Ultimate Coffee Date: June 2016

Can you believe the year is already almost half over? How is it already June?! What’s been going in your life? Pull up a chair and come catch up with life with me for the Ultimate Coffee Date!

If we were having coffee/tea today, I’d tell you that…I’m officially done with school. FOREVER! I graduated exactly one week ago!

Well, at least I’m pretty sure I’m done. I’d like to think that graduating 21st grade and having 4 degrees is enough. ._.

I finished off my med school career with a B+ average! Usually, that’d be considered an Asian fail, but given the fact that it was medical school and I managed to still have a life over the past couple years, I’m pretty happy with it. :]!

There were a ton of pre-graduation required activities/festivities, so we figured we’d take this chance to take a bunch of pictures, as it was the first time in two years that all of us were in one place again.


Pre-Senior Photos with some of my favorite people!


We effed up the “WV” (oops!).


Pre-Graduation Dinner, Graduation Rehearsal, Pre-Graduation BBQ…

Pre-Graduation Dinner!

Pre-Graduation Dinner!


As Pixie puts it, my partner in webcrime–we co-founded FM Student together! :D!

If we were having coffee/tea today, I’d tell you that…my aunt started getting on my case again for not finding a husband whilst in graduate school or in medical school.

I’ve kinda had it with my family trying to set me up with people since I’ve been home… Thankfully, I have very wonderful friends, so I may or may not have borrowed Pixie’s husband and introduced him to my parents and my aunt and uncle as my ~*friend*~. [I didn’t think I’d be able to say, “This is my white love slave” (his suggestion) without cackling.]

He played along and said that I was a “very close and dear friend” and that we’d known each other since first year, so none of that was a lie.


Meet my fake boyfriend, aka friend’s husband! Plus one of my neighbors in 2nd + 3rd year! :]

(I love trolling my family, what can I say.)

…It worked until Pixie casually walked by to eavesdrop on the hilarious silence that followed and I burst out laughing and admitted that he was her husband. But that was fun. :D

…And Sean introduced me to his parents as his sugar mama.

We’re awesome? <3

Look very closely underneath that tree on the left. :D

Look very closely underneath that tree on the left. :D Tis my friend’s best photobomb yet!

As per usual, this is a post scheduled into the future because…I’m actually off in Hawai’i at this very moment as a graduation present to myself! If luck serves me right, I’m hiking the Pali Puka with my friend right now because she hasn’t been able to convince anyone to go with her due to the height. :O

(Follow me on instagram for pictures of food, pretty beaches and hikes! :])

See past coffee dates here!

(Link-up with Coco @ Got 2 Run 4 Me, Lynda @ Fitness Mom Wine Country, & Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner!)

  • If you’re single, does your family like to nag you about finding someone to marry? Would you have done what I did? :] My aunt may well have missed the part where I told them he was actually my friend’s husband, because she asked me if “the fine and upstanding man [she] met the other day” was going to Hawai’i with me.In my defense, I tried to come clean?
  • What’s been going on in your life!? I have way more pictures to share, so I think this upcoming Medical Mondays will just be a photo dump of graduation day. <3 #sorrynotsorry

Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/ultimate-coffee-date-june-2016/


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  1. Farrah oh my gosh, so so exciting. Congrats to you. We have been following along for so long and now you are officially graduated. Enjoy some time to relax {hopefully} and have a fun summer. This is such an exciting time for you. Thank you for coffee :)
    Lynda@fitnessmomwinecountry recently posted…The Ultimate Coffee Date 2016 #6My Profile

    1. Thanks so much for following along with all my adventures over the past couple years! <3 I'm in Hawaii for the week so that's basically my summer! :D!! Thanks for hosting!

  2. Hooraay for graduating! You totally rocked that green cap! ;)

    I wonder what rumours are being whispered around your family right now, hahaha!
    Kristy @ Southern In Law recently posted…Recent Things: Forgotten Anniversaries, Winter Woes and Doggy DramaMy Profile

    1. Thanks so much! <3

      Hahaha, I can only wonder! :P

  3. Hahaha love it! But you guys really are like family after all the time you spent with each other in such a crazy experience like med school!
    Again, congratulations x100000 xoxoxo
    Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine recently posted…Friday Finisher 6/3/16My Profile

    1. True that! :D He’s a good soul, and has been a total trooper and amazing support system for my friend over the past several years! <3!

      Thank you! :D Have an awesome weekend!!

  4. I have an awesome 23 year old personal trainer that we just hired who is ADORABLE ;D ;D ;D
    Susie @ Suzlyfe recently posted…Five Common Fitness MythsMy Profile

    1. How adorable are we talking about here? (Ahahaha, I’m half a decade older! D: )

  5. Huge congratulations to you on graduating!!
    Michelle @ Running with Attitude recently posted…June’s Ultimate Coffee DateMy Profile

    1. Thanks so much, Michelle! :]!

  6. Congratulations! What a huge accomplishment! I hope you’re enjoying your trip!! You deserve it!
    Tricia @ A Couple of Dashes recently posted…Would You Rather… Running SurveyMy Profile

    1. Thank you so much! :D It’s been so much fun out here! <3

  7. Congratulations on your graduation ! What a wonderful accomplishment :)
    I think you should enjoy being single, you will be plenty busy, and you want to available when Mr. Right comes along :)

    1. Thanks so much, Karen! :]! So glad to be done!

      haha, I’m definitely enjoying it, but my parents are worried about how content I am about it. (Sighhh.)

  8. Congratulations! LOL on borrowing a husband! I got married too young (20!) to ever be hounded. I hope you’re enjoying Hawaii!
    Coco recently posted…Having A Heart To Heart At The Ultimate Coffee DateMy Profile

    1. haha, I wish my family would stop nagging me about it, but sigh! Hawaii is amazing! <3

  9. Woohoo! Congratulations Farrah! That is amazing! I hope you’re enjoying Hawaii! (Definitely a great way to celebrate your graduation). I laughed out loud at your husband bit, though I can appreciate how annoying the constant questions are. I am quite lucky that I didn’t have the husband question (I am married), instead, my poor sister gets a bit of that from Dad and Gran (Mum is totally respectful that she will boyfriend it up when she is ready). Rather than the wedding thing, I now get the baby thing from my in-laws. Now that is a tough one (who knows if I can even have kids!).

    1. Thanks so much, Steph! Hawaii is wonderfullll. <3

      I'm glad you don't get nagged about it, haha. I can definitely relate to your sister! :P The baby thing--urgh. I've been getting that along with the "get married and start having kids" thing. They don't listen to me when I tell em' I don't want kids, haha. There there! x_x

  10. congrats! and I love all the pictures- you look so happy! Enjoy your graduation present to yourself- you have earned it! and good luck with your man hunt- LOL!

    1. Thank you! I was definitely super happy, hahaha.

      Ugh, man hunt, hahaha. I’m not looking!

    • Ricardo on June 5, 2016 at 6:29 pm
    • Reply


    1. hahaha, where the hecks do you find these things?!

  11. I hope you are having a blast in Hawaii! So glad I don’t have to get nagged about being single–not fair to you!
    Julie @ Running in a Skirt recently posted…8 Practical & Drug Free Ways to Sleep Better When Traveling {Giveaway!}My Profile

    1. It’s so amazing out here! <3!!! And sigh, haha. They technically nag me even when I'm not single, so I lose either way. :[

  12. I know this coffee talk is only a virtual thing, and as a medical person you are probably advising against caffeine intake, but me, on the other hand used to work for Starbucks, so I wish I sat in an actual store, sipping my espresso, reading this post of yours!

    When I was single, fortunately my parents were smart enough NOT to nag about my needing to find a guy! I’m pretty sure they secretly exhaled when I introduced them to THE ONE, though ;-)

    Congrats on your graduation and the B+! In my book that’s pretty darn awesome! :-)
    Tamara recently posted…BaseballMy Profile

    1. hahaha, nice! :P I don’t know how much I can advise against caffeine given how much all my colleagues drink it! :P I think it’s okay in moderation, so as long as you’re not drinking buckets and it’s not in the afternoon/you aren’t experiencing caffeine withdrawal or having trouble sleeping, I like to think it’s okay! :P

      That’s good! My parents have kindasorta stopped and/or given up, thankfully. I don’t know if I’ll ever find “the one,” but if I don’t, there’s always the whole mess of pets that I’m planning to adopt one day to keep me company! :D

      Thanks so much! I was super happy with it! :P

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