Ultimate Coffee Date: May 2020

Welcome to the Ultimate Coffee Date! How have you all been doing?

Ultimate Coffee Date: May 2020

If we were having coffee/tea today, I’d…tell you that I was drafted back to the hospital, so I’ve been working there for the past week! (I volunteered to be drafted, so it wasn’t really a draft-draft. I never really thought I’d be returning to inpatient life after residency, but I have to admit, I like it more as an attending than I did as a resident.)

A couple of the hospitalists told me I should consider doing it part-time(?!). I’ve been enjoying working with my colleagues there, but I don’t know that I would make this a very regular thing. Inpatient medicine is so different; it’s draining in a different way than outpatient medicine, but also rewarding in its own way. It’s still just as difficult giving bad news though, and the fact that there can’t be visitors/family around makes it so much harder right now.

I hate to end on a somber note, so I’ll leave you with this–one of my patients this week told me this:

“You’ve really cheered me up and I really appreciate it, so I wanted to show you something to brighten your day!”

(He showed me photos of his 3-week old pet goats and his pet ducks/chickens! They were super adorable! <3)

If we were having coffee/tea today, I’d…ask how you’ve been doing lately. So, so much has changed in the span of the last couple months. One of my “quarantine goals” is to finish all my travel posts from my road trip. I’m making pretty good progress! I’ve also joined a virtual book club and started a co-op game on Stardew Valley with my friends. Have you started up anything new since the quarantine?

I’m blessed to still have a job and although I miss “normal” life, I’ve been trying to look for all the silver linings. Things that I’ve come up with include:

  • No traffic
  • Improved air quality/less air pollution
  • More wildlife
  • Nature is slowly recovering!
  • More time spent with family
  • More conversation
  • Possible transition to more work-from-home opportunities in the future, which will save time, money, and be better for the environment
  • Seeing the kindness in others shine through

I have no words for the people using this as an excuse to perpetuate racism and general selfishness/disregard for others.


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If we were having coffee/tea today, I’d…tell you that my coworkers made me promise to pop into work on my birthday, and I was greeted with…this!

Ultimate Coffee Date: May 2020 | @fairyburger


My friend ordered a birthday cake delivery to my door! :D

See past ultimate coffee dates here!

(Link-up with Coco @ Got 2 Run 4 Me & Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner!)

  • What’s a positive change you’ve noticed over the last 1-2 months?
  • Any other quarantine-birthday-ers out there? How did you celebrate?
  • Do you have any “quarantine goals?” (It’s totally okay if you don’t. I just kinda want to put together a quarantine to-do list/post-quarantine bucket list and wanted to know if people would be interested in linking up! I could always use the motivation/accountability!)

Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/ultimate-coffee-date-may-2020/


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  1. Happy Birthday!!!!

    Good for you, volunteering to staff at the hospital. Some of the haters should spend time there and see what is really happening. I’m just sickened by what is happening. Like you, I’m trying to find positive in all of this.
    Wendy recently posted…The Best Part of Waking Up…My Profile

    1. Thank you!!

      Agreed. :[ I feel like one of the only ways to deal with it right now is to try to look for the positive pieces.

  2. That cake! And the decorations! You have sweet friends.

    I absolutely cannot imagine working at a hospital right now. Thank you. You are all heroes in my book.

    I agree that there are always silver linings when you look for them! Unfortunately since I don’t live near my family, it’s meant more time apart.

    1. They are super sweet! <3

      I've been taking care of non-COVID patients so the regular hospitalists have less to manage + can focus on taking care of our COVID patients, but it's been so heartbreaking to see our more critical patients in the hospital + unable to have visitors. :[

      I'm so sorry! That must be really hard. I hope you're able to connect with them via phone or video chats(?)–I'm glad there's functional technology right now; I couldn't imagine everyone being able to quarantine without being able to contact loved ones.

  3. Thanks for volunteering at the hospital they are lucky to have you! Happy happy birthday to you. It’s one you won’t forget I am sure. My daughter had her birthday a few weeks ago and now my son’s is next week. He is not happy about it! Thanks for linking up and have a great weekend
    Deborah Brooks recently posted…May Ultimate Coffee Date Linkup Make Mine SpikedMy Profile

    1. They’ve all been super nice and very willing to answer any questions I have! (Navigating the inpatient medical records + hospital took some getting used to, hehe.)

      Thank you! I hope you’re all able to do something fun for his birthday! It’s a difficult time, but hopefully there are better days up ahead soon! Thanks as always for co-hosting! :]
      Farrah recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date: May 2020My Profile

  4. I’m glad your coworkers celebrated your birthday – that cake looks amazing! I am sure you are so needed and welcome at the hospital. Baby goats would make me smile too

    1. Thank you! They were all so sweet + thoughtful! <3!

  5. Happy birthday, Farrah! That cake looks amazing. Thank you so much for allowing yourself to get drafted to work in a hospital setting again. You health care workers are true heroes. I liked how you wrote about all the positives that have come out of this pandemic. I have no tolerance for people using this as an excuse for racism or selfishness either.
    Laurie recently posted…Conversation And Ultimate CoffeeMy Profile

    1. Aww, thank you! :] It was a fun birthday even if it had to be socially distanced! <3

      I'm hopeful that we'll see some positive change out of this pandemic–then at least some hopefully-lasting good can come out of everything that's happened! (Fingers crossed!)

  6. Aw! Happy birthday!

    Little man’s birthday was this past Wednesday and my birthday is May 9. For him, we did a fun shirt and some presents. My parents brought takeout for lunch and we had a socially distant driveway picnic. At night, we got wings for dinners and I made him a chocolate peanut butter cake (his request) and then a bunch of our friends drove by in a surprise birthday parade. It was perfect.

    I have no idea what we will do for mine.

    Racism is disgusting.
    Jenn recently posted…virtual racing isn’t canceledMy Profile

    1. Thank you! :]

      Aww, that sounds like a lot of fun! :] I love how creative the ideas have gotten for celebrations and pastimes lately–it’s so nice to see communities working together. I hope you get to do something fun for your birthday too!

      Agreed. :|

  7. Happy birthday!!! I’ve noticed a few positive changes–I think it’s been wonderful to experience nature more often and to slow down throughout the week. I’ve seen more people out and about doing the same thing as well. My goals are really setting a low bar–trying new challenging workouts and working on a few craft projects have been my main goals!

    1. Thank you! I finally get a full weekend off so I’m gonna be working on slowing down too. :P Best of luck to you on your goals! I need to start working out more consistently!

  8. Happy Birthday! So sweet of your co-workers :)

    Thank you for volunteering to staff at the hospital!

    This is such a crazy time – it really does help to focus on the positives, both big and small.

    1. Thank you! :] They’re an awesome bunch!

      It was the least I could do! I hope things don’t get too bad here but it’s good to know there are so many just-in-case measures put into place!


  9. Happy Birthday!!!

    I don’t think they’re so much quarantine goals so much as a 2020 goal and then being inspired in quarantine but my goals are to write so much more in different formats and to be extra true to myself!

    Positive things I’m noticing are women taking a lot of power back in themselves… but that could just be who I’m interacting with and following. I hope not though!

    1. Thank you! :]

      Those are great goals to have! I’m hoping to do more writing too, and decluttering the whole house would be a nice touch as well (slightly belated spring cleaning? :P )!

      I feel like I’ve seen that too! :] Makes me happy that it’s happening more now!!

  10. Happy belated birthday! It surely is going to be one of your most memorable!

    I think focusing on the good is so important right now. I am really enjoying getting to spend more time with my almost 4 month old by being able to work from home. I do hope that it’ll become more of a mainstream option when this is all over!

    Thank you for all that you do! Stay safe!
    Janelle @ Run With No Regrets recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date – Quarantine LifeMy Profile

    1. haha, definitely! :P I’m glad you’re getting to spend more time with your 4(ish)-month old! I really think WFH should/will be more of an option after all of this is over!

      Thank you! <3

  11. Happy Birthday! What a nice surprise from your coworkers!
    There are definitely silver linings to our current situation. I love the silence thanks to much less traffic. I love having my kids and hubby home. I could do with less cooking, but it is what it is. Haha!
    My quarantine project is a new YouTube channel.

    1. It was so sweet of them! :]

      Me too! I’m glad you get to spend more time with your family! I’m trying to cook more often right now, hehe. I’m glad we have projects to keep us busy!

  12. Happppy Majorly Belated Birthday!!!😉 I’m finally trying to see some more positives in all this. For a long time I was just living in fear but I think I’m back to a healthy level of fear now.😉
    I’m excited because I’ve finally decided on a direction for my blog so I’m looking forward to getting back to it.
    Lauren Elena recently posted…Social Distancing | New York City Book Blogger’s LifeMy Profile

    1. Aww, thank you so much! It’s been hard to find positives but at least there are some! Fingers crossed that it’ll get better soon!

      I’m excited for you + looking forward to following along! :]
      Farrah recently posted…“鱼翅”汤 (Imitation Shark Fin Soup)My Profile

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