Ultimate Coffee Date: December 2021

Welcome to the very last Ultimate Coffee Date of 2021! How has this year been treating you? Are you ready for the new year?

Ultimate Coffee Date: December 2021

I worked on Black Friday and someone brought in their puppy. I think every day should include dog/cat cuddles. <3

If we were having coffee/tea today, I’d…tell you that I’ve finally gone back to BJJ! I’ve been steering clear for some time since it’s not exactly a no-contact sport, but since everyone’s now vaccinated/boostered-up, hopefully it’ll be a-okay! (We shall see though since now there’s that new variant… ._.)

I got a unicorn gi shortly before the pandemic and haven’t had a chance to wear it to practice yet, but one o’ these days!! (I kinda feel like I need to suck a little less before I bust this out, haha.)

Isn’t it awesome!?

If we were having coffee/tea today, I’d…tell you that work has been super busy lately. If it were just seeing patients, I think it’d be a lot more manageable, even if there are often lists of concerns/issues that patients want to cram into their physical. (I understand why they want to, but just sincerely wish we could be given more time to do so.) Coupled with a never-ending inbox of patient emails, results, triage calls, consult messages, staff messages, hospital alerts, and the like though…it definitely gets overwhelming at times.

I got a TikTok a couple weeks ago for the sole purpose of following my favorite physician comedian’s videos. I thought this was pretty accurate/hilarious!

Ultimate Coffee Date: December 2021 | Farrah @ Fairyburger

I also recently came across this at a pizza place and got a kick outta it!

If we were having coffee/tea today, I’d…tell you that I finally went on a hike again! More like a few-mile walk, but it was outside and in nature so I’ll count it. I have several days off this month so I’m hoping to do a lot of hiking/exploring of California’s state parks because I have (sadly) barely been to any of them.

Ultimate Coffee Date: December 2021 | Farrah @ Fairyburger

If we were having coffee/tea today, I’d…tell you that we happened upon a barbacoa recipe from someone who used to work at Chipotle so we made that along with their cilantro lime rice + fresh pico de gallo and it was the most silent meal we’ve ever eaten together thus far. (You know that silence that befalls the table when the food arrives and you’re hungry/the food is delicious? Basically that.)

See past ultimate coffee dates here!

(Link-up with Coco @ Running with Perseverance & Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner!)

  • How much time does your doctor usually spend with you?
  • Any new/tasty recipes you’ve come across/tried lately?
  • Did you get anything for Black Friday/Cyber Monday?

Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/ultimate-coffee-date-december-2021/


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  1. I almost quit this week because of the overwhelming busyness in the office PLUS 2 of our MAs called off. The one that was assigned to work with my physician partner and let’s just say she wasn’t a team player. I ended up having to do my job and her job. Plus the patients piling on all their issues during their physicals? Trying to find specialists who will see Medicaid patients? It’s been getting really bad. Let’s hope that things calm down after the year end.

    Those tacos look yummmmm….care to share the recipe?

    1. Oh nooo! It’s definitely horrible without MAs and that sucks that you had to end up doing her work too. :[ I really hope things calm down soon!

      I’ll try to gather up the motivation to start writing up recipe posts again! :D..

  2. your work sounds super busy! Seems like you enjoy it though. We joined a concierge practice this year and it is night and day. Our Doctor is now available and easy to get in with. It seems to be a big trend around here for medicine. Glad to see you out hiking again-I know you love it!

    1. I do like it overall, but there are definitely days where it gets overwhelming. (Life is all about finding a balance though, right? :P )

      I’ve heard of that + direct primary care and people seem to really like it!

      I’ve definitely missed it — hoping to get back out there more again!`

  3. Well, I take my mom to her cardiologist appointments & I will say I don’t feel rushed although getting ahold of them later, because there are things I want to discuss but not in front of her . . . It’s very frustrating. Don’t get me wrong, I know you guys are way overwhelmed but when it’s your family . . .

    My hikes are sometimes just walks in nature bi don’t think there’s anything wrong with that!

    1. Ah, that’s really hard (and definitely understandable when it involves your family!). I try to take the time to answer all questions/address all concerns but that invariably ends up leading to me running behind and the rest of my patients having to wait. Thankfully they’re generally really understanding though since I think they know I’ll also take that amount of time with them.

      Not at all! :] I like a mix of both.
      Farrah recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date: December 2021My Profile

  4. My doctor is pretty thorough- I never feel rushed with her (not sure how she manages that!) I see her twice a year to go over my bloodwork and she talks through each item with me. But… I know what you mean. My situation is different- I’m a massage therapist, but the place I work at books massages on every hour so I have to get people in and out. A lot of times they want/need more time, or they have all sorts of questions, and it’s really stressful. It seems like people have way more anxiety these days- do you find that? It does feel overwhelming sometimes.

    1. hehehe, maybe she’s like me and it’s all kept underneath (I kinda feel like that’s what I do)!

      I’ve definitely found that as well. I think it’s only gotten worse with the pandemic, but I hope things will get better soon! It’s been a rough time for everyone. :[
      Farrah recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date: December 2021My Profile

  5. Aw, I was wonder if you got a puppy! Visiting dogs are good too.

    My last physical I saw an LPN and didn’t feel rushed. I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen an MD for a check-up — but I do see a few specialists. My Mom tries to chat up doctors and I can tell when they are trying to be polite but need to get away. ;-)

    The view from that hike is gorgeous!

    So glad you joined us for coffee!

    1. I wishhhh. :'( We don’t have a substantial yard at the moment so that’s gonna have to wait, but adopting a dog is definitely on the list of things I want to do someday!

      hahaha, awww. I do love talking to my patients (most of them), but sometimes I do start worrying in my head about all the other things I still need to do. :[ I wish we got more time!

  6. We see patients in the ED with a laundry list of complaints, or for things that they have been seeing specialists for but aren’t getting better. They think the ED doc is going to figure it out somehow.
    That’s the cutest puppy! We used to have therapy dogs in the ED but that ended with COVID. ;-(

    1. Ahh, I definitely hear patients complaining about that sometimes when they come see me for follow-up. I try to explain to them that the ER functions differently in the sense that they’re there to rule out any potentially life-threatening emergencies (with varying degrees of success though).

      Oh no!! That’s so sad. I hope they can come back someday! :(
      Farrah recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date: December 2021My Profile

    • Lauren Elena on December 5, 2021 at 7:56 pm
    • Reply

    I love this idea for a post. It was a lovely coffee date with you. That dog is adorable! Doggy therapy is the best. I’m sorry work has been so busy and stressful. Glad you have time off coming your way. Hope you get to go hiking! Also glad you had some yummy food! When the table goes silent, you know it’s good!😋

    1. hehehe, it’s a telltale sign! And thank you! <3 I'm hoping to get back to blogging again (I've been saying this all year but this is the most progress I've made–two posts in a week!?!? hahaha.)
      Farrah recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date: December 2021My Profile

  7. I love the cilantro lime rice from Chipotle! I like barbacoa but do not eat it often. Haha, I would love to take my cats to work. My students will love it!
    Zenaida Arroyo recently posted…Fit Five Friday and December Ultimate Coffee DateMy Profile

    1. It’s so good! :D

      I’d love to take my cat to work! She’d probably have fun lounging in all the places ever, hehehe.
      Farrah recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date: December 2021My Profile

  8. Heya Farah, just to say, I LOVE that unicorn gi, and I totally agree. More days should involve kitten/puppy cuddles.

    1. hehehe, it makes my dayyy. I wanna find more like it/wish they’d make others, but alas!

      If only! <3

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