Strawberry “Cheesecake”

Strawberry “Cheesecake”

76 calories, 11g CHO’s, 3g fat, 1g protein, 2g fiber, 43mg sodium per slice!

(For the record, this is what happens if you don’t wait for it to hang out in the fridge for about an hour.)

I was also a genius and didn’t read into the whole copyright business/legalities from the website I adapted this from, so if you want the actual recipe, go there! (Sorry! :x ) The only things we changed up are listed below:

  • Using sweetened shredded coconut instead of unsweetened (we couldn’t find unsweetened at the store :[ )
  • Murdering 3/4 cup of cashews in the food processor for the cashew butter in the filling
  • Using the cashew pulp we had from making cashew milk in the crust
  • Not adding the sweetener into the filling

It made enough to fill a small cake pan and a loaf pan, so…loosely 24 small-ish servings (slices). We polished both of them off within 2 days of break. This probably needs to stop.

“Pour the tea, or you shall never bring honor to your family!”

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  1. Hi Farrah! My name is David and I am from DAMY Health. I’m glad you loved our recipe however we do not permit copy and pasting of our recipes or such minor adaptations.

    Please see our copyright info here:

    Please remove our copied content and simply link the recipe to our original post. Thank you,


    1. Hello! I’ve removed the content and replaced it with just the link. My apologies about that!

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