Skin Cancer

Happy Monday, and welcome to Medical Mondays! Summer’s coming up soon, and while I hate to be a total party pooper…May happens to be Skin Cancer Awareness Month, so I feel like I’d be doing a disservice to the world if I didn’t talk about this!

So…before summer starts and you go off to enjoy the warm, sunny weather, please give this a read! (Especially the “Prevention” part!)



There are three main types of skin cancer (which I will likely talk more about somewhere in the near or distant future):

  • Basal Cell Carcinoma
    • Most common skin cancer in the U.S. + most often develops on sun-exposed areas (e.g. face, scalp, ears, hands)
    • Classically presents with a pearly waxy appearance with telangiectases throughout the lesion
    • Rarely metastasizes
  • Squamous Cell Carcinoma
    • Second most common skin cancer + most often presents in sun-exposed areas (head + neck most common)
    • Classically presents as crusting, scaling, ulcerated skin lesions
  • Melanoma
    • Most dangerous form of skin cancer
    • Most commonly presents as the development of a new mole, or a change in the color or size of an existing mole
    • Out of the three, melanoma has the highest rate of metastasis

Risk Factors*

  • Chronic UV light exposure (e.g. sun tanning, use of tanning beds)
  • Fair skin
  • Immunosuppression (e.g. organ tranplant, HIV)
  • Genetic mutations (e.g. P53 gene)

*There are a lot more risk factors that I didn’t mention because they were more specific to each type of skin cancer!


  • Stay in the shade, especially between 10 AM – 4 PM.
  • Don’t get sunburned!
  • Avoid tanning and never use UV tanning beds.
  • Cover up with clothing, including a broad-brimmed hat and UV-blocking sunglasses.
  • Use a broad spectrum (UVA/UVB) sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher every day. For extended outdoor activity, use a water-resistant, broad spectrum (UVA/UVB) sunscreen with SPF 30+.
  • Apply 1 ounce (2 tbsp) of sunscreen to your entire body 30 minutes before going outside. Reapply every two hours, or immediately after swimming or excessive sweating.
  • Keep newborns out of the sun. Sunscreens can and should be used on babies over the age of six months.
  • Examine your skin from head to toe every month. (Don’t forget to check the foot soles, fignernails, scalp, and rectum!)
  • See your physician every year for a professional skin exam.
  • Asymmetry
  • Border irregularity
  • Color variation/changes
  • Diameter
  • Evolving changes in the lesion


Visual examination can suggest skin cancer, but the gold standard for diagnosis is a skin biopsy.

Imaging studies (e.g. CT, MRI, PET scan, bone scan) may be used if metastasis is suspected.


The treatment of skin cancer largely depends on the type, location, and severity, but options tend to include:

  • Surgical excision (used on smaller lesions in sensitive areas [e.g. face, eyes, ears, genitals)
  • Cryotherapy (used on smaller lesions)
  • Electrodessication + curettage (uses a combination of cauterization + curettage for larger lesion)
  • Radiation therapy
  • Chemotherapy (systemic chemo is reserved for patients with metastatic disease)

Topical chemotherapy agents (e.g. 5-Fluorouracil [5-FU] + epidermal growth factor inhibitors are sometimes used as well for high-risk types.

Melanoma/Skin Cancer Detection and Prevention Month

Interested in Finding Out More?

The CDC offers more resources to promote skin cancer awareness, including brochures, infographics + podcasts!

P.S. While we’re talking about skin cancer, one of the bloggers I recently started following (Emily @ A Freckled Fox) just found out that her husband has been diagnosed with melanoma. :[ One of her friends set up a fund to help with medical treatments, so if you feel so inclined and have some extra money to spare, please help them out! <3

I came up with this design ages ago for our class t-shirt contest! :]
Disclaimer: This is where I reiterate that I am merely a medical student struggling through the world that is her clinical rotations. The statements made on this blog should not be taken as medical advice to treat, cure or prevent any disease. Please contact your own physician or health care provider before starting a health or fitness/wellness program. (See full disclaimer here.)

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  1. I’m due for my screening–need to make that appointment! I’ve had some bad burns in the past (not tooooo bad, but bad enough), and I’m very careful now when it is out of the ordinary, but I need to do better about everyday!
    Susie @ SuzLyfe recently posted…Lunch at Work with Gardein Plant Based Chicken (Review, Recipes, Coupon) #meetchefMy Profile

    1. I’ve had some kinda bad burns in the past too–I should probably get a screening at some point too! :x I’m getting better at putting on sunscreen every day though! (Unless I’m not gonna be making it outside that day. ._.)

  2. I’m all about prevention. I happen to be severely allergic to the sun (in southern climates) and pretty much avoid it like a vampire. :P
    Annmarie recently posted…Meatless Monday: Egg + Goat Cheese Breakfast CasseroleMy Profile

    1. hahaha, good that you avoid it if you’re allergic! :O Make sure you get enough vitamin D in your diet though! <3

  3. Thanks this is really helpful information that everyone needs to know

    1. Agreed!

  4. So scary! The hubs and I burn easily, so we try to keep sunscreen in the house and car.
    Julie @ Running in a Skirt recently posted…Confessions…My Profile

    1. That’s good! I gotta start keeping some in my car!

  5. I love that you are writing about this. I think it is SO important. I am very proactive about the health of my skin and try to use sunscreen whenever I can. I also go to the dermatologist every year for a skin cancer check just to be extra safe!
    Hannah @ CleanEatingVeggieGirl recently posted…Saying “Sí” to Springtime and Drinking WineMy Profile

    1. I don’t have a dermatologist, but I should probably look into getting one just to be safe! :x

  6. This is a great reminder. I am guilty of using a tanning bed through my teen years and have the wrinkles to prove it! No more tanning for me!

    pumps and push-ups
    Brooke recently posted…Rocksbox With Me NowMy Profile

    1. At least you no longer do it! :]! I used to be guilty of hanging out in the sun for extended periods of time without sunscreen. x_x I usually have a big tube of it with me when I go out now though!

  7. Awesome tips Farrah – I’m so religious about my sunscreen! I’m looking for a healthier version of sunscreen since so many of them have harsh chemicals – but I’m guessing that’s still better than skin cancer!
    Sam @ PancakeWarriors recently posted…Green Breakfast Smoothie BowlMy Profile

    1. I’ve seen DIY sunscreen recipes on Pinterest and have always been curious, but haven’t ever tried making it (and I’m not sure if they’re as effective?). Will have to look into that! :O

  8. This post is super useful for me because I burn super easily! My boyfriend also gets burned easily (he’s a redhead!) and gets regular check ups for all his moles and sun spots. During the summer I don a hat and throughout the year I use a SPF moisturizer throughout the day to prevent all possible burns! I never understood the obsession so many people have about tanning. I’m just not into it!
    genevieve @ gratitude and greens recently posted…Raw Vegan Pistachio Ice Cream – For My MotherMy Profile

    1. That’s smart! :] I use an SPF moisturizer too, mostly just on my face, and then I sunscreen the rest. I tend to tan and freckle really easily. D: I’m glad your boyfriend gets regular checkups and that you keep yourself safe from the sun too! :]!

  9. I am so sorry to hear about your friend, Emily’s husbands diagnosis – sending prayers their way that treatment is successful and he is fully recovered soon!
    Even though you are a medical student – you bring so much awareness and knowledge to those of us reading your Medical mondays posts and thank you for that.

    1. Thank you! I don’t know her personally, but reading her entry made me so sad. :[ I really hope the treatment is successful to!

      Thanks, Shashi! <3 My hope is to make a super-big push for preventative health care when/if ( ;_; ) I finally become a family med physician, so I figured it wouldn't hurt to start early! ;P

  10. This is such an important topic to talk about. Thank you for sharing this! I’m trying much harder to make sure that I do a better job taking care of my skin. Especially with being on an acne topical I need to super careful about sun exposure.
    Lisa recently posted…Currently Vol. 13My Profile

    1. Definitely! There are tanning beds galore where I am (including one in my gym…), so I feel like it’s an important one to discuss! I’m glad you’re working on taking care of your skin! :] I’ve been working on being more diligent with sunscreen!

    • clare speer on May 11, 2015 at 5:59 pm
    • Reply

    I live in Florida – and this is certainly great advice! We have such hot sun here and I use sunscreen all the time!

    1. I’m glad you do! <3 I love how sunny and warm Florida is, but all that sun can definitely be damaging! :O

  11. Thank you for this helpful information!!
    Melanie recently posted…Weekly RundownMy Profile

    1. Anytime, Melanie! <3

  12. love this series.
    Dixya @ Food, Pleasure, and Health recently posted…Chocolate Chip Banana Oat WafflesMy Profile

    1. Thank you! <3

  13. Thanks for this post! I’ve been doing a daily moisturizer that has SPF and I hope it’s helping!
    Jess @hellotofit recently posted…Link Love #17 and party pantsMy Profile

    1. That’s good! I need to be better about doing that!

  14. Thanks for this timely post. I will admit I rarely wear sunscreen. I know it’s terrible and now that I’m in my 30s I’ve started seeing many more moles and wrinkles because of this. I’ve actually had a couple of suspicious miles inspected/removed and luckily they were benign. I know I’ve got to be more adamant about my skin care health. Thanks Farrah!
    Jill recently posted…A Sprinkle, Pickle Juice, Mother’s Day, and a Double RainbowMy Profile

    1. I’m glad they were benign! I was terrible about wearing sunscreen for the longest time, but I’ve been trying to remedy that within the past several years!

  15. Love it. Thanks for preaching about sun safety! My grandfather died from melanoma so I avoid the sun like the plague. Like, I’ll go out of my way to sit in the shade if I’m outdoors, even if I have sunscreen on. Once you have someone close to you get skin cancer, you completely rethink how you do things in the sun. Thank goodness for good sunless tanners!
    Beth @ Running with the Sunrise recently posted…Two Easy Speed Workouts for RunnersMy Profile

    1. I’m so sorry for your loss! :[ That definitely would make anyone rethink their sun safety habits! Props to you for taking the steps to lessen the chances of getting skin cancer! <3

  16. I’m so, so grateful that I never purposely tried to tan, and I’ve always preferred clothes with more coverage (I have lived in the tropics 5 of the last 10 years and I’ve worn shorts outside maybe 10 times? Not counting when I’m actually swimming) but I didn’t like to put on sunscreen as a teen.
    So many times I hear the debate about swimwear/bikinis and modesty and I can’t even bring myself to care, really–to me, especially near the equator where the sun seems to burn even more fiercely, a bikini would never be an option because I simply don’t think it’s healthy! I wear a long-sleeved rashguard and swimming shorts to the beach and slather on the sunscreen. Angel carries an umbrella everywhere on sunny days (like all the ladies here do, I think it’s cute) so we’re pretty serious about skin protection. I’ll always be pale!
    Besides, in beauty school we learn about how much of visible signs of aging is due to sun damage. There’s a reason my parents look unusually young–they taught us by example to be careful!
    Rachel G recently posted…We Had Visitors!My Profile

    1. You’re way more disciplined than I am! I adore sunshine, and didn’t like wearing sunscreen as a teen, but I do have a crap ton of bikinis and a love for beaches (sigh).

      I don’t get to go outside as much anymore, but when I do, I’ve definitely gotten a lot better about it in recent years though! My mom definitely has the umbrella/arm covers/Asian mom face mask thing going on whenever we have to be in the sun! :P

  17. I had so many really bad sunburns as a kid …. Now I try to be really good about using sunscreen and staying in the shade.
    Coco recently posted…Getting Ready To Run 13.1 in DenverMy Profile

  18. I really love your tip to use a broad-brimmed hat during the summer to help prevent skin cancer. Skin cancer seems like one of those things that can slowly happen without you even realizing you’ve got it. It’s so great that there are treatments available for those unfortunate enough to get it though! I’ll be sure to cover up this summer!

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