Tips For Staying In A Hostel

Welcome to Travel Tuesday! I’m taking a break from virtually bringing you to a place and am instead sharing some of my tips for staying in a hostel today!

Tips For Staying In A Hostel

Tips For Staying In A Hostel | @fairyburger

Hostels are my favorite type of lodging when I’m traveling alone because they’re super affordable (the ones I’ve stayed at ranged from $13-30/night) and I usually end up meeting really cool people from all over the world!

Read a bunch of reviews before you book!

If you read any reviews about bed bugs, cockroaches, or anything unsafe/unsavory, steer clear! :\ Especially if they’re recent reviews. If they’re from a decade ago and they have new management, consider giving them a chance if the newer reviews are a-okay.

Learn basic hostel etiquette.

To me, this is just basic etiquette as a fellow human, but if you’re coming in late, don’t turn on all the lights and be super loud. Be respectful of others and their personal belongings. If you use the kitchen, clean up after yourself.

Tips For Staying In A Hostel | @fairyburger

Decide if you want single-sex or co-ed.

I’ve stayed in both, although I usually ask for female-only if it’s an option. (The dude in the bunk next to me breathed so loudly that I couldn’t fall asleep for a few hours. This is saying a lot because I can fall asleep instantly almost anywhere. I’ve fallen asleep standing up before and have also slept through a generator exploding next door.)

Pick a bottom bunk.

This is perhaps personal preference, but they’re easier to get into and are also closer to the outlets!

Tips For Staying In A Hostel | @fairyburger

One of the ones we stayed at had a bunch of fresh produce that we used to make a celebration of life soup! (I’ll get to that soup later on this year..)

Be ready to shower dorm-style.

Bring flip flops, a towel, soap/shampoo/conditioner, as the latter are not always provided.

Keep valuables safe.

As much as I’d like to believe the best in others, it’s still best to be cautious. Sleep with em’ under your pillow (remember to pick em’ back up!) or in a flipbelt/other such similar contraption!

Bring a combination lock or master lock.

Most hostels have large lockers where you can store your belongings.
Tips For Staying In A Hostel | @fairyburger

One of the hostels we stayed at had a free breakfast every morning, but if we had early morning plans, we could request to have lunch packed for and they’d deliver it to our door!

Dress in layers.

I almost froze overnight at the hostel I stayed at in Chicago. Their AC meant serious business. :[ Having layers can remedy this!

Make friends!

As you may have gathered, I really like staying in hostels partly for my budget, but also because I usually meet super cool people! I’ve ended up exploring town, going on hikes, to nearby bars for food/beach volleyball/pool, and on night hikes/swims/bouldering with people I’ve met! I’ve also met up with em’ afterward later on for future explorations. :]!

  • Have you ever stayed in a hostel?
  • Any cool stories? (Or horror stories? :/ )

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  1. These are excellent tips for staying in a hostel! And yes to the bottom bunks for easy access, although I am not too picky if my roommates are friends.

    1. Agreed! I usually stay in hostels when traveling alone so but if I were with friends, I’d have no preference either for which bunk! :P

  2. These tips are super helpful! I’ve never stayed in a hostel before so I’ll certainly put your tips to practice when I stay in one! Thanks for the great guide!

    1. Anytime! :] Thanks for stopping by!

  3. I’ve never stayed at a hostel but always wondered how to go about it and this is also perfect to show the etiquette.

    1. Thanks! I’ve (thankfully) had really great experiences staying at em’–great for meeting other people too! :]

    • Rhonda on October 23, 2021 at 7:50 pm
    • Reply

    These are all good tips, especially those related to consideration for other travelers. I have gone for a family room when I have stayed at a hostel (with my family).

  4. Great tips Farrah! I also love staying in hostels when I’m travelling solo (so I can make new friends…) but I have to admit, now I’m getting older I am starting to like them less. I have less patience with people who are rude with the hostel etiquette!
    Josy A recently posted…Black Tusk via Helm CreekMy Profile

    1. Ah, definitely understandable with the rude people who aren’t considerate! I definitely love em’ when traveling solo, but have only ever stayed in em’ with a friend once — I think for me, it’d depend on who I was traveling with! :P I have some friends who definitely would not be down but others who’d prefer it, hehe.

  5. Lots of great tips here! Where possible, I try to book a private room so I don’t have the bunk bed problems, but if I’m in a mixed room I usually pick the bottom bunk as well so I’m not annoying getting on and off of the top one.

    1. Ooo, agreed! In the past I’ve been too cheap/poor to pay for a private room but these days, I think I’d “splurge” a bit and do so! :P
      Farrah recently posted…Tips For Staying In A HostelMy Profile

  6. Great tips. I have never stayed in a hostel, but it’s been something I wanted to try. This post came in handy so I know what to expect.

    1. Thanks! It’s definitely helpful to know (kindasorta) what to expect! :]
      Farrah recently posted…Tips For Staying In A HostelMy Profile

  7. Great tips for staying in a hostel, thanks! I especially appreciate the importance of reading reviews in advance so you know what to expect. I agree that saving money and meeting new people are the best things about them!

    1. For sure! Some are highly rated but if all the recent review are pretty bad, I avoid them anyway. The meeting new people/saving $$ = definitely my favorite parts! :P
      Farrah recently posted…Tips For Staying In A HostelMy Profile

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