Ultimate Coffee Date: July 2015

Hi everyone! I’m linking up with Coco @ Got 2 Run 4 Me, Lynda @ Fitness Mom Wine Country, & Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner for the monthly Ultimate Coffee Date! Pull up a chair/bean bag/whatever you like to sit on and come link and/or catch up with us! :]

If we were having coffee/tea this morning…I’d tell you that study hibernation is once again the basis of my life! I’m taking my boards licensing exam on the 31st, and I really hope my decision to still be on rotations will not come back to bite me. ._.


Welcome to my daily struggles whilst at the shelter!

While I’m on the subject of my foster kitty, I brought her back to Please Save A Cat 2 weeks ago, and my heart is a little broken.


I’m going to miss the meowmeow so much! <3 (That ring is from Vicky’s giveaway a couple weeks ago–thanks again!)

If we were having coffee/tea this morning…I’d tell you that I’m a little bit sad. :[

Aside from saying goodbye to Princess Muffin (chillest cat on the face of the planet and a stone-cold killer of random flies in my apartment), my third year of medical school officially ended last week.

I’m super thrilled about this, even though all that really changes is that I can now write “OMS-IV” after my email signature, instead of “OMS-III.”

But…it also meant having to say a whole lot of goodbyes. We’re effectively scattering all across the country (more on that on this upcoming Monday’s post, but I will basically be in 7 different states over the next 10 months).

A couple of my closest friends from med school and I had dinner together for the last time til either December (if we can meet up in the bay!!) or…graduation. I forgot to snap a picture of the four of us, but here’s 75% of our group! <3

Us looking incredibly unimpressed.

Us looking incredibly unimpressed and/or annoyed.


“Okay fine! We can take one normal picture.”

Since he's not in our group picture, I'm including him in a separate one. I made this for him as a prank birthday gift after I found out he was once an A+F model.

Since he’s not in our group picture, I’m including him in a separate one! I made this picture as a prank birthday gift after I found out he was once an A+F model.

A+ Microsoft paint skills, right?! <3 (I won my class t-shirt design contest with those aforementioned skills, so it’s gotta count for something!)

I’m going to miss all the pranks we used to play on each other during our study sessions! (For instance, that time I supermanned past the room Sean was studying in.)


This was from one of our last group dinners with some of the ladies in our region.

If we were having coffee/tea this morning…I’d tell you that I knew medical school wasn’t going to be easy, but it’s in more ways than I thought it’d be.

I knew there’d be a somewhat terrifying volume of information I’d be expected to learn and retain in a  frighteningly short period of time, and I knew I’d have to make sacrifices (and will continue having to do so), but what surprised me most was how isolating it could feel.

I’ve missed countless birthdays and weddings, and even a couple funerals and would-be emergencies. Most of my closest friends and family aren’t in the medical field, and I’ve felt like I’ve been growing farther and farther apart from them as the years have gone by.

On the flip side, I’ve also been incredibly blessed in that we can always pick up where we last left off, and it makes me cherish the times that I do get to spend with them even more. I’ve also made amazing friends along the way, and have been welcomed and adopted into so many families that I’m going to miss, so, so much. <3

One such family = Linda & Scott! <3 Scott’s in a contest for a grant from Wells Fargo to help its winners/finalists to further their businesses. Please vote for him here!

I’m really excited as to where this last(!!!) school year is going to take me, and I’m definitely going to have to make it count!

  • How often do you get to see your friends/family?
  • How do you deal with goodbyes?
  • If you travel a lot for work, care to share some tips with me? :O
The Ultimate Coffee Date

Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/ultimate-coffee-date-july-2015/


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  1. first off, congrats on your third year done! it’s tough, missing important events/emergencies etc. It is not the SAME thing, but I live eight hours away from my family…so I’ve missed many occasions/events/spending time with ill loved ones, so i feel you twinge of sadness, but on the flip side, you should BE SO PROUD <3
    Amber recently posted…Gluten Free Grilling Tips – How to Avoid Cross Contamination My Profile

    1. Aww, thanks so muc, Amber! <3!! Being 8 hours away is definitely really hard too! My friend lives about 3-4 hours from home, so I do envy the fact that she can go back whenever she wants/needs to.

      But yes, I'm super happy that I'm almost done, and I guess I'll see where residency takes me! Maybe I'll at least be closer to an airport where I won't have to transfer flights a billion times just to get home! :]!

  2. Cool t shirts! So fun. Hope you survive the studying ok. Thanks so much for joining us for coffee and catching up! have a great weekend :)
    Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date-July 4th EditionMy Profile

    1. Thanks so much, Deborah! It’s going…slowly! :P I just get tired so easily these days (sigh) and the information starts to leak outta my head, but hopefully it’ll all be okay and I’ll be done with it soon!

      Hope you have a great weekend as well! :]

  3. Congrats on completing year 3! You know I have LOTS of travel tips on my blog as I travel all of the time. We are far from family but are fortunate to have seen one of my brothers and The Husband’s sister and her family this weekend. You will meet many more awesome folks in Year 4 and keep up with your friends/”families”, too. :)

    1. Indeed you do! Yours was the first one I thought of to root around in, so I’m definitely going to do that once I’m done with this whole study hibernation thing! :]!

      True true! I’m sure it’ll be okay. I’m really excited for 4th year!

  4. Big Week! Congrats on finishing 3rd year up!

    Goodbyes are hard, and I’m really bad at them (really really bad at them) so unfortunately I don’t have great advice, other than do what you can to keep in touch and know that you at least all understand a crazy medical student/professional schedule.

    That foster kitty is so cute! hopefully she’s finding a good home (also your pearl ring is really pretty)
    Laura recently posted…Hosting a Wedding Day BrunchMy Profile

    1. Thanks so much, Laura!

      I’m horrible at them too, so I usually don’t actually say goodbye either. I just go with the whole “until we meet again!” sort of deal. It helps a little bit!!

      She’s the chillest cat ever! I miss her so much! If no one’s adopted her by the time I’m done with 4th year, I may just take her along with me to wherever I end up for residency! <3

  5. Mad props on your photo editing skills! Congrats on finishing year III and best of luck for year IV — and all the traveling and changes it will bring. You know you can always stop by for coffee or tea from wherever you are!
    Coco recently posted…July 4th Ultimate Coffee DateMy Profile

    1. hehe, thanks so much, Coco! I hope 4th year will be awesome!

      That’s the definite plus side to virtual coffee dates! I’m so glad I can always check in! :]

  6. You have an amazing group of people surrounding you! I always say the best friendships are the ones like you mentioned. I have a few out of state friends and we totally understand life ks busy. But when we see each other we just pick up where we left off. Those are special friendships. :) Sending some hugs your way!
    Melanie recently posted…Saturday Morning MotivationMy Profile

    1. They are definitely the best, and I’m super super glad to have em’ in my life, even though I don’t get to see them much anymore.

      Many thanks! <3!

  7. goodbyes are tough, I prefer until next time! Congrats on finishing year 3 and good luck with that exam! You have tons of people cheering you on!
    Mary Beth Jackson recently posted…July Ultimate Coffee DateMy Profile

    1. I like thinking of it like that too!

      Thanks so much! <3 I really appreciate it! :D

  8. Med school seems like such an intense and tough road, and I don’t think anyone would understand better than a fellow med student! When Ray first started, I was often frustrated at how little time we could spend together – I don’t think I really understood until now!
    I get to see my family maybe once every 4-6 weeks. They’re only a couple hours away.
    Congrats on being almost done with med school!!!
    Jess @hellotofit recently posted…Dairy free coconut milk custardMy Profile

    1. It’s definitely hard to understand, and I’m always so impressed with everything that med students’ significant others/spouses put up with! I’m sure it gets really frustrating because we’re essentially married to studying and the like, but I bet his having you as a support system was really helpful! :D

      Thank you! <3 There's a light at the end of the tunnel! :P

  9. Goodbyes are always sad, but good friends will always be in your life. You’re all off to new adventures that will be bigger and better than you can even imagine :)
    Nicole @ Fitful Focus recently posted…Zucchini Boat Tuna Melt, gluten freeMy Profile

    1. I like the way you think! I’m glad that technology makes it a lotttt easier to keep in touch now! :]

  10. I just made myself a cup of tea and I felt as if you were on the couch with me dishing about your life. I would miss a ‘stone cold killer of flies named Princess Muffin’ also, so I guess your allowed to be sad about that one. Goodbyes always suck but hopefully you will keep in touch with these amazing people, seems like you guys have a special bond. I try to see my friends a few times a month but for some reason I only see my BFF every 3 months. Our schedules rarely sync up, when we finally get to hang out we take turns talking over each other because we have so much to say. Friends are the best! :) Super Proud of you Farrah! Keep up the great work! Congratulations on starting your 4th year :)

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