Ultimate Coffee Date: December 2014

Hi everyone! I’m so thrilled that the Ultimate Coffee Date has been rescued by Coco @ Got 2 Run 4 Me, Lynda @ Fitness Mom Wine Country, & Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner! Pull up a chair/bean bag/whatever you like to sit on and come link and/or catch up with us for this month’s coffee date! :]

The Ultimate Coffee Date
(…Would you believe me if I told you I’m on my 4th rotation, including a good number of [self-induced] 16-hour shifts in ER, and I still haven’t had a full cup of coffee in all those days put together?)

If we were having coffee/tea today, I’d tell you about the murder mystery dinner I went to a couple weeks ago! It’s the first one I’ve ever been to, and it was a lot of fun! My dean is a volunteer forensic medical examiner for the Children’s Advocacy Center, so she sponsors tables each year and basically treated us to dinner. <3 The theme was “Marriage Can Be Murder.” I was thisclose to guessing the right person!

Redken & Regis Sets

Since she essentially paid for my dinner, I decided to donate money to the center in the form of raffle tickets…and for $10, I won both these sets. o_o (Clearly, I chose well!)

Murder Mystery Dinner

The food was lovely! I may or may not have had seconds/thirds.

Look at my bling! :O!!! I was just messing around (as per usual). If anyone actually congratulates me on this, I’m going to laugh. A lot.

If we were having coffee/tea today, I’d tell you about my Thanksgiving over at Please Save A Cat! PSAC is a cat sanctuary in West Virginia that takes care of 4 colonies of over 80 cats, and is also known as my second home out here. Although I’m usually in Kentucky now for my rotations, I go back whenever possible to visit. The lady who runs the rescue is like a mom to me. <3

Herman was making disgruntled noises because he's sad about being a "prisoner" in the barn (we don't want him to be eaten by coyotes! :[ ), so I joined him in making faces.

Herman was making disgruntled noises because he’s sad about being a “prisoner” in the barn (we don’t want him to be eaten by coyotes! :[ ), so I joined him in making disgruntled faces.

Ethyl/Ethel, Farrah, Hermie, Linda

Us with our circus cats!

Farrah & Ethyl/Ethel

She was lying across my shoulders and it was wildly difficult to get her to look at the camera and not move. :O In other news…BLUE STEEL.


If we were having coffee/tea today, I’d tell you that I was talking with a friend recently, and I’m not sure how we came to this topic, but he said this to me, and it was really awesome to hear!:

You don’t strike me as the type to ever pretend to be someone else. Which is good, because with the way you are, no matter where you go, people are going to love you. I think more people like you should go into medicine, because you really sincerely want to help other people. You’re kind, giving, enthusiastic, humble, and willing to learn and admit your mistakes, so I’m really not worried about you. All your preceptors are gonna love you.

Twas super nice of him! I’ve really been loving this year a whole lot more than the past two. Finally being able to interact with real patients again reminds me of why I went into medicine to begin with, and I love getting hands-on experience (at long last)! I hope I start kicking butt on the testing portion too. Taking standardized tests has unfortunately never been my strong suit. :[

If we were having coffee/tea this morning, I’d tell you that…I actually went Black Friday shopping! Mostly out of curiosity. We stayed for a very short time, and since we were at Walmart, I browsed the food and workout clothes aisle (the two things I like shopping for most). But then as we were leaving, I came across these two beauties! (“Beauties” might not be the word you’d use, but they are beautiful to me.) Note that D3 is for a “Mature-17” audience, which I guess means you need to be 17+ to purchase it.


I got carded while trying to purchase it. ._.

That’s all I’ve got! :] Until next time!

  • Have you ever been to a murder mystery dinner?
  • If you celebrate Thanksgiving/Friendsgiving, how did you spend it?
  • If you’re from the U.S., share your favorite Thanksgiving recipe? (If you’re not, what’s your favorite holiday recipe?)
  • Did you go Black Friday shopping? What’s your favorite thing to go shopping for?

Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/ultimate-coffee-date-december/


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    • Ricardo on December 6, 2014 at 12:45 am
    • Reply

    Oh right, thanks or reminding me, I have to remember my blizzard password, haha.

    1. hahha, I couldn’t remember mine, so I kinda made a new one. It’s been so long!

  1. I have not been to a mystery dinner, but I would love it! And, I did NOT go Black Friday shopping! Thanks for joining the coffee date!
    Coco (@Got2Run4Me) recently posted…Catching Up At The Ultimate Coffee DateMy Profile

    1. That’s good that you got to skip out on the madness! :P Thanks for hosting it! :]

  2. I am “dying” to do one of those murder mystery dinners! Thanks for joining us for coffee today we are so glad to have it back as well. Sounds like you are really busy so thanks for taking the time to drop by ans see us.
    Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner recently posted…The Ultimate Coffe Date-DecemberMy Profile

    1. I’ve heard so much about them; I’m so glad I finally got to go to one! :P

      hehe, I like to keep my life at a calculated hectic equilibrium when possible! :P Keeps life interesting!

  3. That murder mystery dinner looks like so much fun!! Looks like you are super busy with life and that is good! Nice to see you this morning! Have a great weekend!
    Mary Beth Jackson recently posted…Our December Coffee Date!My Profile

    1. Being busy all the time is definitely a struggle sometimes, but it definitely keeps life interesting! :] I hope you have a great weekend as well!

  4. I’ve done a mystery dinner – they’re a lot of fun! You were brave to take on Black Friday shopping – I just don’t think I could deal with the crowds!
    Michelle @ Running with Attitude recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date: December EditionMy Profile

    1. haha, the town I was in only has a total of 3000 people, so I figured I’d be safe! We weren’t there for more than an hour, so it wasn’t too bad! :]

  5. Hi there again, Farrah! I just had to stop on by and thank you again for the cookies you sent to me for the food blogger cookie swap. I gave one to my mom and she really enjoyed them as well! I had followed a few posts of your blog before so I recognized your blog name when it showed up in the card along with the cookies. On another note, you have my utmost appreciation and respect for spending time at the Please Save a Cat sanctuary because I LOVE cats (kudos for drawing one on the card you sent me!) and I, too, volunteer at our local shelter for “cat socialization” time with the kitties every so often to just go give them attention and love. :)
    Kaylin @ Enticing Healthy Eating recently posted…Single-Serving Banana Funfetti PuddingMy Profile

    1. Aww, thank you so much for stopping by! :] It means a lot, and I’m so glad your mom liked em’ too! I always kinda worry when I send off food I make to people who have superrr delicious-lookin’ recipes on their blog because there’s always that inherent “what if they don’t like it!?” paranoia!

      I’m glad you love cats (and that you could tell that was a cat, haha)! :D That’s awesome that you volunteer at the local shelter too! They definitely adore the love and attention! <3 There are several at PSAC that will completely ignore the food I'm giving them in exchange for riding on my shoulder or endless pats. They fill my life with joy! :]!

  6. Firstly thanks so much for posting about where the Ultimate Coffee Date linkup went! I was behind on realizing that it went away! Sounds like you had some great events and fun! Keep that friend! :) He is a wise guy! How great for someone to say that to you.
    Melanie recently posted…Reindeer Fun Run 12K RecapMy Profile

    1. Glad I could help! :P This is one of my favorite linkups, so I’m really glad it got rescued! :]

      Agreed! I think that’s probably one of the highest compliments anyone could ever pay me. :D!

  7. Looks like you had a lovely Thanksgiving, and that murder mystery party looks fun, too! I’ve never been to one before.
    Clarinda @ Enjoying the Course recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date – December 2014My Profile

    1. Thank you! It was fun trying to guess who the murderer was! :P

  8. A mystery dinner sounds fun! I once went to one of those dinner shows where the audience get involved it was CRAZY! Be true to you, I never understand people who can be someone they are not. And yeah for the ultimate coffee date revival!
    Renee @ Bendiful Blog recently posted…$500 Holiday Pay Pal Giveaway!My Profile

    1. For sure! I never understood that either. My philosophy is that if someone can’t like/appreciate me as the person I am, chances are there’s a very slim chance that I’d want them in my life anyway. :P

  9. What a compliment! That’s one of the best things to be complimented on…being yourself. :)
    Linda @ TheFitty recently posted…Why You Should Eat Pork Skin {#LIPlinkup #12}My Profile

    1. Definitely! That one really made my day. :D!

  10. I can’t believe you’re surviving on no coffee! Not just because I can’t survive a regular old day without coffee, but because I love the taste! I look forward to it everyday!
    Laura @FitMamaLove recently posted…This Week in Workouts: Balancing Out the Holiday TreatsMy Profile

    1. I actually really like the smell and taste of it too, but I’m trying not to drink it because it’s a slippery slope! I don’t want to get too dependent on caffeine, and right now, coffee works miracles on me when I have absolutely no energy left. I want to keep that effect around for extreme situations. :P

  11. What a super nice compliment from your friend. I’ve never been to a mystery dinner, that sounds super fun. I have always wanted to go to one. Great to have a little coffee break with you today!
    carrie@familyfitnessfood.com recently posted…Ultimate Coffee DateMy Profile

    1. Agreed! :D It was a lot of fun!

      Thanks so much for stopping by! :]

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