The Future of Fairyburger

I’ve been killin’ it with the lack of Medical Mondays posts in the last couple weeks! I’m about 5 days from total study lockdown (aka the end of my current rotation), and would greatly appreciate good thoughts/vibes/prayers sent my way at the end of this month!

I think many of you may have wondered before how the hecks I manage to post so frequently despite being in med school. Maybe med school is actually a lie!?

Well…I promise it’s not, and I have the years upon years of sleep deprivation and mountains of notes to prove it (…or I did until the 213847129th time I moved and basically ended up recycling everything).

It’s just that I’ve always loved to write, and this blog is, in essence, a conglomeration of almost all the things I love–my “escape,” of sorts. It’s how I de-stress.


This is my public service announcement that I’m going to be on audition rotations from August to December/January-ish!

What’s an audition rotation, you ask?

It’s pretty much like a 2-4 week interview where I do a rotation (“acting internship”) at a program that I think I’ll really like. (If everything works out, I’ll be doing about 6 of em’…)

During the course of that time, they decide whether or not they like me and we rank each other in accordance to how much we like each other. In February or March (depending on the program), if it’s a match, then that’s where I go!

(Sounds a lot like a matchmaking service, I know. But I hope I find my match, and that it’s reciprocated! <3 )

Truth be told, I’m mildly paranoid that they’ll find this blog and that they’ll decide that they don’t like me (please give me a chance! ;_; ), which was my main reasoning behind keeping this blog private for so long.

I’m probably just being paranoid. Who doesn’t like food and the promotion of healthy living? …Right? (…But what if?)


Remember how I talked about wanting to go on a cross-country road trip to explore and eat everywhere? Well, it’s happening, kinda. In the form of very-very long “interviews.” I am both excited and terrified. :O

I’m gonna be nomading the hecks out of my life + traversing the country (7 states over the next 10 months–9 if you count the ones I’m just stopping by in* to visit friends and/or attend weddings)–why not treat this like an adventure, right? :]

  • West Virginia (late July, late April, May)
  • Pennsylvania (August/October)
  • Maryland* (mid-August)
  • Washington (late September)
  • Delaware* (late October)
  • North Carolina (late October/early November)
  • Arizona (early December)
  • Kentucky (early July, November?)
  • California (November?, mid-December-March)

For the next year or so, I’m not going to have an actual address or a kitchen (I don’t think), since I’ll likely be living in student housing, in my car, or couchsurfing in friends’ apartments. I’ve managed to secure a [free] place to live in most of the places I mentioned, so thus far, I’ve managed to keep my housing costs to a total of $500 for this upcoming school year. My student debts will thank me later.

So what does this mean for the future of Fairyburger?

I’m honestly not sure.

I’d like to think that I’m going to be sticking around the blogosphere. I love the friends I’ve made here, and it always makes me so happy to hear from my friends/readers/subscribers! <3betweenpatients

hoorayhooray! :] You make my day! <3

I’ve been writing a tonnnnn of posts into the future in anticipation for this, so if the tenses are a little off, please cut me some slack.

Things might actually not even change, and I may end up posting just as much as I do now, but if I seem to have fallen off the face of the earth, I promise I’m [most likely] still around–just supersuper busy. <3

Unless I’ve decided to go underground like most of my fellow classmates, I’ll likely also still be around on social media (Twitter, Instagram, + Pinterest, because I still refuse to get facebook).

(At this point, if you google my name, my blog will show up, so I don’t really see a point in attempting to disappear. Since I’ve never found partying/drinking to be a good time, there are zero incriminating pictures of me online and I have nothing to hide. …so have at it, ERAS, and please don’t hate me for having a life outside of medicine!)

  • Any advice on packing a month’s worth of living supplies into a car or a suitcase? (I still gotta look presentable because again, this is kinda like being at an interview for pretty much the next 4 months.)
  • Do you live in any of the states I mentioned?
  • Have you voted for my friend yet? :D?!
  • What are your thoughts on potential employers finding and potentially screening you on social media?

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  1. I definitely try to always write my blog with view that I have to be okay with anyone, at anytime, reading what I’ve written. Because it’s quite possible. There’s a LOT, whole sections of life, that I just don’t talk about, and won’t ever talk about, on the blog, because while I’d love to write about it (like you, I thrive on writing)…it’s not worth it. I think you’re wise to be looking ahead–although it’s hard to ever know how your future circumstances will affect your interest in blogging. I have been seriously considering ceasing blogging since our latest move, but several people close to me have very vocally opposed such a decision, so for now I’m following their advice.
    Rachel G recently posted…Glimpses of Our Adventures in Siem Reap, CambodiaMy Profile

    1. There are huge, huge parts of my life that I never mention either, for those exact reasons! I’ve thought about touching on them from time to time, but…like you said, it’s not worth it. (I just save it for conversations with close friends.)

      I love reading your blog + getting to live vicariously through your travels, even though I don’t always have the chance to comment, but would completely understand if you felt like you needed to take a break or stop! Best of luck to you on your decision! <3

  2. How would people interested in studying medicine find out what’s it like to be a medical student, if not by reading a blog written by a medical student? I personally think there’s nothing wrong with having a blog about healthy living. On the other hand, i can see how some potential employers might be worried about it. He or she might think that you will make public their mistakes or expose some unsavory secrets to a large audience. No advice, but i hope it will be alright. I enjoy reading your posts!!
    Eva recently posted…Best Shark Books for Little Shark EnthusiastsMy Profile

    1. That’s my thought! I haven’t come across all that many (~2-3) blogs out there that really talk about med school + going through it as it happens, and I personally would’ve loved to read up on that before I started, just so I’d have a better idea. I always thought they didn’t exist because people just didn’t have the time/interest, but…I’m really not sure!

      I can definitely see how that could be a potential concern! I hope it’ll be okay though too! I’ve always made a conscious effort to de-identify basically any/all personal information, and I think my tendency to focus on the positive helps to negate the unsavory secrets/mistakes part! :P

  3. PA and NC are two of my FAVE FAVE PLACES.
    is it wrong to say Im jealous of yer travels???
    CARLA recently posted…Im your second best friend.My Profile

    1. I’m applying only to the places I think I’d like living in, so not at all! ;P It’ll be a stressful but hopefully also fun adventure!

  4. wow! How cool and exciting!

    Unfortunately no tips for the packing. I just live by this rule “MINIMAL” THats how i have been packing with my crazy all over the place travel schedule lately.

    I am CLOSE to NC, i am on the border in SC, so Sort of :)

    I am envious of your journey and your travels!

    best wishes and luck!!!

    Youa re going to be awesome!

    ps- I think if they find your blog it will only HELP you !
    Diana recently posted…Saturday Save’sMy Profile

    1. That’s smart! I really need to employ a minimalistic approach to my entire life. I have a tendency to accumulate things because I’m a sentimental packrat, and it makes moving really, really difficult, haha.

      I think I’m applying to a couple programs in SC (Spartanburg, Greenville, & Columbia), but my geography is pretty fuzzy in terms of where those are in relation to the NC/SC border. :x

      Thank you so much! <3!!

  5. You don’t have to apologize. Blogging is not real life or a job (well, I guess it is for some people but certainly not for most of us and even those who receive income typically do not get enough to make a living and have the life they want). Medical school and real life is a big deal and if you need to take a hiatus or only blog occasionally, do it! I love reading but everyone will understand :).

    And as tough as it is… it must be neat getting to visit and see all those places! I do hope you’ll write a bit about each place you go because that would make for a fun read.
    Amy Lauren recently posted…Training for Summertime 5Ks (June 29 – July 5)My Profile

    1. Thanks so much! :]! Blogging and music are the two major hobbies I have that I wouldn’t ever want to turn into a career. Med school/real life definitely get prioritized over it, but it does make me happy that blogging is such a portable hobby! :D

      I’m definitely hoping I’ll be able to share my adventures as I visit all these different places! I haven’t had a chance to travel in a while, so I figured there wasn’t any better time than now. :P How else will I know if I’ll like living in other states, right?!

  6. I live near D.C. so if “Maryland” is close to D.C. or “Washington” means the city not the state, let me know. I think our HR people check facebook, but I don’t think we scour the internet. We’d probably view a blog as a good hobby – plus it would show an interest in writing and social media skills. ;-)
    Coco recently posted…Cycling To PurcellvilleMy Profile

    1. For Maryland, I’m going to be in Baltimore/Annapolis! :O Washington is actually the state vs. the city, but since I’ve lived out here for this long and stillll haven’t been to D.C., I may go visit the week before I graduate in May! :P I’ll let you know if I do! :]

      True that! I have no idea how the medical community views it, but the veryvery few who do know about it thus far seem to view it positively, so I may be in the clear!

  7. I’m in NC!! :) Where will you be when you roll through in Oct/Nov? I think you are playing it smart and going with the flow before making a decision of what you will do in regards to your blog and social media. Best of luck to you!! I know they will love you!! :)
    Melanie recently posted…Weekly RundownMy Profile

    1. Yayy! I’m going to be in Concord (half hour from Charlotte?) in the last week of October + 1st week of November! :D!

      Thanks so much! I really hope they do! :]

  8. Here’s the thing: the blog is an amazing extension of Farrah, but it isn’t Farrah. Farrah has to take care of Farrah. I love that you are so open about your journey, I love your recipes, and I love your other content, but I would love it just as much if you posted less but I knew that you were alive and not killing yourself just for the sake of content. This sounds really terrible, but I hope that you know what I mean! All I’m saying is this: You have a full time job. Everything else should just make you happy, whatever form that it needs to be in :D
    Susie @ SuzLyfe recently posted…Chicago 4th of July Weekend : All the Trimmings of AmericanaMy Profile

    1. I definitely get what you mean, and that’s exactly it! My blog will only ever be an enjoyable hobby, so school/life will definitely take precedence over it, and if I ever feel like I’m stressing out about posting, I walk away and do something else.

      That being said, it’s also probably my most portable hobby (thank goodness for the internets!), so I’m hoping I’ll still be able to update on my adventures and the like! :] It’d be so cool to have this to look back on in the future!

  9. SO MUCH good luck to you! I feel a little like we have similar concerns – in law school it was fun when some girls told me they found my blog and tried my recipes, but I know my law firm employer is not somewhere I want news of the blog to get around just because they might not take me as seriously (it shows we have lives outside of law/medicine, which is something they don’t enjoy so much for some reason :P) I’d say keep at it, but keep it quiet at work. As for the suitcase – SO MUCH SPACE can be saved if you roll everything into big Ziploc bags and squeeze all the air out!
    Alyssa @ Renaissancerunnergirl recently posted…Weekly Workouts + Fourth of July Weekend RecapMy Profile

    1. Thank you so much, Alyssa! I can definitely relate, because those are definitely my concerns as well! (It makes me sad that being human means we might not be taken as seriously; it makes no sense!) I make it a point to de-identify everything as much as possible, and I don’t talk much in detail about things that go on at the hospital. I’m definitely not going to publicize that this exists, but if they google me, it’s definitely gonna show up! (Not sure why, because I’ve only really included my last name in here a handful of times!)

      I will definitely employ that tactic! :D! Thank you!!

  10. Lots to think about here! I think you always have to be cautious about what you put online (I am SOOOOO glad social media wasn’t around when I was in my early 20s!!!!) because you just don’t know how people would take it. That being said I don’t think there is anything with your blog to be embarrassed about. You do it very well, post lots of healthy posts and provide a great service! If there is anything you feel really bad about, just delete it.
    I live in North Carolina!
    You are going to do so great on this. Focus on your rotations and do this when you can!
    Julie @ Running in a Skirt recently posted…4th of July Weekend with a Daylily FarmMy Profile

    1. hahaha, yeah, with the explosion of social media, there are some things where the lines are a little fuzzy in terms of what will and won’t be offensive to others. I’ve always been more of a think-before-I-speak type of person, so I’d like to think there’s nothing terrible! :] Thanks for your kind words! <3

      Yay for North Carolina! As far as I know, I'm going to be in Concord (near Charlotte) for the last week of October/first week of November! :D!

  11. Wow ! How exciting! Good luck. recently posted…July Ultimate Coffee DateMy Profile

    1. Thanks so much, Carrie! :]

    • Ricardo on July 6, 2015 at 10:49 am
    • Reply

    First of all:

    Second, in case you have to sleep in your car, see what kind of overnight parking system is in place at the hospital. Hopefully there won’t be any sky-high rates.

    Third, I’d like to fund any food place you’d want to try out on your road trip. Get a Google wallet account, order the free card, and I’d be happy to transfer funds for your food adventure.

    1. Thank you for that! :D I’m mostly covered by way of student housing + friends’ places, but I will definitely look into it for the places I haven’t found housing for yet! :O

      I think most if not all of the hospitals are cool with me parking there for free, so that’s a definite plus! :] If worse comes to worse, I mighttt be able to take up a call room or something!

      I supersuper appreciate it, but I’d feel so bad! If I find places where they have awesome nonperishables, I may take you up on the offer so I can at least share the awesomeness with you! :O

  12. It is going to be such a fun adventure and your friends and readers will support you no matter what!! Of course, we want you to stay on the blogosphere but if you have to post less often we will understand. Wishing you the best of luck, Farrah! I wish I lived in one of those places so I could meet you in person!

    1. Aww, thank you so much!! <3 I really hope I can keep updating about my adventures while I'm on them! :]

      I actually tried to set up a rotation in Texas (Austin, to be exact, but still closer than any other place I'll be at), but it unfortunately didn't work out. :x I have a couple good friends living there, so I'm hoping I can visit someday!!

  13. As long as you’re not giving up blogging forever! I was afraid of that. :) I like reading your posts, even if I don’t comment on every single one of them.
    Linda @ The Fitty recently posted…Friday 5: My Current-lies!My Profile

    1. I will try hard not to, because I would be pretty devastated if I had to do that! Thank you for your support (+ the same to your posts–I like reading em’ even if I don’t manage to comment on all of em’! <3)!

      Hopefully, I'll still be able to update on my adventures wherever I happen to be! Tis the beauty of the internets!

  14. Wow, it sounds like you have a busy and exciting time ahead! I wish you the best of luck :) i’m sure they will love you!
    Harriet Emily recently posted…POTS AU CHOCOLATMy Profile

    1. Thanks so much, Harriet! :D I really hope they do! <3

  15. Ahh your upcoming year looks crazy, in a good way! Even if you don’t have time to post regularly I think everyone will love reading up on your adventures whenever you do check in!
    I had kinda the same fear when I first started blogging and kept it pretty anonymous not mentioning where I lived etc. but now it’s all out there! I mean a good person, and do not participate in criminal activities so I’ve got nothing to hide. I think you’re in the same boat :)
    Jill recently posted…Celebrating the 4th with Baseball, Babies and Running!My Profile

    1. I’m definitely hoping that I’ll be able to share my adventures! :D It does look a little insane in terms of scheduling, but I’m really excited for it, hehehe.

      I’d like to think so! :] I think the worst thing I’ve ever done is probably lie to my parents (by omission) + not tell them that I had two internships and a job! :O (They wanted me to just focus on studying and do nothing else, haha.)

  16. This is exciting and I am sure a little scary also! You will have a blast I am sure, I haven’t traveled to half those states! I live in CA (San Diego Specifically). What part of CA are you coming to?

    1. I’m definitely excited (and scared)! It’s kinda like playing state bingo, hehehe. :]

      San Diego is so pretty! I didn’t manage to set up any rotations over there (most of my CA ones are in northern/central CA since I’m originally from the bay area). I may be visiting socal somewhere in December though, since I have that one rotation in Arizona! :P

  17. Sounds like an exciting/stressful/adventurous year ahead! I hope you still manage to get a few posts out here and there! I always love reading what you have to say. Good luck with studying!!
    Melanie recently posted…How Thinking in Extremes Could Be Damaging Your Self ImageMy Profile

    1. Thanks so much, Melanie! I really appreciate your support! <3 I'm hoping I'll still be able to keep this going too, because I think it'd be really fun to share my adventures while I'm traveling everywhere on my different rotations! We shall see what happens! :D

  18. Wahhh don’t leave!!! :) What an exciting time, though!! I think you do a great job putting enough of your personal life on your blog, but nothing that could be detrimental to your future. I try and blog/post on social media with that intention, too. I’ll treasure all the time we have with you!!
    Jess @hellotofit recently posted…Monday motivation – fill your jug, drop by dropMy Profile

    1. hehehe, I’ll still try to be around! I’d miss all of you too much to disappear forever! :P

      I’ve been trying to make sure that nothing I post on here or on social media can be considered detrimental. I just worry sometimes because there don’t seem to be all that many blogs out there run by med students/residents. I always assumed it was because they were all too busy, but I’m curious as to whether there are other factors. :x

  19. I’m wishing you so much love and luck! You are going to rock each one (no stress!) ;)
    Where in PA?
    Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine recently posted…Dorm Room Organization For Food AllergiesMy Profile

    1. Thanks so much! :D! I’m going to be in…Williamsport for almost all of August, Lebanon (near Hershey!) from October 12-23, and Philadelphia on October 25-26th! :]

  20. I’m one of those wondering how you do it all lol! I’ve come to a certain point in my blog where I felt liked I needed a change not only for my blog but for myself too. I was taking all the fun out of blogging by setting rules and boundaries for how I thought my blog should be instead of just writing about what I love. I’m so glad I made the change now. I’ll be praying for you too :)
    Channing recently posted…Weekend Celebrations & NostalgiaMy Profile

    1. hehehe, thanks so much, Channing! :]! I have lots of practice with multitasking a tonnnnn that I picked up from undergrad, so I just employed that into my current life!

      I’m super glad that you’re choosing to write about what you love now! Life gets exponentially more difficult when you impose a bunch of rules that don’t necessarily need to be there on yourself! <3 That being said, I love your posts and will look forward to your future ones! :]

  21. Wow, so much exciting stuff coming your way. Good luck and best wishes. Hope to still see you around here, but if not, we’ll meet up again when you make your grand re-debut!

    1. Thanks so much; I really appreciate it! :] I hope to be able to keep this updated with my adventures as I plod along!

  22. Whatever you decide it will be the right choice!
    Ever since I have started blogging, I decided to be very careful with anything I post. I mean, it’s still me, but just parts of me, not all of me.
    I work for myself for the most part, but you never know what life will bring and if I choose to go back to the regular workforce one day, I’d hate for something I posted to be seen and that be the reason I didn’t get a job, or was let go. So I make sure not to ever talk negatively about work or really anything, and try to keep the topics and things I post to be more on the positive side, or the not something I have to look back on and cringe:)
    Personally, I think your blog is wonderful and you have absolutely nothing to worry about, but you know what you are up against more than any of us. If you take a LOA and come back after your interviews I think we will all totally understand:)
    Either way, I want to wish you the best of luck, you are amazing and I have only known you a short time in the blogging world, so I imagine in person you’re even more so, I am sure you’re interviewers will see that too:)
    Kristy @Runaway Bridal Planner recently posted…Camping, Trail Running and Independence Day WeekendMy Profile

    1. Aww, thank you so much, Kristy!! <3 That really means a lot! I've tried to be really careful about everything that I've posted here and on social media from the very start, which is a definite plus (good thing I've always employed that whole "think before you speak" philosophy, haha). I would hate for this to be the reason that someone decides that I'm not the right fit for their program too! I try to keep things positive on here too, so there is a definite filter that all my posts go through before they're actually published! :]!

      I really hope they'll think I'm awesome too!! I hope to be able to update still while I'm on my adventures whilst traipsing across the country! It'd make for such wonderful writing material! ;P

  23. aww good luck girly! Sounds SO MUCH FUN going to all those places and just “seeing” what fits! <3

    Sarah Grace

    1. Thanks so much! :D It’ll definitely be a good mix of fun/excitement + nervousness! :P

  24. Woow how exciting!! I am super stoked for you to have all of these adventures, however I also hope you will still continue to hang around the blogosphere ;)

    I don’t think you have much to worry about – even though you’re so open, you’re also very respectful of everything you write and you never expose any super secret details with names. I think if anything, it would make you more human to potential employers!

    I’m not too concerned about what potential employers may find, because A) after leaving the hotel I don’t ever plan on having another employer ;) and B) social media is such a prominent thing in our lives these days, and I feel like it would almost scare employers away if they couldn’t find anything about you!
    Ariana recently posted…At-Home Workout RoundupMy Profile

    1. Aww, thanks so much, Ariana! <3!! I'm hoping I'll still get to hang out on the blogosphere too! I'd feel like I was losing super amazing friends if I were forced to abandon this entirely! o_o

      I've been making a conscious effort to exclude anything like that, so fingers crossed that that is indeed the case! <3!

      hahaha, that's a good point! I think I've heard a couple residency directors tell me that they find it a little fishy if a person has zero internet presence whatsoever! I guess I need to gravitate towards those vs. the ones that want you to be completely anonymous online!

  25. Good luck! I don’t think I could maintain a blog and do medical school. I am sure you will do what’s good for you and your future career.
    Toni recently posted…Workouts That I am Loving Lately Plus a GiveawayMy Profile

    1. Thanks, Toni! I’m sure I’ll figure I’ll manage to figure out something that works! :]

  26. Farrah – what an incredible and exciting opportunity, I know i’m a few days late to the party for reading this post, blogging, etc. has taken quite the back burner in my life, and I thought a bit about the future of MY website – it’s SO similar to you – I love to write, and it’s an outlet, and I love the “friends” I’ve made – but potential employers could be a bit scary finding it, do what feels right for you, butmost of all, do what makes you happy xoxo
    Amber recently posted…Blogiversary – Two YearsMy Profile

    1. No worries, Amber! :] Thanks so much for commenting! I hope we both figure out what the hecks to do, but I’d reallyyy like to think that our blogs speak positively about us, and will be viewed in a good light, should our potential employers find out about it!

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