props to you for handling that Doctor sitch well. People surprise me sometimes. Or not-surprise me. You know what I mean? Haha.
    Jess @hellotofit recently posted…Have back pain? Try this version of cat/cowMy Profile

    1. haha, yes I do! :P I wasn’t sure how to respond to him exactly, so I just figured I’d be as honest as possible, and it worked out (yay)!

  9. Weird, but I’ve always been interested in anesthesiology!!
    Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine recently posted…Italian Polenta PizzaMy Profile

    1. There’s definitely a science/art that goes into it! I thought it was an interesting rotation, but not really what I want to go into, since I value patient interaction so much, hehehe.

  10. I had my youngest son via c-section back in February and the Anesthesiologist was so wonderful! He explained everything he was doing and what I would feel as he was doing it and he stayed by my head, stroked my cheek and chatted with me and my husband the entire procedure. It really was a wonderful experience to have him help in bringing my son into the world and I know that I’ll always remember him!
    Kim @ HappyPrettyBlog recently posted…May and June Arcade Block UnboxingMy Profile

    1. I’m so glad to hear that you had such a positive experience with your anesthesiologist! :]! All the anesthesiologists I worked with were super laidback and friendly–it made for such a welcoming learning atmosphere! :D

  11. OK, I did laugh at the CAT scan, and the exchange with Dr. J. Good luck with your studying!
    Coco recently posted…Banana Twinkies Bread PuddingMy Profile

    1. hahaha, he seemed so upset with life with my responses! I had no idea where he was going with it. :P Thanks so much–I can’t wait til it’s over! :]!

  12. I loved your “cat scan” joke!! But seriously, how amazing is it that the cat could have possibly known?! I’ve heard of other stories where the pet actually alerted the owner of “uncommon” happenings, etc. Crazy!
    Dana recently posted…The Unofficial Sweet Treats Guide for New York CityMy Profile

    1. Agreed! It’s kinda amazing what pets can do! I think there’s some research going on about it, but I suppose it’s really difficult to get control groups and all that goodness with it, so I’m not sure if they’ve had any significant findings thus far, but the anecdotal evidence I’ve heard so far is pretty awesome!

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