Beef Enchilada Bowl

I first discovered the existence of “Helper” products back when I was growing up–my family friends’ parents would sometimes make us Tuna or Hamburger Helper when the whole Asian mafia would gather for sleepovers and the like. It’s one of the few things my brother and I knew how to make before I finally learned to cook from my college roommate. Although I usually like making things from scratch, time has kinda been an issue lately.

I know boxed dinners aren’t generally considered to be very healthy, but they are definitely convenient. I’ve been having a world of trouble convincing my [preceptor’s] patients to start up healthier living + eating habits and/or to cook for themselves (because that’s generally healthier + less costly than going out to eat all the time), so I’ve been encouraging them to break it down into little steps. For instance:

  1. Add more lean proteins + veggies to your diet.
  2. If there are whole wheat and/or brown rice options vs. enriched pasta/white rice, go with the whole wheat/brown rice.
  3. If you have a choice, try to get products with lower sodium content.

You don’t have to change everything at once, but if you take it one step at a time, it’s not quite so daunting. Everyone’s gotta start somewhere!

I came upon the realization that I haven’t actually had any beef in a while, since I usually default to chicken and fish. (I tend to always find the latter two for cheaper.) When I found out about the free ground beef rebate from Hamburger Helper, I figured it’d be a great chance for me to (at long last) feature a recipe with it! I’ve been all about “bowl” recipes lately. <3



To get the rebate, follow these instructions!

  1. Visit your local store + buy 3 Helper products (can be Hamburger, Tuna, or Chicken!) + 1 lb. of ground beef.
  2. Visit this landing page and click on the rebate.
  3. Print + mail rebate form!


hamburgerhelperbeefSince there’s a rebate for 1 lb. of free ground beef if you get 3 Helper products, I chose Cheesy Hashbrowns, Cheesy Enchilada, and Beef Pasta for my Hamburger Helper picks, partly because they had the lowest sodium out of the spectrum offered at my store…and because my local store didn’t have any of the whole wheat options stocked (sigh). I’d love it if they came up with more whole wheat products (and brown rice as an option!

These three range from 100-130 calories per serving, with 21-27g carbohydrates, 0.5-1g fat, 2-4g protein, and 250-540mg sodium.)

The #1 excuse I’ve been getting from my [preceptor’s] patients is…“I have no time,” so I figured it’d be a fun challenge to “live in my patients’ shoes” and try to healthify this + add more nutrients to it!

Life has been a hit or miss for me in the protein department lately, so I wanted to soup this up with something more. I decided to add beans for added protein and fiber, corn for vegetables, and an avocado (the selection at the store wasn’t the greatest, but avocados make everything in life better <3 ).

hamburgerhelperbeefenchiladabowlI’m on my surgery rotation right now, which has notoriously long hours, so I can definitely relate to the lack of time issue. (My surgeon calculated that during his residency, for the amount of hours he worked vs. what he was paid, he made 58 cents/hour.) With boards starting to loom off in the distance (nooo) + not much time to eat, some days, I just really don’t want to have to think about what to throw together, nor do I have the patience to watch over something while it cooks.

Generally speaking, when I get home from surgery, I take a shower and scarf some food down while studying/finishing assignments/working on scheduling my rotations for next year, usually til midnight. (Rinse and repeat.) I live a wildly exciting life, I know. (Truth be told, surgery has actually been really fun so far, but I’ll get to that in another post!)

Because of my personal preference with cheese, I didn’t use very much of the cheese topping, but it still tasted great! Here are the fruits of my labor!

beefenchiladabowl1This picture was taken in the daytime only because I was given a day off today to drive back to my school (3 hours away x_x ) because I apparently won an award! (Yayyy!) I’m not looking forward to having to drive back, but at least I have a good number of podcasts around to help me study while I drive.

I’m hanging out at the cat shelter right now, so I was able to get laundry done, clean out the litter boxes for the cats, and wash all the dishes while this was cooking! Yay for multi-tasking!

Beef Enchilada Bowl



  • 1 lb. lean ground beef

(Enchilada Bowl)

  • Sauce packet + rice from Hamburger Helper Cheesy Enchilada
  • 1 cup milk (I used Homestead Creamery)
  • 2 1/4 cup hot water
  • 1 can corn
  • 1 can black beans
  • 1 avocado, sliced


  • Topping packet from Hamburger Helper Cheesy Enchilada
  • 3 tbsp milk (I used Homestead Creamery)


  1. (Beef) Brown beef in a 10-in. skillet for ~10 minutes and drain.
  2. (Enchilada Bowl) Stir in milk, hot water, sauce mix + rice packet. Heat to boiling, then reduce heat.
  3. Cover and simmer for ~20 minutes, stirring occasionally, until rice is tender.
  4. Add corn + black beans, give it a stir, and let simmer for another 3-5 minutes.
  5. (Topping) In a small bowl, add milk + sauce packet and mix until combined.
  6. Top rice bowl with the cheesy topping + slices of avocado and cilantro!


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  1. Confession: I have never tried Hamburger Helper products…but I’d be willing to try them! Especially since you really did make them sound more tasty than they are normally notorious for being. Oooh, congratulations on the award! Do let me know what it is! If you don’t write about it on here for a blog post! Message/text me! I hope it comes with a big check…haha! By the way, our newly adopted cat, Aries, is definitely enjoying having a home. He’s super affectionate, I’ve never had a cat before that is so cuddling and loving. But our other cat, Patch, is not warmed up to him yet. It may take time. Cats are territorial. But we love them both!

    1. Thanks, Kaylin! <3 This is the first time I've ever made rice not in a rice cooker, so that was definitely interesting, haha. :D

      I will be posting about said award once I manage to snag the pictures of my school (because me being me, I only ever take pictures of food and cats...)! :P

      I'm so excited that you adopted another cat! <3 He's adorable, and affectionate cats are so awesome! It'll probably take time for Patch to warm up to him, but hopefully they'll be friends soon!

  2. I’ve never used hamburger helper but I think I am going to have to try it! this looks so delicious!!
    Amna Khan recently posted…Ripped Jeans & Oversized CardiganMy Profile

    1. Thank you! :] I haven’t used it in agessss, but hooray for re-discovery! It was so easy to make!

  3. Not having enough time was such a common complaint that I heard when I was working as a clinical dietitian. I am all for “healthifying” quick meals with a few added veggies and avocado! I think small changes are so much easier than rehauling the entire diet all at once, and this is a great way to start. Nice post!
    Katy recently posted…Creamy Spinach Dip- the Healthy Way!My Profile

    1. Thanks, Katy! Definitely agreed on that–I’ve been noticing eyes glazing over when I start listing things they can do to eat healthier, so I figured meeting em’ in the middle would be a good start! :D

  4. My Mom made hamburger helper ALL THE TIME growing up!
    Great switch up with the dish.
    Julie @ Running in a Skirt recently posted…6 Ways to Drink More WaterMy Profile

    1. Thanks, Julie! I think my mom’s made it a couple times, but we had the Tuna Helper a lot more often. I can’t remember if I ever tried the Chicken versions! :O

  5. Beef enchilada bowls sound amazing right now…I’m a sucker for beef products even though I try not to eat them very much!

    1. I haven’t had anything with beef in what feels like ages, so this was a nice switch-up! I’ve missed Mexican food lately, so this was really nice to have, hehehe. :D

  6. Looks good now I’m hungry
    Ivanna recently posted…Change Your Life With Just One Date…Its Not What You Think!My Profile

    1. Hope you got something to eat! :O

  7. We LOVE Helper dishes in our house! We usually add fresh, chopped veggies to ours to make them a bit healthier. Also, due to the high sodium content, we only use about half of the seasonings and sauce mixes; we use the other half to marinate meat in for another meal. Great post!

    1. That’s a really great idea! :D I tend to like halving the seasonings, and using it for marinating meat is a great way to go! :D (+ yay for more veggies! :] )

  8. Great recipe.
    Sheryl recently posted…Why Diets are Lamer than James FrancoMy Profile

    1. Thanks!

  9. That looks really good!! This might make a great option for my family. I hope my store carries the whole wheat varieties. I’m going to check it out! Thanks for sharing!

    1. I hope they do too! I need to talk my local store into carrying whole wheat options! :o

  10. Its been a while since I’ve bought Hamburger/Chicken Helper, much less walked down the boxed dinner items aisle because of how high the sodium count is. The recipe sounds really good and so simple and quick. Plus if you picked up no salt added corn and reduced sodium beans, everything would probably even out and it would be the healthiest it could be. I’m going to give this a try…thanks for sharing :)
    Krystal recently posted…Race Recap: 2015 Iron Girl Half MarathonMy Profile

    1. I rarely ever walk anywhere other than the perimeter of the grocery store either, but agreed with the no-salt added corn + reduced sodium beans! You could also probably get away with halving the sauce packet too–I think it’d still have plenty of flavor! :]

  11. I’m not a beef eater but love enchiladas!! This does not look like it came from a box!!
    Sam @ PancakeWarriors recently posted…Healthy Nicoise SaladMy Profile

    1. Thanks, Sam! That is a high compliment indeed! ;P I haven’t had enchiladas in yearrrs. (I used to be super spoiled by the ones my roommate made! Her family was from Mexico and her mom would send up homemade sauce to bring back with her when she went home for the holidays! *-*)

  12. Yayyyy – CONGRATS on your award – glad you have podcasts to keep you occupied on that 3 hr drive! Though, if this was waiting for me at home – the drive back would be easy peasy! :)

    1. Thanks, Shashi! :D! I was very pleasantly surprised by it! <3!

      I made a big batch of it and packaged em' into tupperwares but...forgot to bring one of them back with me! On the plus side, my friend now has lunch for the next several days, so it works out! :P

  13. This looks so tasty! When I was an overworked, sleep-deprived resident, I used to make Hamburger Helper (or HH as I called it) for Pete and I all the time. I love what you created with it!
    Sonali- The Foodie Physician recently posted…Dining with the Doc: Strawberry Almond Breakfast QuinoaMy Profile

    1. Thanks, Sonali! :D I’m definitely there with the sleep-deprived-ness right now! :x Good thing surgery is awesome/my preceptor is awesome! He makes the long work hours super enjoyable!

  14. Looks sooooooo yummy!
    Shauna recently posted…From Artwork to Masterpiece: Turn drawings into Stuffed Animals!My Profile

    1. Thanks, Shauna! :]!

  15. This looks delicious! I don’t think we have hamburger helper here but when I come over to the US I’l have to check it out!
    Arman @ thebigmansworld recently posted…Healthy Satay Chicken SaladMy Profile

    1. Thanks, Arman! :] I’m gonna try halving the sauce packet next time to see if I can (a) lower the sodium content per serving and (b) save even more money, har har. :P

  16. Gosh you really know how to make my mouth water… yumm!!! (Or am I just SO hungry now after this bottle of wine?? :P )
    Alex recently posted…5 Reasons Public Restrooms Gross Me OutMy Profile

    1. hahaha, it might be the wine partially talking, but I hope you’ve gotten something good to eat by now! :]!

  17. I haven’t seen this brand over here but the products sound great and your beef enchilada bowl looks so tasty!

    1. Thanks! It definitely hit the spot! :]

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