10 Things To Know As A Third-Year Medical Student

Since I’m done with my first year of clinical rotations (aka year 3 of medical school), I feel like I’m finally somewhat qualified to talk about the things that would be good to know as a third-year medical student! :] Here’s to hoping 4th-year will be just as awesome (if not even more so)!


Don’t lie and say you want to specialize in your preceptor’s field if it’s not actually what you want to do.

I had no idea people even did this, but please don’t lie. It’s so, so far from genuine and if your preceptor finds out, it’s really disheartening.

If you’re worried they’ll think you’re not interested in the field, just tell them what you’re interested in, but assure them that you still want to learn, and if it’s applicable, that you’d be especially interested in the parts of their field that pertain to the one you’re interested in!

Think before you speak.

I shouldn’t need to explain this one.

Kindness goes a very, very long way.

Because of it, I’ve managed to secure free housing in a variety of different places. I was given the days after Thanksgiving/Christmas/New Years off so that I could spend it at Please Save A Cat (aka my home away from home), and honestly, kindness just makes the world a better place.

And your patients will really, really appreciate it, and you can very easily make a positive difference with this one. Perhaps more than you’ll ever know.

Being a great listener + observer is key.

It’ll enable you to provide better care to your patients.

You will need to learn how to politely extract yourself from super-chatty patients.

…I can’t say more about this one because I still haven’t developed a tactic for it.

Stay out of any/all drama.

It is not worth your time. Do not participate in any of the gossip. Word travels fast, and it can really only hurt you.

Subjective evaluations can suck…but you can’t have everything in life.

Just take it in stride, learn to pick your battles, and move on. Know that there are times where some just grade harder than others. You win some, you lose some.

There’s only so much you can do for the patients who don’t want to help themselves.

One of my preceptors was yelled at by the mother of a pregnant lady for telling her that smoking while pregnant was detrimental to the baby. (…) The lady chose not to listen to this and smoked all throughout her pregnancy.

There are some things you can’t force, and if someone is unwilling to listen or to change, do what you can, but realize that you can’t save everyone.

If your preceptor gives you the day off, it is not a trick.

(Or at least, it shouldn’t be.) Thank them and enjoy your day. Go catch up on some studying.

I have major issues adhering to this one because I always feel like I’m being a slacker if I do that. When this happened at the beginning of the year, I picked up extra shifts elsewhere while my preceptor was on vacation. (It was Family Medicine though, so you know I loved it! <3)

You will never know everything.

And that’s okay (even though it’ll never feel like it’s okay). Read up on the things you don’t know and study consistently throughout the year.

Focus on doing your best, and learn from your mistakes!


Remember this! <3

  • What lessons have you learned thus far (in school or in your career)?

Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/10-things-to-know-as-a-third-year-medical-student/


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  1. third year med student.
    student of LIFE.
    it’s all the same huh? :-)
    CARLA recently posted…Everything I never knew I always wanted.My Profile

    1. Agreed! It makes life so much less complicated when you cut that negativity out of your life!

  2. Totally agree with you that you can only help people who want to be helped. In everything. I think also you have to be prepared to have an open mind. While you, Farrah, have chosen to stay dedicated to what you were originally considering, you have also been surprised by how much you gelled with other rotations!
    Susie @ SuzLyfe recently posted…Colonoscopy Prep Clear Liquid Diet Day Ideas #WiawMy Profile

    1. So very true!! My biggest surprise was definitely with surgery, which I’d kinda been half-dreading. (I preemptively worked that one out though because I requested the preceptor I had, and I’m so glad I did! He’s such a wonderful human being! <3)

  3. Those are great suggestions for most professional settings. In teaching, the one thing I learned quickly was to stay away from the complainers. You end up doing the same thing even if you don’t feel that way. Misery loves company, but you need to know to back up from those situations.
    Melanie recently posted…Blessings in DisguiseMy Profile

    1. My goodness, they are definitely one of my least favorite groups of people to deal with! :[ There’s someone in my class who’s constantly raining on others’ parades and just never seems to have anything positive to say about anyone or anything. I didn’t want to deal with his unnecessarily cutting down me/my friends, so I make it a point to avoid him as much as humanly possible!

  4. Great great tips! My former partner precepted medical students and one of them kept calling ME after his rotation to see if I would talk to him to convince him to change his grade. He told me he wanted to go to Stanford for his residency and needed all As. My partner gave him a B. He wasn’t a shining star by any means, and the B was generous, IMHO. I found his behavior repulsive. I can’t imagine what kind of physician he is now.
    Wendy@Taking the Long Way Home recently posted…The humblingMy Profile

    1. …I am so sorry that you had to deal with that. That’s horrible! I’m continually amazed at the horror stories I hear from the staff/my preceptors on previous students and their behavior. …but on the flip side, it gives me hope that I’ll end up somewhere awesome! ;P

  5. Staying out of drama, Ive got that one down. Dont know everything, Im good with that one too. Exiting politely…I still need to work on. If you figure that one out, promise that you will share it. Im always in need of good exit strategies! lol Autumn
    Autumn recently posted…Just MoveMy Profile

    1. I’m still working hard on that one, but to no avail! It’s so hard to do! :x (And a lot of the time, I really enjoy talking with my patients, so I’m sure that doesn’t help either…)

  6. If you figure out how to deal with super chatty people like that, let me know! haha!
    I always say, kill them with kindness!
    Julie @ Running in a Skirt recently posted…Garden Update 2015My Profile

    1. hahaha, likewise to you, because it’s been a full year, and I still have not! :]

      Agreed! Tis the best way to go!

  7. oh how sometimes i miss school! university was the best years of my life – i think it was because i followed so many of your rules (minus the patients one, not very many patients in business school). Number one for me – stay out of drama!!
    Beverley @ sweaty&fit recently posted…How to Lose Stubborn Belly FatMy Profile

    1. Not gonna lie–I miss undergrad a lot, haha. There were sooo many opportunities and awesome things to learn + things to do! <3 I've definitely had to tone it down in med school, but I still carve out time for some of my hobbies so that I can stay sane!

      And urk, drama. Best thing ever is definitely to steer clear of it!

  8. Awesome lessons and you can apply them to sooo many lives/careers!
    Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine recently posted…Tuna Thai Red CurryMy Profile

    1. Yes indeed! Yay for life lessons! :P

  9. Love the quote by Maya Angelou. So true! I pinned it for inspiration. I like to remind myself that I might not be perfect and I might not know everything, but I always have an option to be kind and to make people around me feel nice.
    Eva recently posted…Homemade Diaper Rash CreamMy Profile

    1. I love that mindset in life–I wish more people would adopt that! It’d make the world a much better place! <3

  10. Loved those tips because they apply to life in general! Good luck in your 4th year!!
    Dezzie recently posted…Hello July – Goals Revisited!My Profile

    1. I try to make em’ applicable! ;P Thanks so much! <3

  11. YES to “there’s only so much you can do”. As a personal trainer, people will sometimes expect you to COMPLETELY change their life. While I think it’s possible, I know that THERE’S ONLY SO MUCH I CAN DO. I can “make” someone drink less than 3-5 drinks per week, or make them work hard on their own when I”m not with them.
    Jess @hellotofit recently posted…#LJInspired Instagram Challenge: are you in?My Profile

    1. Agreed!! That one’s a really hard one to accept sometimes, but definitely important to realize, or you’re setting yourself up for a wholeeee lot of disappointments and frustrations. :[

  12. LOL on really taking your day off … for studying! You are such a diligent med student and have so many qualities I would love to have in my doctors!
    Coco recently posted…Fitness Trends That Will Pass Me ByMy Profile

    1. hahaha, I knowww. It sounds so wildly exciting, doesn’t it!? :x But thank you so much! I really hope I’ll be an awesome one! :]

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