Simply Clean

How do y’all (I’ve been in the south for too long, haw haw) feel about ebooks? :O I used to be all about having hard copies for everything, but in the past several years of (1) being dirt-poor and in over $100k in debt and (2) moving all over the country and living in something like 8 different places in the past 8 years…let’s just say that ebooks have made my life a whole lot easier.

Less for me to carry around (although I have to say, I really do adore the book collection I’ve been accumulating), and I save a lot more trees! :]

Find out more about Lindsey & Olivia here!

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Disclaimer: I was given a free copy of Simply Clean in exchange for an honest review. As always, my thoughts and opinions are mine and mine alone!


Genre: Healthy Living
Pages: 38

Not counting the “Welcome” and the “About the Authors” sections, it’s divided into 10 different sections!

Healthy Swaps

  • Goes into different ingredients/foods you can use to substitute out less healthy foods, and explains why they’re healthier options!

Meal Planning

I’ve long been a huge fan of meal prepping and planning, because it makes being able to eat healthy every single day 2493284x easier (not to mention, it’s way easier on my nonexistent funds as a medical student).

This section gives great tips on ways to start incorporating meal planning into your life! It also shows you how to best store your fruits & veggies so that they’ll stay fresh + last longer.

There’s even a video for clean eating with children, or if you have a picky spouse! (I have neither of these, so it was irrelevant for me, but may be helpful for you! :)

Money Saving Tips

Simple + budget-friendly tips to save money while you’re shopping for groceries!

Keeping Vegetables Fresh

6 easy tips on how to keep your vegetables fresh for a longer period of time!

Meal Options

Includes different ideas for breakfast, meals, and snacks, as well as easy vegetable option, easy meat options, and pantry basics!

Sample Meal Plan

If you do better when you’re given an actual meal plan to follow, this section gives you a sample meal plan for a day’s worth of meals.

Main Meals

Includes recipes for Turkey Muffins, Frittata, Quinoa Meatballs, Quinoa, Italian Turkey Burgers, Butternut Burgers, 3-Bean Turkey Chili, Twice-Baked Squash, Stuffed Peppers, & Shish Kabobs!

Sweet Treats

Includes recipes for Chocolate Protein Bars, Lemon Protein Bars, Pumpkin Protein Cookies, Dark Chocolate Cups, & Banana Ice Cream

Sauces & Sides

Includes recipes for Sweet Potato Fries (<3!!!), Roasted Vegetables, Baked Asparagus, Kale Chips, Chia Seed Pudding, Tasty Honey Mustard, Sweet Sesame Dressing, BBQ Sauce, & Greek Veggie Dip

Ingredient Tips

Includes tips on what to look out for when buying different ingredients (e.g. bread, pasta sauce, nuts, etc.)


Although this ebook does include a lot of recipes, there aren’t a lot of pictures in it, so if you’re looking for something more along the lines of a cookbook filled with pages and pages of gorgeous food photography, this wouldn’t be a good choice for you.

Personally, I’m most looking forward to trying out the “Sweet Treats” section. (I wanna make my own protein bars! :D!) As far as the recipes go, I wouldn’t necessarily recommend this to someone with [strict] dietary restrictions/preferences (e.g. vegan, or against use of protein powder) because a good number of them do include meat or eggs. (This was totally fine with me because I enjoy both, but I figured I’d throw that out there. You can always sub in a meat alternative!)

That being said, I do think this would be a good book (albeit, as far as ebooks go, I find $17 to be rather expensive) to get for someone who’s looking to start making healthy changes to their diet! The information is useful and helpful, and t does a great job of simplifying concepts and explaining things in a way that you won’t get lost in all the science/blocks and blocks of text!

Find out more information about Simply Clean on Lindsey’s website, or purchase your own here!

  • Do you prefer having an ebook, or having the hard copy of a book?
  • Do you have any clean eating tips?
  • How do you save money when you’re grocery-shopping?

Check out my other book reviews!


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  1. That’s pretty cool! I’ve been looking into clean eating, and I’ve been using less processed foods, but it’s just so expensive! I do most of my shopping at Aldi. Their produce is dirt cheap which helps with my budget; my problem is remembering to use it all before it goes bad. =)
    Jaime recently posted…How I Save $600 by Using Cloth DiapersMy Profile

    1. Oh, Aldi!! I discovered its existence last year when I moved to Kentucky, and it definitely helps to keep grocery costs low! :]!

  2. I like to read ebooks, but I’m not so big on textbooks as ebooks–those I want to take notes in! Then again, it is helpful to be able to search for things just by typing in what you are looking for…. but I digress. Interesting book. Clean eating is such a controversial topic (I think because of people often taking it too far) but at its heart, I totally stand behind it!
    Susie @ SuzLyfe recently posted…Establishing Balance in Life – Thinking Out LoudMy Profile

    1. I feel ya on that! I definitely prefer hard-copy textbooks, but…that ctrl-F feature is also all kinds of magical. <3!

  3. Sounds like a book with a lot of great resources. It’s always nice to hear about new books/ebooks that are available for myself or my readers!
    Elizabeth @ Enjoy Every Bite recently posted…What Kids Learn From Helping In The KitchenMy Profile

    1. Yes indeed! :D I love finding out more about what’s out there, and I’ve really missed reading things that aren’t textbooks/notes/journal articles!!

  4. I have not heard of this. Looks really useful, I dont buy alot of ebooks maybe Im old fashioned. Guess I need to get with the times!

    1. haha, I’m pretty old-fashioned too most of the time, but the whole moving around thing has forced me to be more of a minimalist!

  5. Even after purchasing, using, and enjoying my Kindle, I prefer hard copy books over e-books. Not against them, though! This e-book looks awesome and it looks like there’s a lot of helpful information.
    Jess @hellotofit recently posted…Freshen up with LUSH No Drought dry shampooMy Profile

    1. I really do love hard copies too, but the whole moving all over the place part is making it hard! I have a tablet that I really need to use more often! It’d be great for my powerwalking at a steep incline at the gym! :O!

  6. Sounds like a good book. I will have to check it out!
    Betsy recently posted…Another Unemployment UpdateMy Profile

    1. Thanks, Betsy! Happy almost-weekend! :D

  7. That looks like a great ebook! I could definitely stand to learn some tricks for keeping my produce fresher!
    Hannah @ CleanEatingVeggieGirl recently posted…Three Cooks Three Kitchens: Breakfast for DinnerMy Profile

    1. That part was definitely helpful for me! I have a problem with not being able to eat everything quickly enough! :x

  8. Great review! I agree that it sounds a little expensive for an ebook, but love the variety of recipes they offer. Also, I’m interested in reading how it goes when you make your own protein bars!
    Gloria recently posted…Throwback Thursday: All Smiles EditionMy Profile

    1. I will try to make them soon, but no guarantees because I’m still on a quest to finish off everyyyyything in my apartment right now and it’s proving to be a rather slow process! :O!

  9. I like hard copies of books. I just haven’t made the switch to e-books yet. I’d definitely need some pictures in a recipe book. I rely on them too know what it’s supposed to look like. Thanks for the review!
    Melanie recently posted…Thinking Out LoudMy Profile

    1. Pictures in recipe books definitely make me happy (and hungry :o ). I like to know if I’m doin’ it right too! :P

  10. I know what you mean…grad school and living in a small apartment means my beloved book collection is gathering dust at my parents’ house. I never thought of buying an e-book cookbook because I like to not worry about food fluttering near the pages when I cook, but this one looks intriguing!
    Alyssa @ Renaissancerunnergirl recently posted…Marveling at the MetMy Profile

    1. For serious!! :'( I am so sad for my book collection back home (and the fact that I can’t just pick one up to reread whenever I want)! I feel kinda bad too that my room back at home is basically like my storage shrine of all the stuff I’ve accumulated over the years. :x

  11. I use my nook for reading most of the time, but I still love the feeling a good book.
    Julie @ Running in a Skirt recently posted…Easy Chai Tea Recipe {Giveaway}My Profile

    1. Same here! I’ve really grown to appreciate ebooks in recent years! :]

  12. I have a review copy of this ebook too but haven’t checked it out yet. I generally like hard copies of cookbooks and ebooks for fiction. The sweet treats and twice baked squash sound good :)
    Denise @ Healthy Disney Family recently posted…Google Mobile Friendly Test linkMy Profile

    1. I still need to try em’ out [hopefully soon]!

      I’m definitely with you on the hard copies of cookbooks! <3!

  13. Great review. I am a paper book person myself. I know, old fashion but I just for some reason cant get into the ebook thing:)
    This actually sounds like a great book that is outlined well and pretty informative I may have to see if my library carries it:)

    1. Thanks, Kristy! There’s nothing wrong with being old-fashioned! I think I’d probably prefer actual books if not for the fact that I’m always moving (sigh)!

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