Tag: horses for healers

horses for healers (funding!)

Once upon a time (last year), I got to be a part of a pilot program at Spring Reins of Hope’s medical student course on learning the importance of nonverbal communication and body language in an effort to improve students’ bedside manner.

Although I wasn’t a medical student yet, I do think I managed to …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/horses-for-healers-funding/

horses for healers

In case the plan for the future farm with miniature horses, the summer I spent working at an equestrian center, and the fact that my eyes light up like decked out Christmas trees whenever I see horses aren’t dead giveaways, lemme just mention that I happen to love horses. (Just so we’re on the …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/horses-for-healers/

Spring Reins of Hope

When we were first introduced to our cadavers, ours was face-down, and we never actually “checked.” …But when we flipped her over to access the ribcage (notice how I am now saying “her…”), we quickly realized that the name, “Archie,” was not going to work. We have henceforth changed her name to Ingrid, and I …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/spring-reins-of-hope/