Sleep Hygiene

Happy Monday, and welcome to Medical Mondays!

I feel like I’m extremely unqualified to tell you about sleep hygiene because medical students are notoriously horrible when it comes to sleep hygiene. Or really just healthy living habits in general. I think the only group that trumps us may be 1st-year residents/interns. And mothers. (…Imagine 1st-year interns who are mothers…)

I wake up automatically after 4-5 hours of sleep and am frighteningly capable of falling asleep while standing. Put me in a moving vehicle (while I’m not driving) for more than 10 minutes and I’m out like a light. If I park a couple chairs together in a study room…within 2 minutes, I’ll be out cold and having vivid dreams, complete with hypnopompic hallucinations and sleep paralysis upon waking..

I can’t actually say I have narcolepsy though because it’s most likely just chronic sleep deprivation.

Do any of you actually get enough sleep? (I envy you!) I figure most of us live very crazy-busy lives, so today, I’m sharing some tips on sleep hygiene & relaxation therapies today!


  • Make sleep a priority!
  • Go to sleep + wake up at the same time each day, even on the weekends!
  • Avoid caffeine and nicotine, especially later on in the day. (It’d be better for your overall health if you just avoided nicotine altogether, but I digress…)
  • Keep work materials, computers, TVs (etc.) out of your bedroom.
  • Avoid exercising the 4 hours before bedtime. Daily exercise is beneficial to sleep, but can interfere if done close to bedtime.
  • Avoid having large meals in the evening.
  • Avoid taking naps, and if you must take a nap, avoid taking excessively long naps, especially in the evening.
  • Keep the bedroom at a comfortable temperature.
  • Make the bedroom as dark as possible. Set aside a time to relax before bed + use relaxation techniques.

Relaxation Therapies


Technique Notes
Autogenic training Imagine a peaceful environment + comforting body sensations (e.g. warmh in the limbs and upper abdomen and coolness on the forehead)
Biofeedback training Visual or auditory feedback provided to control certain physiological parameters
Hypnosis Induction of a deeply relaxed state, with increased suggestibility and suspension of critical faculties
Imagery training Visualization technique that focuses on pleasant or   neutral images to promote relaxation
Meditation Make yourself comfortable, let your arms rest loosely at your side + allow yourself a few moments to relax. Take time to notice your breathing, then relax and enjoy the feeling. Release the tension built up in your shoulders and inhale slowly.
Paced respirations Focus on deep breathing (inhale deeply and hold it for 5 seconds + repeat several times).
Progressive muscle relaxation Tense + relax large muscle groups, starting from the feet all the way up to your facial muscles.
Repetitive focus Focus on a word, sound, prayer, phrase, or muscle activity.

Click the image to check out other Medical Mondays posts!

Disclaimer: This is where I reiterate that I am merely a medical student struggling through the world that is her clinical rotations. The statements made on this blog should not be taken as medical advice to treat, cure or prevent any disease. Please contact your own physician or health care provider before starting a health or fitness/wellness program. (See full disclaimer here.)

Espie CA. ABC of sleep disorders. Practical management of insomnia: behavioural and cognitive techniques. BMJ. 1993;306(6876):509–511.

Morin CM, Hauri PJ, Espie CA, Spielman AJ, Buysse DJ, Bootzin RR. Nonpharmacologic treatment of chronic insomnia. An American Academy of Sleep Medicine review. Sleep. 1999;22(8):1134–1156.

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  1. Uh oh I’m super guilty of computer use in bed…and meals in bed…and studying in bed. Basically I fail at sleep hygiene (but fortunately like you have no trouble sleeping). Speaking of strange sleep phenomena, during my internal medicine block I began to have hypnogogic hallucinations and vivid dreams pretty much nightly. Happily all resolved after that rotation (thank goodness — it was so frustrating to have to contend with hallucinated people having conversations in my bedroom when all I wanted to do was sleep!).
    Winding Spiral Case recently posted…So Long, Vacation — Back to EdmontonMy Profile

    1. Yeah…I’m pretty guilty of that as well (am using computer whilst lying on my bed as we speak ._.)…

      I’m glad yours resolved! :O Mine got better after last year’s boards study hibernation ended–I’d keep hearing people footsteps/people talking behind me while I was paralyzed! :x Definitely don’t miss that at all! I’m hoping it doesn’t come back again this year!

  2. Angel recently started having trouble falling asleep…around the same time, he’d switched from drinking Sprite to drinking tea all the time, in order to cut down on sugar intake. It took a few weeks to make the connection–oh, duh! His tea has caffeine in it–not necessarily the best thing for an evening drink…
    Funny how that caffeine stuff can make such a difference!
    Rachel G recently posted…Anyone Want a FREE eBook? {My Venture into Editing a Novel}My Profile

    1. Ah! Good thing that got figured out! I drink tea throughout the day, but usually try to stop by mid-afternoon–that hidden caffeine content can definitely make a big difference! :x

  3. I think I pretty much sleep well maybe just not enough but I feel my body already works on a clock in relation to that. :) I must say I don’t really like naps even though I am Spanish ( and by the way we don’t really take that many naps ha!) I guess I still need to work on the electronics…I always fail on that! :)
    Elsie @ Sharing Healthiness recently posted…The Final Proof You Need To Stop The Scale ObsessionMy Profile

    1. I’m reallyyy terrible about the electronics one, but…working on it, kindasorta! :x (The thought is at least there!)

  4. ahh the ONLY ONLY THING I ROCK is avoiding napping :-)
    CARLA recently posted…Structured procrastination.My Profile

    1. Agreed! My naps turn into sleeps, so I can’t take em’! :O

  5. Love LOVE these tips! Sleep is SO important, I typically go to bed/wake up around the same time, except on weekends, i hate when I am forced to stay up later for social reasons, cause it throws me off! As for darkness, I sleep with a face mask thing, ear plugs, and a fan to cancel out noise :)
    Amber recently posted…Celiac Support SystemMy Profile

    1. Ahhh! Teach me your ways! How is it that you still wake up in the morning? What kind of alarm do you use? :O!

  6. Aghhh I am the worst sleeper ever and it’s just terrible lately. Too much on my mind, middle-aged hormone issues, and a husband that wakes up super early for work and, as much as he tries to be quiet, it still wakes me up. I try some of the techniques to fall asleep . .. like meditation and repetitive focus, they do eventually get me to sleep, but they don’t keep me asleep :-(
    Jennifer F recently posted…All Watermelon, All Summer! Crazy Pool Workout #LivingOnTheWedgeMy Profile

    1. Aww, I’m sorry to hear that! Would earplugs or an eyemask help at all? :[

  7. Great tips!! I go through phases…I’ll sleep perfectly fine for a few weeks, then I’ll go through a phase for a couple of days to a week where I have a lot of trouble falling and staying asleep. It’s SO frustrating! But I definitely keep my room dark and very cool (can’t stand to be hot at night!). I’ll have to try a few of these other suggestions…thanks Farrah! :)
    Vicky recently posted…May Faves & June PlansMy Profile

    1. Aww, I hope these tips help! I hate being hot at night too, but cold is my worst enemy. :O I sleep under piles of blankets and manymany layers when it’s cold. :x

  8. I am a lot better at this than I used to!
    Julie @ Running in a Skirt recently posted…The Great Brazil Adventure Part 2- Ilha GrandeMy Profile

    1. That’s good! :D I think I go through waves of good and bad sleep hygiene, depending on how many exams are coming up, hahaha.

  9. These are all great tips! I’ve struggled with insomnia most of my 23 years of life, and often I would try one or more of these techniques but neglect something else. I think the biggest issue is the no other stuff/electronics near your bed. I try to go to bed roughly at the same time each evening (10:30-11:30pm) and wake up 8 hours later (although I really need 9!), and keep the room dark and such, but it is tough to never check my phone when I can’t sleep when it is right next to my bed, acting as my alarm clock, and when there are lights from the apartment building across the street consistently blaring in under the windowshades, etc. I think even knowing your phone is nearby can be a hindrance to sleep!
    Alyssa @ Renaissancerunnergirl recently posted…National Running DayMy Profile

    1. We have a lecture on insomnia tomorrow! :O!

      I can’t keep my phone out of my room either because I use it as my alarm clock too! :x I really need to be better about keeping my laptop out of my room though–at least that one can be fixed!

  10. Sometimes it’s hard to practice what we preach, right?
    Pamela Hernandez recently posted…How to HALT Overeating and Food CravingsMy Profile

    1. It definitely can be!

  11. I would be terrible at the medical profession because 1. I don’t like the sight of blood and 2. I couldn’t function at all without my 8 hours of sleep. When I get less than that I’m in a bad mood and I make bad decisions
    Channing recently posted…Yogurt CookBook Review + RecipeMy Profile

    1. hahaha, yeah! The sleep-deprived bad-decision-making is why they [finally] put in that limit on the 80-hour work week for residents! My cousin had to work insane hours while he was a fellow, but super-props to him because he made it out alive and well! :D

  12. Getting into a routine is key! My fiancé used to have trouble sleeping and now that our lives are more stable, he sleeps better!
    Émilie recently posted…Creating My Own JobMy Profile

    1. Having a routine/schedule definitely makes a huge difference!!

  13. I am really trying to sleep better… aka going to bed earlier, too! These are all great tips. It’s hard to keep things out of my bedroom since I have a studio but I don’t “hang out’ on my bed so it kind of breaks it apart, I guess!
    Cassie @ Almost Getting it Together recently posted…Peanut Butter and Jelly Banana Bread [Gluten Free]My Profile

    1. That’s good! I definitely hang out on my bed when I’m on my laptop (my lack of a desk probably contributes to this >_> ). You’re already doing better than me! ;P

  14. Oh boy do I need this post. I love my sleep and need to get more of it. I was a walking zombie by the time my daughter was 2 months old and thought “This is how they torture people – they don’t let them sleep.” I don’t know how you 1st year interns do it – and interns who are mothers too? I can’t even imagine:)

    1. Ohhh man. Majormajor props to you! I will hopefully get to be a 1st-year intern in the near future, but my goodness, I can’t imagine ever being able to do both without going insane! o_o

  15. Progressive muscle relaxation is my go to. It works so well for me! I love the chart you put together. Super handy!
    Pragati // Simple Medicine recently posted…Spicy Indian Chickpeas | Channa MasalaMy Profile

    1. Thanks, Pragati! Progressive muscle relaxation definitely helps me out a lot too if I for some reason am not succumbing to my pseudo-narcolepsy! :P

  16. I can SOOOO related to this! Love all of your tips! Thanks :)
    Chelsey recently posted…The Best 5-Ingredient Nut-Free Trail MixMy Profile

    1. Anytime, Chelsey! :]!

  17. I have had a past of terrible sleep, but I am SO thankful to say that lately, I’ve been getting really good rest and it’s amazing to feel the incredible difference! I don’t know how you guys do it – I need at least 7 hours to feel somewhat functional. Thanks for the tips!
    Alanna recently posted…Fennel, Strawberry & Pistachio SaladMy Profile

    1. Yay! I’m glad that you’re getting better rest now! I wake up automatically after about 5 hours now, and it makes me kinda sad. :x

  18. Sleep really is such an important role.
    I am one of those people, and I think it is because of my Epstein Barr that I am working through, but I can fall a sleep anywhere at any time, no matter how much caffine is in my system, LOL
    But eventually the virus will run it’s course and I will be back in need of making sure to keep good sleep schedules. I have to admit, I am terrible at using my laptop in bed. I seriously do a lot of my blogging a least first thing in the morning, or in the evening and ya I am guilty of just setting it on the side of my bed when I am done to sleep:_
    Kristy @Runaway Bridal Planner recently posted…Shape Up For Summer Giveaway HopMy Profile

    1. Ahh, EBV will definitely make you more tired than usual! I hope you get to start feeling better soon! <3

      I'm terrible about using my laptop in bed too...for all the reasons you mentioned. ._.

  19. Girl I feel like this post was written for me. I couldn’t sleep last night (up till 4am) fun times. :( I need some new techniques for sleeping, the white noise app on my phone usually helps. i’m thinking about trying meditation next. Thanks for the suggestions!
    Sam @ PancakeWarriors recently posted…Vegan Pesto ZoodlesMy Profile

    1. Aww, I’m so sorry! :[ We have a guest lecturer who’ll be talking about insomnia tomorrow, so if I get any more cool tips/advice/knowledge, it’ll probably manifest itself into another post! I hope the meditation helps!

  20. This post is super helpful to me because my sleeping habits have been terrible lately. I try to make sleep a priority (because I love sleep!) but sometimes my days are so long and my body clock gets all messed up. Going to put some of these tips into action this week!
    genevieve @ gratitude and greens recently posted…Emerald Green Spirulina Smoothie BowlsMy Profile

    1. Ah, I hope they help! <3 I love sleep too, but rarely ever get enough of it! :[

  21. Hallucinations and paralysis? Holy cow!!! My deepest respect for the medical professionals that give up their sleep for me. :)
    Cheyenne Hope Rose recently posted…June Photo ChallengeMy Profile

    1. hahaha, thank you! I think it might have been the stress, because I don’t get the hallucinations all that often anymore. Sleep paralysis still likes to kick in every now and then though!

  22. I think keeping the same schedule is so super important! That’s helped me the most!
    Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine recently posted…Chocolate Chip Sweet Potato PancakesMy Profile

    1. Same here! I’ve been trying to maintain that, but there have definitely been days where that just wasn’t possible! :[

  23. I fail at keeping the computer out of the bedroom *and my iPad*
    I have to share the bedroom with my office due to living in a small house, and I read on my iPad at night.
    The same schedule thing is probably something I could work on for sure!
    Amy @ Running on Faith and Coffee recently posted…Welcome June! {Goals & Motivation Monday}My Profile

    1. I lie on my bed and type on my laptop somewhat often (sigh), so I’m with you there. :[ I’ve been working on trying to maintain the same schedule though!

  24. Lately I have been lacking in the sleep department, mainly because I stay up glued to garbage TV, lol. Wish I had a good excuse like studying for med school!

    Pumps and Push-Ups
    Brooke recently posted…Pressed Turkey & Sweet Potato BurritosMy Profile

    1. hahaha, welllll, I like to think that, depending on the show, it can be a perfectly legitimate reason! :P

  25. I am so with you on the sleep habits! I can pretty much fall asleep anywhere but can’t claim narcolepsy either. It’s a blessing and a curse.
    Angie recently posted…June GoalsMy Profile

    1. Agreed! At least we can get our sleep when we need it, but…it can be rather inconvenient at times, hahaha. :x

  26. I’m not good about making sleep a priority. For some reason, I feel most productive between 8pm and 10pm (when I’m supposed to be fast asleep). 6am starts to the day are rough if I can’t sleep early!
    Jess @hellotofit recently posted…Link Love #20 and saying “yes” to the dressMy Profile

    1. I’m most awake and productive in the evening/at night too! :[ That probably adds to the difficulty. I’ve been trying to turn myself into a morning person, but…it remains a daily struggle!

  27. This is such an important post! Not many people realize how important sleep is for us physically and mentally. It can truly change your day and health around. Thanks for sharing all of these. I’m someone who makes sleep a huge priority. I need to get my sleep and I hate people to disrupt that.

    1. Agreed! I’m chronically sleep-deprived (yay med school + not being a complete genius…), but it definitely makes me appreciate all too well how important sleep is, and what a huge difference it can make!

  28. You got me at having excessive exercise right before sleeping! Well, it is not really exercising that I am doing but I guess it may count – I am doing chores around the house. I am just a new mom and there’s really a lot of things going on inside the house with the baby and all. But thanks a lot for these! I will try them myself!

    1. That’s completely understandable! Having a new baby at home can definitely throw a giant wrench into any and all sleeping patterns/habits. Congrats to you, and hang in there! <3

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