番茄蛋 (Fried Eggs & Tomatoes)

番茄蛋 = one of my favorite dishes. My grandma used to make it for me whenever I had a bad day, or if she just felt like being awesome (which was often). I unfortunately never thought to learn how to cook from her and I was craving it the other day so I scoured a bunch of recipes.

This doesn’t taste exactly like it, but it was a somewhat close replica? (I think I at least used most of the same ingredients.)

番茄蛋 (Fried Eggs & Tomatoes)


  • 4 tomatoes, quartered or chopped into sixths or eighths
  • 4 eggs
  • 1-2 cloves garlic, minced
  • EVOO
  • sprinkle of sea salt
  • sprinkle of sugar
  • ketchup (optional)


  1. Use roughly equal proportions of tomatoes and eggs (maybe 1-2 more tomatoes?). Beat the eggs and throw ~1/3 of the garlic into the bowl with a sprinkle of salt.
  2. Heat up oil in a pan and throw the egg mixture in. Stir it around a bit so that it’s all cooked, and take it out of the pan again. (This shouldn’t take long.)
  3. Take the tomatoes and fry them with the garlic until they start to lose their shape. Put the egg back in and fry it for a few more minutes, adding salt and a few squirts of ketchup to taste.
  4. Serve over rice!

*Don’t stir it too much or cook it for too long or it’ll disintegrate into mush, which still tastes perfectly fine, but is not all that visually appealing. The bits of skin should fall off the tomatoes as they cook though.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/%e7%95%aa%e8%8c%84%e8%9b%8b-fried-eggs-tomatoes/


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  1. Wow, that sounds delicious! I love the combo of eggs + tomatoes!

    1. Same! I haven’t made this in a while; I may need to have it again soon! :]

  2. This is something I know I would love. I remember my mom making something similar to this when I was younger. Hmmm I was just wondering what will be for dinner and a little dinner breakfast type meal sound quite fabulous right now, I just hope I still have a tomato left. Or you know I could always sneak one off my neighbors bush next to my fence, I don’t think she’s picked them all yet, LOL
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    1. Hahaha, I’ve definitely snuck off with produce (lemons) from someone else’s tree before! (In my defense, they were hanging off the other side of the fence…? :D?)

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