Questions From The Interview Trail

Happy Monday, and welcome to Medical Mondays! Since I’m done with the whole interviewing process, I thought I’d share some questions from the interview trail!

Before I get to that, I want to belatedly thank everyone again for all your support on my scholarship writing competition! (I wrote about it over in my post about following your dreams!) I won first place, and I definitely couldn’t have done it without all of you. Thank you so, so much! <3


Some of the questions were somewhat difficult, while others were really fun to answer. Sad as it may be(?), I still have a hard time talking about my grandmotherĀ sometimes, even though it’s been several years since she passed away. I think she’s the reason why I especially enjoy working in geriatrics, and ever since I lost her, the elderly ladies at my church back at home have kinda filled in that hole.

One of the ladies I was closest to moved back to China about 1.5 years ago, but my mom would call her often to see how she was doing and to let her know we were thinking of her, and she’d always tell my mom to tell me that she was praying for me to get a scholarship. (I was super happy to let her know that I really did!)

She passed away at 99 years old, and had lived a very long, very full life. I’m really glad my parents got to go visit her, and I really wish I could’ve been there too.Ā One of my interviews fell a couple days after she passed away, and I may or may not have teared up a little when they asked me: “You seem like you really enjoy working with the geriatric population. Is there any reasoning behind that–any experience in your life that really touched you?”

I hope he didn’t notice. :[

..but here are some of the other questions IĀ wasĀ asked on the interview trail!

Questions From The Interview Trail

The question I was most commonly asked on my interviews was…”Do you have any questions for us?”

There were also the standard ones:

  • …Why our program?
  • …Why family medicine?
  • …Why this location?

And then came the fun and/or random ones!

How did you get into powerlifting?

What’s Asian glow? (Just in case you’re wondering, he was telling me about things to do in town, i.e. breweries, and I told him I couldn’t drink because of Asian glow + my aldehyde dehydrogenase deficiency.)

Do you ever sleep?

Can you tell me about a time that you received feedback? How did you respond, and what did you do about it?

What kind of practice do you envision yourself having?

How would your friends describe you?

What would you do if you couldn’t go into family medicine? (The behavioral specialist who asked me this question drew my distressed expressionĀ on the paper as my response.)

What’s a lesson that you’ve learned from your parents that you really took to heart? What’s a lesson that they tried to teach you that you just didn’t agree with?

It looks like you’ve been pretty set on family medicine from the start. Can you tell me how you reached that conclusion?

Can you tell me about one of your favorite patients?

What kind of music do you play?

What are your expectations for residency?

What do you do for fun?

Why do you think we have so many people that are under-served in medicine?

What’s Tahitian dancing?

What can you bring to our program?

Medical school is hard–can you tell me about the most challenging experience you’ve come across so far in life?

Does our gym have enough for you to work on setting national powerlifting records?

If you couldn’t go straight into residency after you graduated, what would you do with your year off?

What do you anticipate yourself having the most trouble with?

How much can you lift?

Did you do any sports in high school?

You wrote about your grandmother in your personal statement–now that you’ve gone through medical school and know what you know, do you think there’s more that you could have done to help? Is there anything you would have changed about her care?

Who’s your favorite composer?

How did you choose between medicine and music? For a while, it looked like you were going toward music.

  • What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever been asked on your interviews? I wouldn’t really classify any of mine as weird–most of em’ were a lot of fun to answer!
  • Hardest question you’ve ever been asked?

I came up with this design ages ago for our class t-shirt contest! :]
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  1. SERIOUSLY CONGRATS SO MUCH!!!! On the scholarship! That’s awesome. Too cool. Merely the thought of being asked so many questions and having to answer coherently and amazingly on the spot stresses me out…I’m kind of glad I haven’t had lots of interviews in my life…. ha!
    Rachel G recently posted…How We Made a Song Parody (Or, Doing Cool Stuff Even When You Don’t Know How)My Profile

    1. Thanks so much! <3! haha, they were initially kinda stressful because I thought I'd be grilled on my entire academic history, but I think for almost every place I went to, we just ended up talking about sometimes-mutual hobbies and interests and it ended up being super fun! :D

  2. My most difficult questions:

    1) How many blades of grass are on Wrigley Field? (I guess they just wanted to see how my brain would work to come up with an answer)

    2) If you could be any kitchen appliance, what would you be and why?

    3) Draw a fully operational bicycle.

    I was also asked to solve the problem with increased rise in debit card merchant fees without charging a fee (like 5$ like some banks did) in order to account for the millions in operating losses. LOL! BUT, in the end, I did get the job :) (Oh yeah, those were all interview questions for the same position. I had to interview 5 people in about 6 hours. Kinda nuts….)
    Alex recently posted…The Tale of the Little Train That Couldnā€™tMy Profile

    1. My goodness, I would suck at life at #1 and #3. Which kitchen appliance would you be? :O I think I’d be my rice cooker because it is compact, multi-talented, super efficient, and brings joy to my life, ahaha. <3

      I'm glad you're done with those interviews and that you got the job! :D

  3. 1st place!!! Congrats girl!! Well deserved! Sounds like everyone was really interested in getting to know you. Great questions.
    Julie @ Running in a Skirt recently posted…February 2016 Top Posts & Best of the Blogs LinkupMy Profile

    1. Thanks so much, Julie! <3 Most of the questions were actually super fun to answer, hehe. ? I was definitely pleasantly surprised!

  4. CONGRATULATIONS on winning first place, Farrah! That’s SO awesome!!

    This is such a fun post. I’ve been on so many interviews but none of my questions have ever been that interesting.

    I know what you mean about your grandmother. My father passed away five years ago this October and I still find it hard to talk about losing him.
    Rosey Rebecca recently posted…Why I Needed Hip Surgery at 27 Years OldMy Profile

    1. Thanks so much, Rosey! :D I was veryvery pleasantly surprised by the questions–they made the interviewing process a lot of fun!

      I think when you lose someone you love, that hole never completely goes away. :[ The time definitely helps, but I still miss her every day. <3

  5. Aww, that story at the beginning made me tear up a little! It’s funny how some people touch our hearts and our lives.
    I hadn’t heard of Asisn glow before either! I learn all kinds of stuff from you!
    Heather@hungryforbalance recently posted…One Year Bloggiversary: Top posts and reflectionsMy Profile

    1. For sure! Often when you least expect it to too!

      haha, I grew up in the bay area and my high school + college were 80-50% (respectively) Asian, so I picked up alllll sorts of random terms that I don’t think are all that well-known! :P

  6. WOOHOO! So happy to hear you won the contest! That’s a great way to start the week. :)
    Kaylin@EnticingHealthyEating recently posted…Wedding Planning: The Venue and the Bridesmaid DressesMy Profile

    1. Thanks so much, Kaylin! Definitely! :D!! Hooray for offsetting some of my living expenses! :]

  7. I like the music question, LOL
    Congrats on 1st place, woot woot!!!!
    Kristy @Runaway Bridal Planner recently posted…Pillowcases and GoalsMy Profile

    1. hehehe, I did too! :P

      Thanks so much, Kristy! <3

  8. Yay, congratulations!! I’m so happy for you!
    I’d totally be the person asking if you ever slept ;)
    Ange @ Cowgirl Runs recently posted…Battling a Case of The ShouldsMy Profile

    1. Thanks so much, Ange! :]

      haha, I swear I do! I pass out every chance that I get to! :P

  9. Congrats you deserve the best! I am glad things are going well for you – you have your whole life ahead of you! I know you are going to do well! And I think you will always be kind to your patients – that’s so necessary!
    Clare Speer recently posted…Finding Joy ā€“ Part 2My Profile

    1. Thanks so much, Clare! :D I really hope I will! And definitely! <3

  10. Sounds like some interesting interviews! I am involved in interviewing our campus recruits in my company. There are pretty standard types of questions we use, but then it is always more interesting to delve into a specific aspect of a resume or a person to get the unique picture of who everyone is. Best of luck with all the interviews!

    1. I definitely understand the need for the standard types of questions, but I for-sure love the ones that go into specific parts of my resume/application more! :] They’re usually a lot more interesting to answer, and it becomes more of a fun conversation than an interview!

  11. Thank goodness someone asked about Tahitian dancing. I wish that my interview trail was as stimulating!
    Susie @ SuzLyfe recently posted…Best of Suzlyfe 1: Food + Nutrition, Mental Health, Running, Life!My Profile

    1. haha, I’m glad they did too! I always ended up liking the interviews/programs where I could tell they’d really actually gone through my application + personal statement more! :P

  12. Wow, I am glad that you are going through this and not me:o) I would stutter on every answer, lol
    My grandfather passed away 7 years ago and I still cry every time I think about him. I am not close to any member of my family, but was close to him, noā€¦..actually I admired him, and that I have for no one else, and I miss that feeling. You have a good heart, that is why you will make a amazing doctor
    Mandi Korn recently posted…Helloā€¦My name is Mandi and it has been 3 weeks since my last Blog PostMy Profile

    1. hehehe, questions on my interests and hobbies were wayyy easier to answer! I love interviews that are more like conversations with friends vs. actual interviews!

      I feel ya. :[ I get a little teary sometimes when I come across patients who remind me of my grandma. It’s hard to lose the people that you love + look up to. <3 I'm glad they were in our lives though--at least there'll always be the memories!

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