Why The Residency Match Is Like Getting Married

My life is currently composed of audition rotations, applications and scheduling catastrophes, peppered here and there with fun things/having a life (e.g. running off to Columbus between rotations to visit friends).

I’d like to share some thoughts on what the residency match is like, because I was trying to explain how it worked to my parents and I suspect that they’re just pretending that they understand what’s going on.

Why The Residency Match Is Like Getting Married (…After One Date)

This is as accurate as it's gonna get.

So this is as accurate as it’s gonna get.

I haven’t ever actually been married, but I like to think that my facebook marriage of 9 years to my best friend has to count for something! Our “marriage” has lasted more than a whole lot of real relationships!



“It’s like going on a first date and deciding whether or not you want to get married.” (Or at least, whether or not you want to be married for the next 3 years.)

Sometimes, you get to do a trial run (e.g. audition rotation/acting internship) where you spend 2-4 weeks there (I’m at another one right now!) to get them to like you (and vice versa)…but this is the gist of it:

Please like me.

I sent off my application with my CV, personal statement, board scores, transcript, dean’s letter, photo, and recommendation letters…and I’ve been waiting ever since.

The likelihood of finding a program that I love and adore in every single way might be a challenge, because no place is perfect, and neither am I, and no matter how much you love something, you can’t be happy with it 100% of the time…

But that’s why you learn to compromise. Factoring in the things that were most important to me and what I was and was not willing to compromise went a long way when I was researching programs to apply to. There are plenty that I would be ecstatic to be accepted into because they offer so many things that pertain to my interests and my long-term goals, but in the end, there will only be one for me.

Please invite me on a date.

Aka the residency interview. Over these past few weeks/months, I’ve been checking my email constantly (it’s basically like when you’re constantly checking your phone to see if the person you’re interested in responded yet).

Sometimes, you get your heart shattered to pieces by an email inviting you for an interview from one of your top-choice programs, immediately followed by this:

Good morning! My sincere apologies if you just received an invitation to interview. That letter was sent by mistake.

(It was followed up by a 3rd email saying that they needed all the people they were considering to fill out a survey first before making their final decision. I was so ecstatic when I got that first email though. :'( )

…And other times, you get flat-out rejected.

But despite those, I’ve [thankfully] been very, very blessed in the realms of interview invitations to programs that I’m really interested in. :D! Thus far, I’ve managed to stuff them all in so that I’ll only miss a grand total of 1.5 days of rotations!

Please marry me.

With 600-1000+ applications sent to each program, they have room to interview ~50-150-ish candidates for anywhere from 2-15-ish spots. It looks in every way like the odds are stacked against you, but…I like to think that somehow, the algorithm they run us through is magical, and that it’ll all work out.

I hope that when I step foot into the residency program I’m meant to be at, I’ll just know in my heart that it’s “the one.” (And that they’ll feel the same way!) <3

Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/why-the-residency-match-is-like-getting-married/


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  1. I can only imagine the crazy process. I have some great friends who went through all that or their husbands did. Some got great places others just went with the best offers that came. But in the end after they finished they all got great jobs at the hospitals they wanted or started their own practices and were able to move back to Utah. I know they said it was rough and the hours sucked at times but the end result made it worth it.
    Best of luck getting into a place or city you want:) But no matter where you go eventually it will end and you can apply for the places of your dreams:)
    kristy @runawaybridalplanner recently posted…Choosing a Comment SystemMy Profile

    1. That’s what I’m thinking! I went through a pretty stringent screening process with the list of criteria I had/wanted when I was figuring out where to apply to, so most of them have everything I want in a program–now it’s more about finding the right fit and seeing whether I’d be happy there! :D I’m keeping my fingers crossed that I find the perfect program for me (+ vice versa), but if it all doesn’t pan out the way I’d like it to…it’s still just 3 years of my life, so I like to think it’ll be okay! :]

  2. To me, it was exactly like sorority rush. “Mutual selection process” and all that. Seriously, while watching Alex go through it it was the same thing!
    Susie @ SuzLyfe recently posted…Mom, Otters, Pumpkins, and I’ve Got the FeverMy Profile

    1. Ah, that’s what one of my friends was saying a couple weeks ago! I’ve never done one of those, but it does sound very similar!

  3. My fiance is going through the same process right now and it’s brutal! It’s so nerve wracking to not know where we will be living in the spring! Good luck :)
    Lauren @ Eating with a Purpose recently posted…What I Ate This Week: October 6-12My Profile

    1. Ah, best of luck to him! Not knowing definitely ups the anxiety, but hopefully it all works out for the best! <3

  4. This stresses me out just thinking of it! So much pressure! I know you will find a good one.
    Julie @ Running in a Skirt recently posted…Cajun Shrimp Burgers (Inspired by Hilton Head Island!)My Profile

    1. Thanks, Julie! I hope I will! :D!

  5. I know match can be petrifying, my cousin went through it last year. I hope your match is everything you desire, my fingers are crossed for you!
    Alyssa @ Renaissancerunnergirl recently posted…Learning As I Blog AlongMy Profile

    1. Thanks so much, Alyssa! <3 I really hope I find the "perfect" one! :]

  6. Ahh just reading this fills me with sympathy anxiety! You are a rock star, and you can do it! You wouldn’t have made it this far if that weren’t true! Good luck :)
    Melanie recently posted…Chicken Tikka MasalaMy Profile

    1. hehehe, thanks so much, Melanie! :D That’s what my internal pep talks tell me too! :P

  7. It is such a crazy process! I can’t imagine the stress. I hope you get to marry your first choice.
    Coco recently posted…Hiking Mount Sanitas And Horsetooth Rock In ColoradoMy Profile

    1. Thank you so much! I hope so too! :]

    • Eva on October 15, 2015 at 10:28 pm
    • Reply

    Sounds very stressful. I read once that the main reason a medical school is so stressful is to weed out the weak. To be a good doctor one supposedly needs to be able to stay strong and calm despite the pressure to break down. I don’t know if it’s true, but you are certainly getting a good training. I hope you find the best match!
    Eva recently posted…Instagram Photo Challenge and Learning Kid Linkup #15My Profile

    1. Haha, that’s probably why they do it like that! :P I guess it makes sense! I really hope I do too! Many thanks! <3

  8. Ray is going through it now, and I can see your comparison! Crazy, CRAZY process.
    Jess @hellotofit recently posted…Vegetarian scrambled tofu bowlMy Profile

    1. Best of luck to him!! I hope we both make it somewhere super awesome!! :]!

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