Sacrifice: Are Your Dreams Worth It?

Happy New Year! Here’s to an awesome and wonderful 12 months up ahead filled with great experiences, wonderful company, and lots of dreams turned into reality! :]

Lately I’ve been thinking about sacrifices. How much is too much? How much are you willing to give up to get to where you want to be in your life? How hard are you willing to work?

I think the answer to that is dependent on how much your dreams mean to you.

Mayhaps it’s idealistic for me to think this, but I like to believe that if you have a goal in mind and it’s something you really want to accomplish, you’ll get there if you’re willing to put in the work for it.

I wholeheartedly believe that I got to where I am today because I refused to give up.

As a pre-med undergrad, it meant taking 10-12 classes per quarter so that I could take all the classes I wanted and needed and still graduate in 4 years. It meant using my “free time” to work several part-time jobs to pay for my livelihood while volunteering at hospitals and clinics on the side to gain more experience in the medical field. It meant missing out on time spent with my best friends and loved ones. It meant moving across the country, away from everyone I’d ever known, to pave my own path.

I think finding that perfect balance was what was the most difficult. I did a test run in grad school where I stopped doing almost all the things I loved to do—exercising (for the most part), dancing, volunteering, music—to focus almost exclusively on my grades, and yes, while they did improve, it was a depressing time (made better only by the awesome friends that I made in the program).

“Sacrificing” my free time for my extra-curriculars was never an issue for me because I loved what I was doing. They were my break from academia, and I loved every moment, but what was most difficult for me was sacrificing quality time spent with loved ones.

A lot of these thoughts were spurred by my recently looking back on my grades—they’re not completely horrible, but they really aren’t the best either. (Nowhere close.) After grad school, I made the conscious decision to not spend the entirety of my med school life buried under stacks of books and notes because I value the people I love, staying healthy, community involvement, and giving back. I tried to keep all those aspects in my life as much as possible, at the expense of a potential marginal improvement on my grades.

Could I have done better if I hadn’t been so involved in the community? If I didn’t bother cooking all my own meals and keeping a regular workout schedule? Possibly, although my quality of life [and health] would have taken a spiraling nosedive.

So in the end, was it worth it? Am I on track to where I’d like to be eventually?

I’m happy to say that I am. With each pothole along the way, I try to take something from it. I learned to adapt, to manage my time, to fight for my dreams. I learned to talk myself into believing that I could do something, even if I had shadows of self-doubt hanging around.

Whether your goal is to land your dream career, to PR at a competition or race, to set national records in your sport, to start up your own business…(this list could go on forever)…it’s not always going to be easy. There will be setbacks along the way and times where you’ll fall, but when you finally reach it, it will make you appreciate it that much more because of all the time and effort you spent into making it happen.

If you put your heart and soul into turning a dream into reality, you will make it there.

Don’t give up on yourself.

Your dreams are worth it.

You are worth it.

  • Is there something you’ve always wanted to do that you’ve been afraid of attempting? What’s holding you back? Go forth and give it your best shot! <3
  • What’s something you want to accomplish this year?

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  1. Wow, so inspirational! I think finding the right balance between work and extra hobbies is important, but going for a goal you have in mind can come first. It’s all about priorities and setting them for yourself!
    Gina recently posted…10 Practical Ways to Pursue Creativity This YearMy Profile

    1. Agreed! I’m definitely of the belief that if you want something badly enough or like something enough, you’ll make the time to work for it! :] Prioritization is definitely running my life these days!

  2. what an inspiring post! Yes-your dreams are most definitely worth it! thanks for the encouragement.
    linda recently posted…free printable {bloom where you are planted}My Profile

    1. Thanks! :] I hope you have an awesome year! <3

  3. Finding balance when you’re pursuing a graduate degree is tough; I can only imagine the difficulty when going to med school!

    The first time I went to grad school, I basically had no life outside of school and it made me pretty miserable. The second time around, I managed to find the right balance between studies, work, hobbies, and nurturing my relationships.

    I’m glad that you are aware of the value of not neglecting what makes you feel good (exercise, friends, etc.) and still pursuing your goals. A great inspiration, Ms. Farrah! :-)
    Erica recently posted…Hello New Year, 2015My Profile

    1. The no-life-outside-of-school was definitely a soul-crusher. :'( I’m glad it worked out better the second time around! I was definitely a billion times happier when I had some of my hobbies/interests/awesome people still incorporated into my life too!

      It’s definitely been a learning experience, and I’m still continually tweaking it to make sure I have the right balance, but life has definitely gotten better! :]

      Best wishes to you for this year! I love the slideshow recap you did on 2014! I need to go look up that song! :P

  4. I love this. I am actually heading back to school this spring for a certification program. So excited about it!
    Mar @ Mar on the Run recently posted…“Happy New Year” – Thinking Out Loud v6My Profile

    1. Yay! That’s awesome! Best of luck to you and I hope you have fun with it! :D

  5. Wow, I needed this post. I know the struggles you faced, since I’m pre-med too. Sometimes it can be so discouraging but I know that no matter what and no matter how long it takes, I will be a doctor and a great one. Definitely bookmarking this because I will need to read it again. I’m so glad you wrote this!

    Dezzie |
    Dezzie recently posted…2015 Goals – Year of Above & BeyondMy Profile

    1. Ahh, that’s awesome! :] So nice to meet you, and thank you for stopping by!

      I’m glad my post helped you, and yes! I definitely believe that as long as you work hard and don’t give up, you’ll get there! Best of luck to you! <3

  6. I once heard that if your dreams don’t scare you, you’re not dreaming big enough.

    I think that will be my mantra for 2015.
    Linda @ The Fitty recently posted…Juilliard Audition Results + Christmas Week {#LIPlinkup #14}My Profile

    1. I like it! :D My dreams scare me too sometimes (that I won’t get there ;_; ), but that’s just inspiration to work harder towards realizing them! :]

  7. Very encouraging and wonderful post! It’s great that you can see the positive side of every obstacle you’ve come across, and I feel that that outlook is imperative for success.
    Gloria recently posted…The Obligatory New Year’s Resolutions Post – 2015My Profile

    1. Thanks! :] There are some situations where that’s been particularly difficult, but I try–even if it’s something super miniscule, at least it’s something!

  8. I love this! Way to go after your dreams big time and work for what you want
    Deborah Brooks recently posted…Jalapeño Quinoa Lentil SlawMy Profile

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