Tag: uc davis

explain them tags

It occurred to me the other day that some of my tags probably don’t make too much sense if you’re not me or the people encompassed within that particular group.

While it may not matter to most, I feel like explaining em’ today because I miss the contents of said tags. …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/explain-them-tags/

Apple Cinnabread

Two years ago, I was hanging out with Rachel & Jaclyn in LA (shortly after we graduated from UC Davis!) and we decided to recreate Woodstocks’ Apple Cinnabread.

The details of this are now extremely fuzzy, but I’m going to try to include a rough/vague impression of what we used. (Compliments to Jaclyn. …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/apple-cinnabread/


I really miss my Davis life because, as crazy and hectic as it was, there was a fine balance (for the most part). Yes, I was at one point taking 11 classes, working two jobs and three internships on top of being an officer for a club while preparing for my senior recital, a competition, …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/edits/