A trip to Davis

AT LAST!!! (I’m outta my cast, m’friends!!!) I am unfortunately still far from fully healed. Buddy tape and splint for at least the next 4 weeks, and my ortho doc says I still have probably around 3-6 months. MONTHS. Til full recovery. My heart hurts, but I’m trying to be positive.

At least I can take showers without stuffing my hand in a bag, and I can move my wrist again, so I will count my blessings!

I’m severely behind on posts because I haven’t really felt like typing with one hand after getting back from my rotation, so this impromptu-ish trip up to Davis with some of my favorite people was from…a month ago!

We’d all had a pretty rough week, so we were all super super looking forward to having a little music mini-reunion (the last one was back in 2012, with a mini one in 2013). We planned a billion things to do in a day and…well, I think we did a pretty awesome job!

We met up at the farmer’s market to hang out with Amelia (one of our music instructors) and her husband (aka my former head boss), and stopped off at Whole Foods for coffee and a quick snack to catch up on life.


My favorite apple juice on the planet is the juice from the Davis Farmer’s Market (official site here)! It is the one and only thing my best friend and I (here are some of our food adventures!) did not share/actually labeled in the fridge in the 4 years that we lived together. :O


Then we ran off through the arboretum to get to the Mondavi Center to crash the Alumni Lunch!

ucdarboretum ucdarboretum1Jaclyn stuck around behind to snap some pictures of the arboretum (and of me and Rachel in the process, hehehe).
trekthrougharboretum trekthrougharboretum1


Gotta cut through King Hall (their law school) to get there! :P

Dave was singing with the UCD Alumni Chorus for Beethoven’s 9th, which is another reason why we decided to head up! (Our original plan had been to go hiking in Yosemite, but…it was snowing and we didn’t want to die.)  I’m adding singing with the alumni chorus to my next 101 in 1001 (until then, you can see my current one! :O )


We found Dave! :D!


Had to sneak into the Mondavi Center! I wasn’t ever in orchestra, so I’ve only played in here once (twice?) for a concerto competition audition.

I think we ended up walking around 6+ miles  (Davis has a ginormous campus)–we made stops at every bookstore on campus and downtown to find lucky test pencils for Rachel and Jaclyn’s cousins (success at the last store, thankfully!! :D ), and we also got some stuffs for ourselves (e.g. I finallyyyy have a UCD license plate!).


I’m glad she’s being taken care of!

Of course, we had to stop by the music building too! Yay for Music 115! (Otherwise known as our classroom and recital hall.)



The new recital hall is still being built because UC stands for “Under Construction”–we hope to play here someday! Noontime alumni weekend concerts?!

Where else did we stop? …well…

  • Uncle Vito’s for a slice of pizza and also to escape the pouring rain (which partially melted my cast in a little, thus slightly diminishing the space for my poor fingers)
  • Nugget Market in hopes of getting a pumpkin milkshake since we heard they weren’t actually seasonal…but they are
  • Davis Sushi Buffet for a sushi buffet dinner
  • Woodstock’s for Apple Cinnabread

For old time’s sake, we were going to stop at Burgers & Brew for garlic fries and pear cider, but decided that mayhaps we’d already had enough for the day. ;P Dave let us crash at his place for the night (yay!), and we had brunch at Crepeville before Rachel and Jaclyn reverse-kidnapped me and dropped me off back in Fresno for the rest of my rotation (I’ll get to that post eventually)!


It was so awesome to get to hang out again. This is the most I’ve seen of my friends in the last half-decade, so you better bet I’ve been super-cherishing all these times. :]!

  • Where did you go to college? Do you ever go back to visit?

Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/a-trip-to-davis/


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  1. Aww, really cool that you got to spend time with old friends and visit your college! The campus looks beautiful. I’ve been getting nostalgic about my old college campus lately, I’m sure I’ll go visit next time I’m in america–easy enough, since it’s 15 minutes from my grandparents’ house–Calvin College, small school but really pretty. And my college t-shirts are getting ridiculously worn out but they are some of the comfiest t-shirts that fit better than any t-shirt I’ve ever had, so I’m definitely going to have to get another one of those, haha! You’re never too old to wear your alma mater’s name, are you?
    Rachel G recently posted…How I Make Time for HobbiesMy Profile

    1. I heart Davis, hehehe. It’s always fun to visit, and it’s where I’d love to go back to work! I hope you get to go back to visit soon too! I have several shirts from Davis that I love and adore because they’re super crazy comfortable–I’m actually a little afraid to wear them too much because I’m afraid I’ll wear them out. ;_; I like to think we’re never too old to wear em’! :D!

  2. How much fun! Just like old times!
    I went to University of Florida. My first couple of years out, I was living in Macon, Georgia and had to drive through it to get back home to Orlando so I went back. But once I moved to Asheville, I either drove home on a road that didn’t go through Gainesville or flew home… so I stopped going.
    BUT a couple years ago the Hubs and I stopped on the way home and I got to show him around for an hour or so… it was so nostalgic!
    Julie @ Running in a Skirt recently posted…Fashion Friday- Navy Sheer ShirtMy Profile

    1. Agreed! <3! I feel incredibly blessed that most of my friendships are the type where we can just pick up where we left off as though no time's passed!

      I'm glad you got to visit again a couple years ago! Alllll the nostalgia! <3

  3. So happy for your visit! I went to Oxford so my trip last summer back to London was the first time I’d seen my college friends since leaving more than 3 years prior. Distance is tough, but I wouldn’t trade my experience there for anything, and the good friends I keep in touch with are friends for life.

    1. So very much agreed! I still try to keep in touch with my college friends on at least a semi-regular basis–I’m super thankful that we can always pick up where we left off–it makes the distance a little easier!

  4. I loved going back to see Cville after graduation… hell, I came back many times, lived there for another year (after grad school, during which I came back repeatedly to see Alex), and then we made a pilgrimage back for several days in December a year and a half ago.
    I’m sorry that it looks like you will have such a road to recovery. Sounds kind of like my injury–one little break mucking up our lives.
    Susie @ Suzlyfe recently posted…My Nonchalant Birthday WeekendMy Profile

    1. Yay for the pilgrimages! :D I look forward to those every time I’m home, haha. :]

      Right!? :[ I like to think that things are starting to look up for both of us though! Glad you’ve been able to run again and I’m super happy to get to move my wrist again, hehe. :D

  5. Since I’m a new time reader, I’m not quite sure what happened to your wrist/arm. However, I’ve been in a situation with my own injury to my wrist/thumb that left me in a cast for months + surgery. Although it sucks (hello itchiness & wearing a bag in the shower), with time you’ll be back to your old self. Things could always be worse :)

    1. Hello and welcome! :] I broke it in a jiu-jitsu training accident coupled with a benign bone tumor I didn’t know about, haha. :[ The itchiness definitely sucked, but I’m super glad to get to take regular showers again, and agreed that things could always be worse! What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger?! :]

  6. Awww, what a wonderful trip! Spending time with old friends really is one of life’s biggest joys :) Congrats on graduating out of your cast, I know you still have a long way to go, but keep up the positive attitude and before you know it, you’ll be good to go!
    Sonali- The Foodie Physician recently posted…Dining with the Doc: Korean Rice Bowls with Turkey and MushroomsMy Profile

    1. I definitely agree! :D I’m super thankful for how understanding my attendings have been! *-* This could definitely have been a whole lot worse!

  7. Fun!! I’ve been back to my college (University of Alabama) a few times for football games but it’s been a few years since I’ve been. Your photos are making me jealous and missing college :)
    Meme recently posted…Chicken Salad Grilled CheeseMy Profile

    1. I really miss college too! *-* It’s probably part of why I keep going back, hehehe.

  8. Yay for no cast and yay for a fun reminiscent visit!
    Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine recently posted…Homemade Allergy-Friendly BagelsMy Profile

    1. Yes indeed! :D!!

  9. My sister goes there! I must visit! Looks fantastic!
    Smitha @ Running with SD Mom recently posted…Carlsbad 5000 All Day 20K Recap: In Pictures & a CONFESSION!My Profile

    1. Yay, that’s awesome! :D I hope you get to visit sometime!

  10. Oh so beautiful, what a gorgeous place to visit!!!
    Happy to hear your starting to heal up, you “over achiever” LOL I still chuckle about that on your IG comment:)
    Have a great week my friend!

    1. hehe, it’s always a lot of fun to get to visit! :]

      I’m super glad that it’s finally starting to heal up soon too! (If only I had Wolverine’s self-healing capabilities though…)

      Hope your weekend is going well!

  11. Hoooraaay for no cast!!!!

    It looks like you had an awesome trip! Your apple juice is making me excited for our apple picking adventures in a couple of weeks as we always buy fresh apple juice from the growers as well and it’s seriously good! (and I’ve never been a juice fan!)
    Kristy @ Southern In Law recently posted…Recipe: Nomato Spaghetti BologneseMy Profile

    1. Yay! I’m excited for your apple picking adventures too, hehe. Fresh apple juice is so amazing! <3 (I usually don't drink much juice either!)

  12. Glad you are out of your cast!! Woohoo!
    Jess @hellotofit recently posted…Roasted Hazelnut Chocolate Peanut ButterMy Profile

    1. Me too! It was getting so itchy!!

  13. Looks like you had a much needed break with some good friends. I went to college at Ringling School of Art, and have never been back. Its in Florida, and I ran from there as fast as we could:o)

    1. hehehe, I love beaches + warm weather, but I think I’d prefer North Carolina to Florida too, since it also has those, and people are nicer (+ less crazy drivers…)! :P

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