Grunge Gods & Graveyards

This is the companion novel to Kimberly Giarratano’s The Lady In Blue (read my review here!), and since I read that one first and was super sad when it ended, I was pretty overjoyed to find out that there was actually another novel that came first: Grunge Gods & Graveyards!

Grunge Gods & Graveyards


Disclaimer: I received a digital copy of this book in exchange for an unbiased review. As always, all thoughts + opinions are mine and mine alone.

Genre: YA Fiction
Pages: 302

This was a suspenseful and quick-ish read for me (I also finished this in one sitting…)–the perfect blend of mystery, romance, and the paranormal. At various times whilst reading, I was silently cursing at certain characters. (Let’s just say that I got kinda invested and was rooting for them every step of the way! And also heartbroken and painstakingly frustrated because doomed romances make me sad.)

My high school experience was vastly different from Lainey’s, so I found the people in her life to be a little implausible (in the sense that I couldn’t imagine everyone in the entire town really being that frustratingly unfair and cruel). But then again, the high school I went to was filled almost entirely of overachievers and I couldn’t identify the “queen bee” if my life depended on it. I don’t even know if we had one. That being said, it probably should come as no surprise that there were definitely a number of instances where I got rather impatient with Lainey, but it could be because I just couldn’t really relate to her situation.

Although I was not a teenager in the 90’s, I had heard of about half of these songs, so it was great for nostalgia (and new musical discoveries!).
grungegodsgraveyardsplaylistWhile I couldn’t relate to her environment, I could relate to that feeling of loss, the “what if,” and above all, the way she protected herself by building a wall and keeping a distance from others–completely guarded. There are instances where she’s called a coward because of this, but I can understand why. It’s safer not to open yourself up, to prevent others from getting close.

Although the book wrapped everything up really nicely, I am super-hoping that there will be more books in the future about the Bloom family.

I want to be remembered with laughter and music. Not tears. I want you to have a happy life… You should be living and celebrating life.”

This book makes me want to tell everyone to take chances, to be brave and to go out and live your life so that you don’t have to regret. (In case you can’t tell, I adored this book. I can’t really choose between the two, so I recommend saving yourself the trouble in deciding–just read them both!)

  • What was your high school experience like?
  • What are some of your favorite songs from high school?
  • Are you a risk taker?


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  1. Great review Farrah! I’ve never heard of these books but you’ve definitely piqued my interest!
    Sonali- The Foodie Physician recently posted…Dining with the Doc: Tropical Smoothie BowlMy Profile

    1. Thanks, Sonali! <3 I only found out about em' fairly recently! :D

    • Ricardo on September 16, 2015 at 10:47 am
    • Reply

    Fun fact, Just a Girl was one of the first songs that I learned to do a double kick on a pedal.

    Heck, most of these songs are on several of my spotify play lists, haha.

    1. hahaha, nice! They definitely brought back a whole lot of nostalgia! :D

  2. Great review!! I’ve never heard of these books but you’ve piqued my interest. High school… gosh – I remember jamming out to some Celine Dion back then. Ha!

    1. hehehe, as do I! I miss 90’s music! :P

  3. I am so pumped to read this book when it gets to me! It sounds intriguing. And if you finished it in one sitting, it must be good! I will need to go through the playlist too to remember some of the songs, if I’ve heard them or not. I need to hear them to remember.

    1. :D! I hope you like it! I liked listening to the songs while I was reading it! :] They fit the chapters really well (and/or helped to set the mood of each of em’!)!

  4. I’ve never heard of this book! Nice review :) I’m not much of a risk taker in general. I’m learning, though :)
    Jess @hellotofit recently posted…Your new favorite HIIT workout: 10-20-30My Profile

    1. I’m not much of one either, haha. I take calculated risks though–does that count? :P

    • DJ on September 16, 2015 at 8:51 pm
    • Reply

    I haven’t heard of this book, until now. I am really excited to read it. I love the cover and all of those songs lol.

    1. hehehe, me too! :D I love music, so having a different song to go with each chapter was really neat!

  5. First time hearing of this book. Great review, I love the playlist! I forgot about some of those songs! Thanks for reminding me I need to update my playlist.
    Autumn recently posted…Ever-Changing Goal Freak OutMy Profile

    1. Book playlists are awesome! :D It definitely gave me some new songs to listen to too!

  6. I learned to drive to Just a Girl :-) It was my anthem :-)
    Great review! I love a quick read.
    Julie @ Running in a Skirt recently posted…Sweet Potato and Black Bean TacosMy Profile

    1. haha, that’s awesome! I don’t think I had any music playing when I first learned to drive–my friend decided on a whim to teach me a day after we finished junior year of high school, haha. It was really fun! :D

  7. I read a lot of YA, but I haven’t seen this one in the library yet, I need to look into it, sounds like a fun read!
    I am so much a risk taker, probably a bit too much most of the time:)
    Kristy @Runaway Bridal Planner recently posted…Funny Questions Runners AskMy Profile

    1. haha, but at least you can’t ever say you didn’t try! :D Sometimes I think I should be more of a risk-taker, but as of yet, I haven’t really made the leap. :P

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